Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA)


Eligible Applicants Businesses that need financing for specific or multiple export transactions that have 250 employees or less Must be in operation but not ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA)

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Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority
(PIDA) Low-interest loans to non-profit IDCs to
assist companies in creating or retaining jobs.
  • Types of Loans
  • - Single Tenant
  • - Multi-Tenant
  • - Industrial Park
  • Eligible Businesses
  • Manufacturing Industrial Computer Centers
    Research and Development Facilities
    Agri-business KIZ Companies
  • Ineligible Businesses
  • Service Commercial Retail
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
  • Acquisition Renovation Expansion New
  • Exceptions
  • Projects located in targeted areas (KOZ, EZ,
    Brownfield) are eligible for up to 2.25 million
    and received the lowest interest rate
  • Interest Rates
  • 4 fixed
  • (Based on area unemployment rate or targeted
    area or industry sector)
  • Rates will increase and decrease as the Federal
    Reserve adjusts its rates
  • Loan Limits
  • - 15 year term
  • - Participation rate ranges from 30 to 75
    (based on unemployment rate)
  • - 2 million maximum loan amount/2.25 million
    maximum in targeted areas
  • - Cost per job 35,000
  • - No less than 2nd mortgage lien on property to
    be financed
  • Applying for a PIDA Loan
  • Single Application for Assistance submitted
    through local industrial development corporation
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-6245

Machinery and Equipment Loan Fund
(MELF) Low-interest loans to companies to assist
in creating and/or retaining jobs.
  • Eligible Businesses
  • Manufacturing Industrial Agri-business
    Mining Operations Production Agriculture
    Hospitals Information Technology
  • Ineligible Businesses
  • Service Commercial Retail
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
  • Acquisition and installation of new or used
    machinery and equipment which is directly related
    to the business process
  • Upgrading of existing machinery and equipment
    which is directly related to the business process
  • NOT Eligible Repair costs for existing
    machinery and equipment, and cost of company
    labor for installation
  • Interest Rates
  • 4
  • Loan Limits
  • 5,000,000 or 50 of total project cost
    (whichever is less)
  • Term
  • Up to 10 years
  • Job Requirements
  • 25,000 loaned 1 full-time job retained/created
    at site within three years from closing date.
    Does not apply to loans to production agriculture
  • Applying for a MELF Loan
  • Applicant will complete the Single Application
    for Assistance and forward to DCED, Loans
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-6245

Small Business First Program (SBF) Provides
low-interest loan financing to small businesses.
As amended by SB 778
  • Eligible Businesses
  • Agri-business and Production Agriculture
    Industrial Manufacturing Hospitality and
    Defense Conversion Construction Recycling
    Computer Services For profit or Nonprofit Day
    Care Centers
  • Eligible Use of Funds
  • Land Buildings Machinery Equipment
    Working Capital
  • Ineligible Use of Funds
  • Refinancing existing debt Costs incurred
    prior to approval of SBF loan Brokers
    Consultant fees
  • Terms
  • Real Estate 15 years M E 10 years
  • Working Capital 3 years
  • Interest Rates
  • 4
  • Collateral
  • Loans must be secured at the highest lien
    position available on one or more assets
  • SBF may require personal guarantees of
  • Limitations
  • Business must have 100 employees or less
  • Maximum Loan amount, 200,000 or 50 of project
    cost, whichever is less (working capital loans,
    100,000 or 50 of project cost, whichever is
  • Project must create/retain at least one job for
    every 25,000 borrowed (does not apply to
  • Applying for a SBF Loan
  • Single Application for Assistance submitted
    through area loan organization
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 783-5046

Community Economic Development Loan Program
(CED) Low-interest loans to small business
enterprises in distressed areas that will enhance
the economic well-being of a community or
  • Eligible Businesses
  • For-profit business with 100 or less full-time
  • Mercantile - Commercial Retail
  • Business must demonstrate a positive, direct
    community impact and be located in a distressed
  • Eligible Use of Funds
  • Land and building, machinery and equipment and
    working capital
  • Ineligible Use of Funds
  • Refinancing
  • Related party transactions
  • Interest Rate
  • 2 fixed
  • Loan Limits
  • Maximum loan amount is 100,000 or 50 of
    project cost (whichever is less)
  • Job Requirements
  • Retain jobs in existence as of the date of the
    loan application
  • Applying for a CED Loan
  • Submit LOI to DCEDIf accepted, the applicant
    will be invited to submit a Single Application
    for Assistance and will be referred to their
    local ALO or CDFI for assistance

First Industries Program - Agriculture Tourism
  • Eligible Tourism Activities
  • Tourism people traveling for pleasure
  • Destination tourism sites, i.e. historical,
    cultural, sporting, amusement, outdoor
  • Hospitality establishments serving a destination
  • Tourism activities that generate overnight stays
  • Activities that optimize or enhance state parks,
    forests, or game lands
  • Eligible Agriculture Activities
  • Production Agriculture Farms
  • Food Processing
  • Wholesalers of Farm Commodities
  • Urban Rural Supermarkets
  • Farmers Markets
  • Energy-related activities impacting production
    agriculture or agribusiness
  • Activities which implement best practices related
    to agriculture waste products

First Industries Program - Agriculture Tourism
Planning Grants Provides grants to businesses for
assistance with their capitalization or working
capital needs.
  • Eligible Applicants
  • For profit or nonprofit entities as determined by
    the Commonwealth Financing Authority
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
  • Predevelopment activities and feasibility studies
    associated with an agriculture project
  • Fund Limits
  • Maximum grant amount, 250,000
  • Total amount of planning grant funds that may be
    awarded for agriculture or tourism projects, 10
  • Requirements
  • Project for Tourism Planning Grant must meet at
    least one of 4 specified criteria and at least
    one of 5 for the Agriculture Planning Grant
  • Any reports prepared will be provided to the
    Commonwealth Financing Authority and made
    available to the public
  • Applying for planning grants
  • Submit a single application to the Commonwealth
    Financing Authority
  • Questions
  • Contact the Center for Private Financing (717)

First Industries Program - Agriculture Tourism
Under Small Business First Machinery and
Equipment Loan Fund
  • Eligible Applicants
  • For-profit companies that meet the general
    eligibility requirements of SBF and MELF and that
    meet the definition of an agriculture or tourism
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
  • SBF land building, machinery equipment,
    working capital
  • MELF machinery equipment
  • Fund Limits
  • SBF - 200,000 (100,000 working capital)
  • MELF - 5 million when new guidelines published
  • Requirements
  • Project must meet the requirements of the SBF and
    MELF programs
  • Applying for Loans
  • SBF Applicant applies through Area Loan
  • MELF Applicant applies to DCED through
    submission of a Single Application for
  • Questions
  • Contact the Center for Business Financing (717)

Export Financing Program (EFP) Designed to
increase the level of exports and number of
exporting companies in PA.
  • Eligible Applicants
  • Businesses that need financing for specific or
    multiple export transactions that have 250
    employees or less
  • Must be in operation but not necessarily
    exporting for a least 12 months
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
  • Working Capital Acquire Inventory pay for
    direct or indirect costs used for the manufacture
    or purchase of goods, or for the provisions of
    services Support Standby Letters of Credit used
    as bid bonds, performance bonds or payment
  • Accounts Receivable Finance accounts
    receivable up to 180 days from the date of
    arrival at the port of importation
  • Loan Amount/Rate
  • Maximum amount 350,000 Rate 3.75
  • Terms
  • Working Capital 12 months
  • Accounts Receivable Repayment is due when the
    receivable is paid or 180 days after
    disbursement, whichever is sooner. Lines of
    credit for multiple transactions are available
    for 12 month period
  • Condition All loans will have either an Export
    Import Bank guarantee or credit insurance
  • Applying for EFP
  • Contact either the SBF office (717) 783-5046
  • -or-
  • Team PA Export Network Region Provider
  • (888) 723-9678

Pollution Prevention Assistance Program (PPAP) To
assist PA small businesses enterprises to
implement pollution prevention and
energy-efficient projects.
  • Eligible Businesses
  • A for-profit corporation, LLC, partnership,
    proprietorship or other business entity that has
    no more than 100 total employees and operates
    from a stationary source
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
  • Adopt or install pollution prevention or energy
    efficient equipment or processes directly related
    to the business activity of the small business
  • Ineligible Use of Funds
  • Refinancing existing debt less than arms
    length transactions Equipment that focuses on
    recycling or pollution control rather than
    prevention, i.e. scrubbers, dust collectors
    Projects that have commenced prior to DCED
  • Rate and Terms
  • Annual fixed rate of 2. Term of loan can be
    up to 10 years or the life of the asset
    (whichever is less)
  • Loan Amount
  • 100,000 or 75 of TPC (whichever is less)
  • Matching lending sources must have equivalent of
    longer terms
  • Applying for a PPAP Loan
  • Complete Single Application for Assistance
  • Complete Determination of Eligibility
    Application (DEP)
  • Questions
  • Contact SBF at (717) 783-4046

Opportunity Grant Program (OGP)
  • Eligible Applicants
  • Private Companies and Municipalities IDAs
    Municipal Authorities RDAs Private Developers
    on behalf of Private Companies
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
    Construction/rehabilitation of infrastructure
    Site preparation Acquisition of land and
    buildings Upgrade of machinery and equipment
    Working capital Job training Environmental
    assessments Remediation of hazardous materials
  • Fund Limits
  • 41 Match
  • Funds based on economic impact to an area/region
    Job retention/creation Private Investment
  • Job Requirements
  • Create/preserve a minimum of 100 full-time jobs
  • -OR- Increase PA employment at lest 20 -OR-
    Provide substantial number of new employment
    opportunities in high-growth industry
  • Other Requirements
  • Private companies must locate, expand or
    maintain operation in PA for 5 years Base pay
    of at least 150 of minimum wage LOI must
    include written commitment from private company
  • Applying for OGP funds
  • Submit LOI as outlined in program guidelines
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-7120

Customized Job Training Program (CJT)
  • Eligible Applicants
  • LEAs IRCs Greenhouses Local workforce
    investment boards Private Companies IDCs
    Labor unions
  • Eligible Costs
  • Salaries and benefits for instruction and
    curriculum development
  • Instructional supplies, consumable materials,
    and software
  • Tool and equipment rental directly applicable to
    the training tuition reimbursement if trainee
    completes the course
  • Ineligible Costs
  • Capital improvements wages, salaries, or
    benefits of trainees and employees not involved
    in conducting the training travel expenses of
    trainees unless waived by DCED
  • Program Requirements
  • CJT funds for up to 75 of eligible training
  • Trainees must earn 150 of federal min. wage.
  • Training for PA residents only
  • Company may not receive more than 2 consecutive
    years of grant funding, and no more than 3 years
    out of 5
  • 25 of funds are set aside for small business
  • No more than 10 of funds to one company,
    greenhouse or labor organization
  • Applying for a CJT Grant
  • Submit Single Application for Assistance
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-7120

Job Creation Tax Credits (JCTC) Provides tax
credits to businesses to stimulate job creation
  • Fund Limits
  • 1,000 tax credit for each job created.
  • Job Requirements
  • Job creation is measured from a start date which
    is the first day of the calendar quarter in which
    an application is submitted.
  • Must create at least 25 full-time jobs, or have
    a 20 increase in employment at the project site
    within 3 years of start date. New jobs must pay
    150 of minimum wage, and business must maintain
    operations at project site for 5 years.
  • Applying for JCTC Credits
  • Submit Single Application for Assistance to
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-7120
  • Eligible Applicants
  • Any Business
  • Participant Criteria
  • Business must create a specific number of jobs
    within 3 years.
  • Must demonstrate leadership in application,
    development or deployment of leading technologies
    and financial stability
  • Eligible Uses of Funds
  • Tax Credits may be applied to business
    corporate net income tax, personal income tax,
    capital stock and franchise tax, gross premiums
    tax, gross receipts tax, bank trust business
    tax, mutual thrift institution tax, or title
    insurance business shares tax.

Renewable Energy ProgramGeothermal and Wind
Provides financial assistance in the form of
grant and loan funds that will be used by
eligible applicants to promote the use of
alternative energy in the Commonwealth.
Renewable Energy Program
  • Eligible Applicants
  • The following applicants are eligible for
  • A Business A corporation, partnership, sole
    proprietorship, limited liability company,
    business trust or other commercial entity
    approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
    The term shall include not-for-profit entities.
  • An Economic Development Organization A
    non-profit corporation or association whose
    purpose is the enhancement of economic conditions
    in their community.
  • A Political Subdivision Includes
    municipalities, counties, and school districts.
  • Eligible Projects
  • Geothermal Technologies, including closed loop
    geothermal heat pump systems that use the ground,
    ground water and underground mine water as an
    energy source.
  • Wind Energy, including facilities to produce or
    distribute wind generated energy as well as
    manufacturing facilities for wind turbines and
    other energy components.

Renewable Energy Program
  • Eligible Use of Funds
  • Funds may be used by the applicant to pay for any
    of the following project costs
  • Acquisition of land and buildings, rights-of-way,
    and easements necessary to construct an eligible
  • The clearing and preparation of the land
    necessary to construct an eligible project.
  • Construction or renovation of a building that
    will be used to manufacture components of wind or
    geothermal energy systems.
  • The purchase and installation of equipment used
    for the manufacturing of geothermal or wind
    energy systems.
  • The purchase, installation, and construction of
    energy facilities that generate or distribute
    geothermal or wind energy.
  • Preparation of plans, specifications, studies,
    and surveys, necessary or incidental to
    determining the feasibility or practicability.
  • Permit fees.
  • Administrative costs of the applicant to
    administer a Program grant. Administrative costs
    include advertising, legal and audit costs, as
    well as documented staff expenses. Administrative
    costs shall not exceed 3 of the Program grant or

Ineligible costs include but are not limited to
fees for securing other financing, interest on
borrowed funds, refinancing of existing debt, and
costs incurred prior to the approval of CFA
Renewable Energy Program
  • Loans
  • Loan Amount
  • The maximum amount of any loan for a component
    manufacturer of renewable energy generation
    equipment shall not exceed 35,000 for every new
    job projected to be created by the business
    within three years after approval of the loan.
  • The maximum loan amount for a geothermal system
    or a wind energy generation or distribution
    project shall not exceed 5 million.
  • Repayment Term Loans will be repaid over a
    period not to exceed 10 years for equipment and
    15 years for real estate.
  • Interest Rate The interest rate for the loan
    will be fixed at the time of approval of the
    loan. Interest rates are subject to change based
    on market conditions. The current interest rate
    is posted on the website.
  • Security All loans are to be secured by a lien
    on the asset financed. The Authority may require
    additional security as necessary, including but
    not limited to, a pledge of additional assets or
    securities or dedicated revenues.

Renewable Energy Program
  • Grants
  • The maximum amount of any grant for a component
    manufacturer of renewable energy generation
    equipment shall not exceed 5,000 for every job
    projected to be created by the business within
    three years after approval of the grant. If the
    component manufacturer fails to create the
    projected number of jobs, the Authority may
    require the full amount of the grant to be
  • The maximum grant amount for a geothermal system
    or a wind energy generation or distribution
    project shall not exceed 1 million.
  • The maximum amount for any grant that will be
    used solely for planning or feasibility studies
    shall not exceed 50 of the total cost of the
    planning project or 175,000, whichever is less.
    Grants may be used to pay for any eligible
    project costs as defined in Section II of these

Renewable Energy Program
  • Guarantee
  • The Authority may award grants to applicants that
    would serve as a guarantee for the financing in
    the project. The Guarantee is subject to the
    following conditions
  • The grant will be in the form of a standby letter
    of credit and issued directly to the
  • The grant funds may only be drawn upon in the
    event the company defaults on its financing and
    there is a deficiency in collateral for the
    lending institution to collect upon. The grant
    will pay up to 75 of the deficiency.
  • The term of the grant will not be more than 5
  • The amount of the grant shall not exceed 5

Renewable Energy Program
  • Application Evaluation
  • All applications for financial assistance will be
    reviewed by the Department of Community and
    Economic Development and the Department of
    Environmental Protection under the direction of
    the CFA to determine eligibility and
    competitiveness of the proposed project. Projects
    will be evaluated using the appropriate criteria
    from the following comprehensive list of
    evaluation criteria for the various types of
    eligible projects
  • The level of non-CFA matching investment in the
  • The technical and financial feasibility of the
  • Energy savings generated or peak load reduced by
    the project.
  • The amount of alternative energy produced by the
  • The number and quality of the jobs to be created
    or preserved by the project.
  • The financial need of the project.
  • Project readiness.
  • The level to which the project exhibits
    principals of sound land and water use.
  • Environmental benefits arising from the project
    including the creation of allowances that can be
    used to facilitate additional economic
    development in the region.

Renewable Energy Program
  • Application Procedures
  • Submit an electronic Single Application for
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-7120

Solar Energy Program
Provides financial assistance in the form of
grant and loan funds that will be used by
eligible applicants to promote the generation and
use of solar energy and the manufacture or
assembly of solar equipment in the Commonwealth.
Solar Energy Program
  • Eligible Applicants
  • The following applicants are eligible for
  • A Business a corporation, partnership, sole
    proprietorship, limited liability company,
    business trust, or other commercial entity
    approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
    The term shall include venture capital firms,
    solar energy and solar thermal system installers,
    and other business entities capable of raising a
    significant amount of capital. The term shall
    also include not-for-profit entities.
  • An Economic Development Organization a
    nonprofit corporation or association whose
    purpose is the enhancement of economic conditions
    in their community.
  • A Political Subdivision A municipality, county,
    or school district.
  • Eligible Projects
  • Solar projects, including facilities to generate,
    distribute, or store solar energy, as well as
    manufacturing or assembly facilities for solar
    panels or other solar equipment. Solar
    photovoltaic (electric) and solar thermal (hot
    water) technologies are eligible. Projects must
    have a useful life of at least four years.
  • The development or construction of facilities
    used for the research and
    development of technology related to solar

Solar Energy Program
  • Eligible Use of Funds
  • Funds may be used by the applicant to pay for any
    of the following project costs
  • Acquisition of land and buildings, rights-of-way,
    and easements necessary to construct an eligible
  • The clearing and preparation of the land
    necessary to construct an eligible project.
  • Construction or renovation of a building that
    will be used to manufacture equipment related to
    solar energy systems.
  • The purchase and installation of equipment used
    for the manufacturing of equipment related to
    solar energy systems or solar thermal systems.
  • The purchase (including the bulk purchase of
    equipment), installation, and construction of
    facilities that generate, distribute, or store
    solar energy or that produce hot water using
    solar energy.
  • For eligible public and non-profit applicants,
    the preparation of plans, specifications,
    studies, surveys, necessary or incidental to
    determining the feasibility or practicability.
  • Permit fees.
  • Administrative costs of the applicant to
    administer a Program grant or loan.
    Administrative costs include advertising, legal
    and audit costs, as well as documented staff
    expenses. Administrative costs shall not exceed
    3 of the Program grant or loan.

Ineligible costs include but are not limited to
fees for securing other financing, interest on
borrowed funds, refinancing of existing
debt, and costs incurred prior to the approval
of CFA financing.
Solar Energy Program
  • Loans
  • Loan Amount
  • The maximum amount of any loan for a manufacturer
    of solar equipment shall not exceed 35,000 for
    every new job projected to be created by the
    business within three years after approval of the
    loan. If the manufacturer fails to create the
    projected number of jobs within three years, the
    Authority may require the interest rate to be
    increased by 3 for the remaining term of the
  • The maximum loan amount for a solar energy
    generation or distribution project shall not
    exceed 5 million or 2.25 per watt, whichever is
    less. In calculating the 2.25 per watt cost,
    CFA will not include the cost of any energy
    storage equipment. The CFA will consider loan
    requests over 5 million for projects that will
    significantly impact the Authoritys goal to
    increase the amount of solar energy generated in
    the Commonwealth.
  • The maximum loan amount for a solar research and
    development facility or a solar thermal project
    shall not exceed 5 million.
  • Repayment Term Loans will be repaid over a
    period not to exceed 10 years for equipment and
    15 years for real estate.
  • Interest Rate The interest rate for the loan
    will be fixed at the time of approval of the
    loan. Interest rates are subject to change based
    on market conditions. The current interest rate
    is posted on the website.
  • Security All loans are to be secured by a lien
    on the asset financed. The Authority
    may require additional security as
    necessary, including but not limited to, a pledge
    of additional assets or
    securities or dedicated revenues.

Solar Energy Program
  • Grants
  • The maximum amount of any grant for a
    manufacturer of solar equipment shall not exceed
    5,000 for every job projected to be created by
    the business within three years after approval of
    the grant. If the manufacturer fails to create
    the projected number of jobs, the Authority may
    require the full amount of the grant to be
  • The maximum grant amount for a solar energy
    generation or distribution project shall not
    exceed 1 million or 2.25 per watt, whichever is
    less. In calculating the 2.25 per watt cost,
    CFA will not include the cost of any energy
    storage equipment. The CFA will consider grant
    requests over 1 million for projects that will
    significantly impact the Authoritys goal to
    increase the amount of solar energy generated in
    the Commonwealth. It is the preference of the
    Authority to assist solar energy generation
    projects with low interest loans rather than
    grants whenever possible.
  • The maximum grant amount for a solar research and
    development facility or a solar thermal project
    shall not exceed 1 million.
  • The maximum amount for any grant that will be
    used solely for planning or feasibility studies
    shall not exceed 50 of the total cost of the
    planning project or 175,000, whichever is less.
    Grants may be used to pay for any eligible
    project costs as defined in Section II of these
  • The CFA will consider grant requests for
    generation projects in instances where there is
    not a long-term contract of at least 10 years in
    place for Solar Renewable Energy Credits. For
    projects that enter into a long-term SREC
    contract subsequent to CFA approval of a grant,
    the grant approval will be rescinded and grant
    funds returned to the CFA.

Solar Energy Program
  • Guarantee
  • The Authority may award grants to applicants that
    would serve as a guarantee for the financing in
    the project. The Guarantee is subject to the
    following conditions
  • The grant will be in the form of a standby letter
    of credit and issued directly to the
    company/developer. Projects applying for a loan
    guarantee from the Authority will be required to
    invest a minimum of 10 in equity as part of the
    project financing.
  • The grant funds may only be drawn upon in the
    event the company defaults on its financing and
    there is a deficiency in collateral for the
    lending institution to collect upon. The grant
    will pay up to 75 of the deficiency.
  • The term of the grant will not be more than 5
  • The amount of the grant shall not exceed 30

Solar Energy Program
  • Application Evaluation
  • All applications for financial assistance will be
    reviewed by the Department of Community and
    Economic Development and the Department of
    Environmental Protection under the direction of
    the CFA to determine eligibility and
    competitiveness of the proposed project.
    Projects will be evaluated using the following
  • The level of non-CFA matching investment in the
  • The technical and financial feasibility of the
  • Energy savings generated or peak load reduced by
    the project.
  • The amount of solar energy produced by the
  • The number and quality of the jobs to be created
    or preserved in Pennsylvania by the project
    including construction jobs.
  • The financial need of the project.
  • The capital efficiency of the project.
  • Project readiness.
  • The level to which the project exhibits
    principles of sound land and water use.
  • Environmental benefits arising from the project
    including the creation of allowances that can be
    used to facilitate additional economic
    development in the region.
  • The nation and state of origin of equipment used
    in the solar project.

Solar Energy Program
  • Application Procedures
  • Submit an electronic Single Application for
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-7120

High Performance Building
Provides financial assistance in the form of
grant or loan funds that will be used by eligible
applicants to underwrite the cost premiums
associated with the design and construction or
major renovation of high performance buildings in
the Commonwealth.
High Performance Building
  • Eligible Applicants
  • The following applicants are eligible for
  • A Small Business a for-profit corporation,
    limited liability company, partnership,
    proprietorship or other legal business entity
    located within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    and having 100 or fewer full-time employees
    worldwide at the time of submission of the
  • An Individual any person engaged in the
    construction or renovation of a dwelling that he
    or she currently occupies or will occupy as a
    primary residence.

Eligible Projects High performance building
projects that meet or exceed the standards
identified in these guidelines will be eligible
for consideration under this program. Projects
are limited to the construction or renovation of
a building for the use of a small business and/or
for the primary residence of an individual. The
high performance standards adopted herein are
intended to optimize the energy performance of
buildings increase the use of and demand for
environmentally preferable building materials,
furnishes and finishes reduce pollutant and
waste generation select appropriate
sites improve environmental quality promote
good building operations practices and
conserve natural resources in the Commonwealth.
High Performance Building
  • Eligible Use of Funds
  • Funds may be used by the applicant to pay for any
    of the following project costs associated with a
    high-performance building
  • The acquisition of land and buildings,
    rights-of-way, and easements necessary to
    construct an eligible project.
  • The clearing and preparation of the land
    necessary to construct an eligible project.
  • The planning, designing, or modeling work
    necessary to construct or renovate a high
    performance building.
  • Registration and certification of the project
  • Construction or renovation of a high performance
  • Commissioning and enhanced verification of
    building performance.

Ineligible costs include but are not limited to
fees for securing other financing, interest on
borrowed funds, refinancing of existing debt, and
costs incurred prior to the approval of CFA
High Performance Building
  • Loans
  • Loan Amount
  • The maximum loan amount for high performance
    building projects for small businesses shall not
    exceed 2 million.
  • The maximum loan amount for individual
    residential projects shall not exceed 100,000.
  • Repayment Term Loans may be amortized over a
    period not to exceed 25 years and will be repaid
    over a period not to exceed 10 years.
  • Interest Rate The interest rate for the loan
    will be fixed at the time of approval of the
    loan. Interest rates are subject to change based
    on market conditions. The current interest rate
    is posted on the website.
  • Security All loans are to be secured by a lien
    on the asset financed. The Authority
    may require additional security as
    necessary, including but not limited to, a pledge
    of additional assets or
    securities or dedicated revenues.

Grants The maximum grant amount shall not exceed
500,000 or 10 of the total eligible building
construction/renovation costs, whichever is less.
An eligible applicant may apply for a grant or a
loan, but not both for the same building project.
High Performance Building
  • Guarantees
  • The Authority may award grants to applicants that
    would serve as a guarantee for the financing in
    the project. The Guarantee is subject to the
    following conditions
  • The grant will be in the form of a standby letter
    of credit and issued directly to the business or
  • The grant funds may only be drawn upon in the
    event the grant recipient defaults on its
    financing and there is a deficiency in collateral
    for the lending institution to collect upon.
  • The term of the grant will not be for more than 5
  • The amount of the grant shall not exceed 2
    million for a business and 100,000 for an

High Performance Building
  • Application Evaluation
  • All applications for financial assistance will be
    reviewed by the Department of Community and
    Economic Development and the Department of
    Environmental Protection under the direction of
    the CFA to determine eligibility and
    competitiveness of the proposed project.
    Projects will be evaluated using the following
  • The level of non-CFA matching investment in the
  • The number and quality of the jobs to be created
    or preserved by the project (small business
  • The technical and financial feasibility of the
  • Project readiness.
  • The level to which the project exhibits
    principals of sound land and water use.
  • Environmental benefits arising from the project.
  • The nation and state of origin of building
    materials used to qualify the building as a high
    performance building.

High Performance Building
  • Application Procedures
  • Submit an electronic Single Application for
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF SBF at (717) 783-5046

Alternative and Clean Energy
Provides financial assistance in the form of
grant and loan funds that will be used by
eligible applicants for the utilization,
development and construction of alternative and
clean energy projects in the Commonwealth.
Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Eligible Applicants
  • The following applicants are eligible for
  • A Business a corporation, partnership, sole
    proprietorship, limited liability company,
    business trust, or other commercial entity
    approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
    The term shall also include not-for-profit
  • An Economic Development Organization a
    nonprofit corporation or association whose
    purpose is the enhancement of economic conditions
    in their community.
  • A Political Subdivision A municipality, county,
    or school district.

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Eligible Project Costs
  • Funds may be used for any of the following Clean
    Energy Project costs
  • Installation of equipment for use by an eligible
    applicant to facilitate or improve energy
    conservation or energy efficiency (including but
    not limited to heating, lighting, and cooling
    equipment). Energy Star rated equipment is
    required if the type or class of equipment being
    installed is rated under the Energy Star Program
    (refer to The Authority may
    participate in establishing pools of funding by
    leveraging investments from private sector
    financial institutions to help accomplish the
    CFAs energy conservation goals.
  • Installation of an alternative energy system
    which produces energy from sources defined under
    the Portfolio Standards Act of 2004 including but
    not limited to waste coal, biomass, wind energy,
    geothermal technologies, clean coal technologies,
    waste energy technologies, large-scale or
    low-impact hydro, biologically derived methane
    gas, fuel cells, coal mine methane, or
    by-products of the pulping and wood manufacturing
    process in a new or existing building.
  • Replacement or enhancement of an existing energy
    system that utilizes nonrenewable energy with an
    energy system that utilizes alternative energy.
  • Modification of the contract terms of an energy
    service project by a political subdivision
    pursuant to a new energy savings contract (ESCO)
    with a qualified provider under the Guaranteed
    Energy Savings Act (GESA) of 1996. The PA
    Department of General Services manages the GESA
    program for the Commonwealth, and maintains a
    list of qualified providers on their website

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Eligible Project Costs Continued
  • Preparation of plans, specifications, studies,
    surveys, and energy audits necessary or
    incidental to facilitating or developing an
    eligible project.
  • Administrative costs of the applicant to
    administer a Program grant. Administrative costs
    include advertising, legal and audit costs, as
    well as documented staff expenses.
    Administrative costs shall not exceed 3 of the
    Program grant or loan.
  • Funds may be used for the construction or
    development of an Alternative Energy Production
    Project including
  • A facility that produces or distributes energy
    from sources defined in the Portfolio Standards
    Act of 2004 including but not limited to waste
    coal, biomass, wind energy, geothermal
    technologies, clean coal technologies, municipal
    solid waste energy technologies, large-scale or
    low-impact hydro, biologically derived methane
    gas, fuel cells, coal mine methane, or
    by-products of the pulping and wood manufacturing
  • A facility that manufactures or produces
    alternative fuels. The term alternative fuels
    shall include ethanol, biodiesel, or any other
    alternative fuel approved by the authority.

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Eligible Project Costs Continued
  • A facility that manufactures or produces
    products, including component parts that provide
    alternative energy or alternative fuels.
  • The purchase and installation of equipment used
    for the manufacturing of component parts of
    alternative energy or alternative fuel production
  • A facility that manufactures or produces
    products, including component parts that improve
    energy efficiency or conserve energy.
  • A facility used for the research and development
    of technology to provide alternative energy
    sources or alternative fuels.
  • A project for the development or enhancement of
    rail transportation systems that deliver
    alternative fuels or high efficiency locomotives.
  • Preparation of plans, specifications, studies,
    and surveys, necessary or incidental to
    facilitating or developing an eligible project.
  • Administrative costs of the applicant to
    administer a Program grant. Administrative costs
    include advertising, legal and audit costs, as
    well as documented staff expenses.
    Administrative costs shall not exceed 3 of the
    Program grant or loan.

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Loans
  • Loan Amount
  • The maximum amount of any loan for any
    alternative energy production or clean energy
    project shall not exceed 5 million or 50 of the
    total project cost, whichever is less. The CFA
    will consider loan requests over 5 million for
    projects that will significantly impact the
    Authoritys goals to leverage private sector
    investments and to encourage alternative energy
    production and energy conservation in the
  • The maximum amount of any loan for a manufacturer
    of alternative and/or clean energy generation
    equipment or components shall not exceed 35,000
    for every new job projected to be created by the
    business within three years after approval of the
    loan. If the manufacturer fails to create the
    projected number of jobs within three years, the
    Authority may require the interest to be
    increased by 3 for the remaining term of the
  • The maximum loan amount for a High Performance
    Building shall not exceed 2 million.
  • All eligible applicants may apply for loans for
    eligible projects except that political
    subdivisions may not apply for Alternative Energy
    Production Projects as defined in Section II B.
  • Repayment Term Loans may be amortized over a
    period not to exceed 25 years or the useful life
    of the asset, whichever is less and will be
    repaid over a period not to exceed 10 year.

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Loans Continued
  • Interest Rate The interest rate for the loan
    will be fixed at the time of approval of the
    loan. Interest rates are subject to change based
    on market conditions. The current interest rate
    is posted on the website.
  • Security All loans are to be secured by a lien
    on the asset financed. The Authority may require
    additional security as necessary, including but
    not limited to, a pledge of additional assets or
    securities or dedicated revenues .
  • Grants
  • The maximum amount of any grant for any
    alternative energy production or clean energy
    project shall not exceed 2 million or 50 of the
    total project cost, whichever is less. The CFA
    will consider grant requests over 2 million for
    projects that will significantly impact the
    Authoritys goal to leverage private investment
    and encourage alternative energy production and
    energy conservation in the Commonwealth.
  • The maximum amount of any grant for a
    manufacturer of alternative and/or clean energy
    generation equipment or components shall not
    exceed 10,000 for every job projected to be
    created by the business within three years after
    approval of the grant. If the manufacturer fails
    to create the projected number of jobs, the
    Authority may require the full amount of the
    grant to be repaid.

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Grants Continued
  • The maximum grant amount for an Energy Savings
    Contract (ESCO) or a High Performance Building
    shall not exceed 500,000.
  • Political subdivisions are eligible to apply for
    grants only for Clean Energy Projects as defined
    in Section II B. Businesses and non-profit
    economic development organizations are eligible
    to apply for grants only for Site Preparation
    Projects and Alternative Energy Production
  • Guarantees
  • The Authority may award grants to applicants that
    would serve as a guarantee for the financing in
    the project. The Guarantee is subject to the
    following conditions
  • The grant will be in the form of a standby letter
    of credit and issued directly to the
  • The grant funds may only be drawn upon in the
    event the company defaults on its financing and
    there is a deficiency in collateral for the
    lending institution to collect upon. The grant
    will pay up to 75 of the deficiency.
  • The term of the grant will not be more than 5
  • The amount of the grant shall not exceed 5
    million .

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Application Evaluation
  • All applications for financial assistance will be
    reviewed by the Department of Community and
    Economic Development and the Department of
    Environmental Protection under the direction of
    the CFA to determine eligibility and
    competitiveness of the proposed project.
    Projects will be evaluated using the appropriate
    criteria from the following list of evaluation
    criteria for the various types of eligible
  • The level of non-CFA matching investment in the
  • The technical and financial feasibility of the
  • Energy savings generated or peak load reduced by
    the project.
  • Conventional energy displaced by the deployment
    of the alternative energy production project.
  • The amount of alternative energy or alternative
    fuels produced by the project.
  • The number and quality of the jobs to be created
    or preserved in Pennsylvania by the project
    including construction jobs.
  • The financial need of the project.
  • The capital efficiency of the project.
  • Project readiness.
  • The level to which the project exhibits
    principles of sound land and water use.
  • Environmental benefits arising from the project
    including the creation of allowances that can be
    used to facilitate additional economic
    development in the region.
  • The nation and state of origin of
    equipment/components used in the project.

Alternative and Clean Energy
  • Application Procedures
  • Submit an electronic Single Application for
  • Questions
  • Contact CBF at (717) 787-7120
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