Title: Awards Ceremony Photo Album
1Awards CeremonyPhoto Album
Saturday, May 8 Edmonton
Where the Worlds Experts in Clinical
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Meet
22010 AMMI Canada /Astellas Post Residency
Fellowship Award
- Dr. Jesse Papenburg
- (on left)
- Presented by
- Mr. Jonathan Lambert
- Product Manager, Critical Care Astellas Pharma
Canada, Inc.
32010 AMMI Canada /PfizerPost Residency
Fellowship Award
- Dr. Laura Hermann
- Presented by
- Ms Ingrid Power
- Brand Manager, Anti-infectives
- Pfizer Canada, Inc.
42009 CJIDMM Trainee Review Article Award
- Dr. Amir Abadir
- Presented by
- Dr. John Conly
- Editor-in-Chief, CJIDMM
52009 AMMI Canada Distinguished Service Award
- Dr. Baldwin Toye
- (on left)
- Presented by
- Dr. Gerald Evans AMMI Canada Past-President
62009 Lifetime Achievement Award
- Dr. Godfrey Harding
- Presented by
- Dr. Gerald Evans AMMI Canada Past-President
72010 AMMI Canada Poster Award
- Dr. Bing Wang
- Presented by
- Dr. Lynn Johnston
- AMMI Canada President
82010 Association of Medical Microbiologistsof
Ontario Poster Award
- Dr. Emma Goodall
- Presented by
- Dr. Fiona Smaill
- AMMO Member
92010 Canadian College of Microbiologists Poster
- Dr. Lillian Lim
- Presented by
- Dr. Linda Chui
- CCM President
102010 CCM Award in EnvironmentalMicrobiology
Poster Award
- Dr. Kaiyu Wu
- Presented by
- Dr. Linda Chui
- CCM President
112010 Dr. Juan A. Embil Award for Excellence in
Infectious Disease Research
- Dr. Donald Vinh
- Presented by
- Dr. Geoff Taylor
- CFID Director
122010 CCM DistinguishedMicrobiologist Award
- Dr. Raoul Korngold
- Presented by
- Dr. Linda Chui
- CCM President
132010 Dr. Lindsay E. Nicolle Editorial Award
- Drs P Smetanin, D Stiff,
- A Kumar, P Kobak,
- R Zarychanski, N Simonsen,
- F Plummer
Presented by Robert Kalina President, Pulsus
Group Dr. Michelle Alfa accepted the award on
their behalf
142010 Dr. Susan King Award
- Dr. Hadi Al-Qahtani
- Presented by
- Dr. Joan Robinson
15for visiting the AMMI Canada Website
Thank You