Title: An Overview of Polysomnography
1Sleep Technology
An Overview of Polysomnography and the Roles and
Responsibilities of the Sleep Technologist
2- Everybody was excited, except the fat boy,
and he slept as soundly as if the roaring of
cannon were his ordinary lullaby Sleep! said
the old gentleman, hes always asleep. Goes on
errands fast asleep, and snores as he waits at
table. - Charles Dickens
- The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club 1884
3Sleep Disorders are Common
- Over 80 different types of sleep disorders have
been identified. - About one-half of adults in the U.S. experienced
a sleep problem a few nights per week or more
during the past year. - More than one-half of the adults surveyed report
having experienced one or more symptoms of
insomnia a few nights per week or more within the
past year. - Obstructive Sleep Apnea symptoms in occur in 1
out of every 10 people. - Only one-third of adults say they get at least
the recommended 8 hours or more of sleep per
night during the work week - More than one-third of U.S. adults report snoring
a few nights per week or more within the past
year. - A sizable proportion of adults (43) report that
they are so sleepy during the day that it
interferes with their daily activities a few days
per month or more and, one out of five
experience this level of daytime sleepiness at
least a few days per week or more.
4Sleep Disorders are Serious
- Chronic insomniacs report decreased quality of
life, memory and attention problems, decreased
physical health. - About one-half of adults in the U.S. report
driving while drowsy in the past year nearly one
out of five (17) have actually dozed off while
driving. - Total estimated annual costs of sleep disorders
in U.S. 15.9 billion. (NCSDR)
5Sleep Disorders are Treatable
- Multiple successful treatment modalities exist,
including pharmacotherapy, oral appliances,
surgical intervention, behavioral therapy, and
continuous positive airway pressure.
6Sleep DisordersConceptual Framework
Insufficient Sleep (Sleep Deprivation)
Fragmented Sleep (Sleep Disruption)
Excessive Daytime Somnolence
Primary Disorders of EDS
7Assessing Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
- Differentiate sleepiness vs fatigue
- Subjective perception of sleep tendency,
especially in low stimulus conditions - Sleepiness rating scales (subjective)
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) most common
- Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS)
- Sleep-Wake Activity Inventory (SWAI)
- Objective measure of EDS Multiple Sleep Latency
Test (MSLT) and Maintenance of Wakefulness Test
8Sleep DisordersClinical Impact
Excessive Daytime Somnolence
Neurobehavioral Deficits
Performance Deficits
Increased Morbidity/Mortality
Decreased Quality of Life
9Sleep DisordersEtiologicFramework/ Clinical
- Medical-psychiatric sleep disorders
- Medical
- Sleep-related asthma
- G-E reflux
- Pain related
- Medication related
- Psychiatric
- Depression or panic disorder
- Neurological
- Sleep-related epilepsy
- Others
- Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb
movement disorder (PLMD)
- Dyssomnias - disorders of initiating or
maintaining sleep - Circadian rhythm disorders/shiftwork
- Narcolepsy
- Idiopathic hypersomnia
- Inadequate sleep hygiene
- Sleep-related respiratory disorders
- OSAHS, CSAHS, Cheyne-Stokes, periodic breathing
- Upper airway resistance syndrome
- Parasomnias
- Disorders of arousal
- Disorders of sleep-wake transition
- REM behavior disorder
- Nightmares
- Rhythmic movement disorder
- Bruxism
10Evaluating Sleep Disorders
- Overnight Polysomnogram (PSG)
- Split Night Study
- Multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT)
- Maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT)
- Limited-Channel PSG (pediatrics)
- Unattended (portable) PSG
11The Polysomnogram Whats Recorded
- Bio-electric Signals
- EOG - Electrooculogram
- EEG -Electroencephalogram
- EMG - Submental Electromyogram
- EKG - Electrocardiogram
- Transduced Signals
- Tracheal Noise
- Nasal and oral airflow
- Thoracic and abdominal respiratory effort
- Pulse oximetry
- Video (body position)
- limb movements via EMG
- end-tidal CO2, transcutaneous CO2
- Esophageal pH
- CPAP and BiLevel outputs
12Types of Equipment
- Electrodes
- Preps and Gels
- Lead wires
- Airflow sensors
- Respiratory effort
- Misc. Sensors
- Snoring/mike/body position/motion
- Amplifiers
- Headbox
- Software
- Oximeters
- pH meters
- Audiovisual
- PAP equipment
13Patient Set-up Components
- Sleep History
- Pre-Sleep Questionnaires
- Electrode and Sensor Placement
- Equipment Set-up and Calibration
- Biocalibrations
- Patient Monitoring
- Troubleshooting
14The International 10-20 System
- The International 10-20 System of electrode
placement is the most widely used method to
describe the location of scalp electrodes. - The 10-20 system is based on the relationship
between the location of an electrode and the
underlying area of cerebral cortex. - Each site has a letter (to identify the lobe) and
a number or another letter to identify the
hemisphere location.
15The International 10-20 System
- The letters used are "F" - Frontal lobe, "T" -
Temporal lobe , "C" - Central lobe , "P" -
Parietal lobe, "O" - Occipital lobe. (Note
There is no central lobe in the cerebral cortex.
"C" is just used for identification purposes
only.) - Even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8) refer to the right
hemisphere and odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) refer to
the left hemisphere. "Z" refers to an electrode
placed on the midline. The smaller the number,
the closer the position to the midline.
16The International 10-20 System
- "Fp" stands for Front polar. "Nasion" is the
point between the forehead and nose. "Inion" is
the bump at the back of the skull. - The "10" and ""20" (10-20 system) refer to the
10 and 20 interelectrode distance.
17Electrode Placement for PSG
- EEG electrode placement for sleep studies are
usually limited to C4, C3, A1, A2, O1, O2, LOC,
ROC, and chin EMG. - EEG, EOG, and EMG electrodes are necessary for
staging sleep.
18Signals How we see them
- Signals from the patient are amplified using the
sensitivity setting and are filtered with - High frequency filter (HFF).
- Low frequency filter (LFF).
- Time constant (TC).
- Filters reduce unwanted activity.
- peak / crest - the highest point of a portion of
a wave before it begins to decrease - trough - the lowest portion of a wave
- rest - the horizontal line that would go through
the center of a wave - amplitude - the 'height' of the wave from either
the crest or trough to the rest. - cycle - from one point on a wave to its
corresponding point as the wave cycle repeats
(for example, from one trough to the next) - frequency - the number of cycles passing by a
given point in one second
- Frequency - cycles/second (Hz)
- Amplitude (microvolts)
- Presence of sleep-specific waveforms
- Vertex Sharp Wave
- Sleep Spindle, K complex
- Sawtooth wave
- Defined by duration and/or morphology
21Sleep Scoring
- All sleep recording studies follow the same
guidelines - Recording speed 10 mm/sec.
- One page 300 mm.
- Epoch 30 seconds.
- One minute two epochs.
22PSG Components - Summary
- Bio-electrical and transduced signals are
transmitted, amplified, and filtered. - Signals are combined (PSG) in a montage.
- Recording is divided into epochs (30 sec)
- Each epoch is assigned a sleep stage.
- The recording is analyzed for events.
23Alpha Activity
- Alpha EEG 8-13 cps.
- Alpha occipital region
- Alpha crescendo-decrescendo appearance
- Decrease in frequency occurs with aging
- gt50 of each epoch contains alpha activity.
- Slow rolling eye movements or eye blinks will be
seen in the EOG channels - Relatively high submental EMG muscle tone
25Theta Activity
- A frequency of 3-7 cps.
- Produced in the central vertex region
- No amplitude criteria for theta
- The most common sleep frequency
26Stage WakeEyes Closed vs. Eyes Open
Eyes open
27Stage 1
- gt 50 of the epoch contains theta activity (3-7
cps.) There may be alpha activity within
lt50 of the epoch. - Slow rolling eye movements in the EOG channels
- Relatively high submental EMG tone.
28K Complexes
- Sharp, slow waves, with a negative then positive
deflection - No amplitude criteria
- Duration must be at least .5 seconds
- Predominantly central-vertex in origin
- Indicative of stage 2 sleep
Sleep Spindles
- Sleep Spindle - 12-14 cps.
- Central - vertex region
- gt.5 to 2-3 seconds in duration
- .5 second spindles - 6-7 cycles
- Indicative of stage 2 sleep
29Stage 2
- Background EEG is Theta (3-7 cps.)
- K-Complexes and Spindles occur episodically
- Mirrored EEG in the EOG leads
- High tonic submental EMG
30Delta Activity
- Sleep Delta Activity - frequency of .5-2 cps.
- Clinical EEG - frequency of gt .5-4 cps.
- Seen predominantly in the frontal region
- Delta Activity - amplitude of gt 75mn
Delta EEG Activity (zoomed in 4 times larger than
31Stage 3
Read through the noise
1 sec.
- 20 to 50 of each epoch and must contain Delta
Activity - EOG channels will mirror Delta activity
- Submental muscle tone may be slightly reduced
32Stage 4
- gt50 of the epoch will have scorable Delta EEG
activity - The EOG leads will mirror all of the Delta EEG
Activity - Submental EMG activity will be slightly reduced
from that of light sleep
33Stage REM
- Rapid eye movements
- Mixed frequency EEG
- Low tonic submental EMG
34Stage REM Phasic Twitching
- Very short muscle twitches that normally occur in
REM Sleep - May occur in the inner ear, genioglossal, limb,
and facial muscles
The arrows are pointing to Phasic Twitching
35Sawtooth Pattern
- Jagged evenly formed EEG pattern seen usually in
the vertex region - Seen predominantly in REM
36Sleep Architecture
- During sleep, we move through the various stages
in a general pattern. - We have sleep cycles that include at least one
NREM stage and one REM stage and last from 90 to
110 minutes. - During a night's sleep, the typical young adult
experiences four to six sleep cycles, which
change in composition as the night progresses.
- REM 25
- NREM 75 - Stage 1 5 - Stage 2 45
- Stage 3 12 - Stage 4 13
- In the first third of the night, delta sleep
stages are longer, and REM stages are shorter. - In the last third of the night, delta sleep
usually decreases from the NREM portion of the
cycle, and REM sleep stages last longer.
37Sleep Architecture (contd)
- A typical sleeper's first sleep cycle moves from
wakefulness through stages 1, 2, 3, and 4,
consecutively. - Then the sleeper moves back into stage 2 sleep
and then into REM sleep. - The conclusion of the REM stage ends the first
sleep cycle. - This first cycle usually lasts about 70 to 100
minutes, typically the shortest of the cycles. - This example is not absolute, but it does
represent the norm.
- REM 25
- NREM 75 - Stage 1 5 - Stage 2 45
- Stage 3 12 - Stage 4 13
38EKG Airflow Thoracic effort Abd. effort SpO2
Airway obstructs
Airway opens
Effort gradually increases
Paradoxing Ends
Blood oxygen levels reduce to lt 3 of basline
Obstructive Apnea A complete blockage of the
airway (gt10 seconds) despite efforts to breath.
Notice the effort gradually increasing ending in
airway opening.
Airflow reduction
gt effort with paradox
Paradox ends
SpO2 desaturation
Hypopnea This is a hypopneic event. The
airflow signal is reduced by approximately 50
during this event for at least 10 seconds. The
criteria for classifying hypopneas can vary from
lab to lab.
Thor. Effort
Abd. Effort
Central Apnea These are central apneas (2)
with minimal oxygen desaturation. The criteria
for central apnea is no effort and no airflow for
at least 10 seconds.
Thoracic Effort
Abdominal Effort
Mixed Apnea
42OSAHS Treatment Options
- CPAP (most common)
- Bi-Level
- Region specific surgery
- Tracheostomy
- Non-surgical alternatives
- behavioral modification
- pharmaceutical
- mechanical (dental devices)
- Eliminate Apnea
- Eliminate Hypopnea
- Eliminate Snoring
- Eliminate Desaturation
- Eliminate Arousals
- Increase Compliance
44End of Test Components
- Post Study Biocalibrations
- Electrode and Sensor Removal
- Post-Sleep Questionnaires
- Equipment Cleaning
- Documentation