Title: Micronucleation as genotoxic biomarker
1Micronucleation as genotoxic biomarker
Micronucleation incidence in professionally
exposed subjects to ionizing radiations in
correlation with smoking
Mihalache D., Preoteasa V., Petrescu A, Codorean
E, Obreja D.
Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology,
Bucharest, ROMANIA
Aim assessment of impact environmental
factors,(genetic and life style related) upon
genetic material stability in human populations.
Material and methods On total human venous blood
cultivated on RPMI culture medium supplemented
appropriately CBMN technique (M. Fenech.,2000).
was applied. The culture was sacrificed at 72
hours and was fixed adequately after the
hypotonic shock. Cells spread on glass slides
were Giemsa stained and examined on a Nikon E 600
optical microscope with subsequent image
acquisition. 1000 binucleated lymphoid cells (
scoring micronuclei) per case having intact
membrane and cytoplasm were scored and
statistically analyzed by Students t test.
- Results Micronuclei were examined on samples
from 60 subjects divided in 2 lots of 30 de
subjects - smokers 10 controls and 20 radiation exposed
subjects - nonsmokers comprising also 10 controls and 20
radiation exposed subjects.
Fig 1, 2, 3. Micronuclei in binucleated lymphoid
cells. CBMN method
CONCLUSIONS Micronucleation analysis by gender
shows the following 1. in control males, smokers
show an increase in micronuclei numbers 2. in
professionally exposed subjects, more pregnant in
females, increased genomic sensitivity is
expressed by an increased frequency micronuclei
3.in females, micronuclei incidence correlates
with smoking and age.