Sweden - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sweden Fullyace Ltd Food Composer Pictures Hong Kong Housing Authority installed a B1000 in Tsz Wan Shan - Tsz Ching Estate The filter of Bio-Tec The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sweden

Sweden Fullyace Ltd ????? Food Composer
ALS Lab Report
Sampling Date Sampling Date Sampling Date 26/07/2011
Sample No Sample No HK1117383
Compost composition Compost composition Unit Standard Result
Arsenic mg/kg lt13 1
Cadmium mg/kg lt3 lt1
Chromium mg/kg lt210 40
Copper mg/kg lt700 13
Mercury mg/kg lt1 lt1
Nickel mg/kg lt62 20
Lead mg/kg lt150 13
Selenium mg/kg lt2 lt1
Zinc mg/kg lt1300 52
According to the standard set by the Hong Kong
Organic Resource Centre, our compost can be
used in agricultural farming
Sampling Date Sampling Date Sampling Date 13/8/2010
Sample No Sample No TL 1486
Compost composition Compost composition Unit Standard Result
Arsenic mg/kg lt13 1.1
Cadmium mg/kg lt3 lt0.05
Chromium mg/kg lt210 2.1
Copper mg/kg lt700 5.1
Lead mg/kg lt150 1.1
Mercury mg/kg lt1 lt0.05
Nickel mg/kg lt62 1.2
Zinc mg/kg lt1300 25
Selenium mg/kg lt2 lt0.1
As the result, the compost can be used for
agricultural farming
Sampling Date 13/8/2010 13/8/2010
Sample No TL1486 TL1486 TL1486
items record Compost Unit Result Result
PH PH 4.4 4.4
Electric conductivity reading mmhos/cm 17.33 17.33
Organic matter 70.66 70.66
Total nitrogen 1.877 1.877
Useful Phosphorous mg/100g 433 433
Potassium mg/100g 853.6 853.6
Inner View Of The Machine

Model no. B-100 B-250
Waste can handle 10 kg/day 25 kg/day
Measurement (cm) 115(L) x 51(W) x 63(H) 148(L) x 68(W) x 85(H)
Weight 175 kg 240 kg
Electric spec 65 kWh /month 161 kWh /month
Effect kW .45 kW 2.4 kW
No. of people waste that can handle 50 150
Target audience Canteens, villas Canteens, villas
Using manual
Certificate Bio-Tec B-series. As described in
the technical documentation is in conformity with
the Machine safety Directive 2006/42/EC and is
manufactured under an ISO quality system. It is
also in conformity with the requirement of the
Electro Magnetic Compatibility directive 2004/108/
EC and is manufactured in accordance with
harmonized standards for emissions EN 50-081-2.
It also meet the requirements of the low voltage
directive 2006/95/EC. In addition, our production
and delivery systems meets the 94/62/EC
directives of packing and recycle of package
materials, we usually use wood and lumber to pack
our machines, then after delivery we take it back
and reuse it for next machines. The Bio-Tec
system consists of the following -CE
certified -One, two or more chambers, due to
model, enabling a continuously process. -Agitation
device including automation. -Heating system
direct electric, hot water or steam. -Fan system
in order to secure aerobic process. -Preheating
system. -Process controlling unit, including
display showing the process temperature
etc. -Emergency stop and safety devices.
Using manual
  • This machine is guaranteed by Fullyace Ltd for
    twelve months from the date of purchase from
    Fullyace Ltd or from one of its distributors or
  • Please notify the carrier and the supplier
    within 3 days if anything is missing or is
    damaged. Check that the correct machine has been
    supplied and that the voltage, marked on the
    rating plate at the front of the machine, is
    suitable for the supply and control voltage
  • The machine is fitted with a pipe for air
    outlet. The pipe connected to the fan should be
    minimum 50 mm and if possible connected to the
    sewage system.
  • 3. Electrical connection
  • All electrical work must be carried out by a
    qualified electrician and in accordance with the
    current local regulations. The machine is fitted
    with a rubber cable with either an ECC 16A 3
    phase plug connection or a standard 230V plug.
    Connect the plug to the power supply in the
    building. Start the machine and control the
    rotation of the output screw. If it rotated the
    wrong way, change tow phases in the plug.
  • Decomposition of organic material is not a new
    phenomenon. At the same time life began, a
    process for decomposition was founded.
  • Generally the organic material can be treated in
    two ways, either aerobically by composting
    (fertilizer) or anaerobic ally by digestion
  • In order to really confuse, in our opinion,
    there is another system Fermentation through
    Bio-Tec, a combination of special microbes which
    accelerate the metabolism that take place in the
    initial part of the decomposition.

Using manual
Explanation to process schedule Bio-Tec 1.
Inlet of organic material 2. Process chamber.
Heating system direct electric, hot water or
steam together with heat generated by the
microbes will heat up the organic material to
reach the optimal effect at a temperature of 60
degrees Celsius. The temperature is between 50
and 70 degrees Celsius during the process 24 48
hours. The agitating device including the special
choice of paddles together with the fan system
will secure mixing and aeration in order to
obtain an aerobic process. The paddles
(reversible) together with the screening net
(dividing the process chamber and the second
chamber) prevents not processed material passing
quickly and securing the process temperature. In
some models heat exchanger will be used in order
to accelerate the condensing phase and in the
same time generate preheated air into the system
with less energy consumption as result. The
process controlling unit including display
showing the process temperature together with a
logging system or printer will show and secure
the on-going process. The controlling unit will
automatically control the heat (2 sensors
measuring the heat, 1 in the center of the
material, 1 the temperature of the heating
device) as well as the rotation and the fan
system. Safety devices are placed on vital parts
of the machine. 3. Outlet. As the process is
continuously on-going the processed material will
automatically be discharged converted to a
powder. Heating system together with the microbe
activity make it possible that the process reach
the temperature of at least 70 degrees Celsius in
at least 1 hour (normally 12-24 hours) The
process transforms the organic material to a
powder within 24 48 hours. Process controlling
unit including display showing the process
temperature together with a logging system or
printer will show and secure the on-going process.
Using manual
  • Bring assorted material into Bio-Tec. The smaller
    size the better and it is very important to sort
    out heavy metals, plastics etc.
  • 2. The material has to be mixed with the
    agitator in order to secure aeration and at the
    same time regulating heat and water balance.
  • 3. Adjust water content. The optimal water
    content for the process is approximately 60.
    Household and restaurant waste normally contains
    75 to 85 water with a high level of nitrogen.
    If the water content exceeds 60 chose between
    the following treatment
  • - Adding dry material as saw dust, already
    fermented material or other dry organic material.
  • - Accepting longer process time than 48 hours
    and allowing Bio-Tec drying the material by the
    process heat.
  • -Drying the material before inlet.
  • 4. By adding heat in the initial phase the
    process will be accelerated. The special microbes
    accelerates the metabolism that take place in the
    initial part of the process and will then reach
    optimal effect at a temperature of 70 degrees
    Celsius. After this initial phase, heat will only
    be added as support as the microbes generates
    their own heat. The PH-value in the inlet
    material should be within PH 5 to 10 in order not
    to have any negative effect on the process. The
    fermented material will have a slightly lower
    PH-value than the inlet material. As the process
    is continuously on-going the ready fermented
    material will be discharged converted to a powder
    with a volume of 25 to 40 of the inlet volume
    and with a water content of approximately 10 to
    25 . The fermentation takes place in a process
    temperature of 70 degrees during approximately 24
    to 72 hours in the total mix in order to fully
    secure hygienization without remaining weed or

  • Fullyace - BIOTEC clients list of 2009
  • Tsit Wing Coffee Ltd their coffee and tea
    wastes are delivered to our site in Fanling for
  • processing at least twice a year.
  • Hip Hing Construction Ltd bought the BIOTEC
    B1000 in Nov. 2009 for their construction
  • site to handle the wood planks of a CLP
    substation at the old airport in Kowloon Bay.
  • Wood planks after shredding and food wastes
    from Welcome Supermarket gives a good
  • C/N (Carbon/Nitrogen) ratio for making
    fertilizer. Lately, Hip Hing Construction Ltd has
  • moved the machine to several construction
    sites, the CLP substation at the new airport
  • and currently is at the Technical University
    at Clear Water Bay.
  • Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School, Eco
    Park at Tuen Mun, bought the model
  • B1000 on 27-10-2009. Food wastes from nearby
    kindergartens, elderly homes and
  • restaurants are collected to combine with
    their farm wastes to make fertilizer for their
  • own use.

  • Fullyace - BIOTEC clients list of 2010
  • The HSBC takes the rental scheme of the
    Company by renting the BIOTEC B2000 which
  • can handle 200kg of food wastes daily.
    Fullyace provides this service to the Bank
  • starting from April, 2010 for a period of 3
    years to 22-4-2013.
  • In Decemebr , The Hong Kong International
    Airport installed the B2000 at the Terminal 1
  • in December 2010. This B2000 is fully
    automatic, includes the lid opener, the bin
  • which is operated by a hydraulic system.
  • CLP Holdings Ltd tested and bought the B100
    at the Strafford Center in Tai Po to handle
  • their food wastes from their canteen. As
    agreed, with arrangement, they will welcome
  • our enquirers for site visit.
  • Fullyace - BIOTEC clients list of 2011
  • Cheung Hing Electronic Electrical Eng.Co.
    Ltd has installed the B50 at PLK 83 Primary
  • School in Tsing Yi.

  • Fullyace - BIOTEC clients list of 2011
  • Macau St. Rose Secondary School has installed a
  • Sun Hung Kai Group apm shopping mall has
    installed a B1000.
  • Kadoori Farm and Gardening has installed a B250.
  • The HSBC has installed a B100 in Mong Kok
  • The Clearwater Bay Golf Country Club installed
    a (left handed) B2000.
  • Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
    installed a B1000 in Sept.
  • The CSO of the HKSAR installed a B500 at the
    Tamar Admiralty Building in Oct 2011
  • ICC (International Commerce Centre) has ordered
    a B1000.
  • Hong Kong Housing Authority installed a B1000 in
    Tsz Wan Shan - Tsz Ching Estate and

  • Fullyace - BIOTEC clients list of 2012
  • New Life Farm of the New Life Psychiatric and
    Rehabilitation Assoc. has installed a B1000.
  • Hong Kong Science Park has installed a B100.
  • Hong Lok Yuen at Taipo has ordered a left-handed
  • Tai Po Environmental Association-Fung Yuen
    Butterfly Reserve has ordered a B1000.
  • Caritas Jockey Club at Lai King Center has
    ordered a left handed B1000.
  • .
  • .

Questions Often asked
Food Waste Composting Equipment Food Waste Composting Equipment
Volume of waste reduction within 24 hours 100 for carbohydrates ,protein and fat meat items 90-95 for high fiber items , like wiping papers and orange peels.
Is sorting of food waste required? Yes especially plastic sheets and big size items over 4 cm³. Plastic sheets may melt or tear and form in lumps or thread like item which can cause damages to the paddles and congestion to the machine.
Kinds of food waste and their composition that can be composted by the supplied food waste composting equipment All organic items can be put into the machine which include regular food wastes except chunky bones brown wastes include no chemical treated papers, shredded wood chips or garden wastes. No big quantity (over 20) of concentrated syrup, oil, vinegar of each load of food waste related to the capacity of the machine are suggested to put in .
End products, liquid or solid fertilizer Solid fertilizer
Are the end products complying with relevant local statutory requirements? The end products are tested with the Swedish laboratory as well as the local lab conducted by the Agricultural, Fisheries and the Conservative Dept and the ALS Laboratory groups recommended by the Organic Resources Center. All reports show the end products comply with the requirements for agricultural use.
How is odour removed? Activated carbon and the bark from trees found in the Norwegian area.
Material of equipment body/thickness Material is SS304 or equivalent , stainless steel . It varies from different parts of the machine the body is 2mm thick , the frame is 3-4mm
Questions Often asked
Material of equipment chamber/thickness Material is SS304 or equivalent stainless steel. The chamber is 2mm ,
Material of mixer Material is SS304 or equivalent stainless steel .The paddles and the shaft are over 4mm -8mm according to the different sizes of the machine
Frequency of operation of mixer The mixer is normally set by operating 10 times in an hour, the pattern is 3 times forward and 1 time backward.
Heater with temperature control incorporated? Yes. There are mainly two temperatures reading. One is from the parameter of the machine that can reach up to 130 C or higher if required and the temperature at the inner part of the compost is usually at 50-70 C.
Water supply required? No
Drain point required? No
Exhaust air pipe required? Yes . It is recommended to put the air pipe into the drainage system
Detail of control panel (Signals that can be read from the control panel) This is the control panel that shows the temperature of the Compost.
Questions Often asked
safety devices When the control panel is closed with a door , the operation green light is on . If the red light is on, there are items need to be checked. For emergency stop, press in the red mushroom shaped button. The black switch on the left is for operating the automatic hydraulic bin lifter and the black mark on the right is the key for locking the control panel. Same key is used for locking the lid opener. Another safety device is when the lid is open, the paddles will stop moving. Another safety device to protect the engine is once the paddles cannot move forward 2 times and backward 1 time , the engine will totally shut down for any damages occur .
Bacteria Microbes are used one time with enough for the setting up of the machine. They shouldnt be needed again unless the machine has to start again due to accident happens that kills all the microbes. These microbes are permitted to import by the Port Health Office of the Department of Health, HK
What is the operation temperature of bacteria? 50-70o C
Questions Often asked
What is the life of bacteria if no organic waste is fed? The microbes will be in a dormant status after two weeks with no feeding. Fresh compost from another machine can use to activate the old compost too.
What is the Incubation time of bacteria? (Time after which food waste composting could start with maximum capacity) When the microbes are put in the pre-heated machine and enough quantity of food wastes, once the engine is started, the microbes will be activated immediately. It usually takes a week for food waste composting to start with maximum capacity.
Medium Medium
Is medium required? none
What is the material of the medium? no
What is the replacement frequency of the medium? no
  • The BIOTEC composting machine is originally
    designed in Sweden which is made of 100 304 or
    higher grade of stainless steel and has been in
    the Northern Europe market for over 15years. Food
    wastes can be composted within 24-48 hours with
    temperature maintains at 63-70 C and therefore
    is operated almost without odor . Built-in filter
    is found in small models, and from model B250
    upwards, an external Biofilter can be installed.
    The Biofilter is filled with a mixture of barks
    from selected trees at the area of the
    Scandinavian region. The machine is fully
    automatic, easy to operate, energy saving and
    meet all the requirements of the CE
    certification. Safety devices are set for the
    engine and on all vital parts, therefore,
    electricity can be disconnected instantly and no
    breaking down of the engine will occur. The
    microbes that the machine use are permitted to be
    imported by the Port Health Office Department Of
    Health, Europe and Japan. The food wastes can be
    reduced by 90 by using this technology and the
    only and final end product from the machine is
    certified by Ta Lung Experimental Station under
    the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
    Department Organic Farming Section and ALS
    Laboratory Group, both stated that the compost is
    suitable for agricultural usage. The BIOTEC has
    standardized systems from 5 to 600kg daily.
    Larger installation of over 1 ton will be custom
    made to meet clients requirements and

BIOTEC B500 was used in the waste refuses room in
a complex where residents handle their own wastes
Collecting bin at B3000
BIOTEC B50 installed at a private farm in 2010
BIOTEC B3000 was used at ICA Moss, Supermarket in
BIOTEC B18000 was used at poultry farm in Sweden
handling egg shells and crushed bones from cattle
BIOTEC B2000 installed at Hong Kong International
Airport Terminal 1 in 2010
Construction site installed B1000 at the Kai Tak
Airport of Hip Hing Construction Co. Ltd 2009
BIOTEC B1000 was installed at the ECO FARM of the
Celebrities were introduced to the machine on
their opening ceremony in 2009
BIOTEC B2000 Installed at FANLING, Handling waste
from HSBC
BIOTEC B1000 installed at apm handling food waste
in July 2011
BIOTEC B100 at CLP Strafford House Headquarter
BIOTEC B50 Installed at Po Leung Kuk 1983 Board
of Directors' College
BIOTEC B250 Installed at LCSD - Sai Kung Outdoor
Recreation Centre
BIOTEC B1000 Installed at Kunming
The HSBC has installed a B100 in Mong Kok office
Kadoori Farm and Gardening has installed a B250
Macau St. Rose Secondary School has installed a
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
installed a B1000 in Sept.
The Clearwater Bay Golf Country Club installed
a (left handed) B2000
Hong Kong Housing Authority installed a B1000 in
Tsz Wan Shan - Tsz Ching Estate
The CSO of the HKSAR installed a B500 at the
Tamar Admiralty Building in Oct 2011
Hong Kong Housing Authority installed a B1000 in
Tsz Wan Shan - Tsz Ching Estate
The filter of Bio-Tec
The filter is fit in to the space available where
machines are set up. Filter area needed for the
B2000 is approximately 1 sq meter.
The filter is fit in to the Bio-Tec model B50-B100
End product compost
  • As the Bio-Tec food composting system has one
    year warranty, maintenance during the first year
  • limited to daily cleaning , security check and
    function control. Cleaning of the ventilation
    holes inside
  • the machine is done by usage of a brush. Function
    control check that no big pieces of bones are
  • into the machine which could damage paddles or
    shaft. Metal and plastic items have to be
  • Check that the safety switch works properly this
    is done by pushing in the red button and then try
  • maneuver the bin lifter, the green light should
    also be off.
  • Control that the red alarm light at the maneuver
    panel is not lighten.
  • Check that doors and lids are properly closed,
    and locked.
  • Check for leakage from hydraulic engine and
  • Function control of the outlet filter is done by
    putting the hand close to the outlet a warm blow
  • should be felt.

Operation Hints
  • Example of acceptable organic waste material
  • Waste of vegetables, meats
  • Waste of fruit
  • Waste of root vegetables, bulk of cabbage needs
  • be chopped in small pieces and long fibres need
  • be cut in small pieces.
  • Bread crumbs, noodles, rice
  • Eggs, eggshell
  • Coffee grounds, tea leaves
  • Cut flowers, shredded leaves (dry to brownish
  • Kitchen rolls, paper napkins (no chemical
  • Waste of meat and fish bonesfaster decomposition
    process if chopped into small pieces.
  • WARNING Coconuts or fruit, vegetable with a
  • hard shell are not allowed because the material
    is hard to decompose.
  • Examples of NON acceptable material
  • Heavy metal
  • Vacuum cleaner disposal bags
  • Tobacco and ashes (contains heavy metal)
  • Nappies

Operation Hints
Items Can Not Be Composted
Items Can Be Composted
Plastic bottles
Metal, Glass or Aluminum Cans
Skin Corn Cob, Bamboo Shoots, Walnut
Broken Crabshell
Fish Meat
Bones From Thigh Vertebrate
Large Quantity of Boiling Water, Milk, Acid or
Alkaline Water
Rice Bread
Cotton or Woolen Materials
Chicken Bone, Egg Shell Fish Bone
Customers report
  • Data provided 2003-11-03
  • Report analysis 2003-11-26
  • Data were provided by Bioprocesser Ltd toAnalyCen
    to analysis the fertilizer made from a
  • supermarket, Nykoping, in Sweden.

Specifications Result
Dryness 80.2
Total of Carbon 49
Flammable 86.8
Ash remains 13.2
P/H 6
Customers report 2
The 2nd report is from another supermarket,
Terrakottag K3 in Sweden
Specifications Result
Dryness 88.8
Ash remains 8.9
Total of Carbon 51.9
Flammable 91.1
P/H 4.9
Nitrogen 2.8
Phosphorus 0.3
UNkvot 19
Ash lt 0.45
Cadmium 0.18
Specifications Result
Cobalt lt 2.50
Cromium lt2.50
Copper 8.90
Potasium 0.78
Nickel lt2.50
Lead lt5.10
Vanadium lt10.00
Zinc 21.00
Customers report 3, 4
The 4th report is from a pizza restaurant named
Pizzadeg och bottnar
  • The 3rd report is another chain supermarket in
  • Sweden named ICA

Specifications Result
Dryness 48
Total of Carbon 49
Flammable 85.2
Ash remains 14.8
P/H 4.8
Specifications Result /
Hydration 12.4
Crude fat 7.7
Content of ash 3.6
Crude protein 19
Cystin 2.4
Metionin 1.8
Treonin 4.1
Lysin 3.1
NFE 61.7
Fibers 1.6
Sodium Chlorid 2.2
More about the Microbes used in BIOTEC system
Effective Microorganisms (EM) are used in our
system. One of the major components is Lactic
Acid Bacteria. Effective Microorganisms (EM) are
beneficial to plants, animals, and humans.
Lactic acid bacteria would convert sugar into
lactic acid during the lactic acid fermentation.
Through the production of lactic acid, lactic
acid bacteria also inhibit the growth of
pathogens and other various microorganisms by
lowering the pH. Lactic acid bacteria are widely
known in the production of fermented foods such
as cheese and yogurt that can be naturally
preserved for a long period of time. The
compost generated from the machine will have a
low pH of 4.5 5.5. It can easily be neutralized
with garden lime to pH 7. In general we would
recommend one to dilute the acidic compost with 1
part of compost with 50 parts of plotting
soil. For more details please click to the
Micro-organisms in EM (http//emrojapan.com/about-
em/microorganisms-in-em.html). BIOTEC is using
microbes that consist of Lactic Acid Bacteria and
the pH level is shown on the lab analyst report.(
Confidential information of the microbes can be
released to certified authorities). General
information on microbes using is also given in
the BIOTEC manual handbook. . Note This
information is supplied by the consultant of
Fullyace Ltd-BIOTEC, DR. ALBERT CHEUNG (Phd in
MEDICINE) www.qindex.com/albert.html The
compost from BIOTEC has been analyzed and
confirmed by Prof. Chui Sui Yee, Chinese
University Department of Biology on Dec. 2010.
Use of compost
General about compost Compost is well known to
be the best soil improver. It adds in organic
material and have a long shelf life time, i.e. it
will provide nutrition and organic matters for a
long time. At the same time it also increases the
soils capacity to keep water and even the
drainage will be improved. In contrary of
industrial made fertilizers, the compost will not
destitute the soil. Well balanced compost is the
best soil improver you can get. Another
important thing about making compost at the site
is that you minimize the Co2 pollution! And what
is even more important, the food waste does not
go to the landfills. In the landfills the waste
will go through an anaerobic process that creates
methane gases and sulfur dioxide, which is 20
times more dangerous to our environment than
Use of compost
The Nordic Environmental Organization, a
non-profit organization which is fully supported
by Fullyace Ltd has rented some farm land at the
Da Dong Pond, Fanling to make use of the compost
for farming since April 2010. Currently, NEO is
working with another Organization to go for
Social Enterprise formation. Therefore, the Farm
we are working on, in the near future will have
access to a bigger farming area, estimated to be
around 100,000 sq ft. Latest batch of compost,
approx. 200kg, from our workshop were sent over
by February 12th 2011. The Farm will hire
farmers and workers up to 50 persons, most of
them will be from the rehabilitation centers.
Besides aiming at selling or donating compost to
other farms, we will also offer nursery in
planting organic herbs like rosemary, lemon
grass, basil, dill, and peppermint for clients at
the city area at a fair price. We will encourage
our clients to get the organic vegetables, which
are mostly various kinds of lettuces,
selling _at_25- 30/kg (wholesale price for genuine
organic) all grown from our Farm directly. As our
Farm is monitored by the Tai Lung Experimental
Station of Organic Farming Section under
the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Department of the HK Government, the organic
quality standard is guaranteed.   If requested,
we also can provide the service of growing any
designated herbs by demand of our clients
too..   .  
Photos from The FARM at Da Tong Pond Fanling
Compost used in our farm land at Produce Green
Foundation (PGF)
Compost used as soil improver and fertilizer in
our farm land at Produce Green Foundation (PGF)
Organic Farm in Hok Tau, Fanling
Compost used in our farm land at Produce Green
Foundation (PGF)
Compost used in our farm land at Produce Green
Foundation (PGF)
Pictures from PGF, Organic Farm. A good soil with
a lot of organic matter give the right conditions
for farming.
Fullyace Limited ???????
Contact Veronica Cheung??? Tel 852-9628
2000 Fax 852-2575 8273 Email info_at_fullyace.com W
eb www.fullyace.com Address No.146, Johnston
Road, 9/Fl Wan Chai, HK
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