Distributed Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Distributed Systems


Session 5: Common Object Request Broker, (CORBA) Christos Kloukinas Dept. of Computing City University London 0.0 Review: RMI 0.1 RMI: Benefits 0.2 RMI: Benefits 0.3 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems
  • Session 5
  • Common Object Request Broker, (CORBA)
  • Christos Kloukinas
  • Dept. of Computing
  • City University London

0.0 Review RMI
  • RMI Remote Method Invocation
  • RPC in Java Technology and more
  • Concrete programming technology
  • Designed to solve the problems of writing and
    organizing executable code
  • Native to Java, an extension of core language
  • Benefits from specific features of Java
  • Object serialization
  • Portable, downloadable object implementations
  • Java interface definitions

0.1 RMI Benefits
  • Invoke object methods, and have them execute on
    remote Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)
  • Entire objects can be passed and returned as
  • Unlike many other remote procedure call based
    mechanisms requiring either primitive data types
    as parameters, or structures composed of
    primitive data types
  • New Java objects can be passed as a parameter
  • Can move behavior (class implementations) from
    client to server and server to client

0.2 RMI Benefits
  • Enables use of Design Patterns
  • Use the full power of object oriented technology
    in distributed computing, such as two- and
    three-tier systems (pass behavior and use OO
    design patterns)
  • Safe and Secure
  • RMI uses built-in Java security mechanisms
  • Easy to Write/Easy to Use
  • A remote interface is an actual Java interface
  • Distributed Garbage Collection
  • Collects remote server objects that are no longer
    referenced by any client in the network

0.3 RMI Implementation
0.4 Developing RMI
  • Define a remote interface
  • define a remote interface that specifies the
    signatures of the methods to be provided by the
    server and invoked by clients
  • It must be declared public, in order for clients
    to be able to load remote objects which implement
    the remote interface.
  • It must extend the Remote interface, to fulfill
    the requirement for making the object a remote
  • Each method in the interface must throw a

Developing RMI
  • Implement the remote interface
  • Develop the server
  • Create an instance of the RMISecurityManager and
    install it
  • Create an instance of the remote object
  • Register the object created with the RMI registry
  • Develop the client
  • First obtain a reference to the remote object
    from the RMI registry

Developing RMI
  • Running the application
  • Generate stubs and skeletons - rmic
  • Compile the server and the client - javac
  • Start the RMI registry - rmiregistry
  • Start the server and the client

  • 1.0 The Object Management Group and Introduction
  • 2.0 Object Management Architecture
  • 3.0 CORBA Communication
  • 4.0 Implementation, Hello World Example
  • 5.0 RMI vs CORBA Comparison

Remember Conceptual Framework
  • Architecture.
  • Accessing components from programming languages.
  • Interfaces to lower layers.
  • Component identification.
  • Service invocation styles.
  • Handling of failures.

  • Object management architecture.
  • Accessing remote objects.
  • ORB interface.
  • Object identification
  • Activation strategies.
  • Request vs. notification.
  • Handling of failures.

1.0 The Object Management Group
  • The OMG is a non-profit consortium created in
    1989 with the purpose of promoting theory and
    practice of object technology in distributed
    computing systems to reduce the complexity, lower
    the costs, and hasten the introduction of new
    software applications.
  • Originally formed by 13 companies, OMG membership
    grew to over 500 software vendors, developers and
  • OMG realizes its goals through creating standards
    which allow interoperability and portability of
    distributed object oriented applications. They do
    not produce software or implementation guidelines.

1.1 CORBA (Common Object Request Broker
  • Specification by OMG of an OO infrastructure for
    Distributed Computing.
  • Defines Object Request Broker and IDL
  • Enables Software interoperability across
    languages and platforms
  • Applicable to legacy, commercial-off-the-shelf(COT
    S) integration and new software development
  • CORBA is just a specification for creating and
    using distributed Objects, it is an integration
    technology NOT a programming language

1.2 CORBA A Specification
  • Takes care of cross-language issues automatically
  • Uses OMG IDL (Interface Definition Language
  • Runs over IIOP
    (Internet Inter-Orb

1.3 CORBA Concepts
  • CORBAs theoretical underpinnings are based on
    three important concepts
  • An Object-Oriented Model
  • Open Distributed Computing Environment
  • Component Integration and Reuse
  • CORBA Provides
  • Uniform access to services
  • Uniform discovery of resources and object names
  • Uniform error handling methods
  • Uniform security policies

1.4 . The OMG Object Model
  • The OMG Object Model defines common object
    semantics for specifying the externally visible
    characteristics of objects in a standard and
    implementation-independent way.
  • In this model clients request services from
    objects (which will also be called servers)
    through a well-defined interface.
  • This interface is specified in OMG IDL (Interface
    Definition Language). A client accesses an object
    by issuing a request to the object.
  • The request is an event, and it carries
    information including an operation, the object
    reference of the service provider, and actual
    parameters (if any).

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1.5 About CORBA Objects
  • CORBA objects differ from typical objects in 3
  • CORBA objects can run on any platform.
  • CORBA objects can be located anywhere
  • CORBA Objects can be written in any language that
    has an IDL mapping
  • A CORBA object is a virtual programming entity
    that consists of an identity, an interface, and
    an implementation which is known as a Servant.
  • It is virtual in the sense that it does not
    really exist unless it is made concrete by an
    implementation written in a programming language

1.6 Objects and Applications
  • CORBA applications are composed of objects.
  • Typically, there are many instances of an object
    of a single type - for example, an e-commerce
    website would have many shopping cart object
    instances, all identical in functionality but
    differing in that each is assigned to a different
    customer, and contains data representing the
    merchandise that its particular customer has
  • For other types, there may be only one instance.
    When a legacy application, such as an accounting
    system, is wrapped in code with CORBA interfaces
    and opened up to clients on the network, there is
    usually only one instance. 

2.0 Object Management Architecture (OMA)
Application Objects
CORBA facilities
Object Request Broker
CORBA services
2.1 OMA Model
  • CORBA is based on the object model, derived from
    the abstract core object model of OMGs OMA
    (Object Management Architecture)
  • OMA groups objects into four categories
  • CORBAservices
  • CORBAfacilities
  • CORBAdomain
  • Application object

2.2 CORBAservices
  • CORBAservices
  • Provide basic functionality, that almost every
    object needs
  • Naming Service-name binding ,associating names
    and references
  • Event Service- asynchronous event notification
  • Concurrency Control Service-mediates simultaneous
  • CORBA facilities (sometimes called Horizontal
  • Between CORBAservices and Application Objects
  • Potentially useful across business domains
  • Printing, Secure Time Facility,
    Internationalization Facility, Mobile Agent

2.3 OMA model
  • Domain (Vertical) CORBAfacilities
  • Domain-based and provide functionality for
    specific domains such as telecommunications,
    electronic commerce, or health care.
  • Application Objects
  • Topmost part of the OMA hierarchy
  • Customized for an Individual application, so do
    not need standardization

2.4 CORBA Architecture
Object Implementation
Dynamic Invocation
Client Stubs
ORB Interface
Server Skeleton
Object Adapter
ORB Core
CORBA Architecture
Object Implementation
Object Request Broker (ORB)
Interface identical for all ORB implementations
Up-call interface
There maybe multiple object adapters
There are stubs and skeletons for each object
Normal call interface
ORB-dependent interface
2.5 CORBA Architecture
  • A general CORBA request structure

A request consists of
  • Target object (identified by unique object
  • Operation.
  • Parameters (the input, output, and in-out
    parameters defined for the operation maybe
    specified individually or as a list
  • Optional request context
  • Results (the results values returned by operation)

Request from a client to an object implementation
2.6 CORBA Architecture
  • CORBA is composed of five major components
  • ORB,
  • IDL,
  • Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII),
  • Interface Repositories (IR),
  • Object Adapters (OA),
  • Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP)
  • CORBA provides both static and dynamic interfaces
    to its services
  • Happened because two strong proposals from
    HyperDesk and Digital based on a Dynamic API
    from SUN and HP based on a static API. Common
    stands for a two-API proposal

2.7 Object Request Broker, ORB
  • Core of CORBA, middleware that establishes the
    client/server relationship between objects
  • This is the object manager in CORBA, the software
    that implements the CORBA specification,
    (implements the session, transport and network
    layers), provides object location transparency,
    communication and activation, i.e
  • Find object implementation for requests (provide
    location transparency)
  • Prepare the object implementation to receive
  • Communicate the data making up request.
  • (Vendors Products ORBIX from IONA, VisiBroker
    from Inprise, JavaIDL from javasoft)

2.8 CORBA Architecture ORB
  • On the client side the ORB is responsible for
  • accepting requests for a remote object
  • finding the implementation of the object
  • accepting a client-side reference to the remote
    object (converted to a language specific form,
    e.g. a java stub object)
  • Routing client method calls through the object
    reference to the object implementation
  • On the Server side
  • lets object servers register new objects
  • receives requests from the client ORB
  • uses objects skeleton interface to invoke the
    object activation method
  • Creates reference for new object and sends it
    back to client.

2.9 CORBA Architecture Stubs,Skeletons
  • Client Stub
  • provides the static interfaces to object
    services. These precompiled stubs define how
    clients invoke corresponding services on the
    server. From a clients perspective, the stub
    acts like a local call- its a local proxy for a
    remote server object. Generated by the IDL
    compiler (there are as many stubs as there are
  • Server Skeleton
  • provides static interfaces to each service
    exported by the server. Performance
    unmarshalling, and the actual method invocation
    on the server object
  • ORB Interface
  • Interface to few ORB operations common to all
    objects, e.g. operation which returns an objects
    interface type.

2.10 CORBA Architecture Servant Clients
  • Object -- This is a CORBA programming entity that
    consists of an identity, an interface, and an
    implementation, which is known as a Servant.
  • Servant -- This is an implementation programming
    language entity that defines the operations that
    support a CORBA IDL interface. Servants can be
    written in a variety of languages, including C,
    C, Java, Smalltalk, and Ada.
  • Client -- This is the program entity that invokes
    an operation on an object implementation.
    Accessing the services of a remote object should
    be transparent to the caller. Ideally, it should
    be as simple as calling a method on an object.
    The remaining components help to support this
    level of transparency.

2.11 CORBA Architecture DII
  • Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)
  • Static invocation interfaces are determined at
    compile time, and they are presented to the
    client using stubs
  • The DII allows client applications to use server
    objects without knowing the type of objects at
    compile time
  • Client obtains an instance of a CORBA object and
    makes invocations on that object by dynamically
    creating requests.
  • DII uses the interface repository to validate and
    retrieve the signature of the operation on which
    a request is made

2.12 CORBA Architecture DSI
  • Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI)
  • Server-side dynamic skeleton interface
  • Allows servers to be written without having
    skeletons, or compile time knowledge for which
    objects will be called remotely
  • Provides a runtime binding mechanism for servers
    that need to handle incoming method calls for
    components that do not have IDL-based compiled
  • Useful for implementing generic bridges between
  • Also used for interactive software tools based on
    interpreters and distributed debuggers

2.13 CORBA Architecture IR
  • Interface Repository
  • allows YOU to obtain and modify the descriptions
    of all registered component interfaces(method
    supported, parameters i.e method signatures)
  • It is a run-time distributed database that
    contains machine readable versions of the IDL
  • Interfaces can be added to the interface
  • Enable Clients to
  • locate an object that is unknown at compile time
  • find information about its interface
  • build a request to be forwarded through the ORB

2.13 CORBA Architecture OA
  • Object Adapter (OA) e.g (Basic-BOA or
  • Purposeinterface an objects implementation with
    its ORB
  • Primary way that an object implementation
    accesses services provided by the ORB.
  • Sits on top of the ORBs core communication
    services and accepts requests for service on
    behalf of server objects, passing requests to
    them and assigning them IDs (object references)
  • Registers classes it supports and their run-time
    instances with the implementation repository
  • In summary, its duties are
  • Object reference generation, and interpretation,
    method invocation, security of interactions, and
    implementation of object activation and

2.14 Implementation Repository
  • Provides a run-time repository of information
    about classes a server supports, the objects that
    are instantiated and their IDs
  • Also serves as a common place to store additional
    information associated with implementations of
  • e.g. trace information, audit trails and other
    administrative data

2.15 Summary of CORBA Interfaces
  • Interface and Implementation Repositories
  • All objects are defined in IDL by specifying
    their interfaces
  • Object definitions (interfaces) are manifested as
    objects in the interface repository, compiled to
    stubs and skeletons

  • Descriptions of object implementations are
    maintained as objects in the implementation

2.16 Accessing Remote Objects
Object Implementation
Dynamic Invocation
Client Stubs
ORB Interface
Server Skeleton
Object Adapter
ORB Core
2.17 Client Side
Clients perform requests using object references
Clients May issue requests through object
interface stubs (static) or dynamic invocation
interface (Dynamic)
Clients may access general ORB services
  • Interface Repository
  • Context management
  • List Management
  • Request Management

Dynamic Invocation
Client Stubs
ORB Interface
2.18 Implementation Side (Server side)
  • Implementations receive requests through
    skeletons (without knowledge of invocation

The object Adapter provides for
Object Implementation
  • Management of references
  • Method invocation
  • authentication
  • implementation registration
  • activation/deactivation

ORB Interface
Server Skeleton
Object Adapter
3.0 CORBA Communication
  • CORBA Spec Neutral w.r.t network protocols
  • CORBA specifies GIOP, a high level standard
    protocol for communication between ORBs
  • Generalized Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) is a
    collection of message requests an ORB can make
    over a network
  • GIOP maps ORB requests to different transports
  • Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) uses TCP/IP to
    carry the messages, hence fits well into Internet
  • Environment Specific Inter-ORB Protocol (ESIOP)
    complements GIOP enabling interoperability with
    environments not having CORBA support

3.1 CORBA Communication
  • GIOP contains specifications for
  • Common Data Representation (CDR)
  • Message formats (Reply, Request, LocateReply,
    LocateRequest, CancelRequest, etc)
  • Message transport assumptions
  • Connection-Oriented
  • Reliable
  • A Byte Stream Protocol

3.2 Communication Inter-Orb Architecture
Object Request Semantics
General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP)
Transfer and Message Syntax
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) TCP/IP
Others for example OSI and IPX/SPX
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3.3 Other Features
  • CORBA Messaging
  • CORBA 2.0 provides three different techniques for
    operation invocations
  • Synchronous The client invokes an operation, then
    pauses, waiting for a response
  • Deferred synchronous The client invokes an
    operation then continues processing. It can go
    back later to either poll or block waiting for a
  • One-way The client invokes an operation, and the
    ORB provides a guarantee that the request will be
    delivered. In one-way operation invocations,
    there is no response

3.4 New Features
  • Two newer, enhanced mechanisms are introduced
  • Callback The client supplies an additional object
    reference with each request invocation. When the
    response arrives, the ORB uses that object
    reference to deliver the response back to the
  • Polling The client invokes an operation that
    immediately returns a valuetype that can be used
    to either poll or wait for the response
  • The callback and polling techniques are available
    for clients using statically typed stubs
    generated from IDL interfaces (not for DII)

4.0 Implementation
4.0 How to Write CORBA Applications
Create IDLdefinition
Example Servant
Client IDL Stub
Server Skeleton
Interface repository
is used by
Implement Client
Implement Servant
Object Adapter
Start client
Start server
4.1 Example Hello world ID
  • module HelloApp
  • interface Hello
  • string sayHello()

4.2 Example Hello World Server
import HelloApp. import org.omg.CosNaming. imp
ort org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage. impo
rt org.omg.CORBA. class HelloServant extends
_HelloImplBase public String sayHello()
return "\nHello world !!\n"
public class HelloServer public static
void main(String args) try
// create and initialize the ORB
ORB orb ORB.init(args, null) //
create servant and register it with the ORB
HelloServant helloRef new
HelloServant() orb.connect(helloRef)
// get the root naming context
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef
e") NamingContext ncRef
// bind the Object Reference in
Naming NameComponent nc new
NameComponent("Hello", "")
NameComponent path nc
ncRef.rebind(path, helloRef) //
wait for invocations from clients
java.lang.Object sync new java.lang.Object()
synchronized (sync)
sync.wait() catch
(Exception e)
Server Skeleton
ORB interface
4.3 Example Hello World Client
import HelloApp. import org.omg.CosNaming.
import org.omg.CORBA. public class
HelloClient public static void main(String
args) try ORB orb
ORB.init(args, null) // create and
initialize the ORB // get the root
naming context org.omg.CORBA.Object
objRef orb.resolve_initial_references("NameServi
ce") NamingContext ncRef
// resolve the Object Reference in Naming
NameComponent nc new NameComponent("Hello",
"") NameComponent path nc
Hello helloRef HelloHelper.narrow(ncRef.
resolve(path)) // call the Hello
server object and print results
String hello helloRef.sayHello()
System.out.println(hello) catch
(Exception e)
Service Request
4.4 Static vs. Dynamic Invocation
  • Static invocation IDL operations must have been
    defined before client can be developed.
  • Does not suit every application (Example?)
  • Dynamic invocation interface enables clients to
    define operation invocations at run-time.
  • Interface repository can be used to ensure that
    calls are type safe.

4.5 ORB Interface
  • Object type Object.
  • Initialisation of object request broker.
  • Initialisation of client / server applications.
  • Programming interface to interface repository.

4.6 Object Identification
  • Objects are uniquely identified by object
  • Object identifiers are persistent.
  • Identifiers can be externalised (converted into
    string) and internalised.
  • Identifiers can be obtained
  • from a naming or a trading service,
  • by reading attributes,
  • from an operation result or
  • by internalising an externalised reference.

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4.7 Activation Strategies
A Shared Server B Unshared Server C Server per
method D Persistent server
3.5 Request vs. Notification
  • IDL operations are handled synchronously.
  • For notifications, it may not be necessary to
    await the server, if operation does not
  • have a return value,
  • have out or inout parameters and
  • raise specific exceptions.
  • Notification can be implemented as oneway
    operations in IDL.
  • Client continues after notification is delivered.

3.5 Notification (Example)
  • / person.idl /
  • enum sex_type
  • struct Person
  • string first_name
  • string last_name
  • sex_type sex
  • string city
  • interface PersonManager
  • oneway void print(in Person)
  • long store(in Person pers)
  • Person load(in long pers_id)

3.6 Failures
  • CORBA operation invocations may fail for the same
    reasons as RMIs.
  • Exceptions give detailed account why an operation
    has failed.
  • System vs. application specific exceptions.

  • 1997 RMI Introduced with JDK1.1
  • 1998 JavaIDL with JDK1.2 Java ORB supporting
    IIOP. ORB also supports RMI over IIOP ? remote
    objects written in the Java programming language
    accessible from any language via IIOP
  • CORBA provides the network transparency, Java
    provides the implementation transparency

4 Comparison
  • RMI architecture lacks interface repository (but
    has reflection).
  • IDL and RMI allow for
  • inheritance,
  • attributes and
  • exceptions. (These three are missing in RPC)
  • IDL has multiple standardised language bindings.
    RMI is part of JAVA, RPC goes with C and C

4 Comparison (contd)
  • RMIs are lightweight.
  • Component identification is reflexive in IDL and
    RMI, as opposed to RPC.
  • Basic object adapter provides more flexible
    activation strategies.
  • Oneway operations can be used for asynchronous

4 Comparison (contd)
  • RMIs may be more efficient than CORBA operation
  • RMI comes with JAVA, whilst you would have to
    obtain a CORBA product (open-source ones exist).

6.1 RMI vs CORBA
  • RMI is a Java-centric distributed object system.
    The only way currently to integrate code written
    in other languages into a RMI system is to use
    the Java native-code interface to link a remote
    object implementation in Java to C or C code.
    This is a possibility, but complicated.
  • CORBA, on the other hand, is designed to be
    language-independent. Object interfaces are
    specified in a language that is independent of
    the actual implementation language. This
    interface description can then be compiled into
    whatever implementation language suits the job
    and the environment.

6.2 RMI vs CORBA (ctd.)
  • Relatively speaking, RMI can be easier to master,
    especially for experienced Java programmers, than
    CORBA. CORBA is a rich, extensive family of
    standards and interfaces, and delving into the
    details of these interfaces is sometimes overkill
    for the task at hand.

6.3 RMI vs CORBA (ctd.)
  • CORBA is a more mature standard than RMI, and has
    had time to gain richer implementations. The
    CORBA standard is a fairly comprehensive one in
    terms of distributed objects, and there are CORBA
    implementations out there that provide many more
    services and distribution options than RMI or
    Java. The CORBA Services specifications, for
    example, include comprehensive high-level
    interfaces for naming, security, and transaction

6.4 The Bottom Line
  • So which is better, CORBA or RMI? Basically, it
    depends. If you're looking at a system that
    you're building from scratch, with no hooks to
    legacy systems and fairly mainstream requirements
    in terms of performance and other language
    features, then RMI may be the most effective and
    efficient tool for you to use.
  • On the other hand, if you're linking your
    distributed system to legacy services implemented
    in other languages, or if there is the
    possibility that subsystems of your application
    will need to migrate to other languages in the
    future, or if your system depends strongly on
    services that are available in CORBA and not in
    RMI, or if critical subsystems have
    highly-specialized requirements that Java can't
    meet, then CORBA may be your best bet.
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