Title: Abdul Razzaq Touqan??? ?????? ?????
1Soil-Structure Interaction????? ?????? ??
- Abdul Razzaq Touqan ??? ?????? ?????
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?????? - Input processing output
3- Introduction
- INPUT Representation of mathematical model
- INPUT Representation of earthquake loadings
- PROCESSING Representation of mass and stiffness
properties analogical models - PROCESSING Representation of mass and stiffness
properties anatomical models - OUTPUT Models comparisons
- OUTPUT Conclusions
- Further usage of concept
- Reminder
- Fundamental lesson learned from earthquakes
- Necessity of correct matching between
mathematical model and reality (input) - Necessity of correct matching between earthquake
loadings and method of analysis (processing)
5Representation of Mathematical Model
- Soil theory is based on assumption of rigid
structures built on flexible foundations. - Structural theory is based on assumption of
flexible structures built on rigid foundations.
6Representation of Earthquake loadings
- Methods of analysis
- Time history true dynamic analysis, all
necessary modes of soil-structure model - Response spectrum one point dynamic analysis,
all necessary modes of soil-structure model - Equivalent lateral load static analysis, one
mode of structure model
7Representation of Earthquake loadings
Equivalent lateral load
- basic assumptions of equivalent lateral load
- General assumptions uniform distribution of mass
and stiffness. - Special assumptions models used based on level
of technology
8a one-story flat plate reinforced concrete
building subjected to earthquake loading in the
9 10Representation of mass and stiffness properties
analogical models
- the relative displacement output u of a 1D
model subjected to an earthquake - M, K and ß are mass, stiffness and acceleration
response spectrum (dynamic magnification factor)
11Representation of mass and stiffness properties
analogical models
- For simplicity assume 1D model composed of two
springs in series. The combined stiffness K - If Ksoil is much larger than Kstr then the
combined stiffness K is equal to Kstr and
separation between soil and structure is
12Representation of mass and stiffness properties
analogical models
- Substructuring concept static reduction
13Representation of mass and stiffness properties
analogical models
Substructuring concept static reduction
14Representation of mass and stiffness properties
analogical models
Substructuring concept dynamic reduction
15Representation of mass and stiffness properties
anatomical models
16Models comparisons
17- -Neglecting soil structure interaction is
reasonable if assumptions prevails like - light structures in relatively stiff soil such as
low rise buildings, structural assumptions
prevails. - simple rigid retaining walls foundation
assumptions prevails. -
- -The effect of soil structure interaction
becomes important for heavy structures resting on
relatively soft soils for example towers in a
wadi (like wadi altufah) - ?????? ????????? ??? ???????????
18Further usage of concept
19Models comparisons
20Conclusions for further usage
- Best structural shape to resist lateral loadings
(wind, earthquake, ) is the pyramid shape. Such
shape provides largest stiffness and smallest
mass - Worst structural shape to resist lateral loadings
is the inverted pyramid shape. Such shape
provides largest mass and smallest stiffness - (?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??????
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- By the same philosophy, weakness in the soil
increases mass and decreases stiffness, thus
structure becomes vulnerable to earthquake loads. - ???????? ??????? ??????????? ????? ??????? ????
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21Reminder ????? ????? ?????? ??
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?????? ??? ???????????(26)1927 ?????Thank you
for listening
- What is your opinion of a structure with basement
wall on one side as a usual practice in