Intro to LSP 121 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intro to LSP 121


LSP 121 Intro to LSP 121 Normal Distributions Welcome to LSP 121 Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy II Continuation of concepts from LSP 120 Topics we ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intro to LSP 121

LSP 121
  • Intro to LSP 121
  • Normal Distributions

Welcome to LSP 121
  • Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy
  • Continuation of concepts from LSP 120
  • Topics we feel you will need to make it through
    college and into a career
  • Normal distributions
  • Descriptive statistics and correlation
  • Probability and risk
  • Databases
  • Algorithms
  • If you feel you know this material, take the test
  • See Syllabus under Prerequisites

What is a Normal Distribution?
  • Very common, very special type of distribution
  • Most data values are clustered near the mean (a
    single peak)
  • Distribution is symmetric
  • Tapering tales as you move away from the mean
  • Looks like a bell curve

The 68-95-99.7 Rule
  • About 68 (68.3), or just over 2/3, of the data
    points fall within 1 standard deviation ( or -)
    of the mean
  • About 95 (95.4) of the data points fall within
    2 standard deviations of the mean
  • About 99.7 of the data points fall within 3
    standard deviations of the mean

Pop-Quiz How many percent lie between mean -1
standard deviation and mean 1 standard
deviation? 68 How many percent lie between
mean 1 stdev and mean 3 stdev? 15.85 Ho
w many percent lie greater than mean 3 stdev?
  • In the real world, SAT exams typically produce
    normal distributions with a mean of 500 and a
    standard deviation of 100.
  • Thus, 68 of the students score between 400 and
  • 95 of the students score between 300 and 700
  • 99.7 score between 200 and 800
  • What if someone scored 720 on the SAT? What
    percentage of students scored less than or equal
    to 720?
  • Use Excels NORMDIST function
  • In a cell type NORMDIST(X, mean, stdev, true)
  • For our problem NORMDIST(720, 500, 100, TRUE)
  • Answer 0.986097, or 98.6097
  • What percentage scored greater than 720?

Another Example
  • A survey finds that prices paid for two-year-old
    Ford Explorers are normally distributed with a
    mean of 16,500 and a standard deviation of 500.
    Consider a sample of 10,000 people who bought
    two-year-old Ford Explorers.
  • How many people paid between 16,000 and 17,000?
  • NORMDIST(16000,16500,500,true) yields 0.158655
  • NORMDIST(17000, 16500, 500, true) yields
  • Subtract 0.841345 0.158655 yields 0.682689
  • Or use the graph two slides back

Another Example
  • How many paid less than 16,000?
  • NORMDIST(16000, 16500, 500, true) yields
    0.158655, or 15.8655
  • Or use the graph
  • What is another way of saying What percentage of
    values are less than or equal to some value X?
    (see next slide)

  • The nth percentile of a data set is the smallest
    value in the set with the property that n of the
    data values are less than or equal to it.
  • In a normal distribution, a z score of 0 is the
    mean. At the mean, 50 (or 0.50) of all the
    values are less than or equal to the mean. The
    mean is the 50th percentile.

  • Cholesterol levels in men 18 to 24 years of age
    are normally distributed with a mean of 178 and a
    standard deviation of 41.
  • In what percentile is a man with a cholesterol
    level of 190?
  • Using Excels normdist function
  • normdist(190,178,41,true) returns 0.61, or 61st

Standard Scores
  • The standard score is the number of standard
    deviations a value lies above or below the mean.
  • aka Standard score, z-score, z
  • The standard score of the mean is z0
  • Recall that mean is a better word for average
  • Example The standard score of a data value 1.5
    standard deviations above the mean is z1.5
  • Example What is the standard score for a student
    who scores 300 on an exam with a mean of 400,
    standard deviation of 100?
  • This student scored exactly 1 SD below the mean,
    so z -1

Standard Scores
  • The standard score of a data value 2.4 standard
    deviations below the mean is z -2.4
  • In general
  • z (data value mean) / standard deviation
  • the data value is typically called x

  • The Stanford-Binet IQ test is designed so that
    scores are normally distributed with a mean of
    100 and a standard deviation of 16. What are the
    z-scores for IQ scores of 95 and 125?
  • z (95 - 100) / 16 -0.31
  • z (125 - 100) / 16 1.56 Thus, an IQ score of
    125 lies 1.56 standard deviations above the mean.

Inverse Normal Distribution Function
  • What if you know the mean, standard deviation,
    and percentile, and want to know the actual value
  • Recall z (x mean) / standard deviation
  • You can also use Excels NORMINV
  • Know how to use BOTH. On an exam, youll use the
  • Example If a set of exam scores has a mean of
    76, a standard deviation of 12, and one score is
    at the 86th percentile, what was the students
    exact numeric score?
  • Answer x 88.9
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