Title: Internal Analysis
1Internal Analysis
2Company Situation AnalysisThe Key Questions
- 1. How well is the companyspresent strategy
working? - 2. What are the companys resourcestrengths and
weaknesses and itsexternal opportunities and
threats? - 3. Are the companys prices andcosts
competitive? - 4. Is the company competitively strongeror
weaker than key rivals? - 5. What strategic issues meritfront-burner
managerial attention?
3Identifying the Components of a
Single-Business Companys Strategy
4Identifying Resource Strengthsand Competitive
- A strength is something a firm does well or an
attribute that enhances its competitiveness - Valuable competencies or know-how
- Valuable physical assets
- Valuable human assets
- Valuable organizational assets
- Valuable intangible assets
- Important competitive capabilities
- An attribute that places a company in a position
of market advantage - Alliances or cooperative ventures with partners
Resource strengths and competitivecapabilities
are competitive assets!
5Competencies vs. Core Competencies vs.
Distinctive Competencies
- A competence is the product of organizational
learning and experience and represents real
proficiency in performing an internal activity - A core competence is a well-performedinternal
activity central (not peripheral or
incidental)to a companys competitiveness and
profitability - A distinctive competence is a competitively
valuable activity a company performs better than
its rivals
6Company Competenciesand Capabilities
- Stem from skills, expertise, and experience
usually representing an - Accumulation of learning over time and
- Gradual buildup of real proficiency in
performing an activity - Involve deliberate efforts to develop the ability
to do something, often entailing - Selecting people with requisite knowledge and
skills - Upgrading or expanding individual abilities
- Molding work products of individuals into a
cooperative effort to create organizational
ability - A conscious effort to create intellectual capital
7Core Competencies -- AValuable Company
- A competence becomes a core competence when the
well-performed activity is central to a companys
competitiveness and profitability - Often, a core competence results from
collaboration among different parts of a company - Typically, core competencies reside in a
companys people, not in assets on a balance
sheet - A core competence gives a company apotentially
valuable competitive capabilityand represents a
definite competitive asset
8Examples Core Competencies
- Expertise in integrating multiple technologiesto
create families of new products - Know-how in creating operating systemsfor cost
efficient supply chain management - Speeding new/next-generation products to market
- Better after-sale service capability
- Skills in manufacturing a high quality product
- System to fill customer orders accurately and
9Distinctive Competence -- ACompetitively
Superior Resource
- A distinctive competence is a competitively
significant activity that a company performs
better than its competitors - A distinctive competence
- Represents a competitively valuablecapability
rivals do not have - Presents attractive potential for being a
cornerstone of strategy - Can provide a competitive edge in the marketplace
because it represents a competitively superior
resource strength
10Examples Distinctive Competencies
- Sharp Corporation
- Expertise in flat-panel display technology
- Toyota and Honda
- Low-cost, high-quality manufacturingcapability
and short design-to-market cycles - Intel
- Ability to design and manufactureever more
powerful microprocessors for PCs - Wal-Mart
- Low-cost distribution and use ofstate-of-the-art
retail technology
11Determining the CompetitiveValue of a
Company Resource
- To qualify as competitively valuable or to be the
basis for sustainable competitive advantage, a
resource must pass 4 tests - 1. Is the resource hard to copy?
- 2. Does the resource have staying power is it
durable? - 3. Is the resource really competitively
superior? - 4. Can the resource be trumped by the different
capabilities of rivals?
12Identifying Resource Weaknessesand
Competitive Deficiencies
- A weakness is something a firm lacks, does
poorly, or a condition placing it at a
disadvantage - Resource weaknesses relate to
- Inferior or unproven skills,expertise, or
intellectual capital - Lack of important physical,organizational, or
intangible assets - Missing capabilities in key areas
Resource weaknesses and deficienciesare
competitive liabilities!
13Are the CompanysPrices and Costs
- Assessing whether a firms costs are competitive
with those of rivals is a crucial part of company
analysis - Key analytical tools
- Value chain analysis
- Benchmarking
14The Concept of aCompany Value Chain
- A companys business consists of all activities
undertaken in designing, producing, marketing,
delivering, and supporting its product or service
- A companys value chain consists of a linked set
of value-creating activities performed internally
- The value chain contains two types of activities
- Primary activities where most ofthe value for
customers is created - Support activities facilitateperformance of
the primary activities
15RepresentativeCompany Value Chain
16Characteristics of Value Chain Analysis
- Combined costs of all activities in a companys
value chain define the companys internal cost
structure - Compares a firms costs activityby activity
against costs of key rivals - From raw materials purchase to
- Price paid by ultimate customer
- Pinpoints which internal activities are asource
of cost advantage or disadvantage
17Why Do ValueChains of Rivals Differ?
- Several factors can cause differencesin value
chains of rival companies - Internal operations
- Strategy
- Approaches used in execution of the strategy
- Underlying economics of the activities
- Differences complicate task of assessingrivals
relative cost positions
18The Value Chain Systemfor an Entire
- Assessing a companys cost competitiveness
involves comparing costs all along the industrys
value chain - Suppliers value chains are relevant because
- Costs, performance features, and quality of
inputsprovided by suppliers influence a firms
own costsand product performance - Forward channel allies value chains are relevant
because - Costs and margins are part of price paidby
ultimate end-user - Activities performed affect end-user satisfaction
19Example Value Chain Activities
Pulp Paper Industry
- Timber farming
- Logging
- Pulp mills
- Papermaking
- Distribution
20Example Value Chain Activities
Home Appliance Industry
- Parts and components manufacture
- Assembly
- Wholesale distribution
- Retail sales
21Example Value Chain Activities
Soft Drink Industry
- Processing of basic ingredients
- Syrup manufacture
- Bottling and can filling
- Wholesale distribution
- Advertising
- Retailing
22Example Value Chain Activities
Software Computer Industry
- Programming
- Disk loading
- Marketing
- Distribution
23Benchmarking Costs ofKey Value Chain
- Focuses on cross-company comparisons of how
certain activities are performed and costs
associated with these activities - Purchase of materials
- Payment of suppliers
- Management of inventories
- Getting new products to market
- Performance of quality control
- Filling and shipping of customer orders
- Training of employees
- Processing of payrolls
24Objectives of Benchmarking
- Identify best practices in performing an activity
- Understand the best practices in performingan
activity learn what is the best wayto do a
particular activity from thosedemonstrating they
are best-in-world - Learn how other firms achieve lower costs
- Take action to improve companys cost
25Case Discussion
- How well is the companys present strategy
working? - Apple has only 3 of global PC market share. Is
it okay? - Why do Apple succeed in MP3 market but not PC
market? - What are major strengths of Apple?
- What are major weaknesses of Apple?
- What strategic issues Apple is facing?
- What is your recommendation to Apples MP3
business? - What is your recommendation to Apples PC
- Read Thompson Textbook
- Perform Internal Analysis for Travel Magazine
industry - Resource-based approach
- Value chain approach
- Benchmarking approach
- Conclude into Strengths and Weaknesses
- Submit report next week (Strengths Weaknesses)
- Prepare 10 minutes presentation (to be selected