Compositionality in Transparent Intensional Logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Compositionality in Transparent Intensional Logic


Compositionality in Transparent Intensional Logic Pavel Materna Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic Prague – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Compositionality in Transparent Intensional Logic

Compositionality in Transparent Intensional Logic
  • Pavel Materna
  • Institute of Philosophy,
  • Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
  • Prague

Compositionality Definitions
  • Compositionality is a condition. It is
  • a condition on semantics for languages. A
    common statement of it is that the meaning of a
    complex expression is a function of the meanings
    of its immediate constituents and the
    grammatical rule which is used to combine them
  • (Hodges 2001, 7)
  • In other words, the meaning of a complex
  • is determined by the meanings of the component
    expressions plus the way they are combined into
    the complex expression.
  • (Sandu, Hintikka 2001, 49)

Formal definition of compositionality
  • Consider now F, a k-ary syntactic operation on
    E. m is F-compositional just in case there is a
    k-ary partial function G on M such that whenever
    F(e1,,ek) is defined, then
  • m(F(e1,,ek)) G(m(e1),,m(ek)).
  • (Szabó 2005, 5)
  • E set of expressions, m a meaning-assignment,
  • M set of available meanings
  • (Cf. also Stechow, Wunderlich 1991, 107.)

Two problems
  • A.
  • In which way does the syntactic function F break
    the given expression into (immediate)
    constituents (component expressions)?
  • B.
  • What do we mean by meaning?

Component expressions syntactic task?
  • Autonomous syntax
  • It would bein vain to ask an autonomous
    syntactician what the term constituent means.
    He certainly cannot say that a constituent is an
    expression which is complete in that it refers
    all by itself to a definite entity, in contrast
    to an incomplete expression which refers only in
    combination with some other expressions. For
    that would amount to leaving the domain of
    autonomous syntax. The term constituent (or
    phrase) is apparently not to be burdened with
    any pre-theoretical meaning at all a constituent
    is simply whatever the grammarians theory brands
    as such in any particular case.
  • (Tichý 2004, 807)
  • logical grammar, with its principle of
    compositionality of meaning, goes straight
    against the autonomy of syntax so cherished in
    the generative tradition. And that means, at
    least in principle, that semantic considerations
    may influence the syntax, thus breaching the
    supposed autonomy of syntax.
  • (Gamut 1991, 141)

Compositionality logical languages vs. natural
  • The principle of compositionality of meaning has
    important consequences for the relationship
    between syntax and semantics. Usually in a
    logical system the definition of the semantic
    interpretation of expressions closely follows the
    lead of their syntactic construction. The
    obvious way to proceed is to let the definition
    of the semantics parallel the finite, recursive
    definition of the syntax. Succinctly put, logical
    languages satisfy the following principle the
    interpretation of a complex expression is a
    function of the interpretations of its parts.
    every syntactic rule should have a semantic
    interpretation and on the other hand, every
    aspect of the semantics which is not related to
    the interpretation of basic expressions should be
    linked to a syntactic operation.
  • But a natural language is not something we
    construct it comes as given. (Gamut
    1991, 140)
  • Thus it seems that the Tarskian semantics of
    formal languages has got compositionality gratis.
    Whatever can be called meaning in such
    languages is stipulated in such a way that the
    syntactic rules (determining, e.g., which
    concatenation of symbols counts as well-formed
    formula) select just those components of an
    expression that get due to the interpretation
    unambiguously a meaning, and derive
    unambiguously the meaning of the whole
    expression from the meanings of the components.

Two consequences of compositionality
  • Two simple consequences of compositionality are
  • a compositional semantics is Husserlian (see
  • synonyms are substitutable
  • Ad i) The term Husserlian has been introduced
    by Hodges in his (2001). Roughly, a semantics S
    is Husserlian if for every expressions E, E it
    holds that if E is synonymous with E in S then E
    belongs in S to the same (Tarskian) category as
    E i.e., the expression containing E as its
    subexpression is S-meaningful just if the
    expression containing E in the place of E is
  • Ad ii) If E is synonymous with E in S then so
    is any expression A containing E as its
    subexpression with the expression B that arises
    from A by substituting E for E

Natural language ambiguities
  • Simple examples show that both i) and ii) cannot
    be satisfied if applied to expressions of a
    natural language. The reason is that natural
    languages, which come as given, are replenished
    by ambiguities.
  • One kind of ambiguities comprises lexical
    ambiguities. These are rather simple and can be
    thought of as corrigible. They make it
    impossible to satisfy even the Husserlian
    condition. For example, consider the word means.
    To be Husserlian the semantics would have to
    admit that since What Charles means is that is
    meaningful and we can (roughly) claim that means
    and resources are synonymous then What Charles
    resources is that were likewise meaningful.

Natural language non-lexical ambiguities
  • The non-lexical ambiguities are especially
    insidious. Here is an example of a sentence that
    seems not to contain any lexical ambiguity but
    does not admit an unambiguous interpretation
    (cf. also the famous Montagues example with
    seeking unicorns)
  • Charles wants to marry a princess.
  • An expression may be ambiguous without having
    two distinct constituent structures. But
    compositionality simply requires that there be
    different parts whenever there is non-lexical
    ambiguity, and if none of the known notions will
    do, the parts have to be invented.
    compositionality demands a disambiguated level of
    representation in the syntax. (Gamut 1991,

Logical analysis of natural language
  • Summarising
  • Identifying the component expressions of a
    complex NL expression presupposes a logical
    analysis of the natural language (LANL). This is
    because of the fact that natural expressions
    develop spontaneously so that the logical
    structure underlying the natural encoding given
    by the language (NB at the given stage of its
    development) remains hidden and has to be
    discovered. The degree of the adequateness of
    such discovery should be dependent on the degree
    in which the respective LANL could ensure that
    compositionality holds.
  • As for the disambiguation necessary according to
    the above quotation, LANL should be capable to
    offer to each reading (i.e., to each analysis
    tree) of an ambiguous expression a separate
    logical construction (indeed, under the
    assumption that the component expressions
    occurring in the tree have been determined as
    meaningful expressions and the dependencies
    between the particular terminals are mediated via
    rules admitting semantic interpretation).

Horwich compositionality independent of the
definition of meaning?
  • No great problems with compositionality are
    admitted from a deflationary viewpoint. Horwich
    formulates the problem as follows
  • The issue of how the meanings of sentences are
    built out of the meanings of their constituents
  • (Horwich 1997, 503)
  • Further he claims that
  • the compositionality of meaning imposes no
    constraint at all on how the meaning properties
    of words are constituted. (Ibidem)
  • If this Horwichs claim means that
    compositionality holds independently on how the
    notion meaning is defined then it can be easily
    demonstrated that this claim is wrong.

Reference, denotation, meaning I TIL
  • The main principles of TIL can be found in the
    work of the founder of TIL Pavel Tichý (see his
    Collected papers (2004), and his monograph
    (1988)) further information is offered, e.g., by
    Materna, P., Duží, M. (2005) and the important
    definitions in Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005).
    Since the apparatus is available in the
    literature just mentioned I will try to get along
    without formal definitions, and since the
    principles have been sufficiently defended in
    that literature I will only mention them and show
    how they help to elucidate the problems of
  • Let us return to various definitions of
    compositionality. In all of them what is said to
    be a function of or determined by is called
    meaning. We can therefore ask what sort of stuff
    meaning is (Horwich) or simply state that
    meaning is in such definitions a generic rather
    than specific term (Sandu, Hintikka). In the
    latter text the authors propose to speak of the
    different semantic attributes of an expression.
    Now we will examine three such semantic
    attributes and show that only one of them can
    guarantee such a disambiguation of a natural
    language which makes it possible to let
    compositionality hold.

Reference, denotation, meaning II Freges sense
  • Tichýs criticism of Freges semantic schema
  • a) Sense
  • Frege has characterized his sense as a mode of
    presentation of the object denoted (die Art des
    Gegebenseins), which is, of course, no
    definition. No wonder that, e. g., Bertrand
    Russell refused to accept such an indefinite
    notion. In any case, the lack of a satisfactory
    definition led to never ending discussions
    concerning necessity and character of sense, or,
    as we use to say nowadays, meaning.
    Alternatively, meaning is conceived of as having
    at least two components the sense and the
    reference (Kirkham 1992/1997, 4).
  • Since the term sense is no more frequently used
    we will use the term meaning as one of the levels
    that are connected with semantics and let it play
    the role that corresponds to Freges
    characterization of sense as a mode of

Reference, denotation, meaning III Freges
  • b) Denotation
  • If the object denoted were unambiguously
    determined by the sense then Freges notion of
    denotation (Bedeutung) as illustrated by his
    famous example with morning star vs. evening star
    does not satisfy this requirement.
  • For Frege the expression morning star as well as
    evening star denotes Venus, the particular
    celestial body. Imagine however a well thinkable
    (in any case possible) situation when the role
    played by the morning star (being the brightest
    celestial body in the morning sky and suchlike)
    begins to be played by another body, say, Mars. A
    natural way to state this change is to say Now
    Mars became the morning star. The sense be it
    anything connected with the term morning star
    did not change but the Fregean denotation did.
    This is a consequence of what Tichý calls e.
    g., in (2004, 825)
  • Freges Thesis, viz. that an expression is
    not a name of the determiner itself but rather of
    the object, if any, determined by it.

Reference, denotation, meaning IV Criticism
of Freges Thesis
  • The relation of denoting, if conceived of as a
    semantic relation (as it should be, at least if
    semantics of NL is construed as LANL), is, of
    course, a necessary relation.
  • Thus what is denoted by an empirical expression
    is always just a condition to be fulfilled by an
    object of the given type. Such conditions (called
    determiners in the above quotation) are best
    modeled as intensions in the sense of P(ossible)
    W(orld) S(emantics). Intensions are in this sense
    functions mapping possible worlds to objects of
    the given type, mostly to chronologies of such
    objects, i.e., to functions from time moments.
  • Objects that are not intensions are extensions.
  • Empirical expressions denote intensions due to a
    linguistic convention (which is given and which,
    therefore, enables us to say that from the
    viewpoint of LANL the denotation of an empirical
    expression is given a priori).
  • Now whereas empirical expressions denote
    intensions independently of their instantaneous
    actual population and are so immune to
    empirical facts (so that the relation of denoting
    is necessary) we can consider the value of any
    such intension in the actual world-time. This is
    our opportunity to distinguish
  • denoting as a necessary, independent of empirical
    facts relation, and referring (or reference) as a
    contingent relation that is irrelevant as being
    contingent for LANL.

Reference, denotation, meaning Examples
  • the capital city of Poland denotes the
    intension called individual role (Church has
    called it individual concept), which returns as
    its value in W at T at most one individual its
    reference in the actual world-time is Warsaw, the
  • The capital city of Poland is Warsaw denotes
    the proposition (a function from possible worlds
    to chronologies of truth values) its reference
    in the actual world-time is the truth-value True
  • star denotes a property its reference in the
    actual world-time is the set of all actual stars
  • etc. etc.

Actual world. Non-empirical expressions
  • One misunderstanding should be avoided we can
    speak about the actual world but logically it is
    inaccessible. Saying, e.g., I am actually
    hungry we do not say anything more than I am
    hungry. A systematic explanation of this
    frequently ignored fact can be found in Jespersen
  • As for the non-empirical, in particular
    mathematical expressions, to distinguish between
    denotation and reference is inoperative
  • semantics of mathematical expressions does not
    need any possible worlds or times, and
  • non-empirical (analytic) expressions containing
    empirical subexpressions denote constant
    intensions, i.e., functions whose value in all
    worlds-times is the same.

Sense is not an intension
  • A frequent interpretation of Freges sense in the
    post-Fregean literature consists in construing it
    as intension
  • At least two essential objections to this
    identification of senses with intensions are
  • Let the sense of an (empirical) expression be the
    intension of the given type. Then the only object
    that would correspond to the denotation could be
    the value of the intension in the actual world.
    Then the link between the sense defined in this
    way and the denotation would be contingent, not
    unambiguous. For example, if the sense of the
    sentence There are exoplanets where there live
    mammals were its truth-condition, i.e., the
    respective proposition, then what would be
    denoted would be a truth-value. But the
    proposition itself does not possess the force of
    determining the truth-value. We need empirical
    methods to verify/falsify empirical sentences.
  • Mathematical expressions would not possess any
    sense, since they are independent of intensions.

Meaning (sense) as an abstract procedure
  • Let us consider some mathematical expression,
  • 3 2 ? 0.
  • The most natural answer to the question what this
    expression denotes is probably that it is the
    truth-value True. What would be the way that
    links the expression with this truth-value,
    playing thus the role of the Fregean sense?
  • The general form of the answer has been given by
    Tichý as early as in (1968) and (1969). The
    Fregean sense is best construed as an abstract
    procedure. Later during developing the system
    of TIL Tichý has formulated exact definitions
    of such procedures they are what is called in
    TIL constructions and formally are influenced by
    the ingenious Churchs idea that two
    operations/procedures are the core of handling
    functions creating functions via abstraction and
    applying functions to arguments, which led to
    ?-calculi. What the typed ?-calculus formulates
    on the level of formal languages TIL interprets

Constructions I.
  • Variables, compositions (?-applications),
    closures (?-abstractions), trivializations (0X
    constructs X without any change) and double
    executions (where C is a construction that
    constructs a construction D the double execution
    2C constructs what constructs D) are
    extra-linguistic procedures, and the language of
    constructions is no formal language in the
    standard sense but only a direct code that
    enables us to deal with the abstract procedures.
  • Writing X X1Xm for applying what is
    constructed (maybe dependently on valuations v)
    by X to what is constructed by X1,,Xm, and
    ?x1xm X for constructing a function
    (technically just as it is done in ?-calculus)
    we can logically handle procedures working in
    the area of (partial) functions over some simple
    types and even in the area of constructions
    themselves, which get their types and become thus
    a kind of objects to be mentioned (not only used)
    within a ramified hierarchy of types.

Constructions II.
  • Constructions as abstract procedures embody an
    important property which a meaning of an
    expression should possess they are
    (algorithmically) structured. Tichýs and
    Cresswells (see his (1985) ) idea of structured
    meanings (see also the more recent Moschovakis
    (1994)) has been realized in TIL in a systematic
  • meaning of an expression is a construction, and
    LANL tries to find such a construction that would
    obey compositionality. (See Materna, Duží
  • A special kind of construction can be defined
    roughly, a closed construction, i.e., a
    construction not involving free variables. Such
    a construction has been called concept (see
    Materna (1998, 2004)).
  • The meaning of any non-indexical expression is
    accordingly a concept.

Denotation, reference, meaning
  • Summarising
  • Fregean levels (sense, denotation/reference) have
    been revised in TIL as follows
  • i) Empirical expressions of a natural language
    denote intensions, never their values in the
    actual world-time.
  • ii) Reference, as the value of the denotation in
    the actual world-time, is logically (and thus for
    LANL) inaccessible, hence it cannot be dealt with
    within LANL.
  • iii) Meaning of an expression E is a
    construction if E is a non-indexical expression
    its meaning is a concept. Meaning in this sense
    constructs what the expression denotes, which is
    as it should be.

Constructions Example I.
  • Returning to our example we can write down the
    concept that is the meaning of this mathematical
    sentence (whose denotation is True)
  • 0? 0 03 02 00
  • i.e. the function ? constructed by
    trivialization is applied to the pair M, N of
    procedures, where M is application of the
    subtraction function (constructed by
    trivialization) to the pair of numbers 3, 2
    (constructed by trivialization) and N is
    trivialization of 0.

Constructions Example II.
  • To show an example of an empirical sentence let
    us consider the sentence
  • Charles believes that the Moon is bigger than the
  • Reading Charles has the property of believing
    that the Moon is bigger than the Earth.
  • Charles, Moon and Earth ? names of definite
    individuals (a simplification, of course),
  • bigger than ? name of a binary
    relation-in-intension between individuals,
  • believe that ? a relation-in-intension between
    an individual and a proposition.
  • w is a variable ranging over the type of possible
  • t ranges over the type of time moments ( real
  • x ranges over the type of individuals.
  • Abbreviating Xwt as Xwt and omitting brackets
    where there is no danger of confusion we analyze
    our sentence as follows
  • ?w?t ?w?t ?x 0Belwt x ?w?t 0Biggerwt 0Moon
    0Earthwt 0Charles

Compositionality w.r.t. reference, denotation
and meaning I.
  • Once more, let compositionality be defined like
    in Szabó
  • m(F(e1,,ek)) G(m(e1),,m(ek)).
  • We will try to examine what happens if m is
    interpreted as
  • a) reference, b) denotation, c) meaning (defined
    as above)
  • Let us recollect that synonymy is defined as
  • The expression E is synonymous with the
    expression E iff
  • m(E) m(E).
  • Finally, an easily derivable consequence of
    compositionality is
  • If e is a constituent of E, and if E is like E
    with the only distinction that e is replaced by
    e, then
  • m(e) m(e) implies m(E) m(E).
  • (Principle of substitutability, PS)

Compositionality w.r.t. reference, denotation and
meaning II a) m is reference
  • Obviously, if reference is defined as above then
    we cannot expect that the m in definition of
    compositionality were reference. Indeed, we can
    easily prove that the PS does not hold for
  • Let our Charles believe that the following
    sentence is true
  • The Moon is bigger than the Earth.
  • Now the truth-value of the proposition denoted by
    this sentence in the actual world-time? and so
    the reference of the sentence ? is False. Hence
    the sentence is synonymous (w.r.t. reference)
    with the sentence
  • Every woman has two wings.
  • If PS held for reference Charles would have to
    believe that this sentence too were true. But he
    does not have to, of course.
  • In the semantics for which the meaning of E
    equals the reference of E the PS does not hold so
    that compositionality does not hold either.

Compositionality w.r.t. reference, denotation and
meaning III b) m is denotation.
  • We can immediately show that in this case
    doxastic or epistemic contexts make PS fail.
    Indeed, consider the sentences
  • A. Some dogs are dangerous.
  • B. Some dogs are dangerous and the only even
    prime is two.
  • The sentence A. is synonymous with the sentence
    B. w.r.t. denotation The point is that the
    proposition denoted by The only even prime is
    two is true in all worlds-times. Thus the
    conjunction of the sentence A. with the sentence
    B. denotes one and the same proposition. If PS
    held for m denotation then the following two
    sentences would be synonymous
  • Charles believes that some dogs are dangerous.
  • Charles believes that some dogs are dangerous
    and (that) the only even prime is two.
  • This is however evidently not the case.
  • In the semantics for which the meaning of E
    equals the denotation of E PS does not hold so
    that compositionality does not hold either.

Compositionality w.r.t. reference, denotation and
meaning IV c) m is a concept
  • First of all, this case is immune to
    counterexamples like those ones that were adduced
    in a) or b).
  • For example, the sentences A. and B. above are
    not synonymous w.r.t. meaning the construction
    (concept) underlying A. differs from the
    construction (concept) underlying B.
  • This does not mean, however, that other
    counterexamples cannot be found. Consider the
    following ones
  • 0yellowness constructs the same property as
  • (Properly speaking, these are two ways of
    encoding in TIL one and the same construction.)
  • Yet we cannot say This house is yellowness
    it seems that our semantics is not even
  • Solution The distinction between yellowness and
    yellow is in fact no distinction of meaning. Yet
    a distinction is present the ness in the first
    expression signalizes that this name of a
    property can be used only if the property is
    mentioned (i.e., is in the supposition de dicto)
    rather than used to be predicated of something.
    (Thus there is a constraint to compositionality,
    which could be classified as compositionality in
    the sense iii) in Sandu, Hintikka (2001, 50).)
    There are more such signals in natural languages,
    cf. bravery vs. brave, in German Tugend vs.
    tugendhaft, schön vs. Schönheit etc. As soon as
    such a signal occurs in the respective analysis
    tree compositionality is no more jeopardized in
    this respect.

Compositionality w.r.t. reference, denotation and
meaning IV c) m is a concept
  • ii) Without any lexical change the sentence
    Charles wants to marry a princess. allows for two
  • a) There is a princess and Charles wants to
    marry he
  • b) Charles wants that there were a princess whom
    he would marry.
  • So the expression to want to marry a princess
    as if denoted two properties.
  • Indeed, let Charles have the property according
    the reading a).
  • Peter might have the property according to
    reading b).
  • A simple substitution of the expression wants to
    marry a princess into both the statements that
    claim the possessing of a property by Charles and
    Peter would not result in the claim that Peter
    has the same property as Charles.
  • Solution The possible readings a) and b) show
  • 1. disambiguation is possible,
  • 2. the ambiguous sentence is something like an
    abbreviation (where semantic distinctions are
    lost). There are two meanings (concepts)
    belonging to the sentence, each of them is the
    meaning of one of the two readings. (See
  • No problem with compositionality arises after the
    disambiguation has been realized.

Compositionality w.r.t. reference, denotation and
meaning V c) m is a concept
  • iii) Suppose that Charles seeks the murderer of
    his father.
  • Analyzing simple words as expressing
    trivialized objects (simple concepts, Materna
    (2004)) can we really say that in any context
    0seek is sufficient?
  • Consider the situation when Charles says
    Success, it is Peter X! and another situation
    when he says Success, he was in his flat!
  • Solution This is again a problem of
  • In a disambiguated language we would have
  • seek1 as look for the place where X occursand
  • seek2 as investigate who plays the role of or
  • The resulting ambiguity is, as a matter of fact,
    a lexical ambiguity and should be signalized in
    the linguistic resources on which the analysis
    trees are based.

  • We will show the two meanings that correspond to
    the two readings of the sentence
  • Charles wants to marry a princess.
  • Simple types atomic ? True, False
  • ? individuals
  • ? time moments / real numbers
  • ? possible worlds (logical space)
  • functional (??1?m)
    partial functions from ?1 ? ? ?m to ?
  • Types of objects Charles ?
  • Want (((??((??)?)?)?)?) abbr. (? ?
  • (relates an individual X with a property, viz.
    which X wants to possess)
  • Marry (???)??
  • Princess (??)?? in general ???
    abbreviates ((??)?)
  • Types of logical functions ? (???)
  • ?
  • Variables w ? ?, t ? ?, x, y ? ?
  • First reading There is a princess and Charles
    wants to marry her.
  • ?w?t 0??x 0? 0Princesswt x 0Wantwt0Charles
    ?w?t ?y0Marrywty x
  • Second reading Charles wants that there were a
    princess and he would marry her.
  • ?w?t 0Wantwt0Charles ?w?t?y 0? ?x 0?
    0Princesswt x 0Marrywty x

References I.
  • Cresswell, M.J. (1985) Structured Meanings, MIT
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  • Duží, M., Materna, P. (2005) Logical Form. In
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    Mathematics and Logic, Polimetrica International
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  • Gamut, L.T.F. (1991) Logic, Language and Meaning
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  • Hodges, W. (2001) Formal Features of
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  • Horwich, P. (1997) The Composition of
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  • Jespersen, B. (2005) Explicit
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  • Kirkham, Richard L. (1992/1997) Theories of
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  • Materna, P. (1998) Concepts and Objects. Acta
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References II.
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  • Moschovakis, Y. N.(1994) Sense and denotation as
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  • Szabó, Z.G. (2005) Compositionality. The
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Appendix II.
  • Let us return to the sentence Charles believes
    that the Moon is bigger than the Earth.
  • In any analysis tree the following components
    (constituents) will occur
  • a) Charles believes that the Moon is bigger
    than the Earth. .t
  • b) Charles..t1
  • c) believe..... t21
  • d) the Moon.t221
  • e) (is) bigger than..t222
  • f) the Earth.t223
  • g) that the Moon is bigger than the
  • h) believe that the Moon is bigger than the
  • A probable structure of the respective analysis
    tree can be suggested as follows
  • a) t(t1, t2(t21, t22 (t221, t222,
  • We can see that the particular steps
    (subconstructions, subconcepts) of the meaning of
    the sentence correspond to the constituents of
    the suggested tree above and that the syntactic
    dependencies that make up this tree correspond to
    the objectual functions constructed by the
    particular subconstructions.
  • ?w ?t ?w ?t ?x 0Belwt x
    ?w ?t 0Biggerwt 0Moon 0Earthwt
  • C3(e) t222 C4(d) t221
    C5(f) t223

  • C1(c)t21 C6(g) t22

  • C8(h) t2 C2(b) t1
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