RAHH Day 18 Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RAHH Day 18 Agenda


RAHH Day 18 Agenda Goal To understand JFK s foreign policy, role in Vietnam. Understand LBJ s first term and the great Society Questions from homework – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: RAHH Day 18 Agenda

RAHH Day 18 Agenda
  • Goal To understand JFKs foreign policy, role in
    Vietnam. Understand LBJs first term and the
    great Society
  • Questions from homework
  • Discuss Unit 3 packet p 5-6. Read the appraisal
    of JFK and answer the 3 questions p 6.
  • Video of early Vietnam war
  • Vietnam packet bottom p 1
  • Complete top of Unit 3 p 8 1964 election and
    the rise of the new conservatives
  • Read Unit 3 p 7 about the Other America
  • Who lived in the Other America?
  • Why did mainstream America not see them?
  • Complete Unit 3 p 9 the Great Society Programs

Kennedy and the Cold War P 4
1960 Kennedy was elected because of youth and vigor, TV debates, positive and sunny public outlook - Flexible Response Foreign Policy economic aid to collect friends, build up nukes for deterrence, and create special forces (Green Berets)
1961 Bay of pigs (initially authorized by Ike) When JFK implemented Ikes plan Operation Zapata to use 1500 anti-Castro Cubans to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro, the plan failed miserably. JFK looked weak, the US looked powerless, the CIA looked foolish. Castro was scared and asked USSR for protection USSR began to install nukes in Cuba
1961 - Berlin crisis leading to wall construction East Germany and USSR did not want to continue to lose people through West Berlin. Appeared as if another blockade or threat would occur, but they built the Berlin Wall instead. 1963 JFK goes to Berlin to show his full support for continuing to protect W. Berlin from communists.
Kennedy and the Cold War
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis US finds out USSR nukes are in Cuba. US blockades Cuba, prevent USSR ships from sailing in. US and USSR mobilize forces in Europe and Western hemisphere close to war. USSR backs down, removes missiles, US promises to remove missiles from Turkey. A direct line of communication installed (the hotline) so Pres can talk directly to Soviet leader. Khruschev is replaced and Cubans in Miami become staunch Republicans
1963 Installation of Hotline Kennedy and Khruschev realized that much of the Cuban Missile Crisis may have been avoided if they were able to talk to each other directly and immediately. Therefore they installed a direct cable line from Washington to the Kremlin.
1963 Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty US and USSR had conducted actual nuclear bomb explosion to see how well they worked. This was dangerous on many levels risk of one side misreading a launch and mistakenly retaliating radiation released into the atmosphere or killing marine-life underwater. LNTBT outlaws atmospheric, underwater and space nuclear testing. Testing only allowed underground.
Causes for War in Nam
  • For about 1000 yrs before the 8th century C.E.,
    Vietnam was ruled by China Vietnamese always
  • From the 8th C until the 19th C Vietnamese
    culture had a major theme repel invaders by
    guerilla war
  • Frances first attempt at colonization was in
    1802 then from 1858 they conducted wars of
    conquest until France completely controlled Nam
    by 1883 But there were always rebels trying to
    oust France

Causes for War in Nam
  • When Japan conquered Nam in 1940, the French
    administration there collaborated with Japan.
    The only opposition to Japan was the Viet Minh
    (1. founded to gain independence for Vietnam) led
    by Nguyen That Than (Ho Chi Minh)
  • After March 9, 1945 Japan removed the French
    administration only then did France fight
    against Japan
  • On September 2, 1945 Ho Chi Minh (2.) declares
    the independence of Vietnam
  • US soldiers, the US flag, the US national anthem
    and the US Declaration of Independence play a
    prominent role in the ceremony

Causes for War in Nam
  • Following WWII, at the beginning of the Cold War,
    US needed France to be on its side against the
    USSR. France wanted to be a world power France
    wanted to regain its colonies, especially
  • The US agreed to allow France to retake Vietnam

How the Cold War helped cause Nam
  • Frances enemy in its attempt to retake Vietnam
    was Uncle Ho Chi Minh and his League for
    Vietnamese Independence (Viet Minh)
  • he had communist leanings and got military
    assistance from USSR
  • (3.) Ho and the Viet Minh violent resist the
    return of French colonization
  • Therefore, (4. ) helping France grew more
    important to Truman and the US
  • (5. ) The US sent money and military supplies to
    the French war effort in Vietnam
  • Because (6.)The Cold War spread and communism
    seemed to spread in Europe through the 1940s
    then China, in Asia, fell to communism in 1949
    the US could not see both France in Europe and
    Vietnam in Asia fall to communism it would
    violate containment

Background to the War
  • The French lost the war to Ho Chi Minhs Viet
    Minh forces in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu
  • President Eisenhower declined to intervene on
    behalf of France, seeing it as a lost cause.
  • (8.) France more or less surrendered and
    negotiated a peace settlement called the Geneva
    Accords of 1954

Background to the War
  • (9.) International Conference at Geneva
  • Vietnam was divided at 17th parallel
  • Ho Chi Minhs nationalist forces controlled the
  • Ngo Dinh Diem, a French and US-educated, Roman
    Catholic claimed control of the South
  • The two sides agreed that national
  • elections would occur in 1956

Background to the War
  • (7.) Ike saw the southeast Asian nations as a row
    of dominos that would fall to communism if
    Vietnam fell first.
  • (10.)With Eisenhowers approval, Diem backed out
    of the elections, because
  • Ho Chi Minh seemed like everyones Uncle in Nam
    he is very popular
  • Ho seems to Americans to be a communist
  • Ho would win a nation-wide election
  • Diem holds a mock-election where he wins through
    voter fraud
  • Vietnam remains split North under Ho and South
    under Diem with American financial support

U.S. Military Involvement Begins
  • Repressive dictatorial rule by Diem
  • Diem is Catholic in a 90 Buddhist country
  • Diem is wealthy, western educated, aristocratic
    in 90 poor, rural, peasant
  • Diems family holds all power
  • Wealth is hoarded by the elite
  • Buddhist majority persecuted
  • Torture, lack of political freedom prevail
  • Resistance to Diem increasingly occurs in the
  • The U.S. aided Diems government and the Army of
    the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) to stabilize
    Diems government
  • Ike sent financial and military aid
  • 675 U.S. Army advisors sent by 1960.

Early Protests of Diems Government
Self-Immolation by a Buddhist Monk
U.S. Military Involvement Begins
  • Kennedy elected 1960
  • The Viet Cong (VC) (National Liberation Front)
    is organized in the South to fight against Diems
  • Ho supports the Viet Cong by sending them
    supplies and leadership from the North
  • Diems regime continues corruption and the fight
    against the VC with increased US help
  • JFK Increased military advisors to 16,000 as
    part of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
    Studies and Observations Group (SOG)
  • 1963 JFK supports a Vietnamese military coup
    detat Diem and his brother are murdered (Nov.
  • Kennedy was assassinated just weeks later (Nov.

Tonkin Gulf Incident and Resolution 10
  • August 2, 1964 USS Maddox was in the Gulf of
    Tonkin collecting SigInt concurrent with an ARVN
    Commando Raid. NVN torpedo boats attacked and
    hit the Maddox with one 14.5 mm cannon round.
  • August 4 USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy return to
    the area, but that night the weather was very
    stormy, and what they thought were torpedo
    attacks were just noise fro the stormy seas and
    an overeager sonarman.
  • August 5, 1964 President Johnson goes on TV and
    Robert McNamara before Congress, and tells the US
    of the unprovoked attacks and that the US needs
    to protect its interests and people from
    Communist aggression.
  • August 7, 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution -
    Congress authorized the President to use any
    measures necessary to take all necessary
    measures to repel any armed attack against US
    forces and to prevent further aggression
  • 11 Operation Rolling Thunder 1st sustained
    bombing campaign on the Norths bridges, ports,
    military targets, power plants and ammunition

Ideology of New Conservatives
  • law and order,
  • god is the supreme giver of law,
  • harsh militant anti-communists,
  • end social welfare
  • promote moral absolutism,
  • increase military spending,
  • weaken and shrink federal government,
  • win a victory over the USSR,
  • promote free-market laissez-faire economics.

New Conservatives
  • Barry Goldwater
  • Ronald Reagan
  • William F. Buckley, Jr.
  • Irving Kristol
  • Long-term results
  • Changed the vocabulary of political debate
  • Turned the South Republican
  • Increased discontent with liberalism and
    government solutions

Methods of New Conservatives
  • College campuses to recruit and train new
    conservatives leaders among the young
  • The 2nd Nixon Campaigns Southern Strategy
  • Buckleys National Review Magazine and Kristols
    Weekly Standard
  • Develop conservative think tanks (starting in the
    70s Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise
    Institute, Cato Institute, Hoover Institution)
  • Build Conservative Universities Liberty
    University, Regents University, Pepperdine
    Univesristy, Bob Jones University
  • Paradoxes
  • 1964 loss in Presidential election sets the stage
    for victory in 7 of next 10 presidential
  • Loss in 64 galvanizes conservative forces to be
    the more disciplined and powerful party
  • Prosperity that is supposed to harmonize leads to
    further polarization
  • Many conservative suburbanites succeeded as a
    result of the public policies that they decry
    GI Bill, Social Security, FHA and tax breaks for

1964 election p8
Republican libertarian conservative Grass roots
style traditional southwest morality Bold
extremist foreign policy
Democrat quite liberal Played
the moderate vital center. Active campaigner and
focused on successes
Tall, outspoken, handsome, critic of almost all current policies foreign and domestic Personal Style Bold, unabashed Johnson Treatment appeared fatherly
Unopposed to using nukes on Cuba, China, Vietnam, USSR Cold War Moderate and opposed to sending troops to Vietnam
Opposed expanding civil rights through federal govt action Civil Rights Bold civil rights activist
Govt intervention is wrong and violates the Constitution- deprives people of their liberty Size of govt Need a big government to solve the nations problems
The Great Society
Law Results
1. Tax Reduction Act 1964 Encouraged people and businesses to spend money
2. Civil Rights Act 64 Ended segregation in public facilities sex/race discrimination in business, hiring
3. Economic Opportunity Act 64 Youth programs, job corps, VISTA, Head Start, small business loans, community action programs helped people and communities alleviate problems of povertypoverty table
4. Elementary Secondary Education Act (1965) Money for school districts to buy books and improve special education
5. Medical Care Act 1965 Medicare - Health care money for elderly Medicaid - Health care money for poor
7. Immigration Act 1965 End quota by region max for each country _at_ 20K
The Triumphs of a Crusade CR p 6
1. Goal of Freedom Rides to determine the extent to which the Supreme Court rulings desegregating interstate travel were being enforced 2. Kennedy response to Freedom Rides? US marshals were sent to protect the riders at the end and the ICC issued orders ending segregation and began enforcing these rules
3. Goal of the 1963 March on Wash. DC to support JFKs proposed CRA 4. Who attended the March? ¼ million people, including 75,000 whites.
5. Goal of Freedom Summer? to get blacks to register to vote 6. Who led the project and who participated? Robert Moses and SNCC and CORE led interracial group of students - many northern whites
7. Effect of violence of Bloody Sunday? public opinion shifted to support civil and voting rights 8. What did LBJ do as a result of Bloody Sunday? Proposed and pushed through the Voting Rights Act
9. What did VRA 65 outlaw? Discrimination in voter registration, literacy tests and called for Federal agents to take over registration in cases of discrimination 10. What did VRA accomplish? 60 of blacks were registered by 68 1000s of blacks were elected to local, state and federal offices
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