Pre-Rosetta Compositional Studies of Asteroid 21 Lutetia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pre-Rosetta Compositional Studies of Asteroid 21 Lutetia


Mineralogy: The vis-to-3 m absorption bands most diagnostic of mineralogy are weak or absent for Lutetia. Not proven reliably diagnostic of asteroid mineralogy: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pre-Rosetta Compositional Studies of Asteroid 21 Lutetia

Pre-Rosetta Compositional Studies of Asteroid 21
Clark R. Chapman1, W.J. Merline1, B. Carry2, H.A.
Weaver3, A. Conrad4, and J.D. Drummond5
1Southwest Research Inst., 2Paris Obs., 3JHU/APL,
4Keck Obs., 5AFRL
42nd AAS/DPS Meeting Pasadena
CA Lutetia and Other Main-Belt Asteroids
46.03, Ballroom E, Thurs. a.m. 7 Oct. 2010
Role of Remote Sensing in Asteroid Exploration
  • Spacecraft missions to asteroids (flybys,
    landers, sample returns) can visit only a handful
    of bodies so we must continue to rely on
    Earth-based observations of these countless small
  • Lacking in situ calibration of our compositional
    inferences based on telescopic studies from
    Earth, it is challenging to understand asteroid
    compositions from remote-sensing data (e.g.
    reflectance spectra).
  • Even after 40 years, only one asteroid, Vesta,
    has an inferred meteoritic compositional analog
    that is unanimously accepted (even that has
  • Thus Rosettas flyby of a never-before-visited
    type of asteroid is a rare opportunity to test
    the validity of our inferencesand motivate us to
    reflect on what we really know vs. what we only

Rosettas Flyby of 21 Lutetia was the First Visit
to an Enigmatic M-Type.
  • Lutetia is the archetype M-Type asteroid the M
    taxonomic type was defined based on properties of
    Lutetia and two other asteroids.
  • M-types have non-diagnostic or ambiguous features
    (e.g. absorption bands are absent or few and
  • Yet M-types are fairly rare and potentially
    fascinating although their colors suggest a
    metallic composition, many show water bands.
  • In the absence of albedo data, M-types cannot be
    distinguished from many Es or Ps, and thus are
    part of the X colorimetric type.
  • Rosettas measurements may resolve some of these

Purpose of this Talk
  • To establish a synthesis of the best Earth-based
    evidence concerning the composition and
    meteoritic analog for Lutetia, with estimates of
  • In the previous session, we learned some
    preliminary results from Rosetta, which should
    more strongly constrain the correct answer
  • Much better estimate of mass
  • Stronger constraints on size, shape, hence
    density, given the mass measurement
  • Spatially resolved reflectance spectra (we could
    disentangle the Earthbased hemispherical
    averaging of spatially varying colors from the
    UV to the near-IR, if they do vary)
  • If the constraints were strong enough, some or
    most of us have now been chastenedbut Ill guess
    not. Here is our pre-Rosetta take.

Taxonomy vs Mineralogical Composition vs
Meteorite Analog
  • They are not the same thing, though related.
  • Taxonomic Class Lutetia is an M-type, by
  • Mineralogy
  • The vis-to-3µm absorption bands most diagnostic
    of mineralogy are weak or absent for Lutetia.
  • Not proven reliably diagnostic of asteroid
    mineralogy spectral shape, UV reflectance,
    mid-IR emissions, polarimetry.
  • Extremely high or low bulk density would be a
    strong constraint but lacking knowledge about
    Lutetias porosity, its intermediate density
    Drummond et al., 2010 is not diagnostic.
  • Many minerals are ruled out, except in minor
    quantities, by lack of bands and by bulk density.
  • Meteorite Analog
  • Enstatite chondrite is most likely (ord.
    chondrites have bands).
  • Nickel-iron meteorite ruled out by density.
  • Most carb. chondrites ruled out by density,
    albedo, spectra.
  • Mixture of types (like TC3) or unrepresented type

M-Types are DEFINED by Lutetia!
1975 to 1978
  • There really can be no dispute Lutetia is one
    of 3 asteroids that define the M class on the
    basis of vis/near-IR colors and albedo.
  • And M-types do not necessarily mean nickel-iron
    core! As early as 1973, enstatite chondrites
    were cited as equally plausible meteorite analogs.

. . .
The Archetypical M-Types
PDS taxonomy (Tholen, Barucci, Howell, Bus,
21 Lutetia - M 7G M0 7I M 2I M 65A - -
Xk s X X Xc
  • High quality vis/near-IR spectra of the three
    asteroids that define M-types.

Why have people set up this dichotomy for Lutetia
between C-type and metallic M-type? We KNOW the
type! It is the mineralogy that remains
SMASS spectra (Bobby Bus)
M-Type Complications and Caveats
  • Taxonomic types are broad regions in parameter
    space they contain asteroids spanning somewhat
    diverse compositions.
  • Assignment of an asteroid to a type may be
    ambiguous if it is near a boundary in parameter
    space and/or it has large observational error
    bars (but these are not true for Lutetia).
  • Observations beyond wavelengths that defined a
    type, have led to sub-types.
  • Rivkin et al. (1995) found that some M-types have
    3µm H2O bands (W sub-type), while others dont.
    Lutetia seemed to have a weak band, but recent
    groundbased spectra (Birlan et al., this mtg.)
    show no 3µm band.
  • Some M-types have radar reflectivities suggesting
    high metal content, but many (including Lutetia)
    do not.
  • Newer colorimetric taxonomies subdivide X-types.
    Lutetia is an Xk.
  • Most remote-sensing traits of M-types arent
    robustly diagnostic of mineralogy, so bulk
    density and other evidence become important.

X-types are Ms, Es, or Ps, when albedo info is
lacking. In the visible, Lutetia is an Xk (X but
trending toward K), but it lacks the IR band
common in Xks.
Lutetias Mineralogy and Meteorite Analog
  • Metallic core NO. Lutetia has only modest
    radar al-bedo, bulk density too low (even for
    large -tage void).
  • Stony ordinary chondrite or common achondrite
    NO. Lutetia lacks silicate absorption bands.
  • Common carbonaceous chondrite NO. Lutetias
    visible albedo is too high, spectral shape wrong,
    bulk density too high.
  • CV, CO carbonaceous chondrite Probably NO. For
    Lutetia, 1µm band is missing, near-UV/violet is
    too high, albedo is somewhat high.
  • Enstatite chondrite Probably YES.
  • 3µm water band is probably absent, no longer an
  • Mid-IR and polarimetric issues are poorly
  • Unsampled meteorite MAYBE.
  • Akin to known meteorite (e.g. Allende with more
  • Mixture of known meteorites (like 2008 TC3)
  • Wholly unknown type (but Lutetia should be


What Lessons do we Learn?
  • Remote-sensing by Rosetta was at same wavelengths
    already studied from Earth given Lutetias
    spatial homogeneity, the flyby can provide only
    modest new mineralogical information.
  • Even though Lutetias mass was well determined by
    the flyby, its bulk density must remain
    approximate due to shape uncertainties. Volume
    cant be well determined because of poor
    visibility of the back side and of the side
    deep in shadow due to obliquity.
  • Lutetia remains enigmatic. It may be an
    enstatite chondrite, a mixture of meteorite
    types, or possibly an unsampled meteorite.
  • Asteroid remote sensing still has limitations.

  • The End
  • Next slide for press conference

Lutetia It is an M-Type for Sure, but what is
it Made of?
  • Lutetia (and 2 other asteroids) defined the M
    class in the 1970sand it has been classified as
    M-type ever since.
  • M-type does NOT mean metallic core
  • Some M-types are metal-rich
  • For others, a spectral band means hydration
  • Still others could be stony (enstatite chondrite)
  • What is Lutetias composition?
  • Rather featureless spectrum rules out most common
    meteorites (OCs, CCs, achondrites)
  • Bulk density (from pre-Rosetta measurements of
    mass and shape) rules out irons and CCs
  • Lutetia is either an enstatite chondrite, a mix
    of meteorite types, or an unknown type.

SMASS spectrum (S. Bus)
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