Factorial Design of Experiments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Factorial Design of Experiments


Factorial Design of Experiments Kevin Leyton-Brown Terminology: variables response variable outcome of an experiment. The thing being measured factor a variable upon ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Factorial Design of Experiments

Factorial Design of Experiments
  • Kevin Leyton-Brown

Terminology variables
  • response variable
  • outcome of an experiment. The thing being
  • factor
  • a variable upon which the experimenter believes
    that one or more response variables may depend,
    and which the experimenter can control
  • the design of the experiment will largely consist
    of a policy for determining how to set the
    factors in each experimental trial
  • possible values of a factor are called levels.
  • in other literature, the word version is used
    for a qualitative (not quantitative) level
  • experimental region / factor space
  • all possible levels of the factors which are
    candidates for inclusion in the experiment
  • covariates
  • these are like factors which are not under the
    control of the experimenter.
  • Like factors, it is believed that they might
    affect the value of the response.
  • Unlike factors, they cannot be controlled, though
    they can be observed.

Terminology experiments
  • test run
  • a single factor/level combination for which an
    observation of the response is recorded
  • repeat tests
  • two or more test runs. Every effort is made to
    ensure that the individual test runs take place
    under identical circumstances
  • replications
  • two or more repetitions of an experiment or a
    portion of an experiment under potentially
    different conditions
  • experimental unit
  • a measurement (or a material upon which a
    measurement is made)
  • it is important that the experimental units be
  • i.e., they do not exhibit systematic variation

Terminology Experimental Design
  • confounding
  • if two factors are varied simultaneously, we can
    say the effect of the factors is confounded.
    Likewise, bad experimental design can lead to the
    effect of one or more factors being confounded
    with one or more covariates.
  • blocking
  • if experimental units can be partitioned into
    groups (blocks) so that experimental units within
    groups are more homogeneous than experimental
    units across groups, the experiment can be
    designed differently to minimize the effects of
    the non-homogeneity of experimental units. For
    example, the experiment could be replicated in
    each block.
  • experimental design / experimental layout
  • choice of the factor-level combinations to be
  • number of repeat tests, replications blocking
  • assignment of factor-level combinations to
    experimental units
  • sequencing of test runs
  • effect of factors on response
  • the change in the average response under two or
    more factor-level combinations

  • Suspended-Particulate study
  • measure three factors
  • consider all combination of factor levels
    (possible because each factor takes on only two
    or three values)
  • random sequencing
  • temperature measured as a covariate
  • Soil treatment study
  • effect of two factors (fertilizer plowing) on
    soybean yield
  • three different fields must be used, so blocking
    is done
  • thus, each factor-level combination will be
    tested on each field, with the experiment
    replicated three times

Common Design Problems
  • Masking factor effects
  • if variation in test results is on the same order
    of magnitude as the factor effects, the latter
    may go undetected.
  • This can be addressed through appropriate choice
    of sample size.
  • unmeasured covariates (e.g., the effect of time
    passing, as an instrument degrades) can also lead
    to variation that masks factor effects
  • Uncontrolled factors
  • its pretty obvious that all variables of
    interest should be included as factors
  • sometimes, though, it can be tricky to choose the
    appropriate level of model granularity.
  • Sometimes a high-level feature (i.e., some
    function of the levels of many factors) could be
    chosen in place of the many factors that
    influence it
  • this can make it difficult to vary the factor
    appropriately, and can limit analysis of the
    experimental results.
  • One-factor-at-a-time testing
  • it can be tempting to vary each factor value
    independently, holding the others constant.
    However, this does not explore the factor space
    very effectively.
  • It would be a terrible local search strategy!
  • Looking at the same point in another way, it
    neglects the possibility that interactions
    between factors could be important

Experimental Design Overview
  • Consideration of Objectives
  • consider the sorts of hypotheses that should be
    tested by the experiment
  • determine which variables are observable
  • Factor Effects
  • select factors, covariates
  • guess at whether factors act independently of
    each other or not
  • Precision and Efficiency
  • Precision the least precise definition of this
    term that could possibly be given. My best
    guess variability in a statistic of interest
  • variance in measured response values given
    identical repeat tests
  • variance in measured feature levels under
    homogeneous conditions
  • ways of improving precision blocking, repeat
    tests, replication, accounting for covariates
  • that is, either increasing sample size or
    accounting for previously unconsidered sources of
  • Efficiency for efficiency reasons, the authors
    leave this one out!
  • Randomization
  • in the sequence of test runs or the assignment
    of factor-level combinations can help protect
    against systematic bias. Do it.

Factorial Experiments in Completely Randomized
  • A (complete) factorial experiment includes all
    possible factor-level combinations
  • One of the most straightforward experimental
    designs to implement in this setting is a
    completely randomized design
  • in such a design, factor-level combinations are
    sequenced / assigned to experimental units
    uniformly at random
  • Randomization can prevent all kinds of problems,
    most of which we probably dont have in a
    computational setting
  • instrument drift, power surges, equipment
    malfunctions, technician or operator errors,
  • note, of course, that randomization doesnt
    prevent these problems from occurring. It just
    eliminates bias
  • While many of these problems dont affect us in
    empirical algorithmic experiments, some still
    can, and in any case randomization should be very
    easy for us to do.
  • Amazingly enough, they suggest that we obtain
    random numbers by consulting a table in the
    appendix! ?

Repeat Tests
  • Experiment designs should include repeat test
  • that is, runs where all the parameters are
    exactly the same
  • can be used to estimate variance due from
    uncontrolled / random causes
  • while we often do this when studying randomized
    algorithms, we probably do it very rarely when
    studying non-randomized algorithms.
  • Is it a good idea?
  • balance having each factorial-level combination
    repeated an equal number of times is desirable
  • when this is not possible or appropriate, a good
    approach is to randomly (without replacement)
    select factor-level combinations to repeat once
  • simply repeating some factor-level combinations
    many times while not repeating others is a bad
  • for some reason, they state that six repeated
    tests is a good amount for estimating variance.
    In practice, Im sure it depends on
    dimensionality of factor space, degree of
    interaction between factors, etc.

Interactions between Factors
  • Here we investigate situations where joint factor
    effects are present
  • in other words, the value of the response
    variable does not depend only on a function of
    this kind
  • instead, the response variable depends on a
    function of this kind
  • how do we calculate the magnitudes of the
    interaction effects?

Calculation of Factor Effects Notation
  • factors are denoted using uppercase Latin
    letters A, B, C,
  • an individual response is a lowercase letter,
    usually subscripted
  • one subscript for each factor designates
    factor-level combination used to generate
    response. Possibly other subscripts to denote
    which repeat trial.
  • example 3 factors, A, B, C.
  • Domain of A is 1,2, subscripted by i domain of
    B is 1,2, subscripted by j.
  • Domain of C is 1,2,3,4, subscripted by k.
  • r repeat trials were conducted the repeat trial
    is denoted by a fourth subscript l, with domain
    1, , r
  • responses would be written as yijkl
  • To denote averaging over one or more of the
    subscripts, we replace the subscript by a dot. In
    our example (where n 2 2 4 r)

Calculation of Factor Effects
  • Effects representation
  • in the case of two-level factors, encode the
    domain of each factor as -1,1
  • the AB column is then the product of A and B
  • Main effect for factor A (two factors, two levels
  • Interaction between two factors A and B

Calculation of Factor Effects
  • Based on these definitions, it seems pretty easy
    to calculate the factor effects by summing
    appropriately. However, they give us
  • Algorithm for calculating effects of two-level
  • construct the effects representation for each
    main effect and each interaction
  • calculate linear combinations of the responses,
    using the signs in the effects column for ech
    main effect and for each interaction
  • Divide the results from (2) by 2k-1 where k is
    the total number of factors
  • Then, we can compare the calculated effects for
    each interaction with the standard error. If an
    effect is much larger (e.g., more than twice as
    large) the authors seem to treat it as
  • they calculate standard error as 2se/ n1/2, where
    se is the estimated standard deviation of the
    uncontrolled experimental error, and n is the
    total number of test runs (including repeat
  • What if we have more than two factor levels?
    Basically, things get messy. One solution (if
    numbers of factor levels are powers of two) is to
    represent each bit of the factor level using a
    new, derived two-level factor. Now we need
    interactions between these simpler factors just
    to get the main effects of the original factor.
    However, everything else works as before.
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