Title: Making a Difference for Children
1Making a Difference for Children
- Review Run Charts
- Discuss Progress/Barriers to Quality Improvement
- Implementing Obesity Materials
- QA with a Registered Dietitian
3Screening Rate 6 Months - Developmental Screen
4Referral Rate 6 Months - Developmental Screen
5Screening Rate 6 Months - Postpartum Depression
6Referral Rate 6 Months - Postpartum Depression
7Screening Rate 2 Years - Developmental Screen
8Referral Rate 2 Years - Developmental Screen
9Screening Rate 2 Years - Autism
10Referral Rate 2 Years - Autism
11Screening Rate 6 to 10 Years - PSC
12Referral Rate 6 to 10 Years - PSC
13Screening Rate 11 to 20 - Bright Futures or GAPS
14Referral Rate 11 to 20 - Bright Futures or GAPS
15Evidence of Dental Home and PORRT - 2 Years
16Evidence of Dental Home - 6 to 10 Years
17Evidence of Dental Home - 11 to 20 Years
18Weight for Length - 6 Months
19BMI and Evidence of Counseling - 2 Years
20BMI and Evidence of Counseling - 6 to 10 Years
21BMI and Evidence of Counseling - 11 to 20 Years
22Immunization Rate - 11 to 20 Years
23Implementing Obesity Materials
24Q A with Registered Dietician
- Annette Frain, RD, LDN
- Triad Adult Pediatric Medicine
- High Point, NC
- Integration of RD into primary care
- Use of patient education materials