Title: Situation analysis
1Situation analysis
- Strengthening the cooperation between the public
sector and the business representing
non-governmental organisations in Estonia
2Information sources
- Interviews with staff from 6 ministries
- Interviews with 17 business membership
organisations - Replies from 32 organisations to a questionnaire
Thank you very much!
3Cooperation already exists
- Informal cooperation
- Mainly personal contacts
- Low level contacts
- Cooperation often takes place very late in the
process - Direct contact to larger companies
- No established system for monitoring of impact of
4Ministerial staff would like increased
cooperation but with reservations
- The ministerial staff wants to know whom to talk
to - Especially when the ministerial staff finds that
the matters are technically complex - Ministerial staff finds that media involvement
can be troubling - Ministerial staff (often but not always) finds
that the inputs from organisations can be of a
low quality - Wish for a continuation of the informal way of
doing things
5Lack of capacity among organisations hamper
- Lack of expertise
- Lack of staff
- Limited finance
- Limited and fragmented member base
- Lack of representativity
- Difficult access to media
- High turnover of ministerial staff
- No formal access to government
6Reactive approach to lobbying
No. of recent self-initiated formal expressions
of opinions towards government
- Not procedures but Best Practices valid for
the Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Communication - Procedures should be developed with the help of a
Coaching Group - Specify when organisations should be involved,
who should be involved, how they should be
involved, etc. - Continue planning the training programme based on
identified needs
8Capacity building programme Three three-day
EU fundraising
Organisational development
9International experience shows that there is not
one way of organising cooperation between
government and organisations
Continuum of involvement in policy development