Expressions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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One of the original intentions of computer programs was the evaluation of mathematical expressions languages would inherit much from math conventions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Expressions

Expressions Assignments
  • One of the original intentions of computer
    programs was the evaluation of mathematical
  • languages would inherit much from math
  • expressions are constructed from math operators,
    operands, parentheses, functions
  • Design issues
  • what are the precedence and associativity rules?
  • what order are operands evaluated?
  • are there side effects?
  • is operator-overloading available?
  • what type mixing is allowed?
  • All expressions consist of operators and
    operands, 3 forms of operators
  • Binary (2 operands, the standard form of
    mathematical operator)
  • Unary (1 operand as in Cs i or in unary as
    in -5)
  • Ternary (3 operands, as in Cs conditional
  • Expressions requiring fetching the operator
    followed by operands, then applying the operator
    to those operands

Precedence Rules and Associativity
FORTRAN C-languages Ada Ruby
Highest postfix , -- ,
abs , / prefix , --
, /, mod, rem unary , - , -
unary , - unary ,-
, /, , /, binary
,- binary , - Lowest
binary , -
( and ) have the highest precedence in all
  • If two or more operators are of the same
    precedence, then they are applied based on
  • all languages use left-to-right associativity
    except when dealing with exponent and unary
  • in FORTRAN, exponent is the only right-to-left
  • in Ada, abc is illegal and so most be
  • NOTE in Ada, unary has lower precedence than
    mod, so a mod b is not the same as (a mod b)
  • in C-langauges, /-- and unary /- are right
    associative and there is no exponent operator
  • In VB, exponent () is left associative

Side Effects
  • A side effect is when a function changes a
    parameter passed to it
  • or changes a global variable
  • This may lead to associativity not being
    maintained, for instance in
  • A Fun(A)
  • if Fun(A) does not alter A, then the order of
    evaluation between A and Fun(A) is unimportant
  • but if Fun changes A, then A Fun(A) lt gt Fun(A)
  • Side effects can occur when the parameter is
    passed by reference (a pointer)
  • side effects become unimportant if you require
    that any function call be located at the end of
    an expression
  • some languages disallow side effects (that is,
    you are not able to pass pointers to pointers to
    functions, or use global vars in functions)
  • Here is how some languages deal with side effects
  • C/C side effects are allowed to leave the
    language flexible
  • FORTRAN 77 expressions with function calls are
    legal only if the function does not change the
    value of any operands in the expression
  • Pascal and Ada allow all side effects
  • Java operands evaluated left-to-right,
    programmer can avoid side effects by placing
    function calls to the right in an expression

Overload Operators
  • When the same operator is used for different
  • arithmetic operators (, -, , /) are all used
    for byte, short, int, long, float and double, so
    they are all overloaded
  • however, for each, the implementation differs
  • overloading can aid readability and writability
    but requires type checking
  • may also be used for and, union or string
  • is overloaded in C/C for pointer
  • is overloaded in C/C to generate an address
    and bitwise AND
  • in cases where overloading causes the type of
    operation to differ (addition versus
    concatenation, dereferencing versus
    multiplication), then overloading damages
  • the compiler must choose the correct meaning of
    the operator given operand types
  • Question can the programmer overload an
  • available in Ada, C, FORTRAN 95, Common Lisp,
  • C restricts which operators can be overloaded
    (., ., , ?, sizeof)

Type Conversions/Coercions
  • Narrowing going from a larger type to smaller
    type (e.g. int to short int)
  • narrowing is rarely safe
  • Widening going from a smaller type to larger
  • widening is almost always safe however consider
    going from a 32-bit int to a 32-bit float, while
    this is thought of as widening, you might lose
  • Coercion
  • implicit type conversion initiated by the
  • for instance, doing x y where x is an int and y
    is a float
  • Casts (in C/C, Java, C) are explicit
    conversion commands
  • Ada and Modula-2 also have them as in Float(X)
  • Ada does not do implicit coercions, so the
    assignment below is not legal since cannot
    apply to both an integer and a float
  • A Integer
  • B, C Float
  • C A B
  • Java also has methods to perform explicit
  • Most languages have at least round and truncate

Relational and Boolean Expressions
  • Evaluate to True/False rather than numeric
  • relational operators always have lower precedence
    than arithmetic so that the relational comparison
    is performed after any arithmetic operations (ex.
    a1 gt b-2)
  • boolean operators usually have lower precedence
    than relational operators except possibly NOT

Operation Ada C/Java FORTRAN77
Equal .EQ. Not equal /
! .NE. Greater Than gt gt .GT. Less
Than lt lt .LT. Greater/Equal gt gt
.GE. Less/Equal lt lt .LE. AND and
.AND. OR or .OR. NOT not
! .NOT.
The FORTRAN abbreviations originated because
early keypunches did not have lt, gt symbols
available FORTRAN 95 continued to use the
abbreviations, but also included , ltgt, lt, gt,
lt, gt JavaScript/PHP add and ! for
equality/inequality with coercion disabled
Example expressions
  • AB .GT. 2 C . AND. K .NE. 0
  • order of operations , , GT, NE, AND
  • In Ada
  • A gt B and A lt C or K0
  • is illegal because and/or have equal precedence
    and therefore must parenthesize, the proper
    expression is
  • (A gt B and A lt C) or K 0
  • with order of precedence as lt, gt and performed
    first in a left-to-right order, followed by and
    followed by or
  • In C a gt b gt c
  • is legal as a gt b returns a 1 or 0 which is then
    compared to c

C-language operator precedence
postfix,-- prefix , --, ! unary
, - , /, binary , - lt, gt,
lt, gt , !
Short Circuiting
  • A short circuited evaluation of an expression
    occurs if the result can be determined without
    evaluating the entire expression
  • (13 A) (B / 13 - 1)
  • if A0, then the expression evaluates to 0 and
    the right term (B / ) is ignored
  • (A gt 0) and (B lt 10)
  • if A lt 0 then the entire expression is false
  • We often take advantage of short circuiting to
    simplify code to avoid errors
  • while(ptr!NULL ptr-gtvalue gt target) ptr
  • without short circuiting, we either risk an error
    arising (if ptr is NULL and we still try to
    evaluat ptr-gtvalue, then we get an error) or we
    have to separate this into a while loop with an
    if statement inside it
  • In Ada, short-circuiting is available using AND
    THEN and OR ELSE
  • While (Index lt Listlen) and then (Listindex /
    key) do
  • In Modula-2, Turbo Pascal, AND and OR are
  • this is not true of Standard Pascal
  • In C, C, Java, and are short circuited
    and and are not
  • one must be cautious in C-languages when using
    short circuiting, consider this
  • (a gt b) ((b) / 3)
  • if a gt b is false, the right side of the
    expression is not performed and so b remains

The Assignment Statement
  • Syntactic form
  • lttarget_vargt ltass_opgt ltexprgt
  • FORTRAN, BASIC, PL/I, C, C, Java, C, Python
    all use for ltass_opgt whereas Ada/Algol/Pascal/Mo
    dula all use
  • in PL/I, the use of is confusing as it is also
    used for equal to leading to
  • A B C
  • this means set A equal to true if B C or false
    if B does not equal C
  • Some languages allow for multiple assignments in
    one statement
  • C, C, Java can use incr/decr operators and
    nested assignments
  • a b(c d / b) - 1
  • b gets b1, c gets d / b (old b), a gets b c -
    1 (old b, old c)
  • while((ch getchar( )) ! EOF)
  • Python a, b, c ltexpr1gt, ltexpr2gt, ltexpr3gt
  • Common Lisp (setf a b c d) same as ab, cd
  • Perl (a, b, c) (1, 2, 3)
  • C/C/ Java also have the conditional target
    (ternary operator)
  • flag ? count1 count2 0
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