Title: Sample Fat Question
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5Sample Fat Question
6Initial searching Books - our class library
People - my sister Web - articles - pics
- video Post-it notes in books Bookmarking
web addressing or emailing addresses to
myself. My initial browsing told me if I was
going to be able to do the inquiry Ive chosen or
not (my fat question). If I couldnt find
anything, I would have had to rewrite my fat
question and choose another area. I started my
bibliography here. This is also when I worked out
the headings for my wagon wheel.
7Beginning of my bibliography
8Beginning my wagon wheel planner
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10Choosing a planner
11Note-taking on my wagon wheel
12Bibliography keep recording as you
research Books what to use, what not to use,
whats my question? Keeping focussed on
sustainability. Website what happens when you
Google Little Penguins? What sites to choose,
using the address to help Links from one site to
another Always Right Click, Open in a New
Window Collecting pictures By now my
bibliography is finished and looks like gtgtgtgtgt
13Finishing my bibliography
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15Paragraphing Do I use Word or pen and
paper? Check the rubric are my notes meeting
requirements? Check my questions has my note
taking answered my question? Tick off the wagon
wheel as I write Group my facts into
paragraphs Move my paragraphs around A lot of
editing Spelling, capitals, readability Concludin
g properly bringing it together and answering
my fat question
16My paragraphs, taken from the wagon wheel planner
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21Because I choose a multimedia presentation, I
made a storyboard
22Now Im ready to open up powerpoint All I need
to do is -Copy and paste my paragraphs (if
theyre in Word) -Formatting - Fonts, sizes -
Headings, sub headings - Labels for diagrams -
Captions for pictures - Pictures -
Backgrounds - Animations (if necessary) Final
read throughs Check the rubric
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26- What did I need to get going?
- - Fat question sheet
- Bibliography sheet
- Note taking spider planner or wagon wheel
- Paragraphs
- Storyboard
- A plastic pocket to keep it all together in
- Determination
- Patience
- Enthusiasm