Title: Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability
1Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and
Chapter 1 G. Tyler Millers Living in the
Environment 14th Edition
2Key Concepts
- Growth and Sustainability
- Resources and Resource Use
- Causes of Environmental Problems
3Environment the total of our surroundings
- All the things around us with which we interact
- Living things
- Animals, plants, forests, fungi, etc.
- Nonliving things
- Continents, oceans, clouds, soil, rocks
- Our built environment
- Buildings, human-created living centers
- Social relationships and institutions
4Humans and the world around us
- Whats the situation?
- We depend completely on the environment for
survival - We are experiencing increased wealth, health,
mobility, leisure time - Humans change the environment, often in ways not
fully understood unintended consequences - Natural systems have been degraded i.e.,
pollution, erosion and species extinction - Environmental changes threaten long-term health
and survival
5Key Terms
- Ecology biological science that studies
- the relationships between living things
- and their environment
- Environmental Science
- the interdisciplinary study of how the earth
- works, how we interact with the earth, and
- how to deal with environmental problems
6Key Terms
- What Keeps Us Alive?
- Solar energy all life and economies depend on
energy provided by the sun - Natural capital the earths resources and
ecological services
Pest DiseaseControl
8- See handout from Miller and Spoolman on Natural
Capital - Note two categories
- natural resources (matter)
- natural services (processes) -
- also called ecological or ecosystem services
- very important!!!
9Key Terms
Natural resources substances and energy sources
needed for survival
- Renewable resources
- Perpetually available sunlight, wind, wave
energy - Renew themselves over short periods timber,
water, soil - These can be destroyed
- Nonrenewable resources fixed quantity renewable
only by geological processes that take millions
of year - Oil, coal, minerals
11Key Terms Renewable Resources
- Sustainable Yield the highest rate at which a
renewable resource can be used indefinitely
without reducing its available supply
- Environmental Degradation occurs
- when the use of resources exceeds the rate
- of replacement
12Environmental degradation of Madagascar
13Key Terms Non-Renewable Resources
- Energy Resources coal, oil, natural gas
- Metallic Resources
- copper, iron, nickel, aluminum
- Non-MetallicResources-
- salt, clay, sand, phosphates
- Important to reuse and recycle these resources
14Key Terms
- Sustainability meeting the basic resource needs
- of people indefinitely without depleting or
degrading - the natural capital that supplies these resources
- What is the difference between living off the
capital - and living off the income provided by this
capital? - Example 1 million dollar lottery How could
you - live off of it without depleting the original 1
million? - Relate this back to natural capital.
15Key Terms
- What is pollution? Chemicals at high
- enough levels in the environment to harm people
or other - living things
- Effects of Pollution
- 1. disrupt/degrade life support systems for
humans - and other species
- 2. damage wildlife, human health and property
- 3. nuisance noise, unpleasnt sight, smells
and tastes -
16Sources of Pollution
- Point
- Nonpoint
- Which one is the bigger problem?
17Dealing With Pollution
- Prevention (Input Control)
- works better and is cheaper
- Cleanup (Output Control)
- Need to do both
18World Population A GROWING Issue
Fig. 1-1 p. 5
19Population Growth Since 1950
20Population Growth Rates in Different Countries
- Population growth rate estimates (by United
Nations) for the period 2005-2010 using the
medium variant.
21Key Terms Economic Growth vs Economic
Economic development improvement of living standards by economic growth Measured by per capita GDP per capita GDP the GDP divided by the total population
- Economic Growth increase in the capacity of a
country to provide people with goods and services - Measured by increase in GDP
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the annual market
value of all goods and services produced by all
firms and organizations, foreign and domestic,
operating within a country (increase in GDP
indicates economic growth)
22Economic Development
- Two categories
- Developed countries
- Developing countries
- Can you give examples of each?
Wealth andincome
Percent of Worlds
Pollutionand waste
24Key Terms
- Globalization the process of social, economic
and environmental global changes that lead to an
increasingly interconnected world - Has led to the democratization of learning and
communication - Miller A sustainable community or country
recognizes that it is part of a larger global
economic and ecological system and that it cannot
be sustainable unless these larger systems are
also sustainable.
25Key Terms
- Ecological footprint - the environmental impact
of a person or population - Amount of biologically productive land water
for raw materials and to dispose/recycle waste - Overshoot humans have surpassed the Earths
We are using 30 more of the planets resources
than are available on a sustainable basis!
26Ecological Footprint
Fig. 1-7 p. 10
27Environmental Impact Equation developed in the
1970s by Paul Ehrlich, Barry Commoner, John
Holdren IPAT
Fig. 1-13 p. 15
28Interactions between natural capital and human
systems a summary diagram
29What is Our Greatest Environmental
Problem?Millers List
- Disease
- Overpopulation
- Water Shortages
- Climate Changes
- Biodiversity Loss
- Poverty
- Malnutrition
30Environmental and Resource Problems
- Major Problems(See Fig. 1-9 p. 12)
31Solutions to Environmental Problems
- Current Emphasis Reactive
- Sustainability Emphasis Proactive
32Current Emphasis
Sustainability Emphasis
Pollution cleanup Waste disposal(bury or
burn) Protecting species Environmentaldegrada
tion Increased resourceuse Population
growth Depleting anddegrading naturalcapital)
Pollution prevention(cleaner production) Waste
prevention reduction Protecting wherespecies
live (habitat protection) Environmentalrestorati
on Less wasteful (more efficient)resource
use Population stabilization bydecreasing birth
rates Protecting natural capitaland living off
the biological interest it provides