Diapositiva 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositiva 1


Congestion and social welfare in zonal markets Load offer prices are indicative of the value of the goods produced Generators bid prices ... thermoelectric generation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

How simulators can be useful in scenario analyses
assessing the impact of network constraints on
market prices
M. Gallanti, G. Migliavacca
Electricity market performance under physical
constraints - September, 25th 2007
  • Introduction of the Italian market (IPEX) the
    PUN and its effects
  • Impact of congestion on market efficiency and
    market power
  • Effects of increasing transmission capacity
    between zones
  • Aims and methodologies of market simulation
  • SREMS a tool to investigate strategic competition

The Italian day-ahead electricity market
  • The Italian Power EXchange (IPEX) is operative
    since April 1st, 2004 and features three physical
    markets (day-ahead, adjustment, ancillary
  • The day-ahead is zonal, structured in 22 zones (7
    geographical, 6 limited production poles and 9
    border virtual zones). Market splitting is used
    for congestion management.
  • It is a non-compulsory (mixed) market both spot
    market and bilateral physical contracts are

The Italian day-ahead electricity market
  • Zonal sell prices in the IPEX in the last year

Source GME monthly report - July 2007
The Uniform Purchase Price (PUN)
  • Unique feature generated power paid at the zonal
    price, while purchase price is uniform on the
    national territory (PUN Prezzo Unico
    Nazionale). The PUN is obtained as an average of
    all zonal sale prices weighed with the purchase

Inter-zonal transmission constraints respected?
Calculation of energy exchanges between zones
Separation of the market in zones
Injection and withdrawal programs compatible with
the constraints
  • zonal sale prices
  • uniform purchase price

Sale and purchase bids
Some important side-effects of the PUN
  • The PUN destroys any locational signals given to
    the load (while they remain on generation).
  • With the PUN the concept of congestion rent
    becomes opaque and difficult to understand by
    market operators.
  • The grid structure and power plants distribution
    among generating companies in the different areas
    may determine market concentration in some areas.
  • Local Market concentration may turn out in local
    market power
  • In Italy the incumbent generation share is very
    significant in the South
  • The PUN introduces further incentives to exercise
    local market power
  • Suppose a zonal system with one exporting zone
    (A) and one importing zone (B). Demand elasticity
    and competition would act discouraging GenCos
    from raising prices in B, even if pivotal a
    GenCo that is not monopolist in B by raising
    prices would give up part of its production in
    favor of its competitors, with a possible loss of
  • The PUN weakens this effect loads in B pay the
    PUN, that is lower than the relevant zonal price.
  • The greater the demand in A wrt B, the weaker the
    influence of zonal price in B onto the PUN.

Effects of network congestion on prices
  • Since the opening of the Italian market, CESI
    RICERCA has studied the effects of network
    congestion on the electricity prices
  • The economic impact of the unavailability of the
    Matera S. Sofia line was assessed through a
    market simulator (fall 2004) .

Price duration curve (simulated) in the South
zone without the Matera - S. Sofia line
Effects of network congestion on prices
  • Price reduction duration curve (simulated) in the
    South zone due to the presence of the Matera - S.
    Sofia line.
  • The availability of the Matera S. Sofia line
    made it possible to increase the the transits
    capacity among the zones

The return for the consumers would have been an
annual cost reduction of 40 M. The total cost of
the Matera - S. Sofia line was estimated around
Congestion and social welfare in zonal markets
Load offer prices are indicative of the value of
the goods produced
Generators bid prices should be indicative of
the costs for producing energy
  • The merchandise surplus corresponds
  • to the congestion rent extracted by the
  • TSO.
  • The dead-weight loss is an indicator of
  • efficiency loss in the market due to
  • congestion.

Congestion means lower market efficiency
Effects of an increase of interzonal capacity
  • Increasing the capacity of
  • congested tie-lines decreases the
  • dead-weight loss and increases the
  • social welfare. The market solution
  • is more efficient.
  • However, the increase of social welfare (AgtB) is
    not necessarily matched with a reduction of loads
    payments. In this example
  • if pure zonal market loads in the export zone
    pay price p2 gtp1, those in import zone pay the
  • if PUN is introduced all the loads pay more
    (the weighed average grows).

Export zone
Import zone
Congestions and market power
  • Market power can be exercised both at global
    (market) level and locally.
  • Textbook definition of local market power
    consists in a producer actuating bidding
    behaviors such as to artificially cause
    congestion between market zones. In this way, he
    prevents the import of cheaper energy from other
    zones and creates pivotality conditions for its
    own local generators in the importer zone. The
    action of creating congestion may be not
    profitable in itself, but the sum with the
    exercise of market power by local generators
    turns up to be very profitable.
  • This kind of local market power may only be
    exercised in meshed networks, not in tree-like
    ones (as the Italian market)

1. Create a saturation between A and B
By saturating A-B, B receives more power. Either
it uses it locally or exports it to C. In both
cases, C imports the same power or more and this
reduces (or doesnt increase) the pivotality of
local generators.
2. C cant import any longer (parallel flows)
local generators are pivotal
Congestions and market power
  • However, this does not mean that a producer with
    market power on the whole national territory
    cannot find it profitable to congest one or
    several connections. By comparing the results of
    perfect and strategic competition in simulations
    carried out with SREMS, we see there are several
    hours in which the leader could strategically
    congests the tie line between Sicily and
  • One example

DL-186 MW DF229 MW
Perfect competition P 48.61 /MWh Strategic
competition P 50.34 /MWh P(Sicily)59.31
/MWh The leader increases his surplus by 60.8
43 (saturated)
DL-43 DF0
What are market simulators
  • Electricity market simulators are used to
    forecast market results under given scenario
    hypotheses, like
  • fuel prices
  • characteristics of generators, distribution on
    the territory and among the generation firms
  • characteristics of the transmission network
    (transit limits)
  • legislation (e.g. emissions of pollutants)
  • Simulators are classified by their reference
    time horizon

Who uses market simulators
Market analysis tools
Data analysis to examine past market behavior by
means of indices and different data aggregations
Optimization tools least cost generation
decisions, once provided supply and demand
schedules, keeping into account operational
Price forecasting tools extrapolating market
results to the future (ARMAX, etc)
Suppliers strategy models simulation using games
theory (Cournot, Bertrand, Stackelberg, Supply
Function Equilibrium, conjectural variations)
Main features of SREMS
  • SREMS is a short-medium run electricity market
    simulator based on game theory.
  • SREMS calculates price makers hourly strategic
    bids, supposing they actuate both a bid-up and a
    capacity withholding strategy. Additionally, it
    allows to define a certain number of price
  • Demand is inelastic, defined hour by hour and
    zone by zone.
  • The network is supposed non-meshed (tree-like).
    Nodes represent market zones separated by
    interconnectors with min/max transit limits.
  • The electricity market is modeled with hourly
    detail, but the scheduling of reservoir hydro and
    pumping power plants is carried out monthly.
  • Characteristics of thermal power plants are
    taken into account with a high level of realism
    (quadratic cost curves, maintenance periods,
    accidental outages).
  • Each producer can appoint a percentage of his
    power to physical bilateral contracts, function
    of total load, market share and attitude towards
    the risk.

  • Input XLS file
  • load, limits of transit
  • generators characteristics
  • calendar of maintenances
  • monthly production and
  • pumping of hydro power plants
  • overall bilaterals percentage

M 1
H 1
Month end
Preferential transactions and hydro plants
Unit Commitment of thermal power plants
  • Setting up a UC strategy for a producer is very
    complex. Many aspects have to be considered
  • If the sum of minima of all committed generators
    is higher than the load, price is zero (even
    variable costs are not recovered) and the
    generators must bid in the adjustment market.
  • In general, too much committed power generates
    low prices. However, generators are also
    interested to have many plants committed to
    maximize produced power.
  • Load changes along the day during the night few
    plants should be on (sum of technical minima must
    stay below the load), while during the day power
    should be available to catch peaking prices.
    However, flexibility to switch on and off is
    limited and depends from the plant technology.

Strategic competition the algorithm Vampiro
  • Lets suppose a leader knows the bids of all his
    competitors and, on the basis of them he wants to
    calculate the most favorable market solution
    (highest producer surplus), in terms of produced
    quantity and zonal prices.
  • Vampiro solves this problem resorting to the
    following logical steps
  • write market clearing problem,
  • translate it into a set of equilibrium
  • write producers problem,
  • solve the latter adding the equilibrium
    conditions of the market clearing problem as a
    set of additional constraints.

The resulting optimization problem is not convex
local minima do exist!
Strategic competition calculating bids
  • Then, it is necessary to translate the
    information on leaders optimal quantities into
    an optimal bidding strategy (price-quantity)
    capable to induce the optimal market clearing.

Typical trend of one week of zonal hourly prices
A simulation of the Italian market
  • Aim of the simulation is to assess the economical
    benefits that an enlargement by 300MW of the
    maximum allowed transit on the connector between
    Sicily and continent.
  • Benefits are measured in terms of total saving of
    the customers against value of the investment in
    new infrastructures (1.8 M/km x 40 km 72 M
    additional expenditures 80 M).
  • The simulations have been built upon a scenario
    2005 of the Italian market
  • 19 GenCos, 170 thermal units, 53 hydro units
  • 4 macro-zones (Nord, Centro-Sud, Sicilia,
  • fuel prices 26.14 /Gcal (oil), 31.55 /Gcal
  • real hourly load assigned to each macrozone
  • max bid price tuned on real market price peaks
  • monthly CIP6 and import provided as input data.
  • Preliminary simulation results show that
    investment costs could be recovered in less than
    two years. However, the non-convexity of the
    problem solved by Vampiro invites to some
    precaution in reading the results of comparative
    simulations (like this one).

  • SREMS is a reliable tool allowing to perform
    scenario analyses on real electricity markets
    over a short-medium run time horizon and to
    assess the capability of the market leaders to
    exercise market power, both market-wide and at
    local level. The true challenge would be to
    incorporate real strategies instead of sheer
    profit maximization, to make the market
    equilibrium model acquire a true predictive role.
    No literature paper has tackled the problem yet.
  • On the basis of simulations, building
    inter-zonal tie lines to decongest the most
    critical connectors would probably create an
    amount of benefit sufficient to recover
    investment costs in few years. Increasing TTC
    between zones would also make the market more
    efficient and the exercise of market power more

Thank you for your attention...
Massimo GallantiGianluigi Migliavacca CESI
RICERCA via Rubattino,54 20134 Milano
(Italy) E-mail massimo.gallanti_at_cesiricerca.it
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