BIG Word
BIG Problem
Demands a BIG Solution!!
Formerly Covenant Prison Ministries
3SCMs Mission
is to exhort, equip, and mobilize its partners to
be more effective in changing the lives of
prisoners, ex-offenders, and their families.
Safer Communities Ministry partners with
churches, faith-based organizations, community
and government service providers, businesses, and
civic groups.
4SCMs History
Al Lewis CPM / SCM Founder
Executive Director
Ex-offender Area Network / Total Care Support
Eagles Fellowships
New Life Events
Union County Jail Life Skills
Second Chance Re-Entry Network
6SCM and SCREEN www.MySaferCommunities.org
Breaking The Chains Of Recidivism
an adaptable menu of ideas, strategies, programs,
tools, and services that are offered by Safer
Communities Ministry
8SCREEN is an adaptable menu of ideas, strategies,
programs, tools, and services that are offered by
Safer Communities Ministry
In Union County, there are 26 such organizations
plus several housing property owners and
managers, and some individuals willing to work
together. The SCREEN model is now expanding to
other counties. The Union County organizations
are Adept, DA Office in Union County, Chemical
Dependency / Court Services, Christian Womans
Job Corp, Safer Communities Ministry, City of
Monroe HR Dept., HIS Perfect Love Ministries,
Daymark Recovery Services, Federal Probation
Parole, Monroe Police Violent Crime Task Force,
Monroe-Union County Community Development Corp.,
NC DOC Community Development Office, NC DOC
Office of Transition, NC DOC Probation Parole
in Union County, NC DOC Union Correctional Center
Prison, NC Employment Security / Job Link, New
Beginnings (substance abuse treatment), Oakland
Mentoring, Operation Reach Out, South Piedmont
Community College, Restoration House, Union
County (UC) Sheriff and UC Jail, UC Community
Shelter, UC HR, United Way office in UC,
Vocational Rehab
9The SCREEN Model Operates on Four Levels
- I. Countywide
- Individual partner sites
- Individual cases
- IV. Individual character issues faith-based
10The SCREEN Model Operates on Four Levels
I. Countywide
Union County
DOC OTS Strategic Model
Develop Effectiveness
Adaptable Toolbox
Make Portable
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11The SCREEN Model Operates on Four Levels
JobLink Career Center / Employment Security
Union County Sheriff's Office
Union County Correctional
II. Individual partner sites
Monroe/Union County CDC
Restoration House
SCM Mecklenburg Aftercare Network
12The SCREEN Model Applied to Site Management
Half Way Houses, churches, etc. can become
sites to apply SMCs plan
A Coordinator is found
Mentors are matched up to help
SCM trains and supports
13The SCREEN Model Operates on Four Levels
Team mentoring / support
Volunteer Training Workshops
Volunteer Training self guided materials
14The SCREEN Model Operates on Four Levels
IV. Individual character issues
faith-based options
Teaching / Training Events
Support Groups
Changing the inner life thinking and behavior
15SCM and SCREEN www.MySaferCommunities.org
Breaking The Chains Of Recidivism