Title: Parallel neural Circuit SIMulator (PCSIM) - Tutorial
1Parallel neural Circuit SIMulator (PCSIM) -
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science Graz
University of Technology
FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School,
Frankfurt, August, 2008
2Outline of the Tutorial
- General Info What is PCSIM?
- Features What is PCSIM useful for?
- Network elements neurons and synapses
- Scalability Using clusters for parallel
simulation. - Python Interface
- PCSIM basic operations
- Creating and connecting neurons
- Simulating
- Recording signals
- Populations and Projections
- Summary
3Who am I?
- Ph.D. Student at theInstitute for Theoretical
Computer Science, Graz University of Technology - One of the developers of PCSIM.
- Research Interests
- Plasticity and Learning mechanisms in neural
circuits - Spiking Neural Networks
- Simulation technologies/algorithms for biological
neural networks
4PCSIM in a nutshell
- Simulator for parallel simulation of spiking and
analog neural networks with point neuron models - Implemented in C, with Python and Java
interfaces - High-level definition of neural networks
- Library of built-in neuron and synapse models
- Part of FACETS standardization efforts the pyNN
interface http//www.neuralensemble.org - Open-source, free, released under the GPL
license, web page at http//www.igi.tugraz.at/pcs
- Thomas Natschläger Ph.D.Software Competence
Center Hagenberg Hagenberg, Austria - Dejan Pecevski DIInstitute for theoretical
computer scienceGraz University of Technology
Graz, Austria
Other Contributors Klaus Schuch DI (IGI),
Christian Ernstbrunner DI (SCCH),
Walter Hargassner DI (SCCH)
6Feature Overview
- Object Oriented Design
- The user interface/view is object oriented
- General Communication System
- Analog and spiking messages
- Network elements with multiple input and output
ports - Supported in distributed/multi-threaded mode
- Flexible construction of more complex network
architectures - Populations of simulated objects
- Projections for connectivity specification
7Feature Overview
- Parallel simulation
- Mixed multi-thread and distributed
- Easy to use, transparent to the user
- Easily extensible
- A compilation tool for creating PCSIM extension
packages - Usable as backend component in C, Python, Java,
- Easier and faster setup of simulations in Python
and Java - Runs on Linux or other Unix-like platforms
- can be compiled under Windows (still not tested).
8PCSIM high-level structure
9Type of models PCSIM is suitable for
- Large recurrent networks with simple point
neurons - Distributed and multi-threaded capabilities
- Efficient simulation engine in C
- More than 105 spiking neurons and 108 synapses
- Hybrid models
- Abstract modules (filters etc.) combined together
with circuits of analog neurons and spiking
neurons - Extensible with new custom elements
- Closed loop/feedback models
10Type of models PCSIM is suitable for
- Structured models
- Networks composed of smaller subnetworks
(Populations) - Probabilistic connectivity patterns based on
neurons attributes - Diversity of neurons and synapses
- Different neuron types in the neuron populations
- Specifying random distribution for parameter
values - New neuron and synapse types can be implemented
11Examples of PCSIM usage
- Spiking neural network model of the V1 area in
the visual cortex of mammals (Schuch Rasch) - Testing the computational performance of laminar
cortical models based on experimental data.
(Schuch Haeusler) - Experiments to examine the learning capabilities
of reward-modulated spike-timing-dependent
plasticity (Legenstein, Pecevski, Maass)
12A simple model represented in PCSIM
Model equations
- The equations can be decoupled into separate
simulated elements. - Presynaptic neurons send spikes to the synapses.
- Synapses inject currents (or modify conductances)
in the postsynaptic neuron.
13Network element basic building block
- Nodes of the network (dynamical systems)
- Advanced/integrated each time step of the
simulation - Represented by class SimObject
- Neurons, synapses, recorders are derived from
this class - Multiple input and output ports, either analog or
spiking. - Connections are formed from output to input ports
of the same type. - Every element in PCSIM
14Neurons and Synapses as Network Elements
- Synapses as network elements are attached to the
postsynaptic neuron - Synapses have one input port, no output ports
- Neurons have only one output, no inputs
- The spiking and analog connections can connect
neurons on different nodes
15Built-in Neuron Models
- Spiking Models
- LifNeuron, CbLifNeuron
- Leaky integrate-and-fire
- HHNeuron
- Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron
- IzhiNeuron (Izhikevich, 2004)
- aeIFNeuron
- Adaptive Exponential IF
- (Brette and Gerstner, 2005)
- LinearPoissonNeuronLeaky integrate with Poisson
- Input Neurons
- PoissonInputNeuron
- SpikingInputNeuron
- Analog Neurons
- LinearAnalogNeuron
16Built-in Synapse Models
- Type
- current based
- conductance based
- PSR Kernel
- exponential, alpha, double-exponential, Square
- Short-term Plasticity
- (Markram et al. 1998)
- Spike-timing-dependent Plasticity
- (Froemke and Dan, 2002)
- (Gütig et al, 2003)
- each pair and nearest neighbour
- Other Mechanisms
- NMDA(Gabbiani et al. 1994)
- GabaB (Mainen et al. 1994)
- Reward-modulated STDP (Izhikevich, 2007)
- Homeostatic plasticity(Buonomano et al. 2005)
- Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise synapse (Destexhe et
al. 2001) - Analog Synapse
17Simulation Strategy
- Clock-driven simulation with a fixed time step.
- Hybrid Integration Strategy
- Neurons are integrated every time step.
- Synapses are event driven, i.e. they are
integrated only after receiving a spike. - Numeric Integration Algorithms
- Exponential Euler Method
- ODE solvers from GSL
18Parallel Simulation
- Each MPI process advances subset of neurons
- MPI as underlying communication layer
- spiking and analog messages
- Each process can have multiple-threads
- Transparent to the user
- Default round-robin distribution of the neurons
over nodes - Custom distribution strategies
- Easy retrieval of recordings (as in single-thread
19Parallel Simulation
- Why?
- Speed-up simulation of an existing model by using
more processors - Enables simulation of larger models no memory
limit problem - Scale up the number of neurons while keeping the
simulation time the same. - Comparison between single-threaded and
distributed simulation - lt 104 neurons and 107 synapses on a single
machine - gt 105 neurons and 108 synapses on clusters
- gt 106 neurons and 1010 synapses on
20Scalability of PCSIM
- Hardware 3.4 Ghz, 512 kb cache, 4GB RAM
- Model
- 50000 LifNeurons, 4.0 Hz average firing rate
- 50?106 synapses, 1.5 ms transmission delay
21Scalability of PCSIM
- Hardware 3.4 Ghz, 512 kb cache, 4GB RAM
- Cuba Model
- 5000 LifNeurons per node, 4.0 Hz average firing
rate - 103 synapses per neuron, 1.0 ms transmission
delay, broad distribution of time synaptic
22Extending PCSIM
- What are extensions?
- User implemented classes that are plugged into
the PCSIM OO framework - usualy coded in C (can be coded also in Python)
- Compilation of additional separate Python
extension packages, without the need to recompile
the main PCSIM code. - The extension classes are automatically wrapped
in Python - Usual extensions for PCSIM
- new neuron/synapse types
- other user defined network elements
- custom rules for specific network construction
23Python Interface
- What is Python? (taken from www.python.org)
- Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming
language - offers strong support for integration with other
languages and tools. - comes with extensive standard libraries
(batteries included). - can be learned in a few days.
- Many Python programmers report substantial
productivity gains and feel the language
encourages the development of higher quality,
more maintainable code. - many scientific packages scipy, numpy,
matplotlib, ipython, Rpy etc.
24Python Interface
- PCSIM can be imported as a package within Python
- The model is represented as a network object
- Individual neurons and synapses are accessible as
python objects. - Population and Projection objects for high-level
construction of networks composed of populations - Together with the other Python packages for
scientific computing provides a complete working
environment for neural simulations.
from pypcsim import
net SingleThreadNetwork()
25Creating and connecting neurons
- Creates one LIF neuron with default parameter
values - nrn_model LifNeuron()
- nrn_id net.create( nrn_model )
- Creates array of 10 LIFneurons
- nrn_array net.create( LifNeuron(), 10)
- Connects the first and the second neuron in the
array - syn_id net.connect( nrn_array0, nrn_array1,
26Specifying neuron/synapse parameters
- nrn net.create(LifNeuron( Cm2e-10,
- Rm1e8,
- Vthresh-50e-3,
Vresting-60e-3, - Vreset-60e-3,
Trefract5e-3, Vinit-60e-3 )) - syn net.connect( pre_nrn, post_nrn,
- StaticSpikingSynapse( W1e-10,
- tau
5e-3, -
delay1e-3 ))
- record the output spikes of a neuron
- rec_spk net.record( nrn, SpikeTimeRecorder() )
- record the membrane potential
- rec_vm net.record( nrn, Vm, AnalogRecorder()
) - record the weight of a synapse
- rec_syn net.record( syn, W, AnalogRecorder()
) - record any field in an element
- rec net.record( myElement,
- anyFieldName, AnalogRecorder())
28Simulate the model
- simulate the network for 1 second
- net.simulate(1.0)
- or advance it for 200 time steps
- net.advance(200)
29Accessing individual neurons/synapses
- creates return an ID of the neuron
- nrn_id net.create( LifNeuron() )
- get the actual neuron object from the network
- nrn_object net.object(nrn_id)
- Manipulate the neuron object
- nrn_object.Vthresh -59e-3
- getting the recorded values from a recorder
- values list(net.object(rec_id).getRecordedValues
30Synapse classes nomenclature
- StaticCurrExpSynapse (StaticSpikingSynapse)
- DynamicCondDblExpSynapse
- StaticStdpCondAlphaSynapse
- DynamicCurrAlphaSynapse
- DynamicNMDAAlphaSynapse
Current/conductance based?
Shape of PSR kernel
Short-term plasticity
31Hello, world!
- from pypcsim import
- net SingleThreadNetwork()
- pre_nrn net.create( LifNeuron(Iinject 5e-8) )
- post_nrn net.create( LifNeuron(Iinject 5e-8)
) - net.connect( pre_nrn, post_nrn,
StaticSpikingSynapse()) - rec net.record( post_nrn, SpikeTimeRecorder() )
- net.simulate(0.2)
- print spike times, list(net.object(rec).getReco
32Specifying inputs
- Create input neuron which spikes at specific
times - net.create(SpikingInputNeuron( 0.1, 0.2, 0.4))
- Create input neuron with Poisson process spike
times - net.create( PoissonInputNeuron(rate 10,
duration 10) ) - Create analog input neuron with an
- output analog signal specified as array
- net.create( AnalogInputNeuron( arange(0,10,1e-4)
1 ) )
33Creating and connecting many neurons
- Population of 1000 neurons randomly
interconnected with 0.1 probability - Population of recorders one for each neuron in
the population
- create a population of 1000 LIF neurons
- popul SimObjectPopulation(net, LifNeuron(),
1000) - create the projection
- proj ConnectionsProjection( popul, popul,
- StaticSpikingSynapse(), RandomConnections
( 0.1 ) ) - create a recorder population
- rec_popul popul.record( SpikeTimeRecorder() )
34Random distributions for parameter values
- Factory an object that generates PCSIM elements
- Neuron and synapse objects (used as models for
creation) are simple clone factories - SimObjectVariationFactory factory that attaches
random distributions to parameter names
nrn_factory SimObjectVariationFactory(
LifNeuron() ) nrn_factory.set( Vinit, Normal
Distribution( -55e-3, 0.1 ) ) popul
SimObjectPopulation(net, nrn_factory, 1000)
35Spatial heterogenous populations
- Each neuron has coordinates in 3D space
- The population is composed of different families
of neurons (that can be of different type)
- exc_nrn LifNeuron( Cm 2e-10,
- Inoise 1e-10)
- inh_nrn LifNeuron( Cm 3e-10 )
- popul SpatialFamilyPopulation(net,
- exc_nrn, inh_nrn,
- RatioBasedFamilies((4,1) ),
- CuboidIntegerGrid3D(20,10,10))
- exc_popul, inh_popul popul.splitFamilies()
36Distance dependent random connections
Creates random connections with
probability where D is the euclidean
distance between the two neurons
- proj ConnectionsProjection( popul, popul,
- StaticSpikingSynapse(),
- EuclideanDistanceRandomConnections( C, lambda )
) -
37Saving recorded data
- from pypcsimplus import
- Create the recording class
- r Recordings()
- Add the recorder populations as attributes to r
- r.spikes popul1.record( SpikeTimeRecorder() )
- r.vm_traces popul2.record( Vm,
AnalogRecorder() ) - Some additional variables to be saved
- r.v 5
- Save the Recordings class to a HDF5 file
- r.saveInOneH5File(results.h5)
38Running a parallel simulation
- Change the network class from SingleThreadNetwork
to either - MultiThreadNetwork( nThreads 4 )
- DistributedSingleThreadNetwork
- DistributedMultiThreadNetwork
- then run the script with mpirun
mpirun n 10 python my_experiment.py
- PCSIM is a tool for simulation structured random
neural networks composed of spiking and analog
point neuron models - Has various built-in neuron and synapse models
- Supports parallel simulation distributed and
multi-threaded - Flexible high-level construction of networks
based on probabilistic rules - The Object-oriented framework is designed to
support easy extensions - Can be used as a package within the Python
interpreting programming language, together with
other useful scientific packages
40PCSIM Resources
- Web page
- http//www.lsm.tugraz.at/pcsim
- On Sourceforge http//www.sourceforge.net/project
s/pcsim - Mailing listhttp//sourceforge.net/mailarchive/fo
rum.php?forum_namepcsim-users - User manualhttp//www.lsm.tugraz.at/pcsim/userman
ual/html/index.html - C class referencehttp//www.lsm.tugraz.at/pcsim
41- Thank you for your attention!