Asset Categorization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Asset Categorization


Asset Categorization Asawin Rajakrom * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * That brings me to the end of my presentation. If you have any question I ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Asset Categorization

Asset Categorization
  • Asawin Rajakrom

Course Syllabus
  • This course describes how the power distribution
    network assets are modeled and categorized into
    classes and draw a relationships among those
    classes. The class attribute represents a network
    data that will be used for inducing asset
    conditions, costs, probability of network failure
    as well as social and environment factors that
    influence the asset investment decision. The
    modeling approach bases on the prominent a Common
    Information Model (CIM) modeling method that used
    for representing real-world objects and
    information entities exchanged within the value
    chain of the electric power industry.
  • Underpinning the CIM knowledge representation are
    several methods and methodologies such as UML,
    XML, and RDF. The course provides all necessary
    background of these technologies. In addition,
    engineering disciplines such as knowledge
    engineering and ontological engineering which
    emphasizes the knowledge acquisition and ontology
    development are also explicated. Combining them
    all together, attendees will equip themselves
    with all necessary knowledge to model not just
    power distribution system assets but all the
    other area of knowledge modeling.

Course Outline
  • Categorization principle terminologies
  • Unified modeling language
  • eXtensible markup language
  • Resource description framework
  • Common information model
  • knowledge engineering
  • Ontological development
  • Power distribution network asset categorization

Asset Categorization
  • Categorization Principle Terminologies

Categorization Overview
  • The basic cognitive process of arranging into
    classes or categories
  • The process in which ideas and objects are
    recognized, differentiated and understood.
    Categorization implies that objects are grouped
    into categories, usually for some specific
    purpose. Ideally, a category illuminates a
    relationship between the subjects and objects of
  • The function of category systems and asserts that
    the task of category systems is to provide
    maximum information with the least cognitive
  • The structure of the information so provided and
    asserts that the perceived world comes as
    structured information rather than as arbitrary
    or unpredictable attributes

Controlled Vocabulary
  • Way of describing a concept under a single word
    or phrase
  • May vary in its definition and usage when use in
    different domain
  • An established list of standardized terms used
    for both indexing and retrieval of information
  • The list of terms should be controlled by and be
    available from a controlled vocabulary
    registration authority in order to make a it
    unambiguous, non-redundant

Controlled Vocabulary
  • At a minimum, the following two rules should be
    enforced to make true in practice
  • If the same term is commonly used to mean
    different concepts in different contexts, then
    its name is explicitly qualified to resolve this
  • If multiple terms are used to mean the same
    thing, one of the terms is identified as the
    preferred term in the controlled vocabulary and
    the other terms are listed as synonyms or aliases.

  • Systematic arrangement in groups or categories
    according to established criteria
  • Act or process of putting people or things into a
    group or class
  • Establishing the correct class (or category) for
    an object where an object needs to be
    characterized in terms of class to which it

  • Classification is an approach to systematically
    arranging objects into categories according to
    established criteria.
  • Objects are the physical and conceptual things we
    find in the universe around us Hardware,
    software, documents, animals, human beings, and
    even concepts.
  • Classification allows to us manage things easily
    by grouping them into certain category under
    specific criteria and then manipulate against
    established condition.

  • An orderly classification of plants and animals
    according to their presumed natural relationships
  • A hierarchy created according to data internal to
    the items in that hierarchy
  • An orderly classification of objects into
    hierarchical structure using a parent-child
  • Using parent-child relationships in taxonomy
    e.g., whole part, genus species, type
    instance, or class subclass.
  • Differ from classification in the sense that it
    classifies in a structure according to some
    relation between the entities and that a
    classification uses more arbitrary (or external)

  • A branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature
    and relations of being
  • A system of concepts used as building blocks of
    an information processing system
  • Consists of concepts, hierarchical (is-a)
    organization of them, relations among them, in
    addition to is-a and part-of, axioms to formalize
    the definitions and relations.
  • An explicit specification of a conceptualization

  • Taxonomy and ontology are often interchangeably
    used, however they are fundamentally different.
  • Taxonomy classifies objects in a domain in
    hierarchical structure
  • give exact names for everything in a specified
  • show which things are parts of other things
  • Ontology offers more by expressing meaningful
    content within a specified domain of interest.
  • Has strict, formal rules (a "grammar") about
    those relationships that let us make meaningful,
    precise statements about our entities/relationship
  • A formal ontology is hence a controlled
    vocabulary expressed in an ontology
    representation language

  • Data about data
  • Facilitate the understanding, characteristics,
    and management usage of data
  • An explicit model of the constructs and rules
    needed to build specific models within a domain
    of interest
  • A valid meta-model is an ontology, but not all
    ontologies are modeled explicitly as meta-models
  • Schema is Metadata

Power Distribution System Asset Categorization
  • Provide all key attributes of network assets,
    either concrete or abstract, operational stresses
    and external environments for determining asset
    conditions and failure probability
  • Provide all key attributes to deduce asset costs
  • Provide all associated social and environment
    factors that influence decision of asset
  • This information is modeled into classes and
    attributes as well as class relationships using
    the common information model (CIM) specification

  • Unified Modeling Language

Origins of UML
  • Evolution of object-oriented technology-
  • Develop and start using OOP language
  • Use of OOAD in business process modeling,
    requirement analysis and software systems design
  • UML was designed to bring together the best
    features of a number of analysis and design
    technologies and notations to produce and
    industrial standard.

Emergence of UML
What is UML?
  • UML is a visual language that originally applied
    in developing software systems.
  • Now is extended for using in other area like
    knowledge modeling.
  • It is a specification language.
  • it has a set of elements and a set of rules that
    determine how it can be used.
  • Most of UML elements are graphical lines,
    rectangles, ovals and other shapes, and many of
    these graphical elements are labelled with words
    that provides additional information.

Why use UML?
  • The needs of modeling Modeling can be as
    straightforward as drawing a flowchart listing
    the steps carried out in business process.
  • Readability brings clarityease of understanding.
    This involves knowing what a system is made up
    of, how it behaves, and so forth.
  • Reusability is the byproduct of making a system
    readable. After a system has been modeled to make
    it easy to understand, we tend to identify
    similarities or redundancy, be they in terms of
    functionality, features, or structure.
  • The underline is standardization.

UML Concepts
  • UML is used to
  • Show main functions and boundaries in a system
    using use cases and actors.
  • Illustrate use case realizations using
    interaction diagrams.
  • Represent a static structure of a system using
    class diagrams.
  • Modelling object behaviour using state diagrams.
  • Show implementation of the physical architecture
    using component and deployment diagrams.
  • Enhance the functionality using stereotypes.

UML Diagrams and Elements
  • Use case diagrams
  • Static structural diagrams
  • Class, object
  • Interaction diagrams
  • Sequence, collaboration
  • State diagrams
  • Activity diagrams
  • Implementation diagrams
  • Packages, Components, Deployment

Use Cases Diagram
  • Use cases diagrams describes the behavior of the
    target system from an external point of view. Use
    cases describe "the meat" of the actual
  • Use cases A use case describes a sequence of
    actions that provide something of measurable
    value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal
  • Actors An actor is a person, organization, or
    external system that plays a role in one or more
    interactions with your system. Actors are drawn
    as stick figures.
  • Associations  Associations between actors and
    use cases are indicated by solid lines. An
    association exists whenever an actor is involved
    with an interaction described by a use case

Use Cases Diagram
Class Diagram
  • Class diagrams show the classes of the system,
    their inter-relationships, and the operations and
    attributes of the classes
  • Explore domain concepts in the form of a domain
  • Analyze requirements in the form of a
    conceptual/analysis model
  • Depict the detailed design of object-oriented or
    object-based software

Class Diagram
Class name
attribute name type
operation name(parameter type) result type
Object Diagram
  • Object diagrams (instance diagrams), are useful
    for exploring real world examples of objects and
    the relationships between them. It shows
    instances instead of classes. They are useful for
    explaining small pieces with complicated
    relationships, especially recursive

Class and Objects
Name String default
Country String default
Population integer default
setName (s String deault)
setPopulation(p integer default)
New York City
Sydney City
London City
Name London
Name New York
Name Sydney
Country USA
Country Australia
Country UK
Population 2,324,320
Population 5,734,012
Population 3,536,000
Sequence Diagram
  • Sequence diagrams models the collaboration of
    objects based on a time sequence. It shows how
    the objects interact with others in a particular
    scenario of a use case.

Sequence Diagram
Collaboration Diagram
  • Collaboration (Communication) diagrams used to
    model the dynamic behavior of the use case. When
    compare to Sequence Diagram, the Communication
    Diagram is more focused on showing the
    collaboration of objects rather than the time

Collaboration Diagram
State Diagram
  • State diagrams can show the different states of
    an entity also how an entity responds to various
    events by changing from one state to another. The
    history of an entity can best be modeled by a
    finite state diagram.

State Diagram
Activity Diagram
  • Activity diagrams helps to describe the flow of
    control of the target system, such as the
    exploring complex business rules and operations,
    describing the use case also the business
    process. It is object-oriented equivalent of flow
    charts and data-flow diagrams (DFDs).

Activity Diagram
Packages Diagram
  • Package diagrams simplify complex class diagrams,
    it can group classes into packages. A package is
    a collection of logically related UML elements.
    Packages are depicted as file folders and can be
    used on any of the UML diagrams.

Packages Diagram
Components Diagram
  • Component diagrams shows the dependencies among
    software components, including the classifiers
    that specify them (for example implementation
    classes) and the artifacts that implement them
    such as source code files, binary code files,
    executable files, scripts and tables.

Components Diagram
Deployment Diagram
  • Deployment diagram depicts a static view of the
    run-time configuration of hardware nodes and the
    software components that run on those nodes.
    Deployment diagrams show the hardware for your
    system, the software that is installed on that
    hardware, and the middleware used to connect the
    disparate machines to one another.

Deployment Diagram
UML Class Diagrams and Relationships
  • How would you draw a family tree? The steps you
    would take would be
  • Identify the main members of the family
  • Determine how they are related to each other
  • Identify the characteristics of each family
  • Find relations among family members
  • Decide the inheritance of personal traits and

UML Class Diagrams and Relationships
  • By definition, a class diagram is a diagram
    showing a collection of classes and interfaces,
    along with the collaborations and relationships
    among classes and interfaces.
  • A class diagram consists of a group of classes
    and interfaces reflecting important entities of
    the business domain of the system being modeled,
    and the relationships between these classes and
  • A class diagram is a pictorial representation of
    the detailed system design.

Elements of a Class Diagram
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Association When two classes are connected to each other in any way, an association relation is established. For example A "student studies in a college" association can be shown as
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Multiplicity An example of this kind of association is many students belonging to the same college. Hence, the relation shows a star sign near the student class (one to many, many to many, and so forth kind of relations).
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Directed Association Association between classes is bi-directional by default. You can define the flow of the association by using a directed association. The arrowhead identifies the container-contained relationship.
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Reflexive Association No separate symbol. An example of this kind of relation is when a class has a variety of responsibilities. For example, an employee of a college can be a professor, a housekeeper, or an administrative assistant.
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Aggregation When two classes are When a class is formed as a collection of other classes, it is called an aggregation relationship between these classes. It is also called a "has a" relationship.
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Composition Composition is a variation of the aggregation relationship. Composition connotes that a strong life cycle is associated between the classes.
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Inheritance/ Generalization Also called an "is a" relationship, because the child class is a type of the parent class. Generalization is the basic type of relationship used to define reusable elements in the class diagram. Literally, the child classes "inherit" the common functionality defined in the parent class.
UML Class Relationships
Relation Symbol Description
Realization In a realization relationship, one entity (normally an interface) defines a set of functionalities as a contract and the other entity (normally a class) "realizes" the contract by implementing the functionality defined in the contract..
Other Terms for Annotations of Class Diagrams
  • Responsibility of a class It is the statement
    defining what the class is expected to provide.
  • Stereotypes It is an extension of the existing
    UML elements it allows you to define new
    elements modeled on the existing UML elements.
    Only one stereotype per element in a system is
  • Vocabulary The scope of a system is defined as
    its vocabulary.
  • Analysis class It is a kind of a stereotype.
  • Boundary class This is the first type of an
    analysis class. In a system consisting of a
    boundary class, the users interact with the
    system through the boundary classes.
  • Control class This is the second type of an
    analysis class. A control class typically does
    not perform any business functions, but only
    redirects to the appropriate business function
    class depending on the function requested by the
    boundary class or the user.
  • Entity class This is the third type of an
    analysis class. An entity class consists of all
    the business logic and interactions with

Put Them Together
  • eXtensible Markup Language

  • SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
  • ISO Standard, 1986, for data storage exchange
  • Metalanguage for defining languages (through
  • A famous SGML language HTML!!
  • Separation of content and display
  • Used in U.S. gvt. contractors, large
    manufacturing companies, technical info.
  • SGML reference is 600 pages long
  • XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
  • W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) --
    http// recommendation in 1998
  • Simple subset (80/20 rule) of SGML ASCII of
    the Web, Semantic Web.
  • XML specification is 26 pages long

  • Canonical XML
  • normalization, equivalence testing of XML
  • SML (Simple Markup Language)
  • Reduce to the max No Attributes / No
    Processing Instructions (PI) / No DTD / No
    non-character entity-references / No CDATA marked
    sections / Support for only UTF-8 character
    encoding / No optional features
  • XML Schema
  • XML Schema definition language
  • Back to complex
  • Part I (Structures), Part II (Data Types), Part
    III aehm 0 (Primer)

What is XML?
  • XML is a universal format for structured
    documents and data.
  • Can be understood using any (archaic CP/M)
  • Can be parsed easily
  • Contains its own structure (parse tree) in the
  • Allows separation of marked-up content from
    presentation (style sheets)
  • As a self-describing format good for archival
    into the past - not bad for archival into the
  • XML uses a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an
    XML Schema to describe the data
  • XML with a DTD or XML Schema is designed to be

Simple XML Example
  • lt?xml version1.0 encodingwindows-874?gt
  • ltnotegt
  • lttogt Tom lt/togt
  • ltfromgt Jane lt/fromgt
  • ltheadinggt Reminder lt/headinggt
  • ltbodygt Meeting at 9.00 AMlt/bodygt
  • lt/notegt

Why Is XML Important?
  • Plain Text
  • Easy to edit
  • Useful for storing small amounts of data
  • Possible to efficiently store large amounts of
    XML data through an XML front end to a database
  • Data Identification
  • Tell you what kind of data you have
  • Can be used in different ways by different

Why Is XML Important?
  • Stylability
  • Inherently style-free
  • XSL---Extensible Stylesheet Language
  • Different XSL formats can then be used to display
    the same data in different ways
  • Inline Reusabiliy
  • Can be composed from separate entities
  • Modularize your documents without resorting to

Why Is XML Important?
  • Linkability -- XLink and XPointer
  • Simple unidirectional hyperlinks
  • Two-way links
  • Multiple-target links
  • Expanding links
  • Easily Processed
  • Regular and consistent notation
  • Vendor-neutral standard
  • Hierarchical
  • Faster to access
  • Easier to rearrange

XML Building Blocks
  • Element
  • Delimited by angle brackets
  • Identify the nature of the content they surround
  • General format ltelementgt lt/elementgt
  • Empty element lt/empty-Elementgt
  • Attribute
  • Name-value pairs that occur inside start-tags
    after element name, like
  • ltelement attributevaluegt

XML Building blocks--Prolog
  • The part of an XML document that precedes the XML
  • Includes
  • A declaration version , encoding, standalone
  • An optional DTD (Document Type Definition )
  • Example
  • lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"

XML Syntax
  • All XML elements must have a closing tag
  • XML tags are case sensitive
  • All XML elements must be properly nested
  • All XML documents must have a root tag
  • Attribute values must always be quoted
  • With XML, white space is preserved
  • With XML, a new line is always stored as LF
  • Comments in XML
  • lt!-- This is a comment --gt

XML is Based on Markup
Markup indicates structure and semantics
  • ltbibliographygt
  • ltpaper ID "object-fusion"gt
  • ltauthorsgt
  • ltauthorgtY.Papakonstantinoult/authorgt
  • ltauthorgtS. Abiteboullt/authorgt
  • ltauthorgtH. Garcia-Molinalt/authorgt
  • lt/authorsgt
  • ltfullPaper source"fusion"/gt
  • lttitlegtObject Fusion in Mediator
  • ltbooktitlegtVLDB 96lt/booktitlegt
  • lt/papergt
  • lt/bibliographygt

Decoupled from presentation
XML Elements
  • XML Elements are Extensible
  • XML documents can be extended to carry more
  • XML Elements have Relationships
  • Elements are related as parents and children
  • Elements have Content
  • Elements can have different content types
    element content, mixed content, simple content,
    or empty content and attributes
  • XML elements must follow the naming rules

XML as Labeled Ordered Trees
  • can also represent
  • relational and
  • object-oriented data

ltbibliographygt ltpaper ltauthorsgt
ltauthorgtYannislt/authorgt ltauthorgtSergelt/autho
rgt ... lt/authorsgt lttitlegtObject
Fusionlt/titlegt ... lt/papergt lt/bibliographygt
? semistructured data ? labeled trees/graphs
Elements and their Content
Element Content
element name
ltbibliographygt ltpaper ID"object-fusion"gt
ltauthorsgt ltauthorgtY.Papakonstantinoult/author
gt ltauthorgtS. Abiteboullt/authorgt
ltauthorgtH. Garcia-Molinalt/authorgt lt/authorsgt
ltfullPaper source"fusion"/gt
lttitlegtObject Fusion in Mediator Systemslt/titlegt
ltbooktitlegtVLDB 96lt/booktitlegt
lt/papergt lt/bibliographygt
Empty Element
Character content
XML Attributes
  • Located in the start tag of elements
  • Provide additional information about elements
  • Often provide information that is not a part of
  • Must be enclosed in quotes
  • Should I use an element or an attribute?
  • metadata (data about data) should be stored as
    attributes, and that data itself should be stored
    as elements

Element Attributes
Attribute name
ltbibliographygt ltpaper ID"object-fusion"gt
ltauthorsgt ltauthorgtY.Papakonstantinoult/author
gt ltauthorgtS. Abiteboullt/authorgt
ltauthorgtH. Garcia-Molinalt/authorgt lt/authorsgt
ltfullPaper source"fusion"/gt
lttitlegtObject Fusion in Mediator Systemslt/titlegt
ltbooktitlegtVLDB 96lt/booktitlegt
lt/papergt lt/bibliographygt
Attribute Value
XML Validation
  • "Well Formed" XML document
  • correct XML syntax
  • "Valid" XML document
  • well formed
  • Conforms to the rules of a DTD (Document Type
  • defines the legal building blocks of an XML
  • Can be inline in XML or as an external reference
  • XML Schema
  • an XML based alternative to DTD, more powerful
  • Support namespace and data types

Displaying XML
  • XML documents do not carry information about how
    to display the data
  • We can add display information to XML with
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) --- preferred

XML Specification
  • XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs)
  • define the structure of "allowed" documents
    (i.e., valid written a DTD)
  • database schema
  • improve query formulation, execution, ...
  • XML Schema
  • defines structure and data types
  • allows developers to build their own libraries of
    interchanged data types
  • XML Namespaces
  • identify your vocabulary

Document Type Definitions (DTD)
Define and Constrain Element Names Structure
lt!element bibliography papergt lt!element paper
(authors, fullPaper?, title, booktitle)gt lt!element
authors authorgt lt!element author
(PCDATA)gt lt!element fullPaper EMPTYgt lt!element
title (PCDATA)gt lt!element booktitle
(PCDATA)gt lt!attlist fullPaper source ENTITY
REQUIREDgt lt!attlist paper ID IDgt
Element Type Declaration
Attribute List Declaration
Document Type Definitions (DTD)
Authors followed by optional fullpaper, followed
by title, followed by booktitle
Sequence of 0 or more paper
lt!element bibliography papergt lt!element paper
(authors, fullPaper?, title, booktitle)gt lt!element
authors authorgt lt!element author
(PCDATA)gt lt!element fullPaper
EMPTYgt lt!element title (PCDATA)gt lt!element
booktitle (PCDATA)gt lt!attlist fullPaper source
ENTITY REQUIREDgt lt!attlist paper ID IDgt
Sequence of 1 or more author
Character content
Document Type Definitions (DTD)
ltperson ID"yannis"gt Yannis info lt/persongt
ltbibliographygt ltpaper ID"object-fusion"
ROLE"publication"gt ltauthorsgt ltauthor
authorRef"yannis"gt Y.Papakonstantinoult/authorgt
lt/authorsgt ltfullPaper source"fusion"/gt
lttitlegtObject Fusion in Mediator Systemslt/titlegt
ltrelated papers "semistructured-data"
"mediators"/gt lt/papergt lt/bibliographygt
Object Identity Attribute
CDATA (character data)
IDREF intradocument reference
Reference to external ENTITY
XML Namespaces
  • Namespace is a mapping between an element prefix
    and a URI
  • cars is the prefix in this example,
  • ltcarspart xmlnscarsURIgt
  • URIs are not a pointer to information about the
    Namespace. They are just unique identifiers.
    You cannot resolve XML namespace URIs.

XML Namespaces
  • An XML document may reference more than one
  • A Namespace specifies which schema defines a
    given tag
  • XML, like Java, uses qualified names
  • This helps to avoid collisions between names
  • Java myObject.myVariable
  • XML myDTDmyTag
  • Note that XML uses a colon () rather than a dot
  • If an XML processor is not namespace-aware, the
    colon is just part of the name

Namespaces and URIs
  • A namespace is defined as a unique string
  • To guarantee uniqueness, typically a URI (Uniform
    Resource Indicator) is used, because the author
    owns the domain
  • It doesn't have to be a real URI it just has
    to be a unique string
  • Example http//
  • There are two ways to use namespaces
  • Declare a default namespace
  • Associate a prefix with a namespace, then use the
    prefix in the XML to refer to the namespace

Namespace Syntax
  • In any start tag you can use the reserved
    attribute name xmlns
  • ltbook xmlns"http//"gt
  • This namespace will be used as the default for
    all elements up to the corresponding end tag
  • You can override it with a specific prefix
  • You can use almost this same form to declare a
  • ltbook xmlnsdave"http//"gt
  • Use this prefix on every tag and attribute you
    want to use from this namespace, including end
    tags--it is not a default prefix
  • ltdavechapter davenumber"1"gtTo
  • You can use the prefix in the start tag in which
    it is defined
  • ltdavebook xmlnsdave"http//

Namespaces and DTD
  • Here is a sample Namespace specification within a
  • lt!ELEMENT title
  • lt!ATTLIST title xmlns CDATA FIXED
  • lt!ELEMENT persontitle
  • lt!ATTLIST persontitle
  • xmlnsperson CDATA FIXED "http//www.person.c

XML Schema
  • People are dissatisfied with DTDs due to-
  • It's a different syntax
  • You write your XML (instance) document using one
    syntax and the DTD using another syntax --gt
    bad, inconsistent
  • Limited datatype capability
  • DTDs support a very limited capability for
    specifying datatypes. You can't, for example,
    express "I want the ltelevationgt element to hold
    an integer with a range of 0 to 12,000"
  • Desire a set of datatypes compatible with those
    found in databases
  • DTD supports 10 datatypes XML Schemas supports
    44 datatypes

What is XML Schema?
  • A grammar definition language
  • Like DTDs but better
  • Uses XML syntax
  • Defined by W3C
  • Primary features
  • Datatypes
  • e.g. integer, float, date, etc
  • More powerful content models
  • e.g. namespace-aware, type derivation, etc
  • A schema is a collection of
  • type definitions
  • simple type
  • complex type (contains element or attribute)
  • element declarations

Schema Terminology
  • Schema a formal description for the structure
    and allowed content of a set of data (esp. in
  • XML Schema is often used for each of 1. XML
    Schema, the W3C Rec. that defines 2. XML
    Schema Definition Language (XSDL), an XML-based
    markup language for expressing ... 3. schema
    documents, each of which describes a schema (DTD)
    for a set of XML document instances

Advantages of XSDL
  • XML syntax
  • schema documents easier to manipulate by programs
    (than the special DTD syntax)
  • Compatibility with namespaces
  • can validate documents using declarations from
    multiple sources
  • Content datatypes
  • 44 built-in datatypes (including primitive Java
    datatypes, datatypes of SQL, and XML attribute
  • mechanisms to derive user-defined datatypes

(No Transcript)
Advantages of XSDL
  • Independence of element names and content types
    Compare with
  • DTDs 1-to-1 correspondence btw. element type
    names and their content models
  • CFGs 1-to-1 correspondence btw. nonterminals and
    their productions
  • For example, could define titles of people as
    Mr./Mrs./Ms. and titles of chapters as

Advantages of XSDL
  • Support for schema documentation
  • element annotation with sub-elements
    documentation (for human readers) and
  • appInfo (for applications)
  • Ability to specify uniqueness and keys within
    selected parts of document
  • for example, that titles of chapters should be

Disadvantages of XSDL
  • Complexity of XSDL (esp. of Rec. Part 1!)
  • gt a long learning curve
  • Possible immaturity of implementations (?)
  • W3C XML Schema Web site mentions a dozen of tools
    or processors (http//,
    March 2002)
  • Open-source Apache XML parsers (Xerces C 1.7.0
    and Xerces Java 1.4.4) seem reasonable
    implementations, but also document
    limitations/problems in their XML Schema support

Highlights of XML Schemas
  • XML Schemas are a tremendous advancement over
  • Enhanced datatypes
  • 44 versus 10
  • Can create your own datatypes
  • Example "This is a new type based on the string
    type and elements of this type must follow this
    pattern ddd-dddd, where 'd' represents a digit".
  • Written in the same syntax as instance documents
  • less syntax to remember
  • Object-oriented'ish
  • Can extend or restrict a type (derive new type
    definitions on the basis of old ones)
  • Can express sets, i.e., can define the child
    elements to occur in any order
  • Can specify element content as being unique (keys
    on content) and uniqueness within a region
  • Can define multiple elements with the same name
    but different content
  • Can define elements with nil content
  • Can define substitutable elements - e.g., the
    "Book" element is substitutable for the
    "Publication" element.

Example DTD
lt!ELEMENT note (to, from, heading,
body)gt lt!ELEMENT to (PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT from
body (PCDATA)gt
Example XML?DTD
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt lt!DOCTYPE note
SYSTEM "http//"gt lt
notegt lttogtTovelt/togt ltfromgtJanilt/fromgt ltheadinggtRem
inderlt/headinggt ltbodygtDon't forget me this
weekend!lt/bodygt lt/notegt
Example XML Schema
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltxsschema
xmlnsxs"http//" targ
etNamespace"http//" xmlns"ht
tp//" elementFormDefault"qual
ified"gt ltxselement name"note"gt
ltxscomplexTypegt ltxssequencegt ltxseleme
nt name"to" type"xsstring"/gt ltxselement
name"from" type"xsstring"/gt ltxselement
name"heading" type"xsstring"/gt ltxselement
name"body" type"xsstring"/gt
lt/xssequencegt lt/xscomplexTypegt lt/xselementgt
Example XML?XML Schema
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltnote xmlns"http//www.w3s" xmlnsxsi"http//
LSchema-instance" xsischemaLocation"http//www note.xsd"gt lttogtTovelt/togt ltfromgtJani
lt/fromgt ltheadinggtReminderlt/headinggt ltbodygtDon't
forget me this weekend!lt/bodygt lt/notegt
  • Resource Description Framework

Motivation for RDF
  • RDF and Metadata
  • Scenario 1 The library
  • Lookup system search properties include author,
    title, subject etc.
  • Scenario 2 The video store
  • Lookup system search properties include
    directors, actors, etc.
  • The common thread
  • Metadata information about information

Motivation for RDF
  • What about the Web?
  • One big library, need call number to get things
    without a search
  • Has hardly any metadata, HTML
  • Yahoo
  • Has metadata based lookup facility, uses human
    generated subject categories and site labels
  • Library example to illustrate need for metadata

What is RDF?
  • RDF stands for Resource Description Framework
  • RDF is a framework for describing resources on
    the web
  • RDF provides a model for data, and a syntax so
    that independent parties can exchange and use it
  • RDF is designed to be read and understood by
  • RDF is not designed for being displayed to people
  • RDF is written in XML
  • RDF is a part of the W3C's Semantic Web Activity
  • RDF is a W3C Recommendation

What is RDF?
  • Describe relationships and attributes of
    (Internet) resources, i.e. advanced metadata
  • Based on Directed Labelled Graphs (DLG) and
    classical Information Analysis
  • Also represented in XML, N3, N-Triple
  • Attributes and Relation types may be defined by
    XML Namespaces, e.g. Dublin Core
  • A general method to decompose knowledge into
    small pieces with some rules about semantics or
    meaning of those pieces
  • Designed for knowledge, not data, means RDF is
    particularly concerned with meaning

  • RDF is an implementation of XML
  • Why not just use XML?
  • XML falls apart on the scalability design goal.
  • There are two problems
  • Order of elements important unnatural in
    metadata, also expensive in practice
  • Representation of XML documents in memory trees
    difficult to manage when large
  • XML unequalled as an exchange format on the Web,
    but it doesnt provide a metadata framework

Uses of RDF
  • Resource Discovery to provide better search
    engine capabilities
  • Cataloging for describing the content and
    content relationships
  • Intelligent software agents to facilitate
    knowledge sharing exchange
  • Content rating in describing collections of
    pages that represent a single logical document

Uses of RDF
  • Describing intellectual property rights
  • Privacy preferences expression of a user as
    well as the privacy polices of a Web site
  • Web of Trust RDF with digital signatures will
    be key to building the Web of Trust for
    electronic commerce, collaboration, and other

RDF Components
  • Formal data model
  • Syntax for interchange of data
  • Schema Type system (schema model)
  • Syntax for machine-understandable schemas
  • Query and profile protocols

RDF Data Model
  • Imposes structural constraints on the expression
    of application data models
  • for consistent encoding, exchange and processing
    of metadata
  • Enables resource description communities to
    define their own semantics
  • Provides for structural interoperability

RDF Data Model
  • Directed labelled graphs
  • Model elements
  • Statement Resource (Subject) Property
    (Predicate) Value (Object)
  • Resource anything that can be identified,
    identified by a URI.
  • Property specific aspect, characteristic,
    attribute, or relation used to describe a
  • URI verbose name for Resource, can be http, urn,
    tag types
  • Value

RDF Elements
  • Subject source of relationship
  • Always a resource
  • Predicate labeled arc
  • Always a resource
  • Object relationships destination
  • Resource or literal
  • Subject and Predicates are first-class objects
  • Which means they can be used as subjects or
    objects of other statements

RDF Model Primitives
RDF Model
RDF Syntax
  • RDF Model defines a formal relationships among
    resources, properties and values
  • Syntax is required to...
  • Store instances of the model into files
  • Communicate files from one application to another
  • W3C XML eXtensible Markup Language
  • http//

RDF Model Example
RDF Presentation
Paul Miller
RDF Syntax Example
RDF Presentation
Paul Miller
ltRDF xmlns http//
xmlnsdc http//
s/1.0/gt ltDescription about URIRgt
ltdcTitlegt RDF Presentation lt/dcTitlegt
ltdcCreatorgt Paul Miller lt/dcCreatorgt
lt/Descriptiongt lt/RDFgt
RDF Model Example
RDF Presentation
Paul Miller
RDF Syntax Example
ltRDF xmlns http//
xmlnsdc http//
s/1.0/ xmlnsbib http//
/personsgt ltDescription about URIRgt
ltdcTitlegt RDF Presentation lt/dcTitlegt
ltdcCreatorgt ltDescriptiongt
ltbibNamegt Paul Miller lt/bibNamegt
ltbibEmailgt lt/bibEmailgt
ltbibAff resource http//
/gt lt/Descriptiongt lt/dcCreatorgt
lt/Descriptiongt lt/RDFgt
RDF Schema
  • RDFS or RDF Schema is an extensible knowledge
    representation language, providing basic elements
    for the description of ontologies, otherwise
    called RDF vocabularies, intended to structure
    RDF resources. The first version was published by
    W3C in April 1998, and the final W3C
    recommendation was released in February 2004.
    Main RDFS components are included in the more
    expressive language OWL.
  • RDFS is also written in XML.

RDF Schema
  • RDF describes resources with classes, properties,
    and values.
  • In addition, RDF also need a way to define
    application -specific classes and properties.
    Application-specific classes and properties must
    be defined using extensions to RDF RDF Schema
  • RDF Schema does not provide actual
    application-specific classes and properties.
  • Instead RDF Schema provides the framework to
    describe application-specific classes and
  • Classes in RDF Schema is much like classes in
    object oriented programming languages. This
    allows resources to be defined as instances of
    classes, and subclasses of classes

RDF Schema
  • Basic vocabulary to describe RDF vocabularies
  • Defines properties of the resources (e.g., title,
    author, subject, etc)
  • Defines kinds of resources being describes
    (books, Web pages, people, etc)
  • XML Schema gives specific constraints on the
    structure of an XML document
  • RDF Schema provides information about the
    interpretation of the RDF statements

RDFS / RDF Classes
RDFS / RDF Properties
Element Domain Range Description
rdfsdomain Property Class The domain of the resource
rdfsrange Property Class The range of the resource
rdfssubPropertyOf Property Property The property is a sub property of a property
rdfssubClassOf Class Class The resource is a subclass of a class
rdfscomment Resource Literal The human readable description of the resource
rdfslabel Resource Literal The human readable label (name)  of the resource
rdfsisDefinedBy Resource Resource The definition of the resource
rdfsseeAlso Resource Resource The additional information about the resource
rdfsmember Resource Resource The member of the resource
rdffirst List Resource  
rdfrest List List  
rdfsubject Statement Resource The subject of the resource in an RDF Statement
rdfpredicate Statement Resource The predicate of the resource in an RDF Statement
rdfobject Statement Resource The object of the resource in an RDF Statement
rdfvalue Resource Resource The property used for values
rdftype Resource Class The resource is an instance of a class
RDFS / RDF Attributes
Element Domain Range Description
rdfabout     Defines the resource being described
rdfDescription     Container for the description of a resource
rdfresource     Defines a resource to identify a property
rdfdatatype     Defines the data type of an element
rdfID     Defines the ID of an element
rdfli     Defines a list
rdf_n     Defines a node
rdfnodeID     Defines the ID of an element node
rdfparseType     Defines how an element should be parsed
rdfRDF     The root of an RDF document
xmlbase     Defines the XML base
xmllang     Defines the language of the element content
RDF Schema Example
  • lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
  • ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//
  • xmlnsrdfs"http//
  • ltrdfsClass rdfID"Person"gt
  • ltrdfscommentgtPerson Classlt/rdfscommentgt
  • ltrdfssubClassOf
  • rdfresource"http//
  • lt/rdfsClassgt
  • ltrdfsClass rdfID"Student"gt
  • ltrdfscommentgtStudent Classlt/rdfscommentgt
  • ltrdfssubClassOf rdfresource"Person"/gt
  • lt/rdfsClassgt
  • ltrdfsClass rdfID"Teacher"gt
  • ltrdfscommentgtTeacher Classlt/rdfscommentgt
  • ltrdfssubClassOf rdfresource"Person"/gt
  • lt/rdfsClassgt

RDF Schema Example (cont.)
  • ltrdfsClass rdfID"Course"gt
  • ltrdfscommentgtCourse Classlt/rdfscommentgt
  • ltrdfssubClassOf rdfresource"http//www.w3.
  • lt/rdfsClassgt
  • ltrdfProperty rdfID"teacher"gt
  • ltrdfscommentgtTeacher of a
  • ltrdfsdomain rdfresource"Course"/gt
  • ltrdfsrange rdfresource"Teacher"/gt
  • lt/rdfPropertygt
  • ltrdfProperty rdfID"students"gt
  • ltrdfscommentgtList of Students of a course
    in alphabetical orderlt/rdfscommentgt
  • ltrdfsdomain rdfresource"Course"/gt
  • ltrdfsrange rdfresource"http//
  • lt/rdfPropertygt
  • ltrdfProperty rdfID"name"gt
  • ltrdfscommentgtName of a Person or

RDF (corresponded to previous schema)
  • lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
  • ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//
  • xmlns"http//
  • ltCourse rdfID"csci_2962"gt
  • ltnamegtProgramming XML in Javalt/namegt
  • ltteachergt
  • ltTeacher rdfID"jp"gt
  • ltnamegtJohn Puninlt/namegt
  • lt/Teachergt
  • lt/teachergt
  • ltstudentsgt
  • ltrdfSeqgt
  • ltrdfligt
  • ltStudent rdfID"er"gt
  • ltnamegtElizabeth Robertslt/namegt
  • lt/Studentgt
  • lt/rdfligt
  • ltrdfligt
  • ltStudent rdfID"gl"gt

  • Common Information Model

CIM Motivation
  • Deregulation of the power industry worldwide
    requires utility companies share power system
    data Energy Management System- EMS
  • Exchanging power systems data is always
    problematic due to use of proprietary formats
  • Needs of open standard for representing power
    system components
  • CIM defines a common model for describing the
    components in power systems for use in a common

CIM Overview
  • CIM is an information object-oriented model
    representing real-world objects found in
    transmission and distribution operation and
  • Enable integration of applications/systems
  • Provides a common model behind all messages
    exchanged between systems
  • Basis for defining information exchange models
  • CIM provides a comprehensive, logical view of EMS
    information for
  • Transmission network analysis
  • Generation control
  • Operator training simulation

CIM Overview
  • Enable data access in a standard way
  • Common language to navigate and access complex
    data structures in any database
  • Provides a hierarchical view of data for browsing
    and access with no knowledge of actual logical
  • Inspiration for logical data schemas (e.g., for
    an operational data store)
  • Not tied to a particular applications view of
    the world
  • But permits same model to be used by all
    applications to facilitate information sharing
    between applications
  • Also provides consistent view of the world by
    operators regardless of which application user
    interface they are using

CIM Overview
  • A data model to enable data transfer or
    integration in any domain where a common power
    system model is needed
  • Model includes Classes, their Attributes, and
    Relationships to represent utility objects
  • The Classes (Objects) are abstract and may are
    used in a wide variety of applications
  • Useful
  • As Foundation for Logical Data Base Schema
  • To Define Component Interfaces
  • Common Language for Data Exchange

Sample Power System Model
Role of CIM in Utility Enterprise
  • Data preparation
  • Provides common set of semantics and data
    representation regardless of source of data
  • Improves data quality and enables data validation
  • Data exchange
  • Provides common language and format
  • Provides common set of services for sharing data
  • System integration
  • Provides basis for a standards-based integration
  • Web services payloads and Service Oriented
    Architecture (SOA)
  • Enterprise Information Management
  • Part of overall Enterprise Information Model
    relating to business processes/automation/manageme

Benefits of Using CIM Approach
  • Data model driven solutions leads to
  • Provides common semantics for information
    exchange between heterogeneous systems
  • Used for CA to CA communications
  • NERC mandated use of CIM and RDF Schema version
    for power system model exchange
  • Provides for automatic generation of message
    payloads in XML
  • Ensures common language for all messages defined
  • Avoids proprietary message formats from vendors
    (based on internal schemas)
  • Eliminates work of creating DTD for each message
  • Alternative to EDI or CSV file formats

Benefits of Using CIM Approach
  • Uses industry standard modeling notation
  • Permits software tool use for
  • Defining and maintaining data models
  • Single point of maintenance for changes
  • Documenting data models
  • Automatic generation of information payloads
  • Automatically generate IDL, Java, C code

CIM Related Standards
  • EPRI CCAPI The Electric Power Research
    Institute (EPRI) proposed an integration
    framework called control center application
    program interface for EMS data sharing
  • IEC 61970-301 Common Information Model (CIM)
    base- A semantic model describing the components
    of a power system at an electrical level and the
    relationships between each component
  • IEC 61970-501 Common Information Model Resource
    Description Framework (CIM RDF) schema
  • IEC 61968-4 Interfaces for records and asset
  • IEC 61968-11 Extends the model to cover the
    other aspects of power system software data
    exchange such as asset tracking, work scheduling
    and customer billing

CIM Representation
  • CIM is documented as a set of class diagrams
    using the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • UML specifies CIM in an abstract manner that
    allows for open implementation
  • There is no restriction to relational, object
    oriented or other modeling technologies
  • The UML is a Diagramming Tool for CIM

An Example of CIM in UML
CIM Packages
  • CIM consists of a number of packages
  • Needed to make the model easier to design,
    understand and review
  • Packages are grouped to be handled as a single
    standard document
  • CIM - Common Information Model
  • CIM Base in UML - IEC 61970 Part 301
  • CIM Energy Scheduling, Reservations Financial -
    IEC 61970 Part 302CIM
  • SCADA - IEC 61970 Part 303
  • CIS - Component Interface Specifications
  • GID - Generic Interface Definition
  • CIM Model Exchange Format
  • CIM RDF Schema (UML-gtRDF) - IEC 61970 Part 501
  • CIM XML Model data Exchange Format - IEC 61970
    Part 552-4

CIM Base Part 301
  • CIM Base in UML
  • Package used for the Project
  • Dashed lines indicate a dependency relationship
    between packages
  • Arrow points from the dependent package to the
    package on which it has a dependency
  • The Generation package is divided into two sub
  • Production
  • GenerationDynamics

Components of Part 301
  • Core
  • This package contains the core Naming,
    PowerSystemResource, EquipmentContainer, and
    ConductingEquipment entities shared by all
    applications plus common collections of those
  • Not all applications require all the Core
  • This package does not depend on any other
    package, but most of the other packages have
    associations and generalizations that depend on
  • Topology
  • This package is an extension to the Core Package
  • Specifies physical definition of how equipment is
    connected together
  • In addition it models Topology, that is the
    logical definition of how equipment is connected
    via closed switches
  • The Topology definition is independent of the
    other electrical characteristics

Components of Part 301
  • Wires
  • The Wires package is an extension to the Core and
    Topology packages
  • Models information on the electrical
    characteristics of Transmission and Distribution
  • This package is used by network applications such
    as State Estimation, Load Flow and Optimal Power
  • Outage
  • This package is an extension to the Core and
    Wires packages
  • Models information on the current and planned
    network configuration

Components of Part 301
  • Protection
  • This package is an extension to the Core and
    Wires packages
  • Models information for pro
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