Title: CodeIgniter
- CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a
very small footprint, built for PHP coders who
need a simple and elegant toolkit to create
full-featured web applications - Shofiq Sulaiman shofiqsula_at_yahoo.com
- ltform method"POST" action"index.php"gt
- lttablegt .
- .input
- width140px.
- Javascript
- ltscriptgt
- function ()
- lt?php
- link mysql_connect('localhost', 'root',
'sula') - mysql_select_db('mitm')
- Query Database
- buku_tamu (BukuTamuNama,BukuTamuEmail,BukuTamuIs
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5- Perawatan
- Pembaharuan
- Tetapi, adakah
- keunggulannya ?
6- Adalah sekumpulan fungsi, class, dan
aturan-aturan. - Berbeda dengan library yang sifatnya untuk tujuan
tertentu saja, framework bersifat menyeluruh
mengatur bagaimana kita membangun aplikasi. - Lebih Cepat, Lebih Baik.
- Developer akan lebih fokus pada pokok
permasalahan (masalah koneksi database, form
validation, GUI, security, dsb telah disediakan
oleh framework atau library). - Teknologi tinggi berbiaya rendah
- Alih-alih membangun semuanya sendirian, lebih
baik menggunakan resource yang sudah ada dan
teruji (Ancaman Sang Naga, Ming Zeng, hal 55)
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9- Model
- Connects business objects and database tables to
create a persistable domain model where logic and
data are presented in one wrapping. - View
- Helper classes to display html elements in your
views. - Controller
- Is made up of one or more actions that performs
its purpose and then either renders a template or
redirects to another action. An action is defined
as a public method in the controller, which will
automatically be made accessible to the
web-server through a mod_rewrite mapping.
10- The Model represents your data structures.
Typically your model classes will contain
functions that help you retrieve, insert, and
update information in your database. - The View is the information that is being
presented to a user. A View will normally be a
web page, but in CodeIgniter, a view can also be
a page fragment like a header or footer. It can
also be an RSS page, or any other type of "page". - The Controller serves as an intermediary between
the Model, the View, and any other resources
needed to process the HTTP request and generate a
web page.
11- Keuntungan
- Struktur yang konsisten. Sangat berguna bila
developer banyak dan turnover tinggi. - Struktur merupakan best practices. Semua sudah
ditempatkan di tempat yang paling sesuai. - Dapat belajar tentang desain aplikasi yang baik.
- Hanya library dan helper yang dibutuhkan yang
diload. - Dokumentasi yang lengkap
- Kerugian
- Butuh investasi waktu belajar dan adaptasi
12- Web Server Database
- Apache, PHP, MySQL, WAMP, LAMP, AppServ, dsb
- Editor Code
- PSPad, Dreamweaver, Notepad, dsb
- Browser
- IE, Firefox Mozila, Chrome, Opera, Safari, dsb
- CodeIgniter
- CodeIgniter_1.7.0.zip
- Jika belum ada sebagian atau seluruhnya belum
- ada, anda dapat ambil di \\sulaiman\windows\
- Ekstrak CodeIgniter_1.7.0.zip dan langsung jalan ?
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15- The index.php serves as the front controller,
initializing the base resources needed to run
CodeIgniter. - The Router examines the HTTP request to determine
what should be done with it. - If a cache file exists, it is sent directly to
the browser, bypassing the normal system
execution. - Security. Before the application controller is
loaded, the HTTP request and any user submitted
data is filtered for security. - The Controller loads the model, core libraries,
plugins, helpers, and any other resources needed
to process the specific request. - The finalized View is rendered then sent to the
web browser to be seen. If caching is enabled,
the view is cached first so that on subsequent
requests it can be served.
16- A Controller is simply a class file that is named
in a way that can be associated with a URI. - The second segment of the URI determines which
function in the controller gets called. - If your URI contains more then two segments they
will be passed to your function as parameters. - A view is simply a web page, or a page fragment,
like a header, footer, sidebar, etc. - To load a particular view file you will use the
following function - this-gtload-gtview('name, data)
- Models are PHP classes that are designed to work
with information in your database. - To load a model you will use the following
function - this-gtload-gtmodel('Model_name')
17- helper file is simply a collection of functions
in a particular category, performs one specific
task, with no dependence on other functions - Loading a helper file is quite simple using the
following function - this-gtload-gthelper('name')
- Auto-loading Helpers in application/config/autoloa
d.php file - Once you've loaded the Helper File containing the
function you intend to use, you'll call it the
way you would a standard PHP function. - Plugins work almost identically to Helpers
- plugin usually provides a single function,
whereas a Helper is usually a collection of
functions - Loading a plugin file is quite simple using the
following function - this-gtload-gtplugin('name')
- Auto-loading Plugins in application/config/autoloa
d.php file - Menggunakan fungsi dalam library
- this-gtsomeclass-gtsome_function() // Object
instances will always be lower case
18- lt?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct
script access allowed') class Someclass
function some_function() ?gt - XSS Filtering
- config'global_xss_filtering' TRUE
- Active Record
- query this-gtdb-gtget('mytable')// Produces
SELECT FROM mytable - Parser
- lth5gtjudullt/h5gt
- this-gtparser-gtparse(judul', CodeIgniter)
19- Fungsi
- function SetTanggal(tanggal)
ei','Juni','Juli ,'Agustus,
'September','Oktober','November','Desember') - tlen sizeof(bln)
- tglexplode('-',tanggal)
- for (t0tlttlent)
- if (tgl1t1) tgl1blnt
- tanggaltgl2.' '.tgl1.' '.tgl0
- return tanggal
- Pemakaian
- tanggal SetTanggal(2009-05-03)
20- Class
- class Waktu
- function Waktu()
- function SetWaktu(waktu)
- wakt explode(" ",waktu)
- tanggal wakt0
- return tanggal.' '.wakt1
- Pemakaian
- waktuObj new Waktu()
- waktu waktuObj-gtSetWaktu(2009-05-03
TABLE buku_tamu ( BukuTamuId int(10) NOT
NULL auto_increment, BukuTamuNama char(30)
default NULL, BukuTamuEmail char(50) default
NULL, BukuTamuIsi char(255) default NULL,
BukuTamuWaktu datetime default NULL, PRIMARY
KEY (BukuTamuId) ) ENGINEInnoDB
into buku_tamu(BukuTamuId,BukuTamuNama,Buku
TamuEmail,BukuTamuIsi,BukuTamuWaktu) values
pertama nie','2009-05-23 132152')
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27- Telah diberikan contoh untuk menampilkan data
buku tamu dari - database di atas
- Dengan code di atas kita dapat melihat daftar
buku tamu sekaligus - menambahkannnya
- Silahkan anda lengkapi untuk aksi edit dan delete
data - Setelah itu tambahkan paging
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32- Banyak hal dalam CodeIgniter yang belum
tersampaikan - Mohon maaf dan terima kasih