Title: Sri Ramajeyam
1- Sri Ramajeyam
- Om Anandamayi Chaithanyamayi Sathyamayi Parame!
- Dr. S. Ahanatha Pillai, M.D.,D.A.,
- Emeritus Professor
- Dr. M. G. R. Medical University
- Former Professor of Anaesthesiology
- Madurai Medical College
- Govt. Rajaji Hospital
- Madurai
Madurai Medical College
3Basics of Ventilator Therapy
4- Ventilation Movement of Air
- Respiratory Physiology
- Movement of air in out of lungs
- Purpose
- Transfer O2 into Blood
- Removal CO2 from Blood
- Maintaining Normal Blood Gas
5Respiratory Failure
- Inability of the system
- to maintain Normal
- Blood Gas Levels
- Acid Base Status
- Respiratory Failure
-Ventilatory Failure
6- Respiration External Internal (Tissue)
- Ventilation Utilisation of
O2 - Mechanics Moving air
Cell Metabolism in
out of lung - Al-Cap Mem Diffusion Release of
CO2 - Perfusion O2 into Blood
- CO2 into Alveoli
- Ventilation ----- Perfusion -----
- Disorders of Breathing
- Airways
- Lungs
- Thoracic Cage Muscles (Apparatus)
- Brain (Central Control)
8Ventilator Therapy
- Useful only in Reversible
- Depression or Damage
- Brain (Central Control)
- Mechanics of Breathing (Apparatus)
- Lungs
- Pulmonary Oedema, ARDS Helpful
- Chronic - Irreversible Damage - ?
9Respiratory Mechanics
- The mechanical changes that happen
- in Respiratory apparatus which cause
- movement of air in and out of lungs
- Respiratory Apparatus
- Thoracic Cage
- Respiratory Muscles
- Lungs within Thoracic Cage
10- Mechanical Ventilation
- Common Indications
- Failure of Respiratory Mechanics
- Neurological G.B.S or N.M.Block
- Depression of Respiratory Center
- By Opioids, Head Injury etc
11Mechanical Ventilation
- A Machine performs
- the Work of Breathing
- instead of Inspiratory Muscles
- Expiration is always passive process
- A device which causes
- bulk movement of gases
- in and out of lungs and
- takes over or assists the
- function of Respiratory muscles
13- The user should know
- what the Ventilator can do,
- not how it does that
- - J. S. Robinson
14Any Ventilator
- Has two basic components
- Brain
- A Control Mechanism
- to command what how to do
- Muscle
- A Driving Mechanism
- to carry out the command
- Simplest Ventilator
- Divides the Minute Volume into
- Number of Breaths (Tidal Volume)
- Example Ambus Bag
- The Brain
- The Muscle
Belongs to operator
16Simplest Ventilator
- Negative Pressure Ventilators
- Positive Pressure Ventilators
- Negative Pressure Ventilator
- Creates extra thoracic Negative
- pressure intermittently
- Mimics normal respiration
- eg Tank Ventilators Cuirass
18Principle of Negative Pressure Ventilator
Tank Ventilator
Cabinet Ventilator or
Iron Lung
Cuirass Ventilator
19Emerson Tank Ventilator
20Iron lung ward Ranchos Los Amigos Hospital 1953
21Emerson Iron Lung
Used by Barton Hebert 1950 2003 - Louisiana
Museum Center for Disease control Prevention
22Modern Transparent Tank Ventilator
The Tank has clear acrylic lid a gasket around
neck The ventilator machine is seen as a Box
23Cuirass Ventilator
This patient has Hypoventilation during sleep
24Patient Supported by Cuirass
25Positive Pressure Ventilator
- All modern Ventilators
- The Principle is I.P.P.V
- Positive Pressure (Supra-atmospheric)
- applied to proximal airway
- forces air into Lungs Inspiration
- Expiration is allowed passively
- This is repeated - Intermittently
26Spontaneous Respiration
27Positive Pressure Respiration - IPPV
2 cm
2 cm
0 (Atm)
15 cm
IE ratio 12
29Indications for Ventilation
- Apnoea or Impending Apnoea
- Hypoventilation
- Fatigue or Paralysis of Respiratory
- muscles (Myesthenia, Polyneuritis)
- Persistent Tachypnoea
- Paradoxical Respiration
- Flail Chest
30Advantages of Ventilation
- Takes over Work of Breathing
- Improves Gas Exchange
- Opens up collapsed alveoli (Recruiting)
- Permits Heavy Sedation Analgesia
- ignoring Respiratory Depression
- May reverse Pulmonary Oedema
31- Problems
- A common problem in
- patients supported by
- Mechanical ventilation is that
- they are hyperventilated, which
- leads to Respiratory alkalosis
32Respiratory Alkalosis
- Hypocapnoea (Hypocarbia)
- O2 Dissociation Curve Shift to Left
- Cerebral Vasoconstriction
- I.C.T. Reduced, Cerebral Oedema
- Inverse Steal in Brain pathology
- Hypotension
- Respiratory Centre Depressed
33Effects on CVS
- Thoracic Neg. Pump Abolished
- Venous Return Reduced
- Cardiac Output Reduced
- Pulm. Blood Flow Reduced
- Pulm. Cap.Pressure Raised
- Strain on Right Ventricle
34Patient - Ventilator Asynchrony
- Ventilator Muscle Overload
- With improper ventilator settings,
- patient fights the ventilator
- Results in need for
- More Sedation or Muscle Relaxant
- Undue delay in weaning process
35- Atrophy of Diaphragm
- Ventilation for gt 40 hours results in
- reduction of Diaphragm muscle mass
- Minimal amount of WOB prevents
- reduction of Diaphragmatic strength
- and maintains endurance
- Assist / Control Mode
- Prevents Respiratory muscle atrophy
36Oxygen Toxicity Stretch Injury
- Two possible injuries
- Excess O2 (High F i O2)
- O2 Free radical mediated lung injury
- Excess Flow
- Over distention Stretch injury
- Barotrauma in Poor compliance
- Volutrauma in Good compliance
37- Inadequate Tidal Volume
- Leaks Expansible Volume
- Leaks in the circuits may cause
- loss of gas that will not reach the lungs
- When positive pressure is applied,
- tubes of breathing circuit may expand
- and accommodate some volume of gases
- that will not be delivered to the lungs
- Exhaled Tidal Volume is the actual
- tidal volume the lungs received
- That is measured by
- Wrights Respirometer
- Volumeter Bellows (Exp Spirometer)
- Transducers - Digital Display
39- The panel must have
- Two Displays
- What we set on the Machine
- What actually the patient receives
40Methods of Artificial Ventilation
- Self inflating resuscitator bag- Ambu
- Simple mechanical device- East Radcliff
- Sophisticated ventilators
- As long as the lungs are well ventilated,
- by some method, life can be saved
- 1952 Denmark polio epidemic had proved it
41East Radcliff Ventilator
(Positive Negative pressure Respiratory pump)
Still it is better than a Bag, Mask Hands
42Modern Ventilators
- Brain - Control Mechanism
- Microprocessor Modules
- Muscle - Driving Power
- Pneumatic Air or O2
- Electricity
- Combined
43Ventilator Breath (Mechanical Breath)
- Each Cycle is divided into Four Phases
- Inspiratory Phase
- Changeover - Inspiration to Expiration
(Cycling) - Expiratory Phase
- Changeover - Expiration to Inspiration
44Basic Mechanical Breath
Initiation of Inspiration
Any change can be done only on this
Special Modes
Changeover from Insp Expi (Cycling)
Volume Pressure Time Flow
Inspi Phase
Expi Phase
Changeover to Inspiration
Time (CMV) Patient Triggered (Assist)
Patient Triggered / Time (A/C)
All the possible modifications in a Mechanical
46Inspiratory Phase
- Pressure Support PSV
- Pressure Control PCV
- Proportional Assist PAV
- Inverse Ratio IRV
47Change over from Inspiration to Expiration
- Volume Cycling Preset Volume
- Pressure Cycling Preset Pressure
- Time Cycling Preset Time (Pr or Vol)
- Flow Cycling Preset Flow
- Microprocessors can do all these in one
48Expiratory Phase
- NEEP Negative End Expiratory X
- ZEEP Expiratory Retard X
- PEEP Positive End Expiratory Pressure
- CPAP Continuous Positive Airway
- PEEP applied Spontaneous Breathing
Negative End Expiratory Pressure
Zero End Expiratory Pressure
- Expiratory Retard - Interrupted line is normal
Positive End Expiratory Pressure
Positive End Expiratory Pressure
53CPAP and Variants
- CPAP Continuous Positive Airway
- BIPAP Biphasic Positive Airway
- APRV Airway Pressure Release
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Patient breathes spontaneously on CPAP Normal
Inspiration and Expiration are seen
Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure
Time High
Time Low
Time High
Patient is breathing Spontaneously
Airway Pressure Release Ventilation
Patient is breathing Spontaneously
57Initiation of Inspiration
- Change over from Expiration to Inspiration
- Modes (Independent Ventilator Breath)
- CMV (Controlled Mechanical) (Time)
- Assist (Assisted Ventilation) (Pt.Trig) X
- A / C (Assist / Control) (Pt.Trig Time)
58Control Mode (CMV)
Controlled Mechanical Ventilation
A set rate of Mechanical breaths are delivered at
specific interval of Time Totally ignores
Patient's attempts
59Assist Mode
Patient Triggered Ventilation
Patient's Inspiratory attempt is sensed, and a
Mechanical breath is delivered No Inspiratory
attempt - Apnoea - Danger
60Assist / Control Mode
- Inspiratory attempt is sensed and Assisted
- If there is no attempt within the back up time,
then - a Mechanical Breath is delivered
61Special Modes
- IMV Intermittent Mandatory
- Ventilation Not in
use - SIMV Synchronised I M V
- Very commonly used
- MMV Mandatory Minute Ventilation
- Not
Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
Patient breathes spontaneously Certain number of
Mandatory Breaths ordered For example 4 Breaths
/ Minute
Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
Mandatory breath may fall on any phase If it
falls on expiration Breath Stacking Barotrauma or
Volutrauma may occur
64Timing windows - Mandatory Breaths delivered
only during patients Inspiratory attempt No
Inverse Ratio Ventilation
- Note Long Inspiratory phase
- Pressure may gradually increase to peak
- Pressure may abruptly rise, maintain plateau
66Adequacy of Ventilation
- How to Assess clinically?
- Conscious Patient Comfortable
- Chest Expansion Adequate
- Colour of periphery Pink
- C V S Parameters Normal
- Blood- Gas Study Normal
67Modes Settings
- Mode is a primary method to
- Ventilate lungs
- Eg CMV, Assist / Control (A / C)
- Setting is a modification or
- addition to the primary mode to
- improve the quality of Ventilation
68Available Modes
- Unfortunately many Newer Modes
- have been introduced merely on the
- basis of Technical ability rather than
- as a result of a defined clinical need
- or demonstrable advantage to the
- patient.
- J. Denis Edwards
69Available Modes
- Primary Modes Expiration Special M
70Ideal Initial Setting
- Tidal Volume 10 12 ml / Kg
- Respiratory Rate 10 12 / min
- Peak Insp. Flow Rate 40 Lt / min
- I E Ratio 1 2
- Fi O2 0.5
- PEEP 3 5 cm H2O
- Wave Form Decr. Ramp
- Trigger Sensitivity 1 2 cm H2O
71Tidal Volume
- Clinical Significance
- 10 12 ml / Kg Ideal
- 5 7 ml / Kg Micro Atelectasis
- Larger Volume
- Barotrauma
- Volutrauma
- C.V.S Decompensation
Stretch Damage
- Clinical Significance
- Should be
- as High as necessary and
- as Low as possible
- To prevent
- Hypoxia
- O2 Radical mediated lung injury
- Clinical Significance
- Keeping Fi O2 lt 0.6
- Ideal level 5 10 cm H2O
- Useful effects of PEEP are
- exhausted above 15 cm H2O
- PEEP IPPV CPAP Spontaneous Breath
- Advantage (Splinting of Airways)
- Holds lung in more expanded position
- and out of range of airway closure
- Increases FRC improves O2 diffusion
- Indications Not yet rigidly defined
- ARDS, RDS of New born
75Effects of PEEP on Alveoli
- A. Atelectatic Alveoli before PEEP application
- B. Optimal PEEP reinflates alveoli to normal
volume - C. Excess PEEP over distends the alveoli
compress pulmonary capillaries, cause dead space
- Disadvantages
- Decreases Venous Return
- Reduction of Cardiac Output
- Increases interstitial alveolar water
- Increase in ADH
- Retention of Sodium Water
- Rise in ICT parallel to the increase
- in mean intra thoracic pressure
77Weaning from Ventilator 47
- It is easier to connect a patient
- on a ventilator but,
- it is difficult to wean him off
- It may take a few minutes to
- many days to wean
- Weaning is decided only when
- the original problem is cured
78 - Weaning
- Patient is awake is able to cough
- Chest expansion is good
- Gas Exchange is good - O2 CO2
- Normal Pa O2 breathing air 21 O2
- No Chest Infection
- X-Ray No Atelectasis, Oedema,
- Consolidation, Pneumothorax
79Ultimate Outcome
- Depends on Underlying disease
- Reversible Outcome is Good
- Irreversible Ventilator Dependence
- Ventilator associated complications
- may modify the outcome
80Some Key Points
- If ventilator support is required,
- start it in time without any delay
- before irreversible damage occurs
- When in doubt, consult a colleague,
- even a junior for a second opinion
- Hourly assessment and modulation of
- settings will give excellent results
- Lot of wisdom is needed to decide,
- that can be acquired by experience
81Thank You