Title: Introduction to Sociology
1Introduction to Sociology
2What Is Sociology?
- Sociology A social science
- One of disciplines that examines the social world.
3Sociology and the Social Sciences
4What Is Sociology? (contd.)
- SociologyScientific study of society and human
social behavior - The study of people doing things together
(Howard Becker) - Individual society are interdependent
5What Is Sociology? (contd.)
- Social Structure Organized and Enduring patterns
of social interaction
6Social Structure
7Social Structure
8Social Institutions
- Social Structures provide basic social needs
- Examples
- Education
- Economics
- Politics
- Family
- What basic social needs do these meet?
9The Everyday Actor
- Has practical knowledge needed to get through
daily life - May not have scientific or technical knowledge of
how things work
10Skills of an Everyday Actor
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vwYmrg3owTREfeature
related - Language
- Hugh Laurie and Ellen
- Your practical knowledge?
11The Social Analyst
- Seeks knowledge that is
- systematic,
- comprehensive,
- coherent,
- clear, and
- consistent.
- Questions most everything the Everyday Actor
assumes is true or real.
12Sociological Imagination
- C. Wright Mills.
- To understand social life, we must understand
the intersection between biography and history.
13Sociological Imagination
14Sociological Imagination
15Culture Shock
- Happens when you
- Experience disorientation
- Upon entering new environment
16Culture Shock
17Culture ShockFood
18Culture Shock
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vqBND33BNfZw
19The Beginners Mind
- To explore the social world,
- Clear our minds of
- Stereotypes,
- Expectations, and
- Opinions
- Be receptive to our experiences.
- (Bernard McGrane)
20Levels of Analysis
- Microsociology Focus -gt Social interactions
- Friendship groups, work groups, peers
- Macrosociology Focus -gt Large scale social
structures - Family, Economy, Education, Healthcare
22The Micro-Macro Continuum
23Research Methods Quantitative Qualitative
- Quantitative Research
- Collects numerical data
- Does statistical analysis
- Examples
- U.S. Census
- Uniform Crime Report
24Quantitative Research
25Qualitative Research
- Uses non-numerical data
- Texts
- Interviews
- Photos
- Recordings
- Observation
26Napoleon Chagnon
- American anthropologist and professor at the
University of Missouri in Columbia - Long-term ethnographic field work among the
Yanomamo - A society of indigenous people in Amazon region
of Venezuela.
27Quantitative Qualitative
28Sociological Theories
- Theories in sociology are propositions that
explain the social world and help to make
predictions about future events. - Theories are also sometimes referred to as
approaches, schools of thought, paradigms, or
29(No Transcript)
308/28 Auguste Comte
31Sociologys Roots
- Auguste Comte
- Sociology to be like other scientific disciplines
- Coined the term sociology
- Helped build the discipline
- Social stability
- Social change
32Harriet Martineau
33Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- Harriet Martineau
- Social activist
- Traveled the United States
- Wrote about social changes
- Martineau translated Comtes work into English
34Herbert Spencer
35Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- Herbert Spencer was the first great
English-speaking sociologist - Spencer believed in evolution and coined the
phrase survival of the fittest. -
- Believed societies evolve through time by
adapting to their changing environment
36Émile Durkheim
37Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- Émile Durkheim
- Social factors that hold people together
- Mechanical solidary
- Organic solidarity
- Study of suicide
- anomic
- Sociology as academic discipline
38Karl Marx
39Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- Karl Marx
- German philosopher
- Political activist
- Contributed significantly to sociologys conflict
40Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- Capitalism
- Created social inequality
- Bourgeoisie owned means of production
- Money, factories, natural resources, and land
- Proletariat The workers
- Inequality leads to class conflict
419/2 Max Weber
42Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- Rationalization
- Economic logic to human activity
- Disenchantment
- Dehumanizing features of modern societies
- Bureaucracy
43George Herbert Mead
44Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- George Herbert Mead
- Connection between individual society
- Meaning
- People interact
- Meanings come from these interactions
45Erving Goffman
46Sociologys Roots (contd.)
- Erving Goffman
- How self develops through interactions with
others - Dramaturgy
- Presentation of Self
47New Theoretical Approaches
- Feminist theory
- Gender inequalities in society
- How gender structures social world
- Link to Conflict Theory
- Both focus on inequalities
- Both seek change
48New Theoretical Approaches (contd.)
- Queer theory
- Categories of sexual identity are socially
created - No sexual category is fundamentally deviant or
49New Theoretical Approaches (contd.)
- Modernism
- Universal human nature
- Postmodernist theory
- No absolutes
- No claims to truth, reason, right, or stability
- Constantly changing
- Everything is relative