Title: MAJGEN Dave Chalmers, AO, CSC (Retd)
1Managing in the face of Disaster The Australian
Task Force in Aceh Dec 04 Apr 05
- MAJGEN Dave Chalmers, AO, CSC (Retd)
2- Boxing Day Tsunami
- - Sumatra
9.3 earthquake followed 15 minutes later by a 34
m wave Towns of Banda Aceh and Meulaboh partially
destroyed Approximately 250,000 dead 500,000
people displaced Food and water shortages, fewer
casualties than expected
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8Area of Operations
9- Combined Joint Task Force 629
1050 Australian Defence Force Personnel
- Headquarters
- Air Lift
- 7 x C130 Hercules transport aircraft (one of
which New Zealand) - 6 x UH-1H helicopters (two of which British)
- Hospital
- Engineers
- Support Ship
- HMAS Kanimbla Landing Platform Amphibious
- Joint Communications Unit
- Joint Logistic Support Unit
10CJTF Concept for Operations
Initial Response 27 Dec 2005
Logistic base
Air Lift
11Initial response -Water Distribution
12CJTF Concept for Operations
Support Ship
Logistic base
13- Based in a flooded Technical College
- Tasks
- Water purification
- Debris clearance
- Drain clearance
- Refugee camp sanitation
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16The people who produced outcomes
17The person who didnt produce much outcome!
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19What did we achieve?
- Distributed 1,200 tonnes of supplies
- Carried 2,500 displaced people
- Assisted with 70 aeromedical evacuations
- 3700 medical treatments
- 290 operations
- Produced 4.7 million litres of clean water
- Cleared 10,000 cubic metres debris
- Hand cleared kilometres of drains
- Moved 16 fishing boats
20Lessons Learnt
- Military Forces have a (limited) role to play
- Speed is essential
- Working in an information vacuum
- Go with the 90 solution and adjust your plan
from there - Assessment teams should pull the force
- Biggest need was not medical teams, engineers or
aircraft it was command and control - Unity of Effort
- Coordination of military, host nation, civilian
force elements - Most military forces worked bilaterally and were
uninvited - NGOs are like a herd of cats
- Value of standing arrangements for training and
working together
21Lessons Learnt
- Start planning the extraction
- Strategic lag
- Aid Agencies and NGO need to be part of the
military plan from first day - Cultural sensitivity
- Establishing legitimacy
- Respecting host nation sovereignty
- Military forces can put the mission before the
people - Collaboration, Trust, Mutual Respect
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