- Dr.P.V.Konnur
- University Librarian Head IT
- Bangalore University
- Bangalore
- K.Kavita Rao
- Librarian
- Hindustan College of Arts Science
- Chennai
2Paper presented at
- International Conference on e-Resources in Higher
education Issues, Developments, Opportunities
and Challenges, - Dept. of Library Information Science,
Bharathidasan University - Tiruchirapalli, 19-20 Feb 2010.
- It is not the strongest of the species that
survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change.
- - Charles
4HE environment Information literacy
- HE is facing many great challenges and
opportunities. - HE in the new century has to deal with
competition. - Need for Information literate Colleges and
Universities. - IL is a major need, topic of concern and research
in the HE sector.
5Information Literacy
- Information literate persons are described
as"(t)hose who have learned how to learn. They
know how to learn because they know how knowledge
is organized, how to find information and how to
use information so that others can learn from
them. They are people prepared for lifelong
learning because they can always find the
information needed for any task or decision at
hand." (ALA) - Information literacy makes students independent
learners who in turn become lifelong learners.
6- Significance of Information Literacy
- ILÂ is a shot in the dark in the semantic
information environment. - Information literacy connects all constituencies
across campus, - weaves information resources and practiced skills
into the curriculum, - highlights the global nature of information
- equips individuals for lifelong learning,
- promotes curricular revitalization and challenges
- students to become engaged and thoughtful
- students become lifelong independent learners.
7Information Literacy Education
- Need for integration into courses at all levels
- The quality of teaching
- The pedagogies
- active learning, project-based learning,
problem-based learning, internships, inquiry
learning, and service learning. - acceptance and attention.
- ILE - a shared responsibility
- collaboration among academicians.
8Six Frames for Information Literacy Education
developed by Christine Bruce
- The Content Frame
- (users adopt discipline orientation)
- (2) The Competency Frame
- (users adopt behavioral or performance
orientation) - (3) The Learning to Learn Frame
- (users adopt constructivist orientation)
- (4) The Personal Relevance Frame
- (users adopt experiential orientation)
- (5) The Social Impact Frame
- (users adopt a social reform orientation)
and - (6) The Relational Frame
9Relational principles of learning related to ILE
- Learning is about changes in conception
- Learning always has content as well as a process
- Learning is about relations between the learner
and the subject matter - Improving learning is about understanding the
learners perspective
10- Information Literacy Education For Teachers
- The seven guiding principles are
- Encourages contact between fellows and leaders
- Develops reciprocity and co-operation among
fellows - Encourages active learning
- Encourages effective use of technology
- Gives prompt feedback and sustained mentoring
- Emphasizes time-on-task
- Communicates high expectations for all fellows
- Respects diverse talents and ways of learning
among the many disciplines represented.
11Information Literacy Education For Students
- Emphasizes the inquiry approach to learning
- analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reflection
- inculcating both lower order thinking skills and
higher order thinking skills - Professor/Academic librarian acts as facilitator
- Motivates students to participate
- Students produce results
- Learning emphasizes teamwork
- academic success through different learning
12Information literacy and the Curriculum
- as a stand-alone course, discipline based course
or as instructional programme. - figure as a central component of the educational
curriculum. - Information literacy is a field of study
- Reasons for not including IL
- no room in the curriculum
- lack of understanding
- belief that IL and study skills are taught in
other modules - confusion of IL with IT competency
- student misconceptions
13Information literacy and the Curriculum (cont..)
- The learning outcomes approach is more
appropriate - It differs from more traditional academic
approaches that emphasize coverage by its
emphasis on - basing curriculum on what students need to know
and be able to do as determined by student and
societal needs - 2. focusing on what students should be able to
do rather than merely what knowledge they should
possess as a result of a course or program, - 3. making explicit the development and
assessment of generic abilities.
14Information literacy Curriculum (contd..)
- 1. The content of Information Literacy
instruction is most effective when purposefully
tailored to its classroom contexts. - 2. IL instruction should be
- i. critical (stating its rationale and social
context) - ii. learner-centered (relational and
problem-based) - iii. adaptable (relevant for lifelong-learning)
15Questions to be addressed by curriculum leaders
- What kind of learning opportunities should be
provided for students at various stages of their
study? - (graduates, post-graduates and research
scholars) - What can be done to deal with objectives that
emerge out of academic activities? From the point
of view of educators, learning activities emerge
from pre-planned objectives. - What kind of learning support best facilitates
students to acquire a set of given skills
(example information literacy) and new
knowledge? - How can we prepare the faculty/instructional
collaborators/academic librarians for developing
and implementing the curricula for the new age? - What kind of assessment and accreditation
activities must be undertaken to measure the
learning outcomes of students and the
effectiveness of the curriculum implemented?
16Information Literacy Assessment
- In the HE sector, LIS professional
bodies in the USA (the Association of College and
Research Libraries, ACRL) and Australia
(Australian and New Zealand Institute for
Information Literacy) have produced standards for
information literacy, and a UK body (Society of
College, National and University Libraries,
SCONUL)-each of these has produced a model for
information literacy. There have been
translations of the ACRL standards, and the IFLA
Information Literacy Section has also worked on a
framework for information literacy.
17Information Literacy Accreditation
- Is the development of information skills
identified in learning objectives? - Does the curriculum ensure progressive
development of increasingly sophisticated
information skills? - Is IL widely encouraged in the early years of
undergraduate study as well as later? - Do teaching and learning strategies encourage
regular use of information skills? - To what extent are students required to identify
their own learning resources? - Using rubrics for information literacy
assessment is necessary..
18Suggestions For promoting Information Literacy
- Progress reports on information literacy.
- Standards and Frameworks
- Information sharing and dissemination
- Raise awareness
- Scope should be given for Research.
- More discussions, seminars, workshops and
guest-lectures. - Internationalization and cooperation
- improve the infrastructure
- incorporate innovations and follow new directions
- Enhancement of teaching, learning and assessment
- groups should be formed at regional, state and
National levels
- address changing expectations
- providing quality education.
- attaining the goal of IL
- an IL vision is necessary for every nation.
- who ensures IL in HE
- how IL is ensured.
- new initiatives and analysis
20REFERENCES 1.Quotes online
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literacy education a conceptual framework for
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