Basic Referee Course - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basic Referee Course


(Will use The Soccer Tutor Program) ... As soon as it would not be a significant disadvantage to the attacking team. (Age dependent) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Basic Referee Course

Basic Referee Course
  • Regional Referee Badge
  • Required for U9 and above
  • No Prerequisites
  • Requirements
  • Register for course
  • Attend course
  • Sign roster eAYSO pre-reg.
  • Pass tests
  • Signed volunteer application
  • Field clinic (recommended)

Basic Referee Course
  • Opening Remarks (Introductions
    Housekeeping) (15 min.)
  • Module 1 Safe Haven Certification (40 min.)
  • Module 2 The Game of Soccer (10 min.)
  • Module 3 Pre-game Preparation (15 min.) video
  • Module 4 Starting the Game (10 min.)
  • Module 5 Stopping Play (15 min.)
  • Module 6 Restarting Play (120 min.)
  • Lunch Served (30 min.)
  • Module 7 Fouls (45 min.) video
  • Module 8 Misconduct (15 min.)
  • Module 9 Offside (45 min.) (Will use The Soccer
    Tutor Program)
  • Module 10 Referee and Assistant Referee
    Mechanics (15 min.)
  • Module 11 Post Game (10 min.) video
  • Break (5 min.
  • Module 12 Referee Support Review (15 min.)
  • Basic Referee Test and Review (45 min.)
  • Field Positioning Clinic (45 min.) field

Basic Referee Course Intro
3 min.
Why Are You Here?
  • Top Reasons
  • I need the money
  • My spouse signed me up
  • If I dont do it my kids cant play
  • Youth Referee Benefits
  • Community service - Yes
  • Earn registration fees - Yes
  • Earn referee points for team - Yes

Whatever your reason for being here Lets make
it an enjoyable learning experience!
Module 1 Referee Safe Haven
Audio Version
Next Module
About AYSO
  • A volunteer run soccer organization
  • Over 650,000 players
  • Over 300,000 volunteers
  • About 60 paid staff
  • Organized into about
  • 15 Sections
  • 50 Areas
  • 1000 Local Regions
  • Founded in 1964 in Torrance CA
  • National office located in Hawthorne, CA
    (1-800-USA-AYSO or

What is Safe Haven?
  • An AYSO program developed to help us protect
  • The kids in our program, and
  • Ourselves
  • Safe Haven Includes
  • Rules Regulations
  • Polices Procedures
  • Job Descriptions
  • Certification Training
  • Background Checks (conducted by National)
  • Certification Child-specific Safe Haven courses.
  • Training Discipline-specific courses e.g. coach,
    referee and management training courses.

AYSO Philosophy
  • Everyone Plays
  • Our program goal is for kids to play soccer so
    we mandate that every player on every team must
    play at least half of every game
  • Balanced Teams
  • Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as
    possible because it is fair and more fun when
    teams of equal ability play.
  • Open Registration
  • Our program is open to all children between 4 and
    19 years of age who want to register and play
    soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only
    criteria for playing.
  • Positive Coaching
  • Encouragement of player effort provides for
    greater enjoyment by the players and ultimately
    leads to better-skilled and better-motivated
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • We strive to create a positive environment based
    on mutual respect rather than a win-at-all-costs
    attitude, and our program is designed to instill
    good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.

Volunteer Responsibilities Legal Protections
  • Volunteers must submit an AYSO volunteer
    application form every year.
  • Volunteers must follow AYSO job descriptions,
    policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Volunteers are also required to
  • Complete Safe Haven Certification
  • Be properly trained
  • And, be authorized by a region to do their job
  • Volunteers are protected by Good Samaritan laws
    the Federal Volunteer Protection Act of 1997

Alcohol, Tobacco Other Drugs
  • AYSO National Rules Regulations prohibit the
    use of alcohol, tobacco other drugs at
    practices and games and in the immediate vicinity
    of the fields.
  • Volunteers are role models and must act
    accordingly at all times.
  • Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 does not provide
    protection for criminal acts.

Supervision Policies
  • Recommended supervision ratios
  • One adult per 8 or fewer children (18)
  • At least 2 adults present at all times.
  • At least 1 adult of the same gender.
  • Volunteers should never be alone with children.

Types of Abuse
3 Widely Recognized
  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Sexual

2 Newly Recognized
  • Neglect (e.g. Left at the field)
  • Ethical (e.g. Encouraged to cheat)

Prevent False Accusations
  • Avoid being alone with a child.
  • Stay within the sight of others.
  • Respect their privacy and yours.
  • Avoid sexual jokes, comments or gestures.

AYSO Touching Policy
  • Some forms of touching are acceptable.
  • In response to childs not adults needs.
  • Touch only with childs permission
  • Resistance must be respected.
  • Touching must be brief in duration.
  • Avoid touching childs private areas.
  • Never touch a child when out of sight.
  • Factors change with age and gender.

Blood-Borne Diseases
  • Possibility of contracting a blood-borne disease
    is minimal, however, precautions must be taken.
  • AYSO guidelines are clear.
  • Cannot play if bleeding
  • Wounds must be properly covered
  • Clothing must be disinfected
  • Coach is responsible for correcting the problem

Risk Management
  • Volunteers must take action to avoid risks.
  • Consider environmental conditions
  • Temperature, humidity, rain, thunder lightning,
  • Repair or avoid physical surroundings
  • Sprinkler heads, unsecured goals, objects on the
    field, wet field, etc.
  • Act to prevent injuries
  • Dont wait for accidents to happen, avoid them.

AYSO Team Concept
  • The Team must work together to protect the kids
    and to provide them with a proper environment for
  • A team is only as strong as its weakest link.

Making a Safe Haven
  • Finally, if
  • You learn your job well
  • Follow the rules regulations
  • Report and follow up on problems
  • And, always use common sense
  • You will create a Safe Haven for yourself and for
    our children.

Safe Haven Confirmation
  1. AYSO Volunteers must complete, sign and submit a
    Volunteer Application form only once.
  2. All AYSO coaches and referees are required to do
    the following complete Safe Haven Certification,
    be properly trained in their jobs and be
    authorized to do their job by the appropriate
    AYSO authority.
  3. The Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 grants
    immunity for volunteers from certain types of
    prosecution, including offenses involving
    alcohol, tobacco products and illegal or
    prescription only drugs.AYSO is based which five
    key philosophies.
  4. Training is defined as the education a volunteer
    receives to do a specific job or task.
  5. Certification is Safe Haven specific and confirms
    key competencies in a volunteer.
  6. The recommended supervision ratio is 116.
  7. AYSO recommends that at least two adults be
    present when children are being supervised and at
    least one adult be of the same gender as the
    children being supervised.
  8. Psychologists, legislators and educators around
    the country generally recognize only the
    following three types of abuse Emotional,
    physical and sexual.

Safe Haven Confirmation
  1. AYSO volunteers should avoid situations,
    including transporting youngsters in a car, in
    which they are alone with a child other than
    their own.
  2. Some forms of touching children are acceptable as
    long as they are respectful and appropriate.
  3. Criticism of referee decisions is a part of sport
    and need not be discouraged in young players.
  4. Players emulate the behavior of adults at
    sporting events and develop lasting attitudes and
    values based on the behavior modeled by adults in
    youth sports.
  5. Physical features such as sprinkler heads, goal
    posts and walls may present significant hazards.
  6. The possibility of contracting a blood-borne
    disease such as AIDS or hepatitis B through
    athletic activity is high.
  7. The 5 basic philosophies of AYSO are Everyone
    Plays, Balanced Teams, Open Registration,
    Positive Coaching and Good Sportsmanship.

  • This Concludes Safe Haven Certification
  • Please Complete the Safe Haven Certification

The Game of Soccer
  • Module
  • 2

Soccer For Dummies
  • Soccer is
  • a game played by two opposing teams,
  • in two halves of equal time,
  • with a spherical ball,
  • on a rectangular field with a goal at each end.
  • The object of the game is to get the ball
  • entirely over your opponents goal line and
  • inside their goal,
  • without using your hands or arms.
  • After the kick-off, play is continuous until
  • The ball entirely leaves the field of play, or
  • The referee blows the whistle.
  • Play is restarted fairly based on why it was
  • The referees job is to keep the game
    SAFE, FAIR and FUN for everyone.

History of the Game
  • Known as Association Football
  • Historical Roots Kicking an object from one
    goal to another goal.
  • Modern Game LOTG written in 1863 at a meeting
    in Fleet Street, London.
  • FIFA was created in Paris in 1904 and moved to
    Zurich in 1974.
  • AYSO complies with FIFA Laws.(Our special rules
    all fit under FIFAs exceptions for youth soccer)

Spirit of the Game
  • Over-riding philosophy Spirit of Fair Play
  • If ball leaves the field, the other team gets to
    restart. (throw-in, goal kick or corner kick)
  • For infringements of the Law opponents receive a
    free kick (direct free kick, indirect free
    kick or penalty kick)
  • In the extreme, but only if necessary, a caution
    or send-off.
  • Game should be SAFE, FAIR and FUN.
  • Referee has full authority to enforce the LOTG
  • Referees degree of discretion is fundamental and
  • Authority to stop, suspend, or terminate, at
    his/her discretion.
  • Game is meant to flow continuously
  • Played with as little interference as possible,
  • Stops only if ball completely leaves the field,
  • Referee blows the whistle

Spirit of the Game (Rules Regs)
National Rules Regulations
  • The Laws of the Game are intended to provide
    that games should be played with as little
    interference as possible, and in this view it is
    the duty of the referee to penalize only
    deliberate breaches of the Law.
  • Constant whistling for trifling and doubtful
    breaches produces bad feelings and loss of temper
    on the part of the players and spoils the
    pleasure of spectators.

Philosophy of Refereeing
  • Be a friendly aunt or uncle not a policeman.
  • Maintain a fun learning environment.
  • Know, understand and apply the rules. Always
    use common sense
  • You must see an infraction to punish it.
  • The need to caution or send-off a young player is
    extremely rare and can usually be avoided.

Small-sided Play
  • Smaller fields mean more games.
  • More touches on the ball.
  • Faster skill development.
  • Must check local rules
  • Number of players
  • Field sizes and markings
  • Special rules

Dealing with Young Players
  • Positive Coaching is Mandatory Positive
    Instructional Encouraging

Age Specific Issues
  • U-6 Very simple rules just fun
  • U-8 Simple rules start learning game
  • U-9/10 The whole game control parents
  • U-12 Skills better parents better
  • U-14 Hormones kick in control is key
  • U-16 Better be in shape fouls galore
  • U-19 A little easier if you can keep up

  • Soccer is a game with a long interesting
  • Underlying Spirit of the Game is Fairness.
  • AYSO is based on five key philosophies.
  • We want a SAFE, FAIR and FUN environment.
  • No Tobacco or Alcohol permitted.
  • AYSO Team must work together for the kids.
  • Referee should be a Friendly Authority.
  • Referee must understand and adjust to age

  • Name the 3 elements of positive coaching (PIE)?
  • A coach may smoke if the players cannot see it?
  • If a member of the AYSO Team does not support the
    team who gets hurt?
  • The main focus of the Spirit of the Game is?
  • A young player who misbehaves must be publicly
    disciplined as an example?

  • Each game is a learning opportunity for the
    players, coaches, parents and referees. Take
    advantage of it.

... Applause
Pre-game Preparation
  • Module
  • 3

Pre-game Preparation
5 min.
Field Issues
  • AYSO fields may not be perfect.
  • goal posts, nets, corner flags, lines, coaches
  • holes, water, mud, debris, sprinkler heads.
  • Use common sense
  • play the game if its safe.
  • The coaches area is an important aid in reducing
    sideline problems.
  • Coaches Area exists even if not marked
  • Mark one if necessary (use cones or bags)

Ball Issues
  • The referee is responsible for securing and
    approving a proper ball for the match
  • See lineup card or AYSO LOTG for correct size.
  • Check the number on the ball, dont guess.
  • Smooth, no loose panels, most colors are okay.
  • Not too hard or too soft depress ¼ inch.
  • Rotates evenly when tossed.
  • May need backup balls.
  • The home team is generally responsible for
    providing game balls, and has the right to do so.
  • Regional or competition policies concerning the
    game ball may vary.

Uniform Safety Issues
  • Players must have the required equipment (5
    items) (shirt, shorts, shinguards, socks and
  • All players on a team, except the goalkeeper,
    should have the same uniforms.
  • Teams and goalkeepers must be reasonably
    distinguishable from each other. (home must
  • Socks must be put on over the shinguards and
    completely cover them.
  • Allowed Prescription glasses, medical alert
    bracelets and knee braces, unless they are
    clearly unsafe.
  • Not allowed Jewelry, casts or splints, hats with
    hard bills. Nothing dangerous is allowed.

Referee Pre-game Checklist
  • Arrive ½ hour early, properly dressed,
    warm-up, smile, be prepared to have FUN.
  • Bring Uniform, badge, coin, whistle, flags, Law
    book, Natl. Rules Regs, watch, pencil, pad,
  • Referees Shake hands, review responsibilities.
  • Coaches Shake hands, get game cards, subs.
    (AYSO Team)
  • Field Check goal posts, nets, holes, water,
    mud, debris, sprinkler heads, lines, coaches
    area, corner flags.
  • Players Check for safe shoes, shinguards,
    socks, jewelry, uniform colors, goalkeeper
    colors, hats, shoes tied properly, shirts
    tucked in.
  • Ball Obtain and inspect the game ball.
  • Start Conduct coin toss.

Read this checklist before leaving for the game!
  • What would you do if a child says that a soft
    friendship bracelet cannot be removed?
  • What would you do if a player is wearing a cast
    that is wrapped in ½ closed-cell, slow-recovery
    foam with no hard edges showing?
  • Why is the coaches area required by AYSO?
  • Which is worse, a ball that is too hard, or too
  • What are the two most important things to
    consider when deciding if a field is playable?

  • A referee who comes to the field on time,
    prepared, and with a positive attitude, has a
    much better chance of enjoying the experience.

... Applause
Starting the Game
  • Module
  • 4

Coin Toss
  • Dont forget to bring a coin!
  • Visiting team gets to make the call.
  • Winner chooses which end of field to start on.
  • Loser kicks off to start game.
  • At the start of the 2nd half
  • Teams switch ends of the field.
  • Team that didnt kick off to start the game,
    kicks off to start the 2nd half.
  • Kick-off is in the same direction as the 1st half

Players and Substitutes
Check local rules for team sizes and minimum
playing times.
  • In full-sided games each team must have at least
    7 and no more than 11 players.
  • On the lineup card
  • Mark any players who are missing or unable to
    play, and any who later become injured.
  • Mark substitutes on the lineup card.
  • Count players on the field before the kick-off.
  • Notify coach if any player is playing less than
    the minimum playing time. (Report if not

Check the LOTG or lineup card for small sided
The Kick-off
  • Ball stationary and all players in their own
  • Opposing players outside the center circle.
  • Ball must be kicked forward.

Note The kick-off will be covered in detail
Keeping Time
  • Referee is the official timekeeper.
  • The game is played in two halves of equal time.
    See times on the lineup card Start clock when
    ball is in play
  • Time runs continuously except for substitutions
    and half-time.
  • Referee allows substitutions approximately midway
    through each half. Usually when play is
    already stopped.
  • Referee may add time lost by excessive time
    wasting, injuries, or unavoidable occurrences.

Check local competition rules
  • Who kicks off to start the game?
  • Minimum number of players on a full sized team?
  • Can a goal be scored directly from a kick-off?
  • When is the clock stopped?
  • When is the game over?

  • The best way to start a game is On time

... Applause
Stopping Play
  • Module
  • 5

Ball In/Out of Play
Restarts are covered later
  • Lines are part of the areas they enclose.
  • Touch lines and goal lines are part of the field.
    (Boundary lines)
  • Ball is out of play when it wholly crosses a
    touch line or a goal line, on the ground or in
    the air.
  • Only D is out of play.
  • The balls position determines whether it is in
    or out of play, not the players position.

Goal Scored
  • Goal lines are part of the field.
  • The balls position determines if it is a goal,
    not the goalkeepers position.
  • A goal is scored when the ball wholly crosses the
    goal line, on the ground or in the air, under the
    crossbar and between the goalposts.
  • Only D is a goal.

Injury or Outside Interference
  • Take immediate action. (Use common sense)
  • Injury Prevention - Be safety conscious - Move
    location - Correct problems - Cancel if
    necessary - Modify activity or rules - Report
  • Bleeding PlayerMust leave field until bleeding
    is stopped, wound is covered and any blood on
    clothing is disinfected.
  • Outside Interference Stop if it is unsafe,
    unfair, or unsporting behavior.

  • Made at approximately the middle of each half, at
    half-time, or for injuries. (4 times)
  • Try to stop when ball is out of play.
  • Mark substitutes on the lineup card.
  • Inform coach if a player is not playing the
    minimum time. (Report if not corrected)
  • Substitutions should be made as quickly as
  • Restart based on why play was stopped.

End of Half or Game
  • Referee signals the end of each half when
    regulation time and any stoppage time for that
    half has expired.
  • The half or game ends when the referee decides
    that time has expired.
  • Stoppage time should be added only for unusual
    delays, e.g. a serious injury, excessive time
    wasting, or a long delay caused by outside
    interference. Local rules vary concerning
    stoppage time.

Fouls or Misconduct (Stopping Play)
  • The referee blows the whistle to stop play if a
    foul or misconduct occurs.
  • The referee may blow the whistle immediately, or
    chose to wait until the ball is out of play to
    penalize misconduct.
  • If play is stopped, the restart is a free kick to
    the opposing team.

Note In the lower divisions the primary
consideration for stopping play to award a free
kick is whether the act caused danger to or
lessened the enjoyment of any of the participants.
  • When should the referee stop the game for an
    apparent injury?
  • When is the ball out of play?
  • When can substitutions be made?

  • The game is meant to be played with as little
    interference as possible.
  • When stopping a game use common sense and
    consider the age and experience of the players.

... Applause
Restarting Play
  • Module
  • 6

Restarts Ball Leaves Field
10 min.
General Rules for Restarts
  • Restarts are to be made without any interference
    or distraction by opponents.
  • Opponents must stay a safe and fair distance
  • Player taking the restart may not touch the ball
    again until it touches another player.
  • Otherwise an IFK is awarded to opponents.

No Interference Safe Distance No 2nd Touch
Restarts (On the field)
  • Field (80 minutes)
  • Referee AR Mechanics (Signaling)
  • Area A TI Area B GK,CK PK Area C

The Kick-off
  • Ball is stationary and all players are in their
    own half.
  • Opposing players must be outside the center
  • Referee checks positions then signals start.
  • Ball must be kicked forward.
  • Ball is in play when it is kicked and moves
  • If not taken correctly, the kick-off is retaken.
  • Kicker may not touch the ball again until it
    touches another player. (IFK is awarded to
  • A goal can be scored directly from a kick-off.

Taken when ball goes over the touch-line.
(All general restart rules apply)
No Interference Safe Distance No 2nd Touch
  • Thrower must
  • Face the field of play
  • Have part of each foot
  • Touching the ground, and
  • On or behind the touchline
  • Must use both hands to throw the ball from behind
    and over the head.
  • Ball is in play when released and any portion is
    on or over the outside edge of the touch line.
  • Opponents at least 2 yards from thrower
  • A goal may not be scored from a throw-in.

Goal Kick
Taken when ball goes over goal line last touched
by attacking team. (All general restart
rules apply)
No Interference Safe Distance No 2nd Touch
  • Taken from anywhere in the goal area.
  • Lines are part of the area they enclose.
  • Opponents must move out of penalty area.
  • Ball is in play when it leaves penalty area.
  • A goal may be scored directly, but only against

Corner Kick
Taken when ball goes over goal line last touched
by defending team. (All general restart rules
No Interference Safe Distance No 2nd Touch
  • Ball is placed in the corner area on the side
    where it left the field.
  • Lines are part of the area.
  • Only E is incorrect
  • Player cannot move flag
  • Ball is in play when it is kicked and moves.
  • Can score directly into opponents goal.

Free Kick
(All general restart rules apply)
No Interference Safe Distance No 2nd Touch
  • Direct (DFK) or Indirect (IFK)
  • IFK Cannot score until the ball touches another
    player. (Referee holds up arm until then.)
  • Taken from the place where the infringement
    occurred, or in certain cases where the ball was
    when play was stopped.
  • Opponents must be at least 10 yards from the
    ball. ( Subject to small-sided goal area
  • Ball is in play when it is kicked and moves.(If
    taken inside ones own penalty area it must leave
    the area.)

A free kick awarded inside the goal area is
moved out to the nearest point on the goal area
line parallel to the goal line.
Penalty Kick
Taken when a DFK foul is committed by a defender
in their own penalty area. (All general
restart rules apply)
No Interference Safe Distance No 2nd Touch
  • All players except GK and kicker must be
  • Behind the ball
  • Outside penalty area
  • At least 10 yards from ball (outside arc)
  • Only A B are in correct positions.
  • Goalkeeper may move laterally along goal line.
  • Referee signals (whistle) when players are ready.
  • Retaken or IFK if not taken correctly. (Spirit of

Dropped Ball
  • When play is stopped by the referee for an
    unusual reason, e.g an injury or outside
    interference, the game is restarted with a
    dropped ball.
  • The ball is dropped by the referee where it was
    when play stopped, but never in the goal area.
  • The ball is in play when it hits the ground.
  • Drop it from about the players waist height.

  • What are the 3 general rules for restarts?
  • Where is a dropped ball taken?
  • Where is a free kick taken?
  • A player is taking a DFK from inside the goal
    area, when is the ball in play?
  • A player is taking a DFK from inside his own
    penalty area, when is the ball in play?
  • If a penal foul is not too bad should the referee
    award an IFK?

  • When you stop play it is a really good idea to
    know how to restart it!

... Applause
Lunch Break
  • 30 Minutes

  • Module
  • 7

Restarts - Fouls
10 min.
Fouls Misconduct
  • FoulAny unfair or unsafe act committed
  • By a player
  • Against an opponent (or the opposing team)
  • On the field of play
  • While the ball is in play
  • Fouls are penalized by the awarding of a free
    kick to the opposing team at the place where the
    foul occurred.

This symbol indicates special circumstances
regarding free kicks in the Goal Area as
described under Restarts.
Types of Fouls
  • 10 Penal Fouls
  • Punished with a direct free kick (DFK) or,
  • Penalty kick (PK) if the foul is committed by a
    team inside its own penalty area.
  • 8 Non-penal Fouls
  • Punished with an indirect free kick (IFK).

Penal FoulsGeneral
  • Some actions are penal fouls only if they are
    committed in a manner that the referee considers
    to be careless, reckless, or involving excessive
    force. (C-REF)
  • Careless Did not exercise due caution
  • Reckless Unnatural movement to intimidate or
    gain an unfair advantage
  • Excessive Force Far exceeded necessary force
  • On the other hand, the mere attempt to commit
    certain actions are penal fouls.
  • Penal fouls are punished with a DFK taken from
    where the offense occurred (or a PK if the foul
    occurs inside the offending players penalty

The 10 Penal Fouls
6 Require C-REF---------------------------- K
icking an opponent Tripping an opponent
Striking an opponent Jumping At an
opponent Pushing an opponent Charging an opponent
4 Do Not Require C-REF-----------------------
-------------------Tackling an opponent before
the ballHolding an opponentHandling the ball
(deliberately)Spitting at an opponent
Attempt is a Foul Green are most common in
Restart Direct Free Kick (DFK) or Penalty Kick
C-REF Careless, Reckless, or Excessive Force
  • A player kicking or attempting to kick an
    opponent, in a C-REF manner, has committed a
    penal foul.
  • The foul is considered to have occurred at the
    place where contact occurred, or would have
  • If the kicker makes no attempt to play the ball,
    but deliberately kicks an opponent the action
    should be considered violent conduct, and the
    kicker should be sent off and shown the red card.

  • Tripping or attempting to trip is an offense if
    it is clearly directed at an opponent and causes
    the opponent to falter or fall.
  • Referees must carefully distinguish between an
    act of tripping and the fact of being tripped.
  • Tripping is not a foul.
  • Tripping an opponent in a C-REF manner is a foul.
  • The foul is considered to have occurred at the
    place where contact occurred, or would have
    occurred, not where the opponent lands.

  • A player striking or attempting to strike an
    opponent in a C-REF manner, has committed a penal
  • The foul is considered to have occurred at the
    place where contact occurred, or would have
  • Striking includes the use of any object
    (including the ball) as well as the hands, arms,
    or head.
  • Striking may also be misconduct, either serious
    foul play or violent conduct.

Jumping At
  • A player who jumps at an opponent in a C-REF
    manner, has committed a penal foul.
  • The foul is considered to have occurred at the
    place where contact occurred, or would have
  • If the jump was made in the process of playing
    the ball, then the player should not be
    penalized, unless in the opinion of the referee,
    the jump was made in a C-REF manner.

  • A player pushing an opponent, in a C-REF manner,
    has committed a penal foul.
  • Pushing an opponent in a C-REF manner with any
    part of the body, whether playing the ball or
    not, is a penal foul.
  • Fairly charging an opponent while playing the
    ball, or in playing distance of the ball and able
    to play it, is allowed. (see Charging)

  • Charging is defined as making contact with an
    opponent in an effort to move the opponent away
    from the ball.
  • A fair charge is made with the shoulder or upper
    arm as near to shoulder to the opponents
    shoulder as possible, in a staccato manner.

  • Charging an opponent, in a C-REF manner, is a
    penal foul.
  • Contact may also be made on the shoulder blade of
    the opponent but only if the opponent is fairly
  • Fairly charging an opponent while not in playing
    distance of the ball is penalized by an IFK.
  • It is a violation of the Law to fairly charge an
    opponent who is already being fairly charged by
    another player. ( A Sandwich is considered

Tackling means using your feet to move the ball
away from the feet of an opponent. It is usually
fair play.
  • Tackling an opponent, making contact with the
    opponent before touching the ball, is a penal
  • Touching the ball first does not necessarily mean
    that a foul was not committed. If the tackle is
    performed in a C-REF manner, one of the other
    penal fouls will most likely have been committed.
  • A tackle which endangers the safety of an
    opponent should also be punished as serious foul

  • Holding an opponent includes the act of
    stretching the arms out to prevent an opponent
    from moving past or around, and is a penal foul.
  • A player who blatantly holds onto and pulls an
    opponents clothing should also be cautioned, and
    shown the yellow card.

Handling the Ball
  • Handling the ball involves deliberate contact
    with the ball by a players hand, or arm.
  • Deliberate contact means any one of the
  • The player could have avoided the touch but
  • The players arms were not in normal playing
  • The player deliberately continued an initially
    accidental contact in an attempt to gain an
    unfair advantage.
  • Moving hands or arms instinctively to protect the
    body when suddenly faced with a fast approaching
    ball does not constitute deliberate contact
    unless there is subsequent action to direct the
  • The fact that a player may benefit from the ball
    contacting the hand does not make an accidental
    event a foul.

  • Spitting at an opponent, on the field of play,
    while the ball is in play is a penal foul.
  • The foul is considered to have occurred at the
    place where contact with the opponent occurred,
    or would have occurred.
  • Spitting at an opponent, or anyone else is also a
    sending-off (red card) offense.

Non-Penal Fouls - General
  • Non-penal fouls are divided into two categories
  • Those committed only by a goalkeeper, and
  • Those committed by any player.
  • The goalkeeper is considered to be in control of
    the ball by touching it with any part of his hand
    or arms.
  • Possession of the ball includes the goalkeeper
    deliberately parrying the ball, but does not
    include the circumstances where, in the opinion
    of the referee, the ball rebounds accidentally
    from the goalkeeper, for example after he makes a
  • Non-penal fouls are punished with an IFK taken
    from where the offense occurred.

The 8 Non-Penal Fouls (Summary)
  • By a Goalkeeper
  • Controls ball with hands for more than 6
  • Handles ball directly from a teammates
  • Handles ball deliberately kicked to him by a
  • Handles ball a 2nd time after releasing
    control of it.
  • By Another Player
  • Plays in a dangerous manner.
  • Impedes the progress of an opponent.
  • Prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the
  • Any other offense not mentioned in the Laws
    where play is stopped to issue a caution or
    to send off a player.

Restart Indirect Free Kick (IFK) from where the
foul occurred. .
Goalkeeper Six Second Violation
  • A GK controlling the ball with the hands for more
    than 6 seconds commits a non-penal foul.
  • The 6 seconds does not include the time it takes
    the GK to take control of the ball or to recover
    from momentum.
  • If the GK is making a reasonable effort to
    release the ball into play, the referee should
    give him the benefit of the doubt.
  • Releasing the ball into play means no longer
    controlling it with the hands.

Goalkeeper Handles Throw-in
  • It is a non-penal foul if the goalkeeper handles
    the ball inside his own penalty area after it has
    been thrown in by a teammate and has not touched
    another player.
  • The goalkeeper may handle a ball directly thrown
    to him by an opponent.

GK Handles Ball Kicked by Teammate
  • It is a non-penal foul if a goalkeeper touches
    the ball with his hands inside his own penalty
    area, after it has been deliberately kicked, by a
    teammate, to him or to a place where he can
    legally handle it.
  • Deliberately kicked does not include situations
    where, in the opinion of the referee, the ball
    has been accidentally deflected, or misdirected.
  • The IFK is taken from the place where the
    goalkeeper touches the ball with his hands.

GK 2nd Touch
  • It is a non-penal foul if the goalkeeper touches
    the ball with his hands after he has released it
    from his hands, and it has not yet touched any
    other player.
  • When a goalkeeper releases the ball into play
    from her hands she may continue to play the ball
    as long as she does not touch it with her hands
    again until it has been touched as described

Dangerous Play
Dangerous play is the non-penal foul most often
seen in youth games.
  • If, in the opinion of the referee, a player acts
    in a manner that is dangerous to himself or
    anyone else, and that action causes a nearby
    opponent to cease playing the ball or to be
    otherwise disadvantaged, then that player is
    playing in a dangerous manner, and has
    committed a non-penal foul.
  • If, in a game involving very young players, a
    dangerous situation occurs, the referee may stop
    play to eliminate the danger, even if an opponent
    is not nearby. In this case, the game would be
    restated with a dropped ball (DB).

Impeding an Opponent
Impeding means moving on the field so as to
obstruct, interfere with, or block the path of an
  • Impeding the progress of an opponent is a
    non-penal foul.
  • This offense requires that the ball is not within
    playing distance or not capable of being played.
  • Physical contact between the player and the
    opponent is normally absent.
  • There are many occasions during a game when a
    player will come between an opponent and the
    ball, but in a majority of such instances, this
    is quite natural and fair.

Preventing GK from Releasing Ball
  • It is a non-penal foul for a player to prevent an
    opposing goalkeeper from releasing the ball into
    play from his hands.
  • A verbal warning for a first offense may be more
    fair than an IFK.

Other Offenses
  • A player who charges an opponent in an otherwise
    legal manner, but away from the ball, is
    penalized with an IFK. If the charge was made in
    a C-REF manner, the penalty would be a DFK, or
  • When the goalkeeper does not have possession of
    the ball (in his hands) he may be fairly charged
    like any other player.
  • However, when he has possession of the ball (in
    his hands), he may not be charged.
  • Any other offense, not mentioned in Law 12, for
    which play is stopped to caution or send off a
    player, is penalized with an IFK.

  • A foul is penal or non-penal based on how bad it
  • At the taking of a free kick when is the ball in
  • For which penal fouls is the attempt itself a
  • Is high-kicking dangerous play?
  • What are the 4 most common penal fouls in younger
    players games?

  • Each game is a learning opportunity for the
    players, coaches, parents and referees.
  • On-going education will increase understanding,
    build confidence and earn respect.
  • Any questions?

  • Module
  • 8

Types of Misconduct
  • 7 Cautionable Offenses
  • Show Yellow Card
  • 7 Sending-off Offenses
  • Show Red Card
  1. Misconduct requiring a sanction by the referee is
    rare in lower division games. Most problems can
    be handled with a verbal warning.
  2. In some regions showing the cards is not allowed
    in the lower divisions. However, Cautions and
    Sendoffs are still allowed.

Cautionable Offenses
  • 7 Cautionable Offenses
  • Unsporting behavior
  • Dissent by word or action
  • Persistent infringement
  • Delay restart
  • Fail to respect distance on restart
  • Enter field without permission
  • Leave field without permission
  • Also applies to substitutes

Sending-off Offences
  • 7 Sending-off Offences
  • Serious foul play
  • Violent conduct
  • Spits at an opponent or anyone else
  • Denies OGSO by handling the ball
  • Denies OGSO to an opponent moving toward the goal
    by committing a foul
  • Offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or
  • A second caution in the same game
  • 7 Cautionable Offenses
  • Unsporting behavior
  • Dissent by word or action
  • Persistent infringement
  • Delay restart
  • Fail to respect distance on restart
  • Enter field without permission
  • Leave field without permission

  • Module
  • 9

Use of The Soccer Tutor to teach offside is
Law 11 - Offside
  • The Law is only 185 words long, but discussion,
    misunderstanding and controversy are never ending.

History Offside was introduced to prevent
attacking players from bunching up around the
goal. It forces them to move up and down the
field which makes the game more exciting.
Still only 350 words including the 2 recent
Definition of Offside
  • A player is Offside when
  • He is in an Offside Position
  • At the moment the ball is playedby or touches a
  • AND, he is involved in Active Play
  • (All 3 conditions must be met)
  • Offside Position
  • Ahead of the ball
  • Ahead of the 2nd last defender
  • And, not in own half of the field
  • (Being in an offside position is not in itself an
  • Active Play
  • Interfere with play (play or be touched by the
  • Interfere with an opponent (prevent an opponent
    from playing the ball)
  • Or, gain an advantage (interfere with play after
    a rebound)

  • Not offside if a player receives the ball
    directly from a
  • Goal Kick,
  • Throw-in, or
  • Corner Kick

Helpful Hint A player cannot be offside directly
from a restart if the restart is because the ball
left the field of play.
Making the Offside Decision
  • The assistant referee must not signal simply
    because a player is in an offside position, but
    must look for active involvement.
  • If an assistant referee is in any doubt as to
    whether a player is actively involved or not, the
    assistant referee is expected to refrain from
    signaling offside.
  • The referee, too, must be certain that there is
    active involvement before deciding for offside.

From Advice for Referees
Penalty for Offside Infringement
  • An IFK taken from where the infringement
  • The infringement occurred where the player was
    when the ball was played by or touched the
  • Not where the player was when he became involved
    in Active Play
  • Not where the 2nd last defender was the ball was
  • Not where the AR was when he signaled the

Judging Offside Position
AR One yard off the line
Is Green in an Offside Position?

OffsideExamples 1 2
  • Clearly Offside
  • In offside position when ball was played by a
  • Interfered with play
  • Clearly Offside
  • In offside position when ball was played by a
  • Interfered with play

OffsideExamples 3 4
  • Not Offside
  • B was in an offside position when his teammate
    played the ball, but
  • Was not involved in active play.
  • Not Offside
  • B was not in an offside position when his
    teammate played the ball.

OffsideExamples 5 6
  • Offside
  • B was in an offside position when teammate A
    played the ball, and gained an advantage.
  • Not Offside
  • B was not in an offside position when teammate A
    played the ball.

  • What 3 conditions must exist for a player to be
    in an offside position?
  • What 3 conditions must exist for you to correctly
    signal an offside infraction?
  • What 3 actions are considered as being involved
    in active play?
  • How does the AR signal offside?
  • How does the referee signal offside?
  • Who makes the final decision?

  • Each game is a learning opportunity for the
    players, coaches, parents and referees.
  • On-going education will increase understanding,
    build confidence and earn respect.
  • Any questions?

Referee and Assistant Referee Mechanics
  • Module
  • 10

Referee Duties
  • Enforce Laws of the Game
  • Ensure ball players equipment meet standards
  • Act as timekeeper keep record of match
  • Control match in cooperation with ARs
  • Control Substitutions
  • Stop, suspend or terminate match for cause
  • Stop play when necessary for injury
  • Restart match after it has stopped
  • Apply advantage when appropriate
  • Punish most serious if multiple offences
  • Keep match SAFE, FAIR FUN
  • Referees decisions on facts are final.

System of Control
  • Diagonal system of control
  • Center referee (CR) and two assistant referees
  • Only FIFA, USSF and AYSO approved system of

Referee Mechanics
  • Run along a broad diagonal
  • Stay close to play (10-20 yards)
  • Keep ball between self and AR
  • Control Play
  • Use whistle to start play (only when necessary)
  • Use whistle to stop play
  • Use hand signals to indicate restart
  • Use cards to indicate misconduct
  • Use voice to provide positive instruction
  • Accept advice from your AR (when appropriate)
    - must remember to check AR frequently -
  • Dont be afraid to correct mistakes
  • Sell your calls!!!

Referee Signals
Assistant Referee Duties
  • Indicate ball in/out of play (over your touch
    line and/or your goal line)
  • Offside (including involvement in active play)
  • Fouls or misconduct CR cannot see
  • Keep track of substitutions
  • Assist CR with sideline behavior
  • Assist CR in any other way requested

Assistant Referee Mechanics
  • Runs along touch line between goal line and
    halfway line.
  • Stays in-line with 2nd last defender.
  • Follows ball to goal line.
  • Keeps flag straight down when running.
  • Stops before signaling, and then snaps flag.
  • Doesnt chat with coaches and spectators.
  • Keeps coaches and spectators off touch line.
  • Checks substitutes and counts players on the
    field (or subs).
  • Looks and acts involved and professional.

Assistant Referee Signals
Club Linesman
  • Signal when the whole ball has completely crossed
    the touch line.
  • Any other tasks assigned by referee.
  • Remove debris
  • Check nets
  • Locate game ball(s)
  • Collect lineup card(s)
  • Referee must communicate to keep them focused.

  • If a coach feels that a referee isnt calling
    obvious fouls he should appeal the result of the
  • If both sides of the field are yelling foul, but
    neither the referee nor the AR saw a foul, the
    referee should call a foul?
  • When should a referee blow the whistle?
  • Referees should never change their decisions
    because they will lose face?

ConfirmationAR Signals
  • Each game is a learning opportunity for the
    players, coaches, parents and referees.
  • On-going education will increase understanding,
    build confidence and earn respect.
  • Any questions?

Post Game
  • Module
  • 11

Post-Game Duties
½ min.
Collect the Ball
  • Referee is responsible for making sure that the
    game ball is returned to the proper person or
  • The official closest to the ball should retrieve
    and return it to proper person or place or to the

Supervise Post Game Ceremony
  • Officials should supervise the team handshake and
    any other normal post game ceremony.
  • Players may need to be encouraged to show good
    sportsmanship at this time.
  • Officials must continue to act as good role

Complete Game Report
  • Referee should complete the lineup card and any
    other required reports.
  • Make sure all officials concur on the score.
  • Be sure to report any safety issues and any
    sideline problems accurately and in detail.
  • Deliver report to the appropriate person or place.

Conduct Post Game Conference
  • Referee should conduct a post game conference
    with any assistants.
  • This is the best time for positive feedback in
    both directions.

  • Teams always take care of their game ball?
  • Why bother sending in a report, nobody reads them

  • On-going education will increase understanding,
    build confidence and earn respect.

... Applause
  • 5 Minutes

Referee Support Review
  • Module
  • 12

Referee Support
  • Mentoring
  • Assessing
  • Appearance
  • Pre-game Instructions
  • Fitness
  • Attitude
  • Courage, Character Consistency
  • Accuracy of Decisions
  • Control
  • Continuing Education

  • Friendly way to impart knowledge
  • On-the-job training
  • Evaluate what you hear
  • Ask your support chain if you question the
    advice, dont be confrontational
  • Keep an open mind
  • Seek on-going training

Continuing Education
  • Attend formal training.
  • Attend referee meetings.
  • Read your manuals.
  • Look on the Internet.
  • Ask experienced referees.
  • Ask your Director of Instruction or your
    instructors, and check websites.

AYSO National Referee Program
  • Organization
  • NBOD, Section, Area, Region
  • NSTC Paid support staff (
  • AYSO Referee Grades
  • U-8 Official
  • Assistant Referee
  • Basic Referee (Regional)
  • Intermediate Referee (Area)
  • Advanced Referee (Section)
  • National Referee (National)

  • Rules are rules at any age?
  • What are the 5 AYSO Philosophies?
  • The referees job is to keep the game SAFE, FAIR
    and ______ ?
  • The coach is my enemy so I need to show him who
    is boss?
  • Once I pass this course Im a referee and thats
    all the training I need?

Thank You for Volunteering!
½ min.
  • Each game is a learning opportunity for the
    players, coaches, parents and referees.
  • On-going education will increase understanding,
    build confidence and earn respect.
  • Any questions?

Test Review Basic Referee
  • Be sure to print your name clearly on the form.
  • Test (20 min.)
  • Review Test (10 min.)
  • Graduation

Referee Positioning Field Clinic
  • Module
  • 13

Game Card
Player Participation
Referee Report
Game Cards (Check-in Pre-Game)
R 85 U12G 601
Blue Frisbees Blue / White
Alex Smith Sam Jones
9 / 11 / 04 900 ETHS
Game Cards (Check-in Substitution)
R 85 U12G 601 Blue
Frisbees Blue / White Alex
Smith Sam Jones
2 Dolly Madison 3 Sarah Lee 4 Lois
Lane 5 Mia Hamm
Game Cards (Half Post-Game)
2 1 602
9 / 11 / 04 900 ETHS
3 2 601
Team 601
parents very critical. Coach Alex helpful in
controlling situation when asked. Player 12 on
team 602 sent-off for violent conduct (3 rd
qtr). Deliberately kicked opponent 6 while
opponent was on the ground away from the ball.
Larry Lotito
100 601 Nick Lotito
506 Ali Lotito
223 602
Game Cards (What to do with them)
  • Place in field box (U9 - up)
  • Normally by one of the goals
  • No box?
  • Pass on to next referee team
  • Last referee team?
  • Leave cards in storage shed (in an envelope or
    with rubber band)
  • Alternative Deliver to division referee
    coordinator or call for pickup

Overview of Restarts
No Interference Safe Distance No 2nd Touch
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