Title: How the Clinical Laboratory Enhances Patient Care
1How the Clinical Laboratory Enhances Patient Care
Patchwork of Knowledge
- Fred V. Plapp, MD PhD
- Medical Director
- Saint Lukes Regional Laboratories
2Diagnosis of MeningitisExpediting Patient Care
- Infection of tissues surrounding the brain
spinal cord - Bacterial or viral
- Mostly viral
- Viral usually mild
- Bacterial is life-threatening
3Diagnosis of MeningitisTraditional Practice
- Patient presents to Emergency Room
- Lumbar puncture to collect CSF
- Bacterial cultures require 3 days
- Viral cultures require 10 days
- Patient admitted to hospital
- Treated with IV antibiotics until likely that
bacterial culture will be negative - Discharged with outpatient antibiotics
4Viral Meningitis Traditional Diagnosis
4 10 Days
5Viral MeningitisReal Time PCR Diagnosis
1 million viral copies in 30 minutes instead of
10 days
6New Meningitis Algorithm
7Meningitis OutcomesDownstream Cost Savings
- Traditional Approach
- Average LOS is 2.8 days
- Average hospital charge is 14,050
- IV antibiotics during admission
- Outpatient antibiotics for 10 14 days
- SLH Molecular Approach
- Avoid admission if Enterovirus detected
- Avoid unnecessary antibiotics
8Rapid ID of CoNSImproved Antibiotic Stewardship
- Peptide Nucleic Acid FISH
- Non-amplified fluorescent molecular probe
- Recognizes species specific RNA
- Distinguishes Coagulase Negative Staph from Staph
aureus - Advantages
- Timely accurate same day results
- Minimal equipment requirement
- Other probes for Gram-negatives yeast
- Disadvantages
- Expensive cost per test
- Must batch test due to
9Rapid ID of CoNSLab Pharmacy Cost Savings
Time to ID Antibiotic Dose per Patient Cost per Patient
Culture Alone 132 hours 5.8 72.02
Culture PNA 38 hours 2.8 14.28
Cost per patient included antibiotics
laboratory tests
10Rapid ID of CoNSDownstream Cost Savings
- SLHS performed 23,652 blood cultures in 2009
- 452 contaminants (1.9)
- 350 were CoNS
- Each contaminant adds 5000 to cost of hospital
stay - Rapid ID of CoNS saves 1.75M per year by
preventing ? LOS
Patchwork of Knowledge
11Recombinant rFVIIa UsageLaboratory as a Watchdog
- Recombinant Factor VIIa (Novoseven)
- Binds directly to tissue factor activates FX
- FDA approved for hemophilia with acquired
inhibitor - Off label use for acute bleeding ?
- Very expensive ( 1 per ug)
- Short half-life of 2-3 hours
- Possible thromboembolic events
12Reining in the Outlier
Surgeon 1Q09 1Q10
1 5450 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 12,220
5 98,690 16,000
13Open Heart Surgery Transfusion Review
- OHS transfused one third of components
- Clinical Pathologist analyzed blood usage each
year - Surgeon specific usage
- Reviewed with CTS team
- Evaluated risk factors, meds,practice variations
- Published transfusion guidelines risks
- Presented to surgeons, Department Chair, Chief
Medical Officer
14Average Number of Units Transfused per OHS Case
15Benefits of Decreased Transfusion
- 260,000 cost savings in blood products per year
- Transfusion reaction risks decreased
- Blood Bank workload decreased
- Nursing time for transfusion decreased
16Order SetsEnsuring Appropriate Testing
- Nurses physicians write order sets
- Clinical Pathologists review lab tests
- Additions, deletions, substitutions
- Suggestions returned to authors
- Order sets published
- Test utilization monitored before after
1770 Order SetsImpact on Test Utilization
Year Cases/Yr Tests/Cs Test/Yr
1992 8823 50.3 443,797
1996 9630 44.3 426,609
Diff 807 -6 -17,188
Diff 9 -12 -4
18Inpatient Tests per Discharge
19Specimen in Lab PolicyDecreasing Wastage
- Worked with Blood Management Team to reduce
iatrogenic blood loss - SIL Policy implemented
- Stored blood specimens for 1 week
- Publicized in Lab Letter Nursing publications
- Avoided redrawing patients for add-on testing
20Specimen in Lab PolicySLH Outcomes
- 11,244 requests for tests on SIL
- 51,726 savings in labor supplies
- Avoided 11,244 venipunctures
- Conserved 71,428 mL of blood
- Equivalent to 140 units of RBCs
21POC Blood Glucose TestingImproving Patient Safety
- Manual Patient ID entry
- 12,000 tests per month
- 9.7 average error rate
- 450 unidentified results per month
- PI project to reduce errors
- Accu-Chek Inform RALS Plus
- Barcoded armbands handheld devices
22Glucose Meter ID Errors
23Test Utilization Ideas www.clinlabnavigator.com