Community Helpers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Community Helpers


BY: Marie Pitsenbarger and Marybeth Alemagno First Grade Economic Activity 4 ACTIVITY 4 Students will identify producers, consumers, goods and services targeted by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Community Helpers

Community Helpers
BY Marie Pitsenbarger and Marybeth
Alemagno First Grade
Table of Contents
  • Economics
  • Standard and Websites
  • Activity 1
  • Activities 2 and 3
  • Activity 4
  • Activity 5
  • Government
  • Standard and Websites
  • Activities 1 and 2
  • Activities 3 and 4
  • Activity 5
  • Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
  • Standard and Websites
  • Activities 1 and 2
  • Activities 3 and 4
  • Activity 5
  • Social Studies Skills and Methods
  • Standard and Websites
  • Activities 1 and 2
  • Title Page
  • History
  • Standard and Websites
  • Activities 1 and 2
  • Activity 3
  • Activity 4
  • Activity 5
  • People in Societies
  • Standard and Websites
  • Activity 1
  • Activity 2
  • Activity 3
  • Activities 4 and 5
  • Geography
  • Standard and Websites
  • Activities 1 and 2
  • Activities 3 and 4
  • Activity 5

History Standard
  • Students use materials drawn from the diversity
    of human experience to analyze and interpret
    significant events, patterns and themes in the
    history of Ohio, the United States and the world.

Additional Activities about Federal
Holidays http//
s/units/Byrnes-celebrations/federalholidays.html L
essons on Heros http//
pages/LessonPlans/Hero20Lesson.pdf Firefighter
Picture of 9/11 http//
ages/firefighters1024_768.jpg President J. F. K.
Picture http//
ypeId4 Amelia Earhart Official
Site http//
History Activities 1 and 2
  • Have the students research a president and their
    accomplishments. Discuss the importance of
    Presidents Day and remembering their
    achievements of their president.
  • Materials
  • Books of biographies of presidents
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Materials
  • Large construction paper
  • Calendar Template
  • Crayons and Markers
  • Pencil
  • Have students create a calendar with one
    community helper they have learned and a brief
    sentence of the helpers service to the

History Activity 3
  • Have each student complete a page for a class
    book on the heroes (police men, fire fighters,
    nurses, and doctors) of 9/11. Have students fill
    in the following sentence ________ was a hero on
    September 11, 2001 because _____________.
    Students will then draw a picture at the top of
    the page.
  • Materials
  • New York's Bravest by Mary
  • Pope Osborne and Steve Johnson
  • Paper
  • Crayons

History Activity 4
  • Students will read a book about Amelia Earhart
    and see one of the greatest female pilots of her
    time. After studying about her the students will
    create a poster explaining how a pilot is a
    community helper.
  • Materials
  • Book recommendation A Troll First-Start
    Biography  Young Amelia Earhart A Dream to Fly-
    Story  by Sarah Alcott, illustrations by James
  • Poster board
  • Markers/ Crayons
  • Pencil

History Activity 5
  • Activity 5
  • Have children create a personal timeline listing
    the community helpers they have encountered
    through major events in their lives.
  • Birth
  • Doctor/dentist visits
  • Schooling
  • Pet/s visits to vet
  • Any other encounters with community helpers
  • Materials
  • Parents help in determining events and times
  • Photographs
  • Pencil
  • Crayon/Markers
  • Long strips of paper

People in Societies Standard
  • Students use knowledge of perspectives, practices
    and products of cultural, ethnic and social
    groups to analyze the impact of their commonality
    and diversity within local, national, regional
    and global settings.

Community Helpers Theme http//
/theme/commhelpers.htm Our Community
Helpers http//
LPid5597 Jobs of Community Helpers Review
Game http// Miller
Construction Company http//www.millerconstruction
.com/ Pavers by Design http//www.paversbydesign.n
et/ l
People in Societies Activity 1
  • Learning about community helpers, such as police
    officers, fire fighters and hospital workers, and
    taking community field trips will help students
    understand how they fit into their community and
    the world. Identify important aspects of
    community and culture that strengthen
    relationships within a family to create a family
    tablecloth for the classroom
  • Materials
  • pictures of national symbols from all countries
    to represent community helpers laminated and
    glued onto poster boards
  • Books for researching different countries and
    symbols that represent a community helper
  • a light/plain tablecloth
  • paint and paint brushes
  • markers
  • table to lay tablecloth out on

People in Societies Activity 2
  • Have the children look through ethnic cook books
    and see what recipe they want to make. Have them
    create their own recipes by cutting out pictures
    of food and glue them to their recipe card.
  • Children can then create names for their dishes
    and share their creation and the cultural
  • Materials
  • Glue
  • Magazine pictures of food
  • Large index cards/Construction paper (recipe
  • Markers
  • Cook Book

People in Societies Activity 3
  • After reading the folktale of Paul Bunyan we will
    discuss how he was a community helper too because
    all lumberjacks are. We will color this picture
    of Paul Bunyan and write
    on the back what lumberjacks do.
  • Materials
  • Folktale of Paul Bunyan
  • Picture
  • Lined paper
  • Pencil
  • Markers/Crayons

People in Societies Activities 4 and 5
  • The high school foreign language teachers will
    come and share how other cultures communicate.
    We will learn simple greetings in many different
  • Materials
  • Foreign Language teachers
  • Handouts of the different greeting pronunciations
  • The local construction company will send a
    foreman to show the children how our culture uses
    wood, bricks, and other materials to build homes,
    while other cultures use mud, sticks, and leaves
    to build their homes! Together we will use
    materials to construct a home.
  • Materials
  • The Construction worker
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Twine
  • Clay

Geography Standard
  • Students use knowledge of geographic locations,
    patterns and processes to show the
    interrelationship between the physical
    environment and human activity, and to explain
    the interactions that occur in an increasingly
    interdependent world.

Your Neighborhood http//
ighborhood/index.html Education
World http//
od/newsletters/newsletterV02N09.shtml Community
Helper Costumes http//
816.html Mapping Your Community http//content.sch
chNow_MappingCommunity.pdf Community Services and
Maps http//
CommServiceGroup.pdf j
Geography Activities 1 and 2
    children to work on a definition of community
    helper. This will be a work in progress,
    constantly changing as children meet or learn
    about community helpers. Compare each community
    helper against the definition. (As the number of
    community helpers examined increases, the
    definition will become more generalized.)
  • Materials
  • Chart paper
  • Marker
  • Materials
  • Costumes and props
  • Children will dress up as a community helper and
    share with the class their costume. They will
    explain why they are dressed that way and what
    that community helper does to help our community.

Geography Activities 3 and 4
  • Identify symbols that can represent a community
    helper. Explain what a symbol is and how they
    are used.
  • cross for a Doctor, apple for a Teacher, book for
    a Librarian, tooth for a Dentist, star for a
    Police Officer, envelope for a mail carrier, fire
    for a Firefighter, bread for a baker, etc.
  • Materials
  • Chart paper
  • Marker
  • Using the symbols we made in activity 1 have
    students create a map of our town labeling the
    community helpers with our symbols.
  • Materials
  • Tag-board
  • Markers
  • Map of our town

Geography Activity 5
  • Visiting the a fire department!
  • Using the map of the town we made, we will plan
    route we will take there and back. Such as turn
    left at the library, turn left at the stop sign.
    This will help with giving directions to a
  • Materials
  • Our maps
  • A step by step direction route on chart paper
  • A marker to trace our route

Economics Standard
  • Students use economic reasoning skills and
    knowledge of major economic concepts, issues and
    systems in order to make informed choices as
    producers, consumers, savers, investors, workers
    and citizens in an interdependent world.

Hierarchy of Needs http//
ic_needs/images/maslows_hierarchy2.jpg Elementary
Economics Lessons http//
lementary.asp Additional Lessons on
Economics http//
ols/LPShared/displayunit.asp?UnitID1468 Economics
Lessons Using Childrens Books http//www.mcps.k1 Econ-o
-mania http//
Economics Activity 1
  • Identify the basic needs (food, safety, health)
    of human beings as a class. Determine how these
    needs are met and the roles of community helpers
    in meeting these needs.
  • People need ___________. A ___________ helps
    them by _____________.
  • Materials
  • Tag-board
  • Pencil
  • Crayons/ Markers

Economic Activities 2 and 3
  • Children will categorize the jobs of various
    community helpers by the production of goods or
    the service offered. Have them do a free write
    journal on how these goods and services
    effect/benefit their community.
  • Materials
  • - Chart for class categorizations
  • - Paper
  • - Pencil
  • Students will categorize objects as man-made or
    natural resources after learning the difference
    between the two. Discuss with the class the
    scarcity of resources and how that effects the
    community helpers who use those materials.
  • Materials
  • - Chart for man-made and natural resources
  • - Paper
  • - Pencil

Economic Activity 4
  • Students will identify producers, consumers,
    goods and services targeted by selected
    advertisements. They will also work with a group
    to identify producers in their own community
    found in a local telephone book. As a class the
    students will discuss their findings and
    determine which of people they selected are
    community helpers.
  • Materials
  • - Definitions of producers and consumers
  • - A few selected advertisements to discuss
  • - Local telephone books
  • - Paper
  • - Pencil

Economic Activity 5
  • Have each child select the job of a community
    worker. They should create a product or offer a
    service according to their community helper.
    Each member of the community (class) will set up
    shop or service area. Each student will receive
    a problem which they need to solve through the
    help of their community. The class must exchange
    or find means of obtaining goods and services
    without money.
  • Materials
  • -Paper
  • -Crayons/ Markers
  • - Props
  • -Individual Problems based on the community
  • helper positions that the class chose

Government Standard
  • Students use knowledge of the purposes,
    structures and processes of political systems at
    the local, state, national and international
    levels to understand that people create systems
    of government as structures of power and
    authority to provide order, maintain stability
    and promote the general welfare.

Community Club http//
lub/officer/makbadge.asp Mayor of
Bellbrook http//
a5oeR-v8N4uKiwHP2J11 Bellbrook Police
Department http//
html Our Community Helpers http//comsewogue.k12.n
Drug Enforcement Agency http//
Government Activities 1 and 2
  • Have a Police Officer come in and talk to the
    class telling them what he does to make their
    neighborhood a safer place. He will then pass
    out police badges to all the students
  • Materials
  • Badges
  • Police Man
  • ACTIVITY 2 The Line Up!
  • The Police officer will fingerprint them and
  • trace their outlines as if they had committed
  • a crime and the students will decorate them
  • Materials
  • White bulletin board paper
  • Makers
  • Crayons
  • Ink (for fingerprinting)

Government Activities 3 and 4
  • The job of a police man is to ensure that
    everyone is following rules. In class make a
    list of rules for our own classroom. Each day
    there will be a police officer of the day to
    ensure everyone is following the rules.
  • Materials
  • Chart paper
  • Marker
  • Police badges from previous activity
  • ACTIVITY 4 Visit to the Mayor
  • The class will go together and visit the Mayor.
    On their trip they will recognize
    symbols that represent democracy.
    They will begin to learn what exactly a democracy
  • Materials
  • Clip boards to record symbols
  • Pencil
  • Bus to transport the students to the Mayor

Government Activity 5
  • After visiting the Mayor the children observed
    how a democracy is run. Our classroom will
    conduct an election to decide classroom
  • EX Tyrone is good at sharing toys, Johnny is
    not. Tyrone should be the leader of playtime.
    The class will decide who should be in charge by
    a democratic vote.
  • Materials
  • Chart paper
  • Marker
  • Police badges from previous activity

Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Standard
  • Students use knowledge of the rights and
    responsibilities of citizenship in order to
    examine and evaluate civic ideals and to
    participate in community life and the American
    democratic system.

Good Citizen Test http//
C/Citizenship.html The Five Themes of Citizenship
l Additional Lesson on Citizenship
_day More activities on The Judge An Untrue Tale
kid32 Books and Lesson Plans on Community
Helpers http//
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Activities 1 and 2
  • Activity 1
  • Watch Citizenship in the Community. Have them
    write a list of the community
  • workers that they see or are discussed in the
    video. Hold a grand discussion with
  • the children about citizenship.
  • Materials
  • - Citizenship in the Community Video
  • -pencil
  • -paper
  • Activity 2
  • Read the book The Judge An Untrue Tale
  • by Harve Zemach. Discuss the role of the judge
  • as a community helper. Discuss whether the judge
    provided fairness to those brought
  • before him. Create a venn diagram comparing how
    the judge helps the community
  • and the role of another community helper that has
    been recently discussed.
  • Materials
  • -The Judge An Untrue Tale
  • -Venn Diagram

Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Activities 3 and 4
  • Activity 3
  • Review the role of a judge as discussed in
    activity 2. Discuss with the class the meaning
    of fairness. Select one child to play the
    judge. Have the rest of the children work in
    groups to demonstrate fairness through a skit.
    Give each group a situation and have the judge
    determine whether the group was fair to everyone
  • Materials
  • -Short description of a situation to be acted
  • -Props
  • Activity 4
  • Ask the children what they would like to be when
    they grow up. Do they want to be a community
    helper? Talk about the importance of
    demonstrating citizenship traits in a future job
    such as trustworthiness, fairness, self-control,
    and respect for those in authority. Have the
    students draw a picture of themselves as a
    community helper demonstrating one of the
    qualities listed above. May have to limit the
    class to a specific trait if the class is
  • Materials
  • -Large paper for class list of positive
    character traits
  • -Paper or tagboard
  • -Pencil, crayons, or markers

Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity 5
  • Activity 5
  • Discussion Many community helpers such as police
    officers and teachers remind us to show respect
    to one another. What does it mean to respect
    someone? How can we show someone respect? Who
    should we show respect to?
  • Class Book Create a class book titled
    Respectful Citizens. Review the term citizen
    with the children. Have each student make one
    page for the book filling in the blanks I give
    ___________ respect when I _______________. They
    may illustrate their page by drawing or selecting
    an image from the computer or a magazine.
  • Materials
  • - Tagboard or construction paper
  • - Pencil, markers, crayons.
  • - Hole Punch
  • - Magazines
  • - Yarn to tie book together

Social Studies Skills and Methods Standard
  • Students collect, organize, evaluate and
    synthesize information from multiple sources to
    draw logical conclusions. Students communicate
    this information using appropriate social studies
    terminology in oral, written or multimedia form
    and apply what they have learned to societal
    issues in simulated or real-world settings.

Fire Station Virtual Tours http//www.kent.k12.wa.
us//curriculum/vtours/fire/tour.html Old
Macdonald Had a Farm http//
sr1-6 Graphic Organizer http//content.scholasti Community
Club http// Softw
are for kids http//
600/_i/15180511/1.jpg l
Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities 1
and 2
  • ACTIVITY 1 Visit a local post office
  • Discuss with children the role of mail carriers.
    Have children interview a mail carrier with
    questions previously discussed in class. During
    the tour show courtesy and respect and record the
  • Materials
  • -notebooks
  • -pencils
  • -list of interview questions
  • Have the children write a speech they can share
    orally with the class. The speech will be
    written as if they are that community helper.
    Children will explain what they do to help the
    community and how their job is important
  • Materials
  • -note cards
  • -pencil
  • -books with information of a community helper

Social Studies Skills and Methods Activity 3
  • We will read the book Old MacDonald Had a Farm
    and identify the main idea on the worksheet
    below. We will then discuss the job of a farmer
    and how he is a community helper.
  • Materials
  • -Old MacDonald Had a Farm by Frances Coney
  • -Main idea worksheet
  • -Pencil

Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities 4
and 5
  • Students will together in a group setting and
    determine categories for sorting the community
    helpers they have learned. Examples of
    categories could be..
  • Health School Safety
  • Materials
  • Chart paper
  • Markers
  • Have the children obtain information about
    community helpers using a variety of resources,
    both orally(what they have learned) and
    visually(in books). Have them create a memory
    card game of community helpers and what they each
    one does to help the community. These memory
    cards will be used as a study tool to help study
    for their community helpers test.
  • Materials
  • Index cards
  • Pencil
  • Variety of resource books
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