Title: Ethical aspects of deactivating implanted cardiac devices
1Ethical aspects of deactivating implanted cardiac
- Paul S. Mueller, MD, MPH, FACP
- Associate Professor of Medicine
- I am a member of the Boston Scientific Patient
Safety Advisory Board - I am an associate editor for Journal Watch
- No off-label use of drugs or devices will be
- Describe the permissibility of withholding and
withdrawing life-sustaining treatments (W/W LSTs) - Differentiate W/W LSTs from physician-assisted
suicide and euthanasia - Describe the results of research related to the
ethical aspects of withholding device therapy and
deactivating implanted cardiac devices
4Cases and questions to ponder
5Case 1Refusal
- 72-year-old man presents with syncope he is
found to have intermittent complete heart block - Pacemaker (PM) therapy is recommended
- He declines
- He understands the risks and benefits of, and the
alternatives to, his decision - How do you respond?
6Case 1
- Refer the patient to a psychiatrist since his
decision is irrational - Have your institutional ethics committee review
and approve his decision - Ensure that his decision is informed and if so,
respect it - Ask one of his loved ones to convince him that
his decision is wrong - Force him to undergo PM implantation
7Case 2Request for withdrawal
- 72-year-old man with CHF and ventricular
dysrhythmias undergoes ICD implantation - Despite medication adjustments, he is shocked 3
times the week after device implantation - He now demands ICD deactivation
- He understands the implications of his request
- How do you respond to his request?
8Case 2
- Refer the patient to a psychiatrist since his
request is irrational - Obtain an ethics consultation
- Ensure that his request is informed and if so,
deactivate the ICD - Ask a chaplain to convince him that his request
is wrong - Refuse to comply as his request is akin to
9Case 3Request for withdrawal
- 72-year-old man dying of lung cancer
- He has a PM for complete heart block with
unstable escape - Fearing the PM will prolong the dying process, he
requests PM deactivation - He understands the implications of PM
deactivation - How do you respond to his request?
10Case 3
- Refer the patient to a psychiatrist since his
request is irrational - Comply if the hospital attorney agrees
- Ensure that his request is informed and if so,
deactivate the PM - Ask his family to convince him that his request
is wrong - Refuse to comply as granting his request is akin
to euthanasia
11Case 4Request for withdrawal
- 72-year-old man with CHF has an ICD for
ventricular dysrhythmias - Now hospitalized with cancer and sepsis, he is
delirious and dying - There is no advance directive
- Fearing shocks during the dying process and
citing the patients values and goals, his family
requests ICD deactivation - They understand the implications of ICD
deactivation - How do you respond?
12Question 4
- Refuse to comply since there is no advance
directive - Obtain an ethics consultation
- Call the hospital attorney for advice
- Deactivate the ICD
- Refuse to comply as granting the request is akin
to euthanasia
13QuestionCause of death
- If a patient dies of a cardiac dysrhythmia after
refusing device implantation, which of the
following best describes the cause of death? - The patients refusal of device therapy
- The cardiac rhythm disturbance
- Im not sure
14QuestionCause of death
- If a patient dies of a cardiac dysrhythmia after
withdrawal of device therapy (deactivation),
which of the following best describes the cause
of death? - Withdrawal of device therapy
- The cardiac rhythm disturbance
- Im not sure
- If a decision is made to deactivate a device, who
should carry out the deactivation? - Primary care physician
- Palliative medicine specialist
- Electrophysiology (EP) physician
- EP nurse or technician
- Device industry representative
16(No Transcript)
17Clinical ethicsBeauchamp and Childress.
Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 5th ed.
- Definition the identification, analysis, and
resolution of moral (should) problems that
arise in patient care - Prima facie ethical principles
- Beneficence
- Non-maleficence
- Respect for patient autonomy
- Justice
These principles often are at odds with each
18Is it ethical and legal to withhold or withdraw
life-sustaining treatments?
19Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining
- Many types hemodialysis, ventilators, etc.
- Most clinicians regard implanted cardiac devices
as life-sustaining - Ethics principle respect for autonomy
- Rights to refuse, or request the withdrawal of,
unwanted interventions even if doing so results
in death should not impose treatments - No ethical or legal differences between
withholding and withdrawing - Clinicians duty informed refusal
20Karen Quinlan70 N.J. 10 (1976), Supreme Court of
New Jersey
- Found unresponsive PVS
- The family wanted to withhold LST the
institution did not - Court decision
- Patients have the right to refuse treatment
- Surrogates may exercise the patients right
- Such decisions are best made by families, not
courts - The states interest in preserving life can be
overridden by the patients right to refuse
21Elizabeth Bouvia179 Cal App 3d 1127, 225 Cal
Rptr 297, 1986
- Born with cerebral palsy
- Quadriplegic and in constant pain
- At 28, she announced her intent to no longer eat
- She was competent and understood risks
- Received a feeding tube against her will
- Court ordered tube removed barred replacement
without consent - The right to refuse treatment is not limited to
terminally-ill patients
22Elizabeth Bouvia179 Cal App 3d 1127, 225 Cal
Rptr 297, 1986
Elizabeth Bouvias decision to forego medical
treatment or life support through a mechanical
means belongs to her. It is not a decision for
her physician to make. Neither is it a legal
question whose soundness is to be resolved by
lawyers or judges. It is not a conditional right
subject to approval by ethics committees or
courts of law. It is a moral and philosophical
question that, being a competent adult, is hers
23Nancy Cruzan
- 1983 in a motor vehicle accident never regained
consciousness (PVS) - 1988 parents sought removal of feeding tube
- Hospital refused without court order
- Trial court ordered removal of tube
24Nancy CruzanMissouri Supreme Court
- Must have clear and convincing evidence of a
patients wishes (eg, an advance directive)
before removing a feeding tube - The states interests in preserving life outweigh
the patients interests - Artificially administered hydration and nutrition
are not medical treatments
25Nancy CruzanUS Supreme Court, 1990
- The Constitution does not prohibit states from
adopting a clear and convincing standard - Each state may establish their own standard
- Upheld Missouris requirement
26Nancy CruzanUS Supreme Court, 1990
- Competent adults have a constitutional right to
refuse unwanted treatments - 14th Amendment liberty interest
- This right extends to incompetent persons through
their surrogates - Artificially administered hydration and nutrition
are medical treatments
27Nancy Cruzan
- Cruzan died in 1990
- Her death occurred 12 days after a state court
allowed withdrawal of her feeding tube (the
decision was based on new evidence of her wishes)
28W/W LSTsLegal permissibility
WDwithdrawal, WHwithhold
29Precedence of landmark casesNot a right to die,
but a right to be left alone
- A competent patient has the right to refuse or
request the withdrawal of LSTs - The incompetent patient has the same right
(exercised through a surrogate) - Hierarchy of surrogate decision-making
- The court is not the place to make these
decisions - No case must go to court
- No difference between withholding and withdrawing
LSTs - Artificial fluid and nutrition are medical
treatments - No physician liability for granting such requests
- It is ethical and legal to withhold or withdraw
life-sustaining treatments from patients who do
not want them. - Through surrogates, patients without
decision-making capacity have the same ethical
and legal rights as those with capacity.
31Are withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining
treatments akin to euthanasia?
32End-of-life decisions
33Vacco v. QuillU.S. Supreme Court, 1997
The distinction comports with fundamental legal
principles of causation and intent. First, when
a patient refuses life-sustaining medical
treatment, he dies from an underlying fatal
disease or pathology but if a patient ingests
lethal medication prescribed by a physician, he
is killed by that medication...In Cruzan our
assumption of a right to refuse treatment was
grounded noton the proposition that patients
have aright to hasten death, but on well
established, traditional rights to bodily
integrity and freedom from unwanted touching.
- Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining
treatments are not akin to physician-assisted
suicide and euthanasia.
35Conscientious objection
- You cannot compel a clinician to perform a
medical procedure he or she views as morally
unacceptable - What to do if this is the case
36How does this discussion apply to implanted
cardiac devices?
- Introduction PM in 1958 and ICD in 1980
- PM and ICD therapies prolong life
- The indications for device therapies are
increasing - Increased prevalence of patients with devices
37How does this discussion apply to implanted
cardiac devices?
- Nearly 3 million patients with implanted cardiac
devices in the U.S. - More dying patients have devices, increasing the
likelihood of device deactivation requests
38Deactivating implanted cardiac devicesConcerns
- Ethical? Legal?
- Same as physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia?
- Do guidelines exists?
- Who should carry out deactivations?
- What documentation should exist?
- How can we prevent ethical dilemmas?
39Device requestsRefusals (withhold) to
deactivation (withdraw)
- Patient refuses device implantation
- Patient refuses device exchange at end of battery
life - Patient with device refuses re-implantation after
device failure - Non-dying patient requests device deactivation
- Terminally-ill patient requests deactivation
40Deactivating implanted devicesCommon ethics
argumentsJ Gen Intern Med 200723(Suppl 1)69-72.
- Withholding vs. withdrawing treatment
- No ethical or legal differences
- Devices raise no new moral issues
- Duration of treatment
- Not a morally decisive factor
- Continuous vs. intermittent treatment
- May be a reason for different perceptions
regarding deactivating ICDs vs. PMs - However, we accept WD of both continuous and
intermittent LSTs (e.g., ventilation vs. HD)
41Deactivating implanted devicesCommon ethics
argumentsJ Gen Intern Med 200723(Suppl 1)69-72.
- Regulative vs. constitutive treatment
- Constitutive treatment takes over a function the
body can no longer provide - However, we accept WD of constitutive treatments
(e.g., ventilation, HD, feeding tube)
- Internal vs. external treatment
- Often cited but, definitions of killing vs.
allowing to die make no reference to internal vs.
external - Internal vs. external doesnt seem to mark the
moral difference between killing and allowing to
42Deactivating implanted devicesCommon ethics
argumentsJ Gen Intern Med 200723(Suppl 1)69-72.
- Replacement vs. substitutive treatment
- Substitutive treatment more acceptable to WD
- Replacement treatment part of the patient and
less acceptable to WD - Replaces that which is pathologically lost
- Features of replacement treatments
- respond to changes in the host and environment
- self-growth and repair
- independent from external energy sources
- controlled by an expert
- immunologic compatibility
- bodily integration
- Example AVR vs. ICD
43Ethics consultations prompted by device
deactivation requests Mayo Clin Proc
44Deactivating implanted devicesAnalysis prompted
by ethics consultationsMayo Clin Proc
- Ethical and legal if consistent with the
patients values and goals - Not the same as physician-assisted suicide or
euthanasia - Cause of death the underlying heart disease
- Employ a dedicated team of clinicians
- Address conscientious objection
- Call for research
45Deactivating ICDsLiterature review
- Many patients with ICDs
- Have anxiety about receiving shocks (J Gen Intern
Med 200723Suppl 17-12 Psychiatr Clin N Am
200730677-688) - Experience shocks while dying (Am J Med
2006119892-896 Ann Intern Med 2004141835-838)
The literature on pacemakers is sparse and
46Deactivating ICDsLiterature review
- Few patients with ICDs
- Have ever discussed device deactivation with
their physicians (J Gen Intern Med 200723Suppl
17-12) - Know that device deactivation is an option (J Gen
Intern Med 200723Suppl 17-12)
47Deactivating ICDsLiterature review
- Advance care planning
- Articulating goals and preferences for care at
the end-of-life - Regarding devices
- Rarely happens (J Clin Ethics 20061772-78)
- Patients with all devices (PM, ICD, LVAD, etc)
- Similar at Mayo
- For patients with ICDs, results in fewer shocks
at the end-of-life (Am J Med 2006119892-896)
48Device deactivation in the dyingSurvey of
practices and attitudesPACE 200831560-568
- Web-based survey
- HRS members and field personnel of 2 device
manufacturers - ICDs and pacemakers
- 787 respondents, almost all of whom had patient
contact - 63 male, 63 worked for industry, and 23 were
49Survey resultsPACE 200831560-568
All differences are statistically significant
50Survey resultsPACE 200831560-568
51Survey resultsPACE 200831560-568
Similar results were found for psychiatric
consultation All differences are statistically
52Survey resultsPACE 200831560-568
Anecdotal experience indicates that many device
industry representatives do not appreciate this
53Survey conclusionsPACE 200831560-568
- Device deactivation requests are common
- A majority of caregivers have cared for patients
who have made these requests and have personally
deactivated devices - In dying patients, a distinction is seen between
deactivating an ICD and a PM - Device manufacturer field representatives are
cited as those who deactivate devices most of the
54Deactivating implanted cardiac devices
unanswered questions
55Unanswered questionsAdditional research is needed
- Events leading up to device implantation
- The treatment imperative the almost inexorable
momentum towards intervention that is experienced
by physicians, patients, and family members
alike (PLoS Med 2008 53e7) - Paradigm example of how ethical dilemmas arise
when new technologies are introduced into
clinical practice (note LVADs) - Living and dying with a device
56Unanswered questionsAdditional research is needed
- Who should carry out deactivations?
- Further explore the involvement of device
industry representatives - Develop guidelines and policies (See Heart Rhythm
20085e8-10) - What protocols should be followed?
- How can we improve advance care planning
regarding implanted devices?
57Thank youmueller.pauls_at_mayo.edu