Business Rate Avoidance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Rate Avoidance


Business Rate Avoidance Presented by: Gordon Heath BSc IRRV (Hons) for IRRV East Midlands Association Gordon Heath Ltd * Letting to a Company in Liquidation Scheme ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Business Rate Avoidance

Business Rate Avoidance
Presented by Gordon Heath BSc IRRV
(Hons) for IRRV East Midlands Association
Empty Rate History in England
  • City of London Sewers Act 1848 - half the general
    rate, not the poor rate, hence about 10, no free
    periods, City of London only.
  • Local Government Act 1966 - discretionary 50
    empty rate, with 3 months free period and various
  • 1974 discretion increased to 100 empty rate
  • 1974 - Rating surcharge soon abolished
  • 1983 - industrial exemption, 50 limit on empty
  • 1990 - compulsory 50 empty rate with exemptions
  • 2008 - compulsory 100 empty rate, exemptions
  • Imposed by Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling in
    England and Wales but not in Scotland

Gordon Heath Ltd
100 Empty Rate the Reaction in 2008
Gordon Heath Ltd
100 Empty Rate the Reaction
  • Coincided with the 2008 credit crunch
  • Ratepayers not very happy
  • Properties demolished
  • New starts and completions delayed
  • Innovative methods of avoidance
  • Meanwhile uses of empty buildings
  • Relief given for small empty properties in
    2009/10 and 2010/11
  • Contributed to losing the 2010 General Election ?

Gordon Heath Ltd
Purpose of 100 Empty Rate?
  • Meanwhile Project set up in 2009 by last
  • Led by Development Trusts Association
  • 2010 - SQW Consulting - business case
  • Meanwhile uses of otherwise empty buildings for
    socially beneficial purposes
  • DCLG guidance on suitable sub-leases
  • Also planning changes to make change of use
  • Is it about empty rate revenue or encouraging
  • Effect of local rates retention on authorites

Gordon Heath Ltd
The Right to Minimise Tax Liability
  • The Westminster Principle
  • Inland Revenue Commissioners V Duke of
    Westminster 1936 (H. of Lords)
  • Payments to domestic employees by deed of
    covenant that amounted to renumeration
  • House of Lords refused to disregard the character
    of the deeds merely because the same result could
    be brought about in another manner
  • Principle applies to any form of direct taxation
  • Arrange the use of empty property to avoid empty

Gordon Heath Ltd
The Right to Minimise Tax Liability
  • Lord Tomlin Every man is entitled if he can to
    order his affairs so as that the tax attaching
    under the appropriate Acts is less than it
    otherwise would be . If he succeeds in ordering
    them so as to secure this result, then, however
    unappreciative the Commissioners of the Inland
    Revenue or his fellow taxpayers may be of his
    ingenuity, he cannot be compelled to pay an
    increased tax.
  • Lord Atkin It has to be recognised that the
    subject whether poor and humble or wealthy and
    noble has the legal right to dispose of his
    capital and income as to attract upon himself the
    least amount of tax
  • BUT this case only avoided a single avoidance

Gordon Heath Ltd
The Right to Minimise Tax Liability
  • The Ramsay Principle
  • W.T. Ramsay Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners
    1982 (H. of Lords)
  • Company made a large capital gain and entered
    into a series of self cancelling transactions to
    generate an artificial capital loss and avoid CGT
  • Where a transaction has pre-arranged artificial
    steps which serve no commercial purpose other
    than to save tax, then the proper approach is to
    tax the effect of the transaction as a whole
    referred to as the Ramsay Principle
  • BUT it is limited to a series of self cancelling
    financial steps

Gordon Heath Ltd
The Right to Minimise Tax Liability
  • Furniss (Inspector of Taxes) v Dawson D.E.R.,
    Furniss v Dawson G.E., Murdoch v Dawson R.S. 1984
    (H. of Lords)
  • Selling family company shares a pre-arranged
    plan to exchange shares for shares in a newly
    formed investment company that immediately sold
    the family shares at an agreed price.
  • CGT exemption applies to company amalgamation
    and there was no gain or loss by investment
  • Steps inserted in a preordained series of
    transactions with no commercial purpose other
    than tax avoidance should be disregarded for tax
    purposes, notwithstanding that the inserted step
    had a business effect
  • Significant extension to Ramsay Principle
  • Now applies to a linear series of financial

Gordon Heath Ltd
Empty Rate Avoidance
  • Most empty rate avoidance either relies on a
    series of occupations for six weeks or the
    granting of an exemption
  • The Westminster Principle establishes a right to
    minimise tax
  • The Ramsay Principle, as extended, enables
    artificial financial transactions to be ignored.
  • Can the Ramsay Principle be extended to occupying
    premises ?
  • Perhaps, but it goes beyond the existing
  • It requires a High Court decision
  • We already have case law on rateable occupation
  • We have new case law on empty rate avoidance

Gordon Heath Ltd
Rateable Occupation
  • John Laing Son Ltd v Kingswood Area Assessment
    Committee 1949 (Court of Appeal)
  • London County Council v Wilkins 1956 (House of
  • Four elements of occupation
  • 1. it must be actual
  • 2. it must be exclusive to the occupier
  • 3. it must be of some benefit to the
  • 4. it must not be for too transient a period
  • SI 2008/386 reg. 5 prescribes that no further
    rate free period applies if occupation is less
    than 6 weeks

Gordon Heath Ltd
Rateable Occupation
  • Rateable occupation is a question of fact
  • Further periods of relief are allowed
  • There is nothing in the regulations that prevents
    a ratepayer from repeatedly occupying for 6 week
    periods to claim repeated empty periods
  • Key test is probably beneficial occupation
  • My suggested question Ignoring the empty rate
    saving, would the ratepayer be prepared to pay a
    rent to obtain that benefit from the occupation?
  • No requirement for rent to be passing
  • Paramount Occupation Legal occupier is not
  • the same as the actual occupier

Gordon Heath Ltd
De Minimis Occupation
  • There is no de minimis rule in the legislation
  • Wirral BC v Lane 1979
  • Empty House undergoing building works - No
    overnight stays
  • Most goods removed but use of telephone
  • Cumming-Bruce LJ the magistrates .. decided to
    apply the maxim de minimis non curat lex to these
    valuable chattels.
  • on the facts found by the magistrates, they
    could have very well come to the opposite
  • I am not prepared to hold as a matter of law
    that the magistrates were not entitled thus to
    relegate these objects to a lowly grade of value
    or importance

Gordon Heath Ltd
Plant, Machinery and Equipment
  • LGFA 1988 s 65(5) - Plant, machinery and
    equipment.which was used. or is intended for
    use can be ignored
  • Sheafbank Property Trust PLC v Sheffield MDC 1988
  • A disused sports ground and premises was held to
    be unoccupied because it only contained plant,
    machinery and equipment that were last used on
    the premises
  • Items included a snooker table, music facilities,
    tables, chairs, the bar and associated equipment,
    freezer, dishwasher, kitchen items, TV,
    refrigerator, settee, grass cutting equipment

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation
  • Sheffield City Council v Metis Apartments Limited
    2010 - Magistrates Court
  • 13/8/09 - moved boxes of files from head office
    and storage to 3 empty properties
  • 8 or 9 boxes in each property
  • 2/10/09 - moved back to head office

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation
  • 12/2/10 - moved boxes back in
  • 20 to 27 boxes in each property
  • 27/4/10 - moved back to head office
  • Council informed at every stage
  • Claimed benefit - reducing storage costs,
    enabling access, freeing up office space

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation
  • The District Judge said I am of the view that in
    all the circumstances of this case, there has not
    been rateable occupation for the relevant periods
    when the boxes were placed at the three
    properties. There was no actual occupation. The
    use of the properties in the way described and
    photographed was so minimal. It is beyond slight
    in the sense that it is de minimis.

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation
  • Beyond placing the boxes of files at the three
    properties, there is little evidence of the use
    to which they were put, or of the frequency of
    access or reference to them. They are boxes
    containing archived files. It occupied a very
    small percentage of the available floor areas.
  • Liability order granted
  • Not appealed
  • Not a legal precedent

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation
  • Makro Properties Ltd and Makro Self Service
    Wholesalers Ltd v Nuneaton and Bedworth BC 2012
  • Decision given on 29 June 2012
  • Appeal against liability order granted in the
    Magistrates Court
  • Former cash and carry warehouse used for
    temporary storage
  • Rowleys Green, Coventry
  • 0.2 of floor space of 140,000 sq.ft.
  • Storing16 pallets of documents
  • Between November 2009 and January 2010
  • Sufficient to trigger a further 6 months rate
    free period
  • Would an appeal in Sheffield have succeeded ?

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation
  • Ratepayers should tell the billing authority when
    they occupy for 6 weeks to enable inspection and
    makes sure it is occupied - then tell the
    authority when it is vacated
  • Under LGFA 1988 s65(5) plant, machinery and
    equipment that was used or is intended for use
    should be ignored
  • Includes shop fittings, counters and shelves
  • Could include desks and chairs
  • More than de minimis occupation
  • 0.2 occupation appears to be sufficient

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation
  • Occupation by empty boxes - not occupied
  • Occupation by a few boxes of files probably
    occupied, given the 2012 Makro decision
  • Occupied by tents - where is the benefit?

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation Blue Tooth
  • Occupation by a small electronic box broadcasting
    messages on blue tooth
  • Not in occupation if it is just a to let
    advertisement !!
  • Occupied - if the occupier is paying a rent and
    is being paid to broadcast messages - appears to
    be beneficial, actual and exclusive
  • It does not matter if it is a lease, licence or
    an easement
  • Does it matter if no rent is passing?
  • Paramount control remains with the landlord if he
    controls the use of the hereditament - not merely
    the access

Gordon Heath Ltd
6 weeks Occupation Blue Tooth
  • Could it be valued as a communication station? -
    6 weeks is probably too transient
  • Is the occupation de minimis? - probably not if
    the ratepayer is obtaining benefit by
  • Its not the size of the equipment that
    determines if a benefit is being obtained from
    the occupation
  • If the only benefit is avoiding empty rate, that
    is not beneficial occupation
  • There must be a beneficial use

Gordon Heath Ltd
Occupation Prohibited
  • Occupation Prohibited By Law where an empty
    property contains asbestos ?
  • Asbestos surveys sent with the requests detailing
    varying levels and types of asbestos
  • Just because an empty property has asbestos in it
    this does not mean it cant be occupied

Gordon Heath Ltd
Occupation Prohibited
  • Not an issue when occupied but when empty it may
    be difficult to refurbish for a new tenant
  • Regent Lion Properties Ltd v Westminster City
    Council 1990 - Notice under Health and Safety at
    Work Act 1974 - refurbishment must cease until
    asbestos removed
  • Not only asbestos - Construction (Design and
    Management Regulations) 2007

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Charity
  • Letting to a charity only works if the charity
    occupy or intend to occupy it for charitable
    purposes of THAT charity (or that charity and
  • If there is no intention for the charity to use
    it for a charitable purpose, the charity will be
    liable for 100 charge
  • Occupation of only part is sufficient to
    establish liability
  • If it is occupied, it must be wholly or mainly
    used for charitable purposes to qualify for
  • All of the hereditament - not just all of the use

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Charity
  • English Speaking Union Scottish Branches
    Educational Fund v City of Edinburgh Council 2009
  • Judicial review of refusal of mandatory relief
  • Tenants of whole building - 8 floors -only used
    the ground floor - must be wholly or mainly used
  • Ratepayer - wholly used for charitable purposes
  • Council - only partially used
  • Councils argument is consistent with the
    ordinary meaning of the language used in the

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Charity Blue Tooth
  • Letting to a charity that occupies with a
    bluetooth box broadcasting charitable messages
  • Evidence of broadcasting ?
  • Is it a charitable purpose ?
  • Occupation of all or part is sufficient to
    establish rateable occupation
  • Everyone knows the 4 elements of occupation in
    the John Laing case - thats not the point
  • Charitable relief ONLY applies where it is wholly
    or mainly used by that or that and other charities

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Charity Blue Tooth
  • Could it be valued as a communication station ?
  • 9 months would not be too transient
  • Some have now been valued at about RV 100
  • However it must be a separate occupation - not
    occupied by the same ratepayer as the main
    hereditament and for the same purpose
  • Occupied rate on box, Empty rate on remainder
  • No further 3 months if re-merged
  • Moving the box around might frustrate this

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Company in Liquidation
  • Just one of many examples
  • 5/8/2010 - Company is formed
  • 1/9/2010 - Company takes 15 leases on empty
    property in two Boroughs
  • 1/9/2010 - Declaration of solvency
  • 1/9/2010 - Members voluntary liquidation later on
    the same day - Liquidator appointed
  • Liability falls on leaseholder in liquidation -
    exempt from empty rate

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Company in Liquidation
  • The are only peppercorn rents and no rate
    liability - company remains solvent
  • No creditors to turn the voluntary liquidation
    into a compulsory liquidation
  • No pressure to disclaim the leases
  • No pressure to complete winding up

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Company in Liquidation
  • Company wound up 3 months after notice from
    liquidator to Registrar at Companies House
  • Remaining leases revert to the Crown as bona
    vacantia - vacant goods
  • Treasury Solicitor Bona Vacantia Division
  • Crown accepts no liability - landlord not
    entitled to possession and therefore not liable
  • No one is liable
  • Within a year the Crown will disclaim the leases
    and the landlord will become liable from then

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Company in Liquidation
  • Various companies referred to the Companies
    Investigation Unit of the Insolvency Service
  • Following investigations - IS presented petitions
    to wind up companies on 31 May 2011
  • 27 July 2011 - 13 Companies wound up in the High
  • 29 July - Insolvency Service press release
  • Scheme initially used for own properties but in
    April 2009 extended to approximately 100 third
    party landlords

Gordon Heath Ltd
Letting to a Company in Liquidation
  • Scheme avoided 8.9M empty rate
  • Generated a fee income of 1.4M
  • Companies never traded - no liquidator
  • Investigating Supervisor In making the decision
    to wind-up these companies, the court is sending
    a clear message that schemes which abuse the
    insolvency regime to avoid paying business rate
    liabilities are not acceptable
  • Companies and directors listed in press release
  • BUT IT IS STILL HAPPENING because it works?

Gordon Heath Ltd
Instant Rate Saver Plan
  • As advertised by articles in Property Week
  • Environmental charity - Healthy Planet
  • Healthy Planet sign a short term lease with a
    retail landlord to install posters advertising
    its work in shop windows in return for a donation
  • Landlords benefit by avoiding empty rate
  • Charity said the initiative would help landlords
    to cut their empty rates bills, improve the look
    of empty shops, and help the charity

Gordon Heath Ltd
Instant Rate Saver Plan
  • May improve the look of vacant shops
  • CLG has given money to some authorities to use
    vacant shops
  • Could ask VO to split assessment between shop and
    advertising right, BUT- it is only a separate
    hereditament if there is a separate lease for the
    advertising right
  • Is the charity in beneficial occupation by virtue
    of the posters in the window? - not in my opinion

Gordon Heath Ltd
Instant Rate Saver Plan
  • Charity exemption from empty rate only applies if
    it appears that when next in use it will be used
    by that charity or that charity and others for
    charitable purposes
  • If it is not the case - 100 liability remains
  • Are free standing advertising boards inside the
    windows occupation?
  • Is advertising a charitable purpose?
  • Is it mainly used for a charitable purpose?
  • Have some local authorities given relief?

Gordon Heath Ltd
Instant Rate Saver Plan
  • Article in FT Nov 2011 - Charities paid by
    retailers in rates deals
  • JJB Sports and Blacks Leisure confirmed that they
    have paid charities to occupy empty shops
  • 9,000 charity shops - 28.5 increase since 2008
  • Charity Commission considering issues - concerns
    would be whether decisions to occupy are to
    further charitable purposes and any benefit to
    the landlord is incidental

Gordon Heath Ltd
Instant Rate Saver Plan
  • Article in FT Nov 2011 - Treading a fine line
    between scam and service
  • Healthy Planet being paid to occupy about 60
    empty shops by posters in the windows
  • Also operates 13 Books for Free shops
  • HMRC has taken issue with Healthy Planets 2010
  • Donations increased from 13,000 to 1.1M in one
  • However it seems that it was Healthy Planet that
    approached HMRC, which is not the impression
    given by the article.

Gordon Heath Ltd
Instant Rate Saver Plan
  • HMRC - payment in return for occupying an empty
    shop is not really a donation
  • Healthy Planet has now paid several thousand
    pounds in tax
  • Intend to turn all shops into Books for Free
  • 3Space also receives donations for occupying
    shops but lets community groups use them for

Gordon Heath Ltd
Part Occupied Relief under section 44A
  • It is at the Local Authoritys discretion
  • The discretion is exercised when the Local
    Authority applies for an RV apportionment
  • The Valuation Officer must give it
  • The Authority must operate it
  • It must appear to the Authority that part is
    unoccupied and will remain so for a short period
  • CLG Non-domestic rates Guidance on rate reliefs
    for charities and other non-profit making
    organisations - updated June 2009
  • Can be successive periods
  • Phased occupation/vacation
  • Depends on RV of empty part

Gordon Heath Ltd
Section 44A CLG Advice
  • 8.2.2 It is not intended that section 44A be
    used where part of a property is temporarily not
    used or its use is temporarily reduced ..
    Instead section 44A is aimed at situations, for
    example, where there are practical difficulties
    in occupying or vacating a property in one
    operation . and it is phased over a number of
    weeks or months. In such cases it would be
    reasonable to reduce the liability on that part
    of the property which is unoccupied. Similarly,
    where a building or buildings on a manufacturing
    site become temporarily redundant it might be
    reasonable to take the unoccupied part of the
    property into account rather than levy full rates
    on the whole property.

Gordon Heath Ltd
Section 44A CLG Advice
  • 8.2.4 ........So, for instance, where the
    rateable value of the apportioned, unoccupied
    part of the property is below the relevant
    threshold no rates will be payable on that part
    until the end of the operative period (see
    further paragraph 8.2.7). It should be noted that
    the threshold has been increased from 2,200 to
    15,000 for a one year period covering the
    2009/10 business rates year
  • Threshold 18,000 for 2010/11
  • Automatically reverted to 2,600 in 2011/12

Gordon Heath Ltd
Telephone Masts
  • Valued as Communication Station (and Premises)
  • Valued on rent for site plus any plant and
  • VO will not TOR unless incapable of beneficial
  • Entry in the list does not prove occupation
  • Not the same as an advertising right where the
    right is rated

Gordon Heath Ltd
Telephone Masts
  • Kennett v British Telecom. 1983 (H. of Lords)
  • Exchange in occupation as soon as some equipment
    moved in
  • LGFA 1988 s65(5) - can ignore plant and machinery
  • If equipment switched off and disconnected it can
    be ignored
  • No beneficial occupation - grant empty allowance
  • N.B. There is no empty rate liability because a
    telephone mast is a structure, not a building

Gordon Heath Ltd
Relevant Hereditament
  • SI 2008/386 - unoccupied property regs.
  • Relevant hereditament for empty rate liability -
    building (or part) or building (or part) plus
  • Communication station is a structure not a
    building - outside the definition of
    hereditaments subject to empty rate
  • Similarly no empty rate on land including surface
    car parks and land used for storage
  • This is not empty rate avoidance, they are simply
    not subject to empty rate.
  • There is no empty rate on an advertising right
    because it is defined in the regulations to be
    occupied while there is a rent
  • being paid for the right and when this stops
    it should
  • be taken out of rating

Gordon Heath Ltd
Duty to Bill as Soon as Practicable
  • Encon Insulation Ltd v Nottingham City Council
  • Regentford Ltd v Thanet District Council 2004
  • R (on the application of L. B. Waltham Forest v
    Waltham Forest Magistrates Court (ReYem Yom
    Ventures Ltd) 2008
  • JJB Sports plc v Telford Wrekin Borough Council
  • The North Somerset cases 2010
  • Specific requirement in regulations
  • Can go back to 1 April
  • Probably back into last year
  • Only earlier if the billing authority has taken
    all reasonable steps

Gordon Heath Ltd
Duty to notify the VO
  • Secerno Ltd, Sportsworld Ltd Xou Solutions Ltd
    v Oxford Mag. Ct. and Vale of White Horse
    District Council 2011
  • High Court (QBD) Administrative Court
  • 2011 EWHC 1009 (Admin)
  • 27 January 2011, London
  • Judicial Review
  • Liability Orders granted 25 November 2009 in
    Oxford Magistrates Court
  • No dispute on occupation by ratepayers, entries
    in the list and correct demands

Gordon Heath Ltd
Duty to notify the VO
  • Alleged that the Council had been in breach of
    its statutory duty to notify the VO of
    information relating to entries in the list
  • LGFA 1988 Schedule 9 para. 6(1A)
  • Reg. 42 NDR (Alteration of Lists and Appeals)
    (England) regulations 2005/659
  • Now replaced by 2009/2268 reg. 24
  • Duty to supply information to the VO as soon as
    reasonably practicable
  • Failure to supply information to the VO on time
    resulting in list not being altered as soon as it
    could have been
  • Caused difficulties to ratepayers

Gordon Heath Ltd
Duty to notify the VO
  • Ratepayers claim Magistrates should have refused
    liability orders
  • Statutory duty not just obligation
  • Failure to serve a demand as soon as reasonably
    practicable in accordance with 1989 Collection
    and Enforcement regulations does result in
    invalidity if the ratepayer would suffer
  • Ratepayers claim that failure to notify the VO of
    information resulting in delay leads to prejudice
    and therefore invalidity
  • Cannot go behind the list R (Vitesse Networks)
    v NW Wiltshire Mag. Ct. 2009
  • Appeals regulations have nothing to do with
    collection and enforcement
  • Concerned with content of Local List
  • Reg. 42 is an irrelevance
  • Liability Order correctly granted

Gordon Heath Ltd
The Future
  • Local Rates Retention from 2013
  • Local authorities gain from increased local rate
    income AND suffer the cost of reduced local rate
  • More inspections
  • Tougher line on evasion
  • Less discretionary relief?
  • Encourage local business development
  • Current review of empty rate by 7 MPs
  • Possible 3 year exemption for new developments ?
  • Possible full rate relief for low RV properties ?
  • Impact assessment of empty rates ?

Gordon Heath Ltd
  • Empty rate avoidance is legal Westminster
  • The Ramsay Principle is a red herring
  • De minimis occupation can be ignored
  • S65(5) occupation can be ignored
  • Minimal occupation is sufficient
  • Beneficial Occupation is the key issue
  • Paramount Occupation Legal occupier v actual
  • Local Rates Retention in England may encourage
    more effort
  • A reduction to 50 empty rate would not reduce
  • Government has helped with avoidance
  • Notifying the VO is irrelevant
  • Bill as soon as practical

Gordon Heath Ltd
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