Julia Glencer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Julia Glencer



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Title: Julia Glencer

The Fruits of Hope Student Evaluations
  • Julia Glencer
  • Erin Karsman
  • Jan Levine
  • Tara Willke
  • Special thanks to Research Assistant
  • Katie ChengerY

Hope and Student Evaluations
  • Martin Rand article
  • Jan Levines comments (pp. 37-38, fns. 150-154
  • Hopeful teaching is a give-and-take process
    between teachers and students.
  • If the curriculum employed in the writing
    program engenders hope among the students, the
    program is viewed more positively by students.
  • Conversely, if teachers and the program kill
    hope in their students, the students evaluations
    of the faculty, and the students work product,
    are weaker, leading in turn to faculty cynicism,
    disaffection, and disinterest such a downward
    spiral for all participants is a tragedy.

Scholarship on Student Evaluations
  • Richard Abel, Evaluating Evaluations How Should
    Law Schools Judge Teaching?, 40 J. Leg. Educ. 407
  • Arthur Best, Student Evaluations of Law Teaching
    Work Well Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral,
    Disagree, Strongly Disagree, 38 Sw. U. L. Rev. 1
  • Judith D. Fischer, The Use and Effects of Student
    Ratings in Legal Writing Courses A Plea for
    Holistic Evaluation of Teaching, 10 Leg. Writing
    111 (2004).
  • Melissa Marlow-Shafer, Student Evaluation of
    Teacher Performance and the Legal Writing
    Pathology Diagnosis Confirmed, 5 N.Y.C. L. Rev.
    115 (2002).
  • Deborah J. Merritt, Bias, The Brain, and Student
    Evaluations of Teaching, 82 St. Johns L. Rev.
    235 (2008).
  • David D. Walter, Student Evaluations A Tool for
    Advancing Law Teacher Professionalism and Respect
    for Students, 6 Leg. Writing 177 (2000).

Legal Writing Pathology?
  • Mention the topic of student evaluations during
    the coffee break at a national or regional legal
    writing conference and you will likely hear
    something along these lines Students dont like
    writing and they take it out on us in
    evaluations or students rate legal writing
    lower than doctrinal courses at our school.
  • Marlow-Shafer, 5 N.Y.C. L. Rev. at 115.

Top Five Evaluative Hostility Factors
  • Hiding the Ball
  • Critiquing
  • Grading
  • Lack of Respect
  • Evaluation Form Not LRW Program-Specific

Factor 1 Hiding the Ball
  • Frequent comments from legal writing students
  • about clarity . . . pinpoint this topic as a
  • problem area.
  • Professor hides the ball.
  • Questions were answered too evasively.
  • It seemed unclear what was an A paper. . . .
  • The explanation . . . for the assignments were
    very poor.
  • Walter, 6 Leg. Writing at 178.

Duquesnes Curricular Response
  • Factor 1 Hiding the Ball
  • Response Bounce the Ball Off Their Heads!
  • Hidden expectations.
  • Assignment-centered curriculum (not textbook).
  • Integrated research, writing, and analysis.
  • Show samples of the actual document in class.

Factor 2 Critiquing
  • Students often pinpoint clarity in the critiques
    as a problem area
  • Feedback was depressing, knowing that no matter
    how good you did, it was going to get butchered.
    It did show my mistakes though.
  • Walter, 6 Leg. Writing at 178 (emphasis
  • The comments were hard to decipher as to how to
    make improvements.
  • Id. at 193 (emphasis added).
  • We can also demonstrate empathy by taking great
    care not to destroy the students self esteem,
    either through direct comments or through
    cynicism in general. Legal writing teachers give
    considerable negative, but constructive,
    criticism. We must include positive comments,
  • Id. at 215 (emphasis added).

Duquesnes Curricular Response
  • Factor 2 Critiquing
  • Response Coaching
  • Lack of effective guidance.
  • Too harsh.
  • Too few.
  • Lack of respect.
  • Lack of hope and belief in the students.
  • Act as coaches.
  • Small class sizes and personalized feedback.
  • Curriculum utilizes draft-critique-conference-revi
  • Electronic comments.
  • Provide document 24 hours in advance of
    conference. Meet with students in conferences as
    frequently as possible.
  • Hold high expectations for students.

Factor 3 Grading
  • In terms of timing and its impact on legal
    writing faculty, Barbara Fines states that
    research confirms the suspicion of legal writing
    instructors that their early and frequent
    evaluation of students impacts their teaching
    evaluations more directly and negatively in
    comparison to their colleagues who do not
    distribute grades until after student evaluations
    are completed.
  • Marlow-Shafer, 5 N.Y.C. L. Rev. at 124.
  • Students who have received fairly low grades
    on earlier assignments, grades below what they
    were used to getting in undergraduate school, and
    often, in their minds, disproportionately low
    compared to the amount of work they perceive they
    did in preparing the documents may tend to resent
    the course or the teacher or both. . . . The
    teachers of courses that offer grades during the
    semesterbefore students complete their
    evaluation formsare at risk of lower evaluations
    from students disappointed with their grades.
  • Walter, 6 Leg. Writing at 188-89 (internal
    quotations omitted).

Duquesnes Curricular Response
  • Factor 3 Grading
  • Response Delayed Grading
  • Receive grades on assignments early in the
    semester, often lower than what the student
    received in college.
  • Programs often utilize blind-grading.
  • Lack of program-wide uniformity.
  • Grade only the final assignment in each semester.
  • Only the final grade (fall spring average) is
    reported on transcripts.
  • Students know what is expected of them.
  • Conform to programmatic normative grade
    distribution and compare examples of student work
    product at various grade points.

Factor 4 Lack of Respect
  • The issue of status in the legal academy may
    play a role in lower student evaluations for
    writing faculty.
  • Marlow-Shafer, 5 N.Y.C. L. Rev. at 132.
  • The behaviors that most influence . . .
    evaluations are rooted in physiology, culture,
    personality, and habit. Those behaviors are
    difficult for any faculty member to alter and
    they often reflect characteristics like race,
    gender, nationality, or socioeconomic class.
  • Merritt, 82 St. Johns L. Rev. at 254.

Duquesnes Curricular Response
  • Factor 4 Lack of Respect
  • Response Respect
  • Importance of skills to practicing law.
  • Enthusiasm.
  • Small class size.
  • Orientation Week.
  • We treat them with respect.
  • Externalities
  • Status
  • Race
  • Gender

Factor 5 Not Program-Specific Evaluation Form
  • In the context of controversy about student
    evaluations, it is somewhat surprising that many
    schools fail to use the process to accomplish
    what would likely be the most readily accepted
    function, the collection of observations that do
    not involve judgment but might provide worthwhile
    information about basic aspects of teaching such
    as being punctual, providing a syllabus, or
    offering clear statements of student
  • Best, 38 Sw. U. L. Rev. at 30.
  • Scholars also agree that teachers who receive
    midterm comments from students tend to receive
    better course-end ratings. An additional
    suggestion by several researchers is to use only
    questions aimed at specific behaviors, like
    whether the professor arrives on time. . . .
    Notably, 77 of the respondents to this study who
    said student ratings helped them improve their
    teaching identified feedback about specific
    behaviors, rather than general comments, as
  • Fischer, 10 Leg. Writing at 157-158.

Duquesnes Curricular Response
  • Factor 5 Not Program-Specific Evaluation Form
  • Response Well-designed Evaluation Form
  • LRW-specific.
  • Reflect shared ethos and what we think is
  • No focus on classroom performance.
  • Holistic nature of the course.
  • Are both formative and summative, and they make
    clear the shared expectations and goals for all
    involved most questions are about specific
    behaviors of the teacher.
  • Not LRW-Specific.
  • Evaluate classroom performance.
  • Passive-learning. Overuse of quantitative

Duquesnes Curricular Response
  • Factor 5 Not Program-Specific Evaluation Form
  • Response Well-designed Evaluation Form
  • Distributed twice per year.
  • Are in addition to, and do not substitute for,
    the required course evaluations that are
    distributed by the University at the end of the
  • The spring semester year-ending evaluation is
    timed to follow the peak experience of the oral
    argument before alumni judges, revealing to
    students how far theyve come and how much
    theyve accomplished.
  • Not LRW-Specific.
  • Evaluate classroom performance.
  • Passive-learning. Overuse of quantitative

The Fruits of Hope Our Results
  • Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
    percentages for all 12 sections/professors


Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
percentages for all 12 sections/professors
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
My professor had high standards for my work and the course was demanding. 161/203 32/203 10/203
My professor had high standards for my work and the course was demanding. 79 16 5
Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
percentages for all 12 sections/professors
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
My professor made clear what was expected of me on the appellate brief assignment. 140/202 45/202 13/202 3/202 1/202
My professor made clear what was expected of me on the appellate brief assignment. 69 22 6 1 0
Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
percentages for all 12 sections/professors
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
My professors comments on my drafts were clear and understandable. 126/192 49/192 11/192 4/192 2/192
My professors comments on my drafts were clear and understandable. 66 26 6 2 1
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
My professor provided sufficiently detailed written feedback on my drafts. 134/192 43/192 12/192 2/192 1/192
My professor provided sufficiently detailed written feedback on my drafts. 70 22 6 1 1
Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
percentages for all 12 sections/professors
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
My professors written critique of my draft was provided to me no later than the day before our scheduled conference. 132/192 18/192 7/192 3/192 4/192
My professors written critique of my draft was provided to me no later than the day before our scheduled conference. 83 9 4 2 2
Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
percentages for all 12 sections/professors
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
My scheduled conference with my professor on the draft of the argument helped me improve my brief. 154/192 25/192 13/192
My scheduled conference with my professor on the draft of the argument helped me improve my brief. 80 13 7
Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
percentages for all 12 sections/professors
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
The year of LRW helped me improve my writing skills. 159/200 28/200 10/200 2/200 1/200
The year of LRW helped me improve my writing skills. 80 14 5 1 1
Cumulative Course Evaluation tallies and
percentages for all 12 sections/professors
Criterion Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree Rankings 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree
Criterion -5- -4- -3- -2- -1-
The year of LRW helped me improve my legal research skills. 141/200 42/200 14/200 2/200 1/200
The year of LRW helped me improve my legal research skills. 70 21 7 1 1
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