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Ievina Alka


New Doctors and Residentship Education in Latvia Data of R ga Stradina University and Project by the Latvian Association of New Doctors Presented to Latvian Medical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ievina Alka

New Doctors andResidentship Education in Latvia
Data of Riga Stradina University and Project by
the Latvian Association of New Doctors Presented
to Latvian Medical Association
Ievina Alka Latvian Medical Association VILNIUS2
6 27 SEPTEMBER 2005
Excerpts from Medical Treatment Law
  • Medical education the aggregate of knowledge
    and skills conforming to the medical education
    programme recognized under procedure prescribed
    by law, which is certified by a diploma issued by
    an educational institution (Medical Treatment
    Law, as amended on 8 April 2004)
  • Postgraduate education continuous education of
    medical practitioners in the form of
    specialisation or raising of qualification after
    obtaining a diploma from the medical educational
    institution (Medical Treatment Law, 1 October
  • Specialisation part of continuous education
    that takes place in accordance to the accredited
    education programme following a standard of
    profession and rules of speciality (Medical
    Treatment Law, as amended on 27 May 2004)
  • Improvement of a professional qualification -
    part of continuous education in a relevant
    speciality that takes places in accordance to the
    freely chosen education programme whose content
    and time for completion is not subject to
    regulation (Medical Treatment Law, as amended on
    27 May 2004)

- Continuous Education - Postgraduate
Education - Specialisation - Qualification
  • Residentship Education

  • Provision of education, incl. training of
    practical skills for obtaining the qualification
    of a specialist

History- specialization
courses - internship - residentship since -
  • Post-graduate training of a doctor in an
    official language, in a contractual employment
    relationship with a health care provider
    institution implementing educational programme,
    for the acquisition of a speciality in accordance
    with a accredited professional residentship
    educational programme in medicine. (Medical
    Treatment Law, as amended on 27 May 2004)

State Funded Residentship Education
Proposals from the Agency for Health Statistics
and Medical Technologies
  • Demand from sick-funds for family doctors
  • Demand from health care provider institutions for
    specialist doctors
  • Data from doctors labour market
  • - number of doctors working outside profession
  • - expected number of retired persons
  • - number of unemployed doctors
  • - vacant position for doctors
  • ? Epidemiological data from all regions

Normative Enactments
  • Medical Treatment Law, 1 July 1997
  • Law on Higher Education 17 November 1995
  • amendments
  • law of 27 December 1996, (LV, 10 Jan. No.
  • 23 November 2000, law (LV,12 Dec. No. 448/449)
  • 20 May 2003, Ruling of the Constitutional court
    (LV, 21 May No. 75)
  • 6 January 2004, Regulation of the Cabinet of
    Ministers No.1 (LV, 9 Jan. No. 4)
  • 3 June 2004., law (LV, 10 June No. 93)

Normative Enactments
3. Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of
13 March 2001., No.120 Regulation on funding of
residentship education and posting of resident
doctors (LV,16 March, No.43) amendments
Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of 3 June
2003, No. 292 (LV, 6. June., No.85)

4. Regulation of Cabinet of Ministers of 23 July
2003, No. 315 Regulation On the Minimum
Requirements for Education Programmes for
obtaining professional qualification of a
doctor. (LV, 26.
January., No. 109) 5. Rules on doctors
specialities as approved by the Ministry of
Health or Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of
Normative Enactments
6. Regulation of the Cabinet of
Ministers of 28 September 2004 No.804 Regulatio
n on employment remuneration system for medical
practitioners of state financed institutions and
social workers
State funded residentship education
Centre for Professional Medical Education
Health Care Institutions with teaching rights
Institutions of Higher Education
Pretenders for Residentship
State Funded Residentship Education
Tender procedure for award of contract from state
to conduct residentship education programme of
specialist doctors
Tender procedure for award of contract from state
to conduct residentship education programme of
family doctors
Tender results
Contract Partners Object of Contract
Ministry of Health Health Compulsory Insurance State Agency /Centre for Professional Medical Education Health care provider institution /Institution of Higher Education Funding of Residentship Programme
Health Compulsory Insurance State Agency /Centre for Professional Medical Education !!! Resident Posting after completion of residentship programme Refund of invested resources in cases of ill founded failure to complete programme or failure to work for at least 3 years in accordance with posting
Institution of Higher Education Health care provider institution accredited education programmes- - managaement, - supervision, - evaluation of education quality, - document certifying education ? Payment for teaching staff
Presently resident doctors in Latvia are
Remuneration for work (Salary? Scholarship?) Regul
ation of the Cabinet of Ministers No.120 Funds
received pursuant to the Article 4.1. health care
provider institutions and institutions of higher
education use for Remuneration of resident
doctors work. Employment contracts stipulate
entitlement to remuneration level of the 15th
category LVL 94 (after taxes appox. LVL 64)
Employment Contract with Hospital (Paying
resident doctors may or may not conclude it)
Full time employed doctors for the time period
required to complete full training in the
relevant specialty (Gailezers Hospital,
P.Stradina UniversityHospital)
Funds earmarked for education
RSU Resident doctor is a full time employed who
spends part of his study time in health care
institutions hospitals, outpatient clinics,
family doctors clinics etc. or the purposes of
undergoing practical training
Law on Education, Art.55 (4) Educatees have the
rights to receive scholarships, credits, benefits
and other type of material assistance following
the procedure determined by the Cabinet of
Ministers. Scholarship? (LVL 58,- from the
scholarship fund of an Institution of Higher
Study contract
Funds earmarked for education
LU residentship training is a postgraduate
training of a resident doctor (doctor) in
contractual employment relationship with a health
care provider institutionin a health care
provider institution with teaching rights or in
an institution of higher education in medicine.
At the same time a resident doctor is a student
at Latvia University.
Contract with Health Compulsory Insurance State
Agency /Ministry of Health that contains the
persons undertaking to engage in studies at
residentship programme and provides for
conclusion of employment contract and stipulates
the persons submission to the government posting
System for 3 years after completion of
Residentship programme
Government procurement for education in
residentship programmes is financed from state
budget according to the annual law on
state budget Approx. LVL 265,- (including
resident octors salary/salary for
work?/ substitution)
Resident doctor is a doctor (rights and
obligations are determined in cooperation with
Latvian Medical Association by adopting rules of
profession for the regulated profession of a
Full time employed Doctors for the time period
required to complete full training in the
relevant specialty
Doctors salary (in Latvia there are some 500
resident doctors) (every year starts 176)
Employment contract with hospital
Paying resident doctors also conclude employment
contracts and are salaried, but paying only for
their theoretical part of education
Scholarship? (from state budget funds that are
assigned for education in residentship
Institution of Higher Education resident doctor
shall be deemed to be a part time student in a
contractual employment relationship with a
health care provider institution with teaching
rights who is at the same time engaged in a
postgraduate training in a health care provider
institution with teaching rights or the
institution of a higher education. The
institution of a higher education organizes
Evaluation of knowledge and only exercises
control over the practical training (through the
head of the residentship programme by way o f
weekly visits,counselling, control etc.)
Study Contract
Money earmarked for education
Government procurement for resident doctors
education is financed from state
budget according to the annual law on state
budget LVL 265 (excluding resident doctors
salary altogetheor providing for
certain scholarship)
Contract with Professional Education
CenterHealthCompulsory Insurance State Agency /
Ministry of Health and undertaking to submit
oneself to the posting by the Ministry of
Health that has to be given prior to
the commencing of a residentship programme
Contract Partners Object of Contract
Resident doctor Health care provider institution / Institution of Higher Education Employment contract (funded by state)
Resident doctor Institution of Higher Education Fulfilment of obligations on the part of persons admitted to the residentship programme
Health Compulsory Insurance State Agency Resident doctor Conditions for remuneration of funds invested in education (in 5 years)
Article 26 (1) of the Medical Treatment Law
  • Medical practitioners who have been certified and
    registered in the register of medical
    practitioners may independently engage in medical
    treatment within their competence (as amended on
    8April 2004) (amendments of 27 May 2004)
  • (2) The persons that have completed accredited
    continuous education programme (specialization?
    postgraduate training?) that is a continuation of
    a previous secondary professional or higher
    medical education in the form of specialization
    or raising qualification may qualify for a
    certificate of a medical practitioner in a
    relevant specialty.

Article 33 of Medical Treatment Law (as amended
1June 2000)
  • Persons studying at medical education
    institutions (perhaps also resident doctors?)
    within the framework of the educational programme
    may engage in medical treatment only under direct
    supervision of a certified medical practitioner.

Article 28 of Medical Treatment Law (as amended
1October 2000)
  • The acquisition of a diploma of medical
    education shall permit the person, until
    certification in a specialty, to engage in
    medical treatment only under the supervision or
    guidance of such medical practitioner, as has a
    right to engage in the practice of medical
    treatment in the relevant field

The Status of a Doctor after University
  • Doctor
  • - trainee
  • - without certificate
  • Independent, but .
  • Works under supervision of a specialist
  • Change of attitude during the years of
  • Appealing for hospitals and specialists as a
    cheap labour force
  • Registration with Latvian Medical Association?
    Contract with Health Compulsory Insurance State

  • Medical practitioners persons who have a
    medical education and who are engaged in medical
    treatment (Medical Treatment Law, 1 October
  • Certificate of a medical practitioner a
    document issued by the Latvian Medical
    Association, or the certification institution
    authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers that
    certifies the professional proficiency of the
    relevant person and indicates that the medical
    practitioner as a specialist is competent to
    independently engage in the practice of medical
    treatment (specialist practice) in the relevant
    field. (Medical Treatment Law, 1 October 1997)

The most pressing problemsAmbiguous legal
status of resident doctors
  • Resident doctor considered student according to
  • Law On Institutions of Higher Education
  • Rules of residentship of Institutions of Higher
    Education (RSU, LU)
  • Contract with the Ministry of Health on
    postgraduate programme
  • Medical Treatment Law
  • Resident doctor considered employee according to
  • Labour contract concluded with Health Care
  • Law On Regulated Professions and the Recognition
    of Professional Qualifications
  • Medical Treatment Law

Why this Project?
  • Increasing dissatisfaction on the part of
    resident doctors with postgraduate education
    system and their low salary
  • Limitations, flaws and contradictions in
    legislation and other documents defining status,
    rights and obligations of resident doctors
  • Lack of legislation that would enable a
    competition on the labour market in other EU
  • Government posting system of new doctors

The most pressing problemsGovernment Posting
  • Psychological factor
  • Doctors degree at the age of 24
  • Certificate of specialist at the age of
  • Posting by the government from 28 till 31/33
  • Usefulness
  • Most of the posted new specialists
    remunerate their postgraduate education in good
  • Legality
  • Provided for only in the Regulation No. 120
    of the Cabinet of Ministers and contracts drafted
    pursuant to this Regulation by the Ministry of
    Health/ Health Compulsory Insurance State Agency
    with residentship training institution and labour
    contracts by some Health Care Provider

Dynamics of state financing of resident doctors
Presently only the rich can afford residentship
training,others must be allowed to work
ProjectNeeds to be done
  • Draft a rules for non-specialist doctors with the
    right of practice (rules for doctors profession)
  • Draft a rules for the registration of a
    non-specialist doctors with the right of practice
  • Summon a working group for the implementation of
    a project (in co-operation with Latvian Medical
    Association, Institutions of Higher Education,
    health care institutions, Ministry of Health/
    Health Compulsory Insurance State Agency and with
    the help of legal experts)

  • Increase of salary according the current rate of
    increase for specialist doctors and pursuant the
    Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers
  • The right of independent practice in the chosen
    health care institution within the limits as
    defined in the Rules
  • Become registered doctor in Latvia with the right
    of independent practice which is one of the
    necessary prerequisites enabling postgraduate
    training abroad

One cannot reproach the hungry for acceptinga
piece of bread from a stranger but perhaps it
could be possible to arrange that ones own
peopleprovide him with food!
Thank you for your attention!
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