Title: Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance)
1Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance)
2Medigap Basics
Lesson 1 Medigap Basics Lesson 2 Medigap in
3Session Topics
- Overview
- Medigap benefits
- Medigap plans
- Medigap costs
4Session Topics
- Overview
- Medigap benefits
- Medigap plans
- Medigap costs
5What Is Medigap?
- Health insurance policies
- Sold by private insurance companies
- Cover gaps in Original Medicare
- Follow Federal and state laws that protect you
- Must say Medicare Supplement Insurance
6What Is Medigap?(continued)
- Health insurance policies
- 12 standardized policies in most states
- Plans A L
- Non-standard policies
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Costs may vary
- By plan
- By company
- Where you live
7How Medigap Works
- Only works with Original Medicare
- Don't need Medigap policy in
- Medicare Advantage Plan
- Other Medicare plans
- Can go to any doctor, hospital, or provider that
accepts Medicare - Unless you have Medigap SELECT policy
8Medigap Is Not
- Medicare Advantage Plans
- Medicare Part B
- Medicare Prescription Drug Plans
- Medicaid
- Employer or union plan
- Veterans benefits
9Who Can Buy Medigap?
- Must have Medicare Parts A and B
- May not be able to buy Medigap under 65
- People with a disability
- People with End-Stage Renal Disease
- Guaranteed right to buy a Medigap policy
- In your Medigap open enrollment period
- Covered under a Medigap protection
10Session Topics
- Overview
- Medigap benefits
- Medigap plans
- Medigap costs
11Why Buy Medigap?
Medigap Benefits
- Original Medicare does not pay all costs
- Medigap policy may help you
- Lower your out-of-pocket costs
- Get more health insurance coverage
12Gaps in Original Medicare
Medigap Benefits
What you pay in 2008Part A
- Hospital Stays
- Skilled Nursing
- Blood
- 1,024 deductible for days 1 60
- 256 per day for days 61 90
- 512 per day for days 91 150
- 0 for first 20 days
- 128 per day for days 21 100
- 100 after day 100
- 100 for first 3 pints
- 20 for additional pints
13Gaps in Original Medicare
Medigap Benefits
What you pay in 2008Part A
- Home Health Care
- Hospice Care
- 0 for home health care services
- 20 for durable medical equipment
- Up to 5 copayments for outpatient prescription
drugs - 5 for inpatient respite care
- Room and board, in some cases
14Gaps in Original Medicare
Medigap Benefits
What you pay in 2008Part B
- Part B Deductible
- Part B Services
- 135 per year
- 20 coinsurance for most covered services
- 50 coinsurance for outpatient mental health
- Copayments for hospital outpatient services
15Medigap Coverage
Medigap Benefits
- Plans A J
- All cover basic benefits
- Part A coinsurance for inpatient hospital care
- Cost of 365 extra days of inpatient hospital
care - Part B coinsurance after deductible
- First 3 pints of blood each year
- Some plans cover more
16Other Medigap Benefits
Medigap Benefits
- Most plans have extra benefits
- Some Medigap policies cover
- Part A deductible
- Part B deductible
- At-home recovery
- Medicare Part B excess charges
- Subject to the limiting charge
- Other services
17Medigap Plans K L
Medigap Benefits
- Basic benefits
- Part A coinsurance for inpatient hospital care
- Cost of 365 extra days of inpatient hospital care
- Plan K pays 50 and Plan L pays 75 of
- Part A deductible
- Part B coinsurance after deductible
- Except 100 for covered preventive services
- First 3 pints of blood each year
- Hospice care
18Medigap Benefits Comparison
Medigap Benefits
Benefit Plans A - J Plan K Plan L
Part A Deductible Plans B - J 100 50 75
Part A Coinsurance Days 61 - 90 100 100 100
Part A Coinsurance Lifetime Reserve Days 91 - 150 100 100 100
365 Additional Hospital Days 100 100 100
Hospice Coinsurance 0 50 75
Skilled Nursing Facility Care Coinsurance Days 21 - 100 Plans C - J 100 50 75
Blood Deductible 100 50 75
Part B Deductible Plans C, F, J 100 0 0
Part B Coinsurance 100 50 75
Part B Excess Charges Plans F, I, J 100 Plan G 80 0 0
Excess charges do not apply toward meeting the annual out-of-pocket maximum. Out-of-pocket maximum is 4,440 for Plan K and 2,220 for Plan L (in 2008).
19Items Not Covered
Medigap Benefits
- Long-term care
- Vision and dental care
- Including eyeglasses
- Hearing aids
- Private-duty nursing
- Outpatient prescription drugs
20Session Topics
- Overview
- Medigap benefits
- Medigap plans
- Medigap costs
21Special Types of Medigap Plans
Medigap Plans
- Medigap plans with drug coverage
- High deductible plans
- Plans F, J
- Medigap plans with hospice care
- Plans K, L
- Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
- Medicare SELECT
22Drug Coverage and Medigap
Medigap Plans
- Medigap policies covering prescription drugs
- May not be sold after January 1, 2006
- Same policies may be sold without drug coverage
- If your Medigap policy covers drugs
- Should have received information from company
- Explains how drug coverage affects your policy
23Medigap Plans With Drug Coverage
Medigap Plans
- Standardized plans H, I, J
- Sold before January 1, 2006
- Some policies
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Some pre-standardized plans
- Others
24F and J High Deductible Option
Medigap Plans
- 1,900 deductible for 2008
- Amount can go up each year
- Often have lower premium
- Out-of-pocket costs may be higher
- May not be able to change plans
- Additional deductibles
- Prescription drugs
- Foreign travel
25Plans K and L
Medigap Plans
- Pay only partial costs after Medicare pays
- Have annual out-of-pocket maximum
- Plan K
- 50 for most services
- 4,440 out-of-pocket limit in 2008
- Plan L
- 75 for most services
- 2,220 out-of-pocket limit in 2008
26Session Topics
- Overview
- Medigap benefits
- Medigap plans
- Medigap costs
27How Much Does Medigap Cost?
Medigap Costs
- Depends on
- Your age (in some states)
- Where you live
- Company selling the policy
- Can be big differences in premiums
- For exactly the same coverage
- Compare the same Medigap policies
28Pricing Based on Age
No-age-rated (community-rated) Everyone pays same Generally least expensive over lifetime
Issue-age-rated Based on age when purchased Does not go up automatically as you get older
Attained-age-rated Goes up automatically as you get older Costs less when you are 65 Costs more at age 70 or 75
29What is Underwriting?
Medigap Costs
- Review
- Health status
- Medical history
- Insurance company determines
- Whether to accept your application
- How much to charge you
- Whether to make you wait for some benefits
- Application
- Usually includes medical questions
- Fill out carefully
30Buying a Medigap Policy
Medigap Costs
- May be able to buy a policy any time
- Best time is during open enrollment period
- Lasts for 6 months
- Starts on first day of the month you are
- Age 65 or older AND
- Enrolled in Medicare Part B
- Once 6-month Medigap open enrollment period
starts, it can't be changed
31Open Enrollment Period
Medigap Costs
- Insurance company cant
- Deny you coverage
- Make you wait for coverage to start
- But may make you wait for coverage of
pre-existing conditions - Unless you have creditable coverage
- Charge you more for a policy
- Because of your health problems
32Lets look at a case study
Medigap Costs
- It is October 1, 2008, and Sam (who is 65) wants
to buy a Medigap policy. He needs to know if he
is in his open enrollment period. He looks at his
Medicare card. His Medicare Part B coverage
started August 1, 2008. - Is Sam in his Medigap open enrollment period?
- Can the company deny him coverage?
33Medigap in Detail
Lesson 1 Medigap Basics Lesson 2 Medigap in
34Session Topics
- Prior creditable coverage
- Under age 65
- Medigap and Medicaid
- Guaranteed issue
- More information
35Session Topics
- Prior creditable coverage
- Under age 65
- Medigap and Medicaid
- Guaranteed issue
- More information
36Pre-Existing Condition
Medigap Coverage
- Health problem before new policy starts
- Medigap company can refuse to cover that
condition - If diagnosed or treated during the 6 months
before the policy starts - For up to 6 months in some cases
- Called pre-existing condition waiting period
37Creditable Coverage
Medigap Coverage
- Coverage you had before applying for Medigap
- Can avoid or shorten waiting period for a
pre-existing condition - Medigap company cannot refuse to cover
pre-existing conditions - If at least 6 months creditable coverage
- With no break in coverage of more than 63 days
38Examples of Creditable Coverage
Medigap Coverage
- Union/employer group health plan
- Some health insurance policies
- Medicare Part A or B
- Medicaid
- IHS or tribal organization
- A state health benefits risk pool
- Public health plan
- Health plan under the Peace Corps Act
39Not Creditable Coverage
Medigap Coverage
- Hospital indemnity insurance
- Specified disease insurance
- For example, cancer insurance
- Vision or dental policies
- Long-term care policies
40Lets look at a case study
Medigap Coverage
- Harry is 65 and was diagnosed with heart disease
early in 2007. His Medicare Part A and Part B
started November 1, 2007. Before that date, he
had no health insurance coverage. Harry buys a
Medigap policy with coverage starting March 1,
2008. - Can the Medigap insurance company refuse to cover
Harrys heart condition for 6 months? - Does Harry have prior creditable coverage?
- What if Harrys heart condition hadnt been
41Session Topics
- Prior creditable coverage
- Under age 65
- Medigap and Medicaid
- Guaranteed issue
- More information
42Medigap for People Under 65
Under Age 65
- Federal law does not require coverage
- May not be able to buy a Medigap policy
- Some state laws are different
- At age 65
- Can choose and buy any Medigap policy
- Companies cannot refuse to sell Medigap
- 6-month open enrollment period
- Already have Medigap
- May reapply to get a better rate
43Medigap for People Under 65
Under Age 65
- Some companies sell to people under 65
- Policies may cost more
- Some states require Medigap be offered
- See Guide to Health Insurance for People with
Medicare - Another open enrollment period at 65
44Right to Suspend Medigap
Under Age 65
- Under 65 and entitled due to a disability
- Right to suspend your Medigap policy
- While enrolled in employer group health plan
- Without penalty
- Get your Medigap policy back at any time
- Must notify Medigap insurer within 90 days of
losing employer group coverage
45Session Topics
- Prior creditable coverage
- Under age 65
- Medigap and Medicaid
- Guaranteed issue
- More information
46Medigap and Medicaid
Medigap and Medicaid
- If you have both Medicare and Medicaid
- Most health care costs are covered
- Can suspend Medigap policy for up to 2 years
- An insurance company can sell you a Medigap
policy only in certain situations - For information, call state Medicaid office
47Suspending Medigap
Medigap and Medicaid
- Right to suspend Medigap
- Within 90 days of getting Medicaid
- Do not pay premiums
- Policy will not pay benefits
- Can suspend policy for up to 2 years
- Can start it up again
- No new medical underwriting
- No pre-existing condition waiting periods
- Call state Medicaid office
48Session Topics
- Prior creditable coverage
- Under age 65
- Medigap and Medicaid
- Guaranteed issue rights
- More information
49Medigap Rights and Protections
Guaranteed Issue Rights
- Also called guaranteed issue rights
- Special rights to buy Medigap
- Keep
- Letters
- Claim denials
- Postmarked envelopes
- Protections are in Federal law
- Many states provide more Medigap protections
- Call your SHIP or state insurance department
50Summary of Medigap Protections
Guaranteed Issue Rights
- Guaranteed issue rights in some situations
- Right to buy a Medigap policy
- Apply within 63 days from other coverage ending
- In these situations, an insurance company
- Must sell you a Medigap policy
- Must cover all pre-existing conditions
- Cant charge more because of past or present
health problems
51Guaranteed Issue Rights
Guaranteed Issue Rights
- Rights to purchase plans A, B, C, F, K, or L, if
- Medicare Advantage or PACE coverage ends
- Employer group health plan coverage that pays
secondary to Medicare ends - You move out of the plan's service area
- You joined a Medicare Advantage or PACE plan
- First eligible for Medicare at age 65 and leave
within 12 months
52Guaranteed Issue Rights(continued)
Guaranteed Issue Rights
- You dropped a Medigap policy and enrolled in
Medicare Advantage Plan for first time - Stayed in the plan less than a year and
- Want to switch back
- Medigap coverage ends through no fault of your
own - Plan or insurance company committed fraud
53Lets look at a case study
Guaranteed Issue Rights
- Jennie is 69 and joined a Medicare Advantage Plan
when she first was eligible for Medicare at age
65. She decides she would like to drop her
Medicare Advantage Plan and go to Original
Medicare. - Does Jennie have a guaranteed issue right to a
Medigap policy?
54Session Topics
- Prior creditable coverage
- Under age 65
- Medigap and Medicaid
- Guaranteed issue
- More information
55Information Sources for Medigap
- 2008 Choosing a Medigap Policy A Guide to Health
Insurance for People With Medicare - Available on www.medicare.gov
- State insurance department
- 1-800-MEDICARE
- 1-800-633-4227
- 1-877-486-2048 for TTY users
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