1 Urban Growth and Transportation 2 The paved paradise and put up a parking lot. They took all the trees and put them in tree museum. And they charged all the people a dollar and a half just to see them. Joni Mitchell 3 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Lateral Growth Patterns
Vertical Growth Patterns
4 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Lateral Growth Patterns
Concentric-Circle Model
Sector Model
Multiple-Nuclei Model
5 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Lateral Growth Patterns
Concentric-Circle Model
Growth outward from Central Business District (CBD)
New York City
6 Concentric-Circle Model of Urban Development 7 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Lateral Growth Patterns
Sector Model
City develops in system of pie-shaped wedges outward from CBD
San Francisco-San Jose
8 Sector Model of Urban Development 9 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Lateral Growth Patterns
Multiple-Nuclei Model
City develops around number of independent centers or satellite cities
Los Angeles
10 Multiple Nuclei Model of Urban Development 11 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Vertical Growth
Lack of land available for conversion to urban land
City grows upward
High population density
Hong Kong Tokyo
12 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Building New Cities and Towns
Satellite towns
Located close to an existing large city
Freestanding new towns
Located far from any major city
In-town new towns
Located in existing urban areas
13 Urban Growth and Transportation
Spatial Patterns of Urban Development
Building New Cities and Towns
Rarely succeed without enormous financial support
Most fail due to enormous debt load
Reston, VA
Columbia, MD
Las Colinas, TX
14 Urban Growth and Transportation
Land Conversion and Disruption of Rural Areas
Environmental Impacts
Strain on rural infrastructure
Traffic congestion
Fire and police protection
Water supplies
Wastewater treatment
15 Urban Growth and Transportation
Land Conversion and Disruption of Rural Areas
Environmental Impacts
Strain on rural infrastructure
Water and air pollution
16 Urban Growth and Transportation
Land Conversion and Disruption of Rural Areas
Economic Impacts
Increased jobs
Economic growth
Rising prices
Higher property taxes
17 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Transportation Options
Individual Transit
Motor Cycles
Mass Transit
18 U.S. Transportation Patterns 19 U.S. Transportation Patterns 20 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Motor Vehicles
550 million vehicles worldwide
gt10X increase in vehicles since 1950
89 vehicles are in MDCs
21 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Motor Vehicles
United States
4.8 world population
36 of all cars in world
Car usage
98 of all urban transportation
85 of all travel between cities
84 of all travel to and from work
22 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Motor Vehicles
U.S. Interstate Highway System
City-to-city travel
Spurred rapid growth of suburbs
23 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Motor Vehicles
Bypass cities
Spurred suburb-to-suburb travel
Spurred growth of shopping malls
24 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
U.S. Trends in Mass Transit
1945 24 million riders
1980 8 million
25 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Reasons for decreased ridership
Increased use of automobile
Development of dispersed city
Cheap gasoline
Affordable cars
Gasoline taxes used to build highways
26 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Reasons for decreased ridership
Dismantlement of trolley system
1917 - all major U.S. cities had efficient trolleys or electric streetcars
1950 - dismantling of privately-owned streetcars by National City Lines (GM, Firestone, Standard Oil)
27 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Reasons for decreased ridership
Huge federal investment in interstate highway system
64,000 miles of interstate highway
1/10th of federal gasoline tax goes to mass transit 9/10 goes to building highways
28 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Reasons for decreased ridership
Federal tax code discriminates against mass transit and those who cycle/walk to work
Employers can deduct the entire expense of providing parking for their workers
Employers get only 15 per month tax write-off for employees who take mass transit
Tax benefits for company cars
29 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Rail Systems
Rapid Rail
Operate on exclusive rights-of-ways or on elevated tracks (CTA)
Suburban/Regional Trains
Connect central cities with suburbs (Metra)
30 Potential Routes for High Speed Bullet Trains 31 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Rail Systems
Move on regular streets with other traffic
Light Rail (trolleys)
Modern version of streetcars
32 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Cheaper and more flexible than rail systems
Can be easily rerouted within cities to meet changing transportation patterns
Lower operating costs than rail systems
Most energy-efficient approach is use of express buses coupled with park-and-ride
33 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Worldwide 2X as many bikes as cars
Bike riders can make most trips under 5 miles faster than a car!
Trips lt 5 miles comprise 43 of all trips in the U.S.
34 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
U.S. - 2 of all commuters to and from work ride bikes
Netherlands - 30 of all urban trips are made using bikes
35 Urban Growth and Transportation
Transportation and Urban Development
Mass Transit
Ways to increase bicycle use
Building well-maintained/well-lit paths
Widening shoulders on major highways
Providing bicycle lockers and racks on mass transit
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