The Darwins - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Darwins


The Darwins Erasmus Darwin (1731 - 1802) Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) Erasmus: Physician and botanist. Published many of his thoughts in the form of poetry. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Darwins

The Darwins
  • Erasmus Darwin (1731 - 1802)
  • Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882)
  • Erasmus
  • Physician and botanist.
  • Published many of his thoughts in the form of
  • One of a group of intellectuals who fueled the
    industrial revolution.
  • Wrote on many topics, responsible for early forms
    of many inventions and progressive medical
  • Big supporter of French and American revolutions.

Erasmus Darwin continued
  • Friend of Benjamin Franklin.
  • Politically progressive, what we would today call
  • Inspiration for Frankenstein.
  • Writings include many accurate predictions.

Erasmus had some good and bad ideas about plants
  • "How the young rose in beauty's damask pride
  • Drinks the warm blushes of his bashful bride
  • With honey'd lips enamour'd Woodbines meet,
  • Clasp with fond arms and mix their kisses
  • Searched for plant brain, never found it.
  • Misunderstood role of bees - thought they stole
    honey from plant.

Erasmus on Evolution
  • "Ere Time began, from flaming chaos hurledRose
    the bright spheres, which from the circling
    worldEarths from each sun with quick explosions
    burst,And second planets issued from the
    first.Then whilst the sea at their coeval
    birthSurge over surge involved the shoreless
    earthNursed by warm sun-beams in primeval
    cavesOrganic life began beneath the
    waves.....Hence without parent by spontaneous
    birthRise the first specks of animated
    earthFrom nature's womb the plant or insect
    swims,And buds or breathes with microscopic

Erasmus on Evolution
  • Organic life beneath the shoreless wavesWas
    born and nurs'd in ocean's pearly cavesFirst
    forms minute unseen by sphearic glass Move on
    the mud, or pierce the watery massThese, as
    successive generations bloom,New powers acquire
    and larger limbs assumeWhence countless groups
    of vegetation spring And breathing realms of fin
    and feet and wing"

Erasmus Darwin - overlooked
  • Pre-dates Lamarck and clearly understands
    evolution better.
  • More Erasmus quotes
  • Made powerful political enemies.
  • Public decline.
  • Conservative son, Robert, father of Charles.
  • Influences on Charles Darwin, known from
    Charless notes in margins of his grandfathers

Charles Darwin
  • Not interested in being a doctor.
  • Undergraduate at Cambridge - supposedly to study
    theology but more interested in natural history.
  • Learned more about his Grandfather in college.
  • Recognized as talented by his teachers.
  • Voyage of survey ship Beagle 1831 - 1836.
  • Darwin hired as naturalist and gentlemans

Darwins Father doesnt approve
  • Such a voyage would reflect badly on his future
    prospects as a member of the clergy.
  • The entire plan seemed adventurous and wild.
  • Why was a naturalist still being considered so
    close to the start of the voyage?
  • Given the above, other people must have been
    considered. Why had they refused the offer?
  • Going on the voyage would prevent Charles from
    settling down to a real life.
  • The accommodations on the ship would be very
  • The voyage would offer Charles another excuse to
    change his focus in life.
  • It would be a complete waste of his time.

Darwins return to England
  • Health problems after return.
  • Many publicationsVoyage of the
    BeagleGeological Observations of Coral
    ReefsDescent of manOrigin of speciesOthers
    major publications on barnacles, orchids, plant
    tropisms,The variation of plants and animals
    under domestication, various diaries and other
    shorter works, and his biggest blunder, a theory
    called pangenesis which was a variation of
    Lamarcks ideas used to explain the origin of
  • Published Origin of Species in 1859.
  • Terrible gas.

Evolution by natural selection Darwins
  • All organisms produce many offspring.
  • Most will die - hence struggle for survival.
  • Organisms vary.
  • Some organisms survive better than others - they
    have a better combination of traits.
  • Traits tend to be inherited - offspring resemble
  • Favorable traits tend to be passed on.
  • Favorable means anything that increases
    reproductive rate. Hence, the theory also
    explains sexual selection and domestic variation.

Early 20th century developments
  • Work of Mendel and others leads to understanding
    of genetics.
  • Understanding of factors other than selection
    such as genetic drift and meiosis
  • Population genetics makes mathematical
    predictions that are confirmed in the lab. (eg
    Hardy-Wienberg Law)
  • New understanding of evolutionary implications
    for development, cell biology, hybridization and
    other phenomena.
  • Phylogeny replaces taxonomy as primary goal of
  • Understanding of evolution at the molecular
    level, ie how DNA changes.
  • Collectively called the new synthesis, neo
    synthesis or neo Dawinism

Late 20th century additions
  • 1956 - DNA structure revealed.
  • Explosive growth of new molecular techniques
    continues to reveal mechanisms by which evolution
    occurs and helps unravel evolutionary history
  • molecular cladistics
  • molecular clock
  • role of mutations and mutator genes
  • better understanding of recombination
  • introns, psuedogenes  and the modular arrangement
    of genome, jumping genes (transposons)
    (McClintock), role of viruses, sub-cellular
    symbiosis (Margulis) and many other phenomena are
    known to contribute to evolution at the molecular

Evolution evidence summary
  • Fossil
  • Hierarchy and homology
  • Biogeography and distribution
  • Observed changes in domesticated organisms and
    "artificial selection
  • Sub-cellular symbiosis
  • Population genetics (eg Hardy-Wienberg)
  • Other mathematic models
  • Molecular data - psuedogenes and gene lineages,
    observed and manipulated molecular evolution.
  • Molecular clock - comparison to geology and known
  • Observed speciation events
  • Development
  • Vestigial structures (no longer used) and
    atavisms (sudden reappearance)
  • More evidence
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