Title: Order and Animals in Nineteenth-Century Toronto
1Order and Animals in Nineteenth-Century Toronto
Sean Kheraj Department of History York University
kherajs_at_yorku.ca http//seankheraj.com
2Yonge Street, south of King Street looking south,
1880 TPL E 2-37a
3King Street at Jarvis looking west, ca.
1885-95 CTA, fond 1478, item 21
4Horse-drawn streetcar, 1890 CTA, fond 16, item
5Horse-drawn streetcar, ca. 1892 CTA, fond 1244,
item 1356
6York Street looking north from Adelaide Street
W., 1893 TPL, 7-49
7Butchers Shop, Davenport Road, 189? TPL,
8St. Lawrence Market, Jarvis and Front Streets,
ca. 1885-95 CTA, fond 1478, item 21
9Spadina Avenue, Toronto, 1890s
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12Human and Large Domestic Ungulate Populations of
Toronto, 1861-1911
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27By-law No. 4, An act concerning Nuisances and the
good Government of the City (30 May 1834)
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31Order and Animals in Nineteenth-Century Toronto
Sean Kheraj Department of History York University
kherajs_at_yorku.ca http//seankheraj.com