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Pulsing Dial Limits : The nominal dial characteristics are speed = 10 pps, ratio = 2/3 break, 1/3 make. In practice dials are set to maintenance limits of speed = 9 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pulsing

  • Pulsing
  • Dial Limits The nominal dial characteristics
    are speed 10 pps, ratio 2/3 break, 1/3 make.
  • In practice dials are set to maintenance limits
    of speed 9-11 pps, ratio break 63-70 break.
  • Equipment is designed to accept pulsing at 7-12
    pps, ratio break 63-70.
  • Factors Affecting Pulsing The dial pulses, in
    the end, operate and release an A (pulsing) relay
    in selectors and relay sets. The speed is
    generally set by the dial but the ratio is
    affected by many other conditions.

  • Line resistance This reduces current and flux
    values and their rate of growth. Generally the
    operate lag of the A relay is increased and the
    release lag is reduced. the break pulse tends to
  • Line inductance This also slows growth of
    current and flux and again tends to increase the
    break pulse.
  • Line leakance This holds the flux in the A
    relay to a certain minimum value and keeps the
    relay partially fluxed. This tends to slow the
    release of the relay and therefore tends to
    reduce the length of the break pulse.
  • Line capacitance This provides a path for the
    back EMF of the relay when the break pulse
    disconnects it. This tends to hold the relay
    operated thus reducing the break pulse. However
    it also restricts the rate of growth of current
    and increases the operating lag of the relay. The
    break pulse therefore tends to be displaced in

  • Dial springs spark quench This is usually a
    100 ohm resistor in series with a capacitor of
    about 2 microfarads across the dial springs. The
    capacitor has no real affect on the make as the
    capacitor will be short circuited. On the break
    though the capacitor charges from the line
    voltage and provides a circuit for the A relay
    back EMF. This slugs the release of the relay and
    tends to hold it operated and so reduces the
    break period.
  • Exchange battery voltage Low voltage acts in a
    similar way to line resistance in reducing relay
    flux and the rate of growth of flux, again the
    operate lag of the A relay is increased and the
    release lag reduced, leading to an increase in
    the break pulse length.
  • Transmission bridge capacitors Final selector
    capacitors are disconnected during pulsing and
    therefore have no effect. Auto to auto relay sets
    have two capacitors connected in series across
    the A relay during pulsing, which act rather like
    line capacitance and therefore cause the pulsing
    to be displaced

  • Typical Selector Stepping Circuit In a
    stepping circuit, relays B and CD have to remain
    held during the reception of a train of
    pulses.In particular relay B has to remain held
    during the break period of the pulse. During this
    time the B relay is short circuited by the A1
    contact and the slugging effect provides a
    release lag of around 225 ms.
  • This is achieved by using the whole winding
    space for the 1300 ohm coil and allows the relay
    to hold to a 46 volt supply, 12 pps and a break
    that can reach or exceed 95. The relay can also
    have a high number of springsets with its high
    mechanical load on the armature.

Relay CD has to remain held during the make
period of the pulse when the magnet current
ceases. This is achieved by having a short
circuit 700 ohm winding which provides a release
lag of around 150 ms. Generally the magnet will
fail to step before the CD relay will
fail. Modern selectors overall have a great
amount of tolerance to pulse distortion.
  • Junction calls
  • When calls are made involving more than one
    exchange, the circuits interconnecting the
    exchanges are called "junction" circuits
  • (Connections between the customer and the
    exchange use "local"lines).

A transmission bridge is required in each
exchange that the call passes through. The A
and B relays in each exchange hold the call
through that exchange via the B contact earth on
the P wire holding any group selectors that will
have been used to set up the call. Local lines
and junction circuits are simply two wire
circuits, but each exchange connection requires
the third P wire circuit in order to test and
hold the call through the exchange. Please
recall from the "Transmission Bridge" paper that
barretters can serve both caller and called
customers when a junction is involved in the call.
  • On a "junction" call the originating exchange
    uses an outgoing auto - auto relay set to convert
    the three wire exchange connection to the two
    wire condition of the junction.
  • Any intermediate exchanges that the call passes
    through will also require an auto - auto relay
    set. The terminating exchange uses a final
    selector to provide the necessary transmission

Any auto - auto relay set therefore has to
provide facilities to convert the three wire
exchange condition to the two wire junction
condition and this requires that the relay set
has a transmission bridge. Any pulsing must
therefore be repeated across the transmission
bridge to the junction and the following
  • The Auto - Auto Relay Set This diagram shows
    the essential features of an auto - auto relay
    set that permit P wire holding and pulse
    repetition to a junction.
  • The P wire normally has a low resistance battery
    condition on it to denote that the junction is

The relay set is seized by the customer's loop
being extended from a group selector level on the
- and wires and relay A operates. A1 in turn
operates relay B which earths the incoming P wire
to hold the connection from the group selector.
  • Junction Limits
  • A2 also loops the junction with the 400 ohm high
    impedance I relay. This "initial pickup" is the
    condition that usually limits the resistance
    permitted in the junction pair. This limit can go
    up to 2000 ohms with the total loop resistance
    being presented to the distant A relay being 2400
    ohms. Above this value the A relay will not
    operate reliably.
  • During pulsing the I relay is short circuited
    and the distant A relay will receive somewhat
    higher line current.
  • A junction of 2000 ohms however implies a
    transmission loss of perhaps 20 db and this will
    not be acceptable in nearly all cases. To
    overcome this the junction will need amplifiers
    to reduce the loss to between 3 and 6 db
    depending upon where in the network the junction
  • In turn, amplifiers generally mean a four wire
    junction being used which in turn reduces the
    line resistance by half.
  • To offset this gain though, many transformers
    would be introduced into the signalling path
    along with capacitors across the signalling path.
    These factors generally reduce the junction
    signalling limits to around 1200 ohms.

  • Pulse Repetition
  • When the caller dials, the A relay releases
    during the pulse break periods. Contact A2
    repeats the break to the junction, contact A1
    operates relay C and C2 operates relay CA.
  • These two relays hold during the pulse train.
    Contact C1 short circuits relay I and, on the
    next operation of relay A, presents a zero ohm
    loop to the junction. Pulsing continues with
    either a break or a zero ohm loop being extended
    to the junction.

At the end of the pulse train, relays C and then
CA release slowly. C1 removes the short circuit
from the junction and leaves the I relay and a
400 ohm resistor in parallel across the line.
Flux builds in the I relay whilst the distant A
relay is held by the current flowing via the 400
ohm resistor. When CA1 releases the line current
will all flow via the I relay, but as the relay
has been partially fluxed, the line current will
not drop below the "hold" value for the distant A
relay. This arrangement is known as "Two Stage
Dropback" and is an essential feature in all loop
disconnect relay sets.
  • If the 400 ohm resistance circuit had not been
    provided, then the drop back from the short
    circuit to an unfluxed I relay would have caused
    the line current to have dropped momentarily to
  • This would have caused a momentary release of
    the distant A relay and so would have produced an
    extra pulse. eg if six had been dialled, seven
    pulses would have been received.

The A relay in the auto - auto relay set could
also be adversely affected if a "one stage drop
back" had been employed. During pulsing the
transmission bridge capacitors build a charge
from the A relay battery and earth via the short
circuit of C1. When C1 releases the capacitors
would discharge to the junction line potentials
and this would produce a current in the A relay
in opposition to the line current. The A relay
may therefore itself produce an extra break which
it would repeat to the junction. This again would
be an extra pulse.
  • Trunking
  • The diagram and write up assumes that the auto -
    auto relay set is provided on a one per outgoing
    junction basis. This is generally true,
    particularly in the smaller exchanges.

However when large exchanges with many junction
groups are involved, it is usually more economic
to provide the relay sets further back in the
selector chain, between the group selector
ranks. There are usually more junctions
connected to the levels of second selectors than
there are second selectors. The outgoing side of
the relay set is then connected to a second group
selector which in turn will select which junction
is used. Contact B3 in the auto auto relay set
provides the forward holding earth to busy and
hold the next group selector. The forward B3
earth is also generally taken to the bush of the
test jack of the selected junction to mark it as
busy to any testing engineer.
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