1Teaching Employers and Corporate Trainers How to
Retain Older Workers Adaptation to Individual
Diane Spokus, Ph.D., C.H.E.S.The Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, PA
Older Workers Quality of Life is Significantly
Related to Intent to Leave.
Table 4. Summary of hierarchical regression for
corporate fit regressed on job characteristics,
organizational characteristics and social support
Table 2. Summary of hierarchical regression for
quality of work life regressed on job
characteristics, organizational characteristics
and social support indicators.
- Design, Measure Analysis
- Independent variables
- 1) Job characteristics
- 2) Social support
- 3) Organizational characteristics
- 4) Demographic characteristics
- Dependent variables
- 1) Quality of work life
- 2) Turnover Intention
- Data suggests that the Baby Boom generation will
have the option of remaining in the workforce
long past the normative age of retirement (AARP,
2002). - Earlier research by Moody (1976)¹ suggests a
four-stage developmental approach to educating
and training adult and older adults. - Results
- Stage 1 Rejection - reflection of negative
attitudes about older adult learning. - Stage 2 Social Services Model describes
education for adults as a leisure activity. - Stage 3 Participation - individuals encouraged
to take responsibility for participating in
self-directed learning. - Stage 4 Self-Actualization - stresses
importance of self-growth, similar to Maslows
Hierarchy of Needs. - ¹Moody,H. R. (1976). Philosophical
presuppositions of education for old age.
Educational Gerontology, 1, 1-16.
Table 1. Summary Descriptive Statistics for
Variables Used in the Regression Analysis for
Research Question One
Table 3. Summary of hierarchical regression for
job burnout regressed on job characteristics,
organizational characteristics and social
support indicators.
- Examine job characteristics that influence an
older workers intention to either retire or
leave the job. - RESEARCH QUESTIONS
- What are the relationships between job
characteristics, social support and
organizational characteristics on quality of work
life? - Collectively, what is the influence of job
characteristics, social support, organizational
characteristics, and quality of working life on
turnover intention?
- Burnout does not influence older workers to leave
their jobs. - Corporate Fit does not influence older workers to
leave their jobs. - Quality of Life was significantly related to
intent to leave their jobs. - IMPLICATION
- Retention recruitment strategies for older
workers - Succession planning
- Performance and evaluation
- Staff education, training professional
development - Management strategies
- Job redesign, sharing or transfer
- Provide Leadership Training for Supervisor
- Incorporate Work/Family Life Balance
- Phased retirement rather that Cliff retirement
- Workplace Healthy Lifestyle Programs
- Part-time/Bridge employment/retirement
- Flextime and flex locations
- Job Sharing to avoid Burnout/Exhaustion
- Offer Caregiving Programs
- Consulting partners
- Contracting for time-limited periods on assigned
projects as ambassadors - Peer and Intergenerational Mentors and coaches