Title: Early dioxin exposure and later health effects
1Early dioxin exposure and later health effects
- Proof of evidence Ringaskiddy-Indaver Pleanala
Gavin W. ten Tusscher, M.D., Ph.D.,
paediatrician Department of Paediatrics and
Neonatology Westfriesgasthuis, Hoorn, Netherlands
- Introduction
- Background exposures
- Accidents
- Final thoughts
3Why dioxins?
- Numerous chemicals potentially harmful, however
- Dioxins are well studied
- Much data available on health effects
- Personal area of experience
- Dioxins are almost exclusively waste-products
4What are Dioxins and PCBs?
- Are of the most toxic substances known
- Colourless crystals or solids in pure form
- Not intentionally produced except for small
quantities for research
6Why a healthhazard?
- Extremely difficult to break down (metabolise),
thus accumulating, long half-life - Stored in fat (adipose) tissue
- Exposure via placenta and breast milk
- Europe has high background exposure levels
7What is background exposure?
- Concentrations we are exposed to in our daily
lives - WHO recommendations as a result of extreme
toxicity and potential for enormous health
effects - EU intake limit currently 14 ng/kg BW/week
- Yusho, Japan, 1968
- Yucheng, Taiwan, 1978
- Seveso, Italy, 1976
- Agent Orange, Vietnam War
- Agent Orange was dioxin contaminated defoliant
used on large scale in South East Asia during
Vietnam War - Data is beginning to emerge of large scale
- birth defects
- illnesses
- Cancers
- These effects are also seen in second and even
third generations!
10Birth Defects
- Increase in hypospadias, phimosis,
cryptorchidism, SGA, spontaneous abortions in
polluted part of Russia - Revich et al. Gig Sanit 2002 (1) 8-13
- Increased miscarriages and premature birth 60
congenital malformations after Agent Orange - Le et al. Reprod Health Matters 2001 9(18)
156-64 - Increase in orofacial clefts
- ten Tusscher et al. Chemosphere 2000 40 1263-70
- Other birth defects?
- 1960s large scale incinerations of various
chemicals in largely unknown quantities in open
air - Seven-fold increase in cleft lips/palates
- Increased miscarriages and premature birth 60
congenital malformations after Agent Orange - Le et al. Reprod Health Matters 2001 9(18)
13Infant deaths
- Increase in infant deaths and infant deaths with
congenital disorders near solid waste incinerator - Tango et al. J Epidemiol. 2004 May 14(3) 83-93
14Infancy and later childhood
- Disruption immune system
- Pluim et al. Acta Paediatr 1994 83(6) 583-7
- Weisglas-Kuperus et al. Pediatric Res 1995
38(3) 404-10 - Nagayama et al. Chemosphere 1998 37(9-12)
1781-7 - ten Tusscher et al. 2003 111(12) 1519-23
- Reduced platelet counts (necessary for
coagulation), persistent effect - Pluim et al. Acta Paediatr 1994 83(6) 583-7
- ten Tusscher et al. 2003 111(12) 1519-23
- Chickenpox at a younger age
- More middle-ear infections
- Less asthma
- Weisglas-Kuperus et al. Environ Health Perspect
2000 108(12) 1203-7
15Thyroid, liver
- Disregulation of thyroid function
- Pluim et al. Lancet 1992 339 1303, Environ
Health Perspect 1993 101(6) 504-8 - Koopman-Esseboom et al. Pediatr Res 1994 36(4)
468-73 - Liver damage
- Pluim et al. Acta Paediatr 1994 83(6) 583-7
16Pulmonary problems
- Decreasing lung function with increasing prenatal
exposure (p0.045) - Decreasing lung function with increasing
postnatal exposure (p0.0002) - Increase in asthmatic complaints with increasing
exposure (n4) - ten Tusscher et al. Acta Paediatr 2001 90(11)
- Lichen very sensitive to SO2 concentrations
- SO2 good indicator of air pollution
18Lichen biodiversity determined in 662 places in
Northern Italy (2 425 samples) Lung cancer
mortality 1981-1988 Cislaghi C Nimis PL.
Nature 1997 387463-4
19Biodiversity and lung cancer r 0.95, P lt 0.001
20Psychology, neurology
- Precocious neuromotor development
- Ilsen et al. Chemosphere 1996 33(7) 1317-26
- Increase in social problems aggression in two
environments (home and school) with dioxins - ten Tusscher et al. Thesis 2002
- In boys less masculine play, in girls more
masculine play, with increasing prenatal PCBs - Vreugdenhil et al. Env Health Perspect 2002
110(10) A593-8
21Brain Development
- Ultra modern and sensitive testing (MEG)
- Retardation in brain development of on average 3½
y - Possible relation with behavioural problems
- More dental defects (caries and enamel)
- Alaluusua et al. Eur J Oral Sci 1996 104(5-6)
23Puberty, fertility
- Retardation in initiation breast development
- Leijs et al. Chemosphere 2008 73(6) 999-1004
- Delay in genital and breast development in boys
and girls with dioxins - Den Hond et al. Health Perspect 2002 110 771-6
- Possibly increase in endometriosis with dioxins
- De Felip et al. Toxicol Lett 2004 150(2) 203-9
- Increased incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (RR
2.3) in vicinity of municipal solid waste
incinerator - Floret et al. Epidemiology 2003 14(4) 392-8
- Adolescent colorectal cancer and dioxin?
- Pratt et al. Lancet 1987 2(8562) 803
- Increased risk of sarcoma (RR 3.3) in vicinity of
municipal solid waste incinerators - Zambon et al. Environ Health 2007 6 19
- Childhood cancer/leukaemia births are associated
with high atmospheric emissions from combustion
processes - Knox EG. Childhood cancers and atmospheric
carcinogens. - J Epidemiol Community Health 2005 59 101-5
- Birth defects
- Hormone disruption
- Decreased lung function
- Reduced production blood platelets
- Immunity interference
- Increased cancer risk
- Influence on the thyroid
- Liver damage
- Dental problems
- Behavioural problems
- Retardation sexual development
- Retardation in brain development
- Often argued that risk of accident in
incineration plant is small - The last years have shown numerous accidents at
waste incinerators and by-product storage
facilities, resulting in high local exposures
27Quick media search
1993 Explosion in vinyl chloride monomer works
1994 Incinerator in Duiven exceeds dioxin emission norm
1995 explosion in incinerator for non-industrial wastes
1996 Fire in waste incinerator in Holland, high dioxin emissions
1997 Incinerator in Rotterdam exceeds dioxin emission norm
1999 Increased incidence of serious diseases, incinerator link
2001 Toxic cloud emission from incinerator
2002 Elbe floods storage depot for dioxins (by-products of incinerations)
2002 Incinerator explosion Japan, 10 injured
2004 Explosion at hazardous waste incinerator, Argentina
2004 Dioxin emissions following faulty filters
2005 Fire at hazardous waste incineration, US, requiring evacuation 1,500 people
2007 Explosion in incinerator, US
2008 Toxic waste catches fire, India
2009 Radiation-tainted waste leaks during truck transport
28Final thoughts
- Is the Ringaskiddy area a coastal area at risk
for flooding? - According to the World Health Organisation this
would be an important reason to exclude the
proposed site. Should flooding occur, the risk
for human health effects would increase
29Final thoughts
- How much local experience is there in monitoring
environmentally related health effects in
children? -
- Probably limited, meaning that the population
is extra at risk
30Final thoughts
- What biomonitoring needs to be performed in order
to have a complete picture of possible
environmental exposure? -
- Sampling of a number of index (key) substances
is most probably not sufficient. All possible
chemical exposures and their interactions upon
each other first need to be assessed in order
to have a baseline for comparison during
31Final thoughts
- What outcomes of biomonitoring and health
monitoring will be considered relevant? -
- Why not others?
32Final thoughts
- What would Indaver and governmental institutions
consider acceptable mortality and morbidity
figures? -
- How many environmentally-related deaths and
illnesses would be considered the threshold for
cessation of activities?
33Final thoughts
- With whom does the financial responsibility for
(possible) environmentally-related disease lie? -
- Bearing in mind the generally very long period
of time between exposure and negative health
effects, would Indaver be compelled to set aside
monies in a fund for future victims?
- Our children are already being exposed to
concentrations that are too high dont increase
it further! - Any increase in this exposure, for instance in
the case of an accident, only increases the
damage done to them - Dioxins and PCBs (POPs) remain in our bodies for
many years - It is not wise to risk the health and development
of our children