Title: Osram Sylvania / NIST Update
1Osram Sylvania / NIST Update
Effect of light source intensity on object
chroma 12 spectra composed of same RGBY
2Osram Sylvania / NIST Update
Loss of chroma in greens and reds is largely
responsible for decreases of CRI across these
sources. Originally planned for sources
at 350 lx, 220 lx and 150 lx, but weve decided
to just one pair of source intensities.
Source 11
Source 5
Source 0
3Osram Sylvania / NIST Update
As we were trying to select source intensity
pair, we started to have concerns about the
stability of sources, so we stopped to address
that first.
4Osram Sylvania / NIST Update
Maria and Bob measured spectra 6 8 from each
source over the course of at least two days at
150 500 lm
Stability looked good
5Osram Sylvania / NIST Update
Resuming experimental preparation Weve decided
to use fake food place setting as the
naturalistic scene Meeting again July 2nd to
choose the two light source intensity values Plan
to run subjects this summer
6Osram Sylvania / NIST Update
Original Timeline Experiment Set-up
October/November, 2007 Tests November/December,
2007 Maria wanted to get it done before she
had her baby. The timeline was too ambitious for
us and the baby arrived. She is now back from
maternity leave.