Maximizing Outpatient Reimbursement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Maximizing Outpatient Reimbursement


... morphine 10:50am IV infusion of Rocephin started 11:25 infused at 12:00 NS infusion started 12:01 ended 1:30 96365 IV Rocephin initial 96375 morphine ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maximizing Outpatient Reimbursement

Maximizing Outpatient Reimbursement
  • Teresa Heskett, RHIT, CCS,CCDS

Common Problem Areas
  • Modifier Assignment
  • Medical Necessity
  • Injection and Infusions
  • Therapy Services
  • RAC

Modifier Use
  • -Inappropriate assignment of -59
  • Missing modifier assignment
  • Missing modifiers on cancelled procedures
  • Inappropriate assignment of modifiers

Modifier -25
  • Missing documentation to support a separately
    identifiable visit
  • No assignment of clinic visits
  • No facility criteria for Evaluation and
    management level visits

Injection and Infusion Coding
  • Are you capturing these charges in the ED? OBS?
  • Do you have documented start and stop times?
  • Billing for the initial service
  • Therapeutic infusion trumps hydration infusion

Injections and Infusions
  • Coding Hierarchy Rules
  • Chemotherapy services are primary to diagnostic,
    prophylactic, and therapeutic services
  • Diagnostic, prophylactic, and therapeutic
    services are primary to hydration.
  • Infusions are primary to pushes
  • Pushes are primary to injections

Injection and Infusion Basics
  • 96365 Infusion for therapy up to 1 hr (Initial)
    16minutes to one hour
  • 96366 each additional hr (91minutes or gt)
  • 96367 additional seq infusion up to 1 hr
  • (second IV ATB of same drug,
    report once per same drug)
  • 96368 concurrent infusion (once per enc)

Injection and Infusion Coding
  • 96360 Infusion, hydration initial, 31 minutes
    to 1 hr (Initial)
  • 96361 each additional hr (91min or gt)
  • Hydration is to be used when no drugs or other
    substances are mixed in the infusion
  • (not reported for keep vein open)
  • It can be prepackaged fluid and electrolytes

Injection and Infusion Coding
  • 96374 IV Push lt 15 minutes (Initial)
  • 96375 Each additional Sequential IV push of a new
    substance or drug
  • 96376 Each additional sequential IV push of the
    same drug or substance gt 30 minutes
  • 96365 IV Infusion for prophylaxis or diagnosis up
    to one hour (Initial)

Injection and Infusion Coding
  • 96366 each additional hour Prophy or dx infusion
    over 1 hr (91minutes after initial)
  • 96367 additional sequential infusion up to one hr
  • 96368 concurrent infusion (report once per

  • A concurrent infusion is the service in which
    multiple infusions are provided through the same
    intravenous line.
  • A sequential infusion is considered to be an
    infusion of a different drug administered
    immediately following the initial infusion.
  • Only one Initial injection or infusion can be
    reported unless given in separate IV site.

Injections and Infusions
  • 36593 catheter/port declotting can be billed with
    pushes and infusions. (Saline flushes are
    included in Infusion and Pushes)
  • 36000 Introduction of needle or intracatheter,
    vein (reported for Hep-lock only without
    injection or infusion services)
  • Hydration infusions provided concurrent to
    nonchemotherapeutic/diagnostic or
    chemotherapeutic services are not separately

Coding Therapeutic Infusion
  • How are additional infusion hours calculated for
    initial and sequential services? For example, an
    initial service for an IV infusion of Drug A
    lasts 98 minutes in duration, followed by a
    sequential infusion of Drug B which lasts 120
    minutes in duration.

Are you following me?
Coding Therapeutic Infusion
  • Answer
  • For the initial infusion of Drug A, code 96365,
    Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis,
    or diagnosis (specify substance or drug)
    initial, up to one hour, is reported for the
    first hour of infusion. Add-on code 96366,
    Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis,
    or diagnosis (specify substance or drug) each
    additional hour (List separately in addition to
    code for primary procedure), is reported for the
    additional 38 minutes beyond the one hour
    increment of the initial infusion interval.
  • The infusion of Drug B is reported using code
    96367, Intravenous infusion, for therapy,
    prophylaxis, or diagnosis (specify substance or
    drug) additional sequential infusion, up to 1
    hour (List separately in addition to code for
    primary procedure), because it is sequential to
    infusion of Drug A. Code 96366 is reported for
    the second hour of infusion of drug B.
  • CPT code 96366 is an add-on code used when a drug
    is infused for more than one hour and 30 minutes
    and is also used for additional hours of infusion
    of sequentially infused drugs. Each new infusion
    starts a new time cycle.
  • CPT Assistant September 2007, Volume 17, Issue 9,
    pages 3-4

Coding Question
  • Patient received IV push Morphine 1025am
  • 2nd IV push of morphine 1050am
  • IV infusion of Rocephin started 1125 infused at
  • NS infusion started 1201 ended 130

  • 96365 IV Rocephin initial
  • 96375 morphine reported only once, not over 30
  • 96361 once not greater than 91 minutes

Medical Necessity
  • Medicare will pay for drug waste of single use
    items that are medically necessary and wastage
    appropriately documented in the record.
  • LCDDrugs and Biologicals, Non-Chemotherapeutic
  • http//

  • CMS established a research project titled
    Developing Outpatient Therapy Payment
    Alternatives (DOTPA) billed under Medicare Part
  • CMS awarded RTI a contract to help develop
    alternatives to the current Medicare payment cap
    and exceptions processes for Part B outpatient
  • Data Collections to measure case mix and outcomes
    for payment system.
  • Participating in the program voluntarily can lead
    to possible deferrals from RAC or routine medical
    necessity review.
  • Monthly meetings, free tools, feedback for

  • CMS awarded RTI a contract to help develop
    alternatives to the current Medicare payment cap
    and exceptions processes for Part B outpatient
    therapy services.
  • Three main components of this study
  • Develop a patient assessment tool for measuring
    severity and outcomes of Medicare therapy
    patients covered by Part B
  • Collect patient assessment data from a provider
    sample representing the range of settings and
    patients providing services under Part B
  • Use the sample data, along with administrative
    data, to develop alternative payment models for
    outpatient therapy
  • http//

DOTPA 2007 Utilization Report
  • Medicare expenditures for OP therapy were over
    4.3 billion in CY 2007. This represents an
    increase by 6.6 from CY 2006.
  • Almost 74 for physical therapy services.
  • 95 of all OP therapy claim lines for CY 2006 and
    CY 2007 were represented by 15 HCPC codes.

Table 12 15 most frequent CY2007 outpatient therapy HCPCS codes HCPCS code Total claim lines Mean paid per claim line Mean allowed per claim line Total paid all claim lines Total allowed all claim lines Percent of total claim lines Percent of total paid
TOTAL 140,634,124 31.12 39.10 4,376,866,295 5,498,440,022 100.00 100.00
97110 46,386,420 37.93 47.63 1,759,271,281 2,209,266,754 33.00 40.20
97140 16,031,450 26.55 33.34 425,710,792 534,452,155 11.40 9.70
97530 14,494,816 33.92 42.57 491,732,404 617,052,759 10.30 11.20
97112 11,205,850 28.74 36.05 322,084,089 404,021,306 8.00 7.40
97116 8,810,086 22.23 27.90 195,806,622 245,777,231 6.30 4.50
G0283 8,791,307 8.93 11.21 78,533,423 98,512,629 6.30 1.80
97035 7,291,853 9.47 11.88 69,043,276 86,648,135 5.20 1.60
97535 4,405,151 35.51 44.57 156,431,400 196,322,073 3.10 3.60
97001 4,004,796 55.96 70.86 224,120,501 283,784,437 2.90 5.10
97032 2,952,621 14.90 18.68 43,999,700 55,153,710 2.10 1.00
92526 2,556,302 63.91 80.33 163,379,657 205,339,096 1.80 3.70
97150 1,724,302 13.91 17.47 23,977,714 30,125,537 1.20 0.60
97124 1,372,090 20.44 25.65 28,050,894 35,198,868 1.00 0.60
92507 1,315,917 49.06 61.65 64,564,664 81,122,467 0.90 1.50
97113 1,150,895 65.43 82.20 75,299,551 94,598,784 0.80 1.70
CY 2007 Top 10 OP PT DX
  • 724.2 Lumbago
  • 781.2 Abnormality of gait
  • 719.41 Joint pain shoulder
  • 719.7 Difficulty Walking
  • 723.1 Cervicalgia
  • 728.87 Muscle weakness-general
  • 715.16 Loc prim osteoart-l/leg
  • 724.4 Lumbosacral neuritis nos
  • 726.1 Rotator cuff synd nos
  • 719.45 Joint pain pelvis

Therapy Services
  • Therapy services are billed with timed and
    untimed CPT codes.
  • Order for Evaluation
  • Plan of Care
  • PT vs PTA
  • Certification
  • Therapy Start and Stop times must be documented
    in record.
  • Total time of each modality documented

Therapy Services Denied
  • Medical Necessity
  • Solutions and Prevention
  • 1. ABN
  • 2. Request Physician HP, operative reports
  • 3. Document pre-therapy functionality especially
    with chronic conditions.
  • 4. Review Local Coverage Determination

Most Common Denials
  • Medical Necessity
  • Billing multiple units of a single billable
    service such as 97001 PT eval.
  • Inappropriate use of modifier -59
  • Billing mutually exclusive
  • Billing components of comprehensive
  • Lack of documentation in record to support
  • Orders

UnitsNumber of Minutes
  • 1 unit 8 minutes through 22 minutes
  • 2 units 23 minutes through 37 minutes
  • 3 units 38 minutes through 52 minutes
  • 4 units 53 minutes through 67 minutes
  • 5 units 68 minutes through 82 minutes
  • 6 units 83 minutes through 97 minutes
  • 7 units 98 minutes through 112 minutes

CERT Audit Findings
  • Claim was submitted with CPT code 97140 Manual
    therapy techniques, one or more regions, each 15
  • Notes were submitted for 80 minutes and billed
    with 6 units.
  • Issue
  • IOM Pub. 100-04, chapter 8
  • Missing documentation physical therapy
    treatment log with actual minutes of treatment
    for each billed code or documentation of total
    treatment time provided on the date of service.

CERT Audit Findings
  • Claim submitted with CPT 97110 Therapeutic
  • Problem Missing documentation to support two
    units for billed service.
  • Missing documentation to support time or
    incorrect units billed.

97124 Massage
  • Do you have a pain in the neck?
  • Need a good massage?

Automatic process exceptions to CAP Limitation
  • Documentation justifying the services shall be
    submitted in response to any Additional
    Documentation Request (ADR) for claims that are
    selected for medical review. If medical records
    are requested for review, clinicians may include,
    at their discretion, a summary that specifically
    addresses the justification for therapy cap
  • Medicare has a list of codes for conditions and
    complexities that may be applicable to the
    exception in rare instances see Therapy Manual.

Registration Notification
  • Patients should be notified at this time about
    the 1860.00 Medicare Cap limit.
  • Notice can be in the form of an ABN or a notice
    form that meets requirements.
  • When using the ABN form as a voluntary notice,
    the form requirements specified for its mandatory
    use do not apply. The beneficiary should not be
    asked to choose an option or sign the form. The
    provider should include the beneficiarys name on
    the form and the reason that Medicare may not pay
    in the space provided within the forms table.
    Insertion of the following reason is suggested
  • Services do not qualify for exception to
    therapy caps. Medicare will not pay for physical
    therapy and speech-language pathology services
    over (add the dollar amount of the cap and the
    year or the dates of service to which it applies,
    e.g., 1860 in 2010) unless the beneficiary
    qualifies for a cap exception. Providers are to
    supply this same information for occupational
    therapy services

  • Medical Necessity is the next target
  • RACs Letters
  • Medicare Quarterly Compliance Newsletter
  • RAC Findings
  • A. Incorrect units of drugs billed
  • B. Billing new instead of established EM
  • C. Incorrectly billed injections and infusions

RAC Injections and Infusions
  • When the sole purpose of fluid administration is
    to maintain patency of the access device, the
    infusion is neither diagnostic nor therapeutic
    therefore, the injection, infusion, or
    chemotherapy administration codes are not to be
    separately reported. If fluid administration is
    medically necessary for therapeutic reasons
    (e.g., correct dehydration or prevent
    nephrotoxicity) in the course of a transfusion or
    chemotherapy, it could be separately reported
    with modifier 59 because the fluid administered
    is medically necessary for a different diagnosis.
    Problem Description Initial infusion codes are
    to be reported only once per day, according to
    the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter
    12, Section 30.5, unless protocol requires that
    two separate intravenous sites are necessary. An
    error occurs when providers bill more than one
    initial infusion code per day and do not append a
    modifier signifying the need for different access
    sites on the same date of service. Recovery
    Auditors found that providers were incorrectly
    coding Chemotherapy Administration and
    Non-chemotherapy Injections and Infusions more
    than once per day without an appropriate
    modifier. Guidance on How Providers Can Avoid
    These Problems Chemotherapy Administration and
    Nonchemotherapy Injections and Infusions are
    discussed in the Medicare Claims Processing
    Manual, Chapter 12, Section 30.5 E, which is
    available at http//
    clm104c12.pdf on the CMS website. Providers
    should pay close attention to the instructions
    for what constitutes an initial service code
    and when to use modifier 59

  • Prevent denials and lost revenue by performing
    pre-bill audits
  • ABNs
  • Request additional information prior to
    performing services
  • Call RTI today to delay RAC for 6 months
  • Request ROI log from medical records

Make sure you are on the winning team!
  • CMS RAC http//
    sletter_ICN904943.pdf - 2010-10-05 
  • NCCI Edits
  • http//
  • Medicare Therapy Services
  • http//
  • RTI OP Therapy Initiative http//optherapy.rti.or
  • CERT http//
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