CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition


CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Chapter Three How Wireless Works Objectives Explain the principals of radio wave transmissions Describe RF loss and gain ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition

CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition
  • Chapter Three
  • How Wireless Works

  • Explain the principals of radio wave
  • Describe RF loss and gain, and how it can be
  • List some of the characteristics of RF antenna
  • Describe the different types of antennas

What Are Radio Waves?
  • Electromagnetic wave Travels freely through
    space in all directions at speed of light
  • Radio wave When electric current passes through
    a wire it creates a magnetic field around the
  • As magnetic field radiates, creates an
    electromagnetic radio wave
  • Spreads out through space in all directions
  • Can travel long distances
  • Can penetrate non-metallic objects

Analog vs. Digital Transmissions
Analog signal Continuous
Digital signal Discrete
Analog vs. Digital Transmissions (continued)
  • Analog signals are continuous
  • Digital signals are discrete
  • Modem (MOdulator/DEModulator) Used when digital
    signals must be transmitted over analog medium
  • On originating end, converts distinct digital
    signals into continuous analog signal for
  • On receiving end, reverse process performed
  • WLANs use digital transmissions

Frequency (continued)
  • Frequency Rate at which an event occurs
  • Cycle Changing event that creates different
    radio frequencies
  • When wave completes trip and returns back to
    starting point it has finished one cycle
  • Hertz (Hz) Cycles per second
  • Kilohertz (KHz) thousand hertz
  • Megahertz (MHz) million hertz
  • Gigahertz (GHz) billion hertz

Frequency (continued)
Sine wave
Frequency (continued)
Electrical terminology
Frequency (continued)
  • Frequency of radio wave can be changed by
    modifying voltage
  • Radio transmissions send a carrier signal
  • Increasing voltage will change frequency of
    carrier signal

Frequency (continued)
Lower and higher frequencies
  • Carrier signal is a continuous electrical signal
  • Carries no information
  • Three types of modulations enable carrier signals
    to carry information
  • Height of signal
  • Frequency of signal
  • Relative starting point
  • Modulation can be done on analog or digital

Analog Modulation
  • Amplitude Height of carrier wave
  • Amplitude modulation (AM) Changes amplitude so
    that highest peaks of carrier wave represent 1
    bit while lower waves represent 0 bit
  • Frequency modulation (FM) Changes number of
    waves representing one cycle
  • Number of waves to represent 1 bit more than
    number of waves to represent 0 bit
  • Phase modulation (PM) Changes starting point of
  • When bits change from 1 to 0 bit or vice versa

Analog Modulation (continued)
Analog Modulation (continued)
Amplitude modulation (AM)
Analog Modulation (continued)
Frequency modulation (FM)
Analog Modulation (continued)
Phase modulation (PM)
Digital Modulation
  • Advantages over analog modulation
  • Better use of bandwidth
  • Requires less power
  • Better handling of interference from other
  • Error-correcting techniques more compatible with
    other digital systems
  • Unlike analog modulation, changes occur in
    discrete steps using binary signals
  • Uses same three basic types of modulation as

Digital Modulation (continued)
Amplitude shift keying (ASK)
Digital Modulation (continued)
Frequency shift keying (FSK)
Digital Modulation (continued)
Phase shift keying (PSK)
Radio Frequency Behavior Gain
  • Gain Positive difference in amplitude between
    two signals
  • Achieved by amplification of signal
  • Technically, gain is measure of amplification
  • Can occur intentionally from external power
    source that amplifies signal
  • Can occur unintentionally when RF signal bounces
    off an object and combines with original signal
    to amplify it

Radio Frequency Behavior Gain (continued)
Radio Frequency Behavior Loss
  • Loss Negative difference in amplitude between
  • Attenuation
  • Can be intentional or unintentional
  • Intentional loss may be necessary to decrease
    signal strength to comply with standards or to
    prevent interference
  • Unintentional loss can be cause by many factors

Radio Frequency Behavior Loss (continued)
Absorption RF signal is soaked up by certain
materials such as concrete, wood, and asphalt
  • Microwave signals
  • Frequencies between 1 GHz 30 GHz (this can vary
    among experts).
  • Wavelength between 12 inches down to less than 1
  • Microwave signals reflect off objects that are
    larger than their wavelength, such as buildings,
    cars, flat stretches of ground, and bodes of
  • Each time the signal is reflected, the amplitude
    is reduced.

Microwave Reflections
Multipath Reflection
  • Advantage Can use reflection to go around
  • Disadvantage Multipath reflection occurs when
    reflections cause more than one copy of the same
    transmission to arrive at the receiver at
    slightly different times.

Multipath Reflection
  • Reflected signals 1 and 2 take slightly longer
    paths than direct signal, arriving slightly
  • These reflected signals sometimes cause problems
    at the receiver by partially canceling the direct
    signal, effectively reducing the amplitude.
  • The link throughput slows down because the
    receiver needs more time to either separate the
    real signal from the reflected echoes or to wait
    for missed frames to be retransmitted.
  • Solution discussed later.

Multipath Reflection
Delay spread is a parameter used to signify
Multipath. The delay of reflected signal is
measured in nanoseconds (ns). The amount of delay
spread varies for indoor home, office, and
manufacturing environments. Multipath and
Diversity Article from Cisco
  • Diffraction. This occurs when the wave encounters
    an edge. The wave has the ability to turn the
    corner of the edge. This ability of waves to turn
    corners is called diffraction. It is markedly
    dependent on frequency -- the higher the
    frequency, the less diffraction. Very high
    frequencies (light) hardly diffract at all
    "light travels in straight lines."
  • A diffracted signal is usually attenuated so much
    it is too weak to provide a reliable microwave
  • Do not plan to use a diffracted signal, and
    always try to obtain an unobstructed path between
    microwave antennas.

Diffracted Signal
Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction
Weather - Precipitation
  • Precipitation Rain, snow, hail, fog, and sleet.
  • Rain, Snow and Hail
  • Wavelength of 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g signal is 4.8
  • Wavelength of 5.7 GHz 802.11a signal is 2 inches
  • Much larger than rain drops and snow, thus do not
    significantly attenuate these signals.
  • At frequencies 10 GHz and above, partially melted
    snow and hail do start to cause significant

Radio Frequency Behavior Loss (continued)
Radio Frequency Behavior Loss (continued)
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) Caused by the
equipment itself. If one part of the equipment
has different impedance than another part, the RF
signal may be reflected back within the device
RF Measurement RF Math
  • RF power measured by two units on two scales
  • Linear scale
  • Using milliwatts (mW)
  • Reference point is zero
  • Does not reveal gain or loss in relation to whole
  • Relative scale
  • Reference point is the measurement itself
  • Often use logarithms
  • Measured in decibels (dB)
  • 1mW 0 dB


Calculating dB
  • P(dBm) 10log P(mW)
  • P(mW) 10(dBm/10)
  • Change in Power (dBm) 10log10 (P(final mw)
    /P(reference mw))
  • dB The amount of decibels.
  • This usually represents
  • a loss in power such as when the wave travels or
    interacts with matter,
  • can also represent a gain as when traveling
    through an amplifier.
  • Pfinal The final power. This is the delivered
    power after some process has occurred.
  • Pref The reference power. This is the original
  • Lab 3.1 Performing RF Math Calculations
  • Confirm your answers

RF Measurement RF Math (continued)
The 10s and 3s Rules of RF Math
RF Measurement RF Math (continued)
  • dBm Reference point that relates decibel scale
    to milliwatt scale
  • Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP)
    Power radiated out of antenna of a wireless
  • Includes intended power output and antenna gain
  • Uses isotropic decibels (dBi) for units
  • Reference point is theoretical antenna with 100
    percent efficiency

Inverse square law
  • Signal strength does not fade in a linear
    manner, but inversely as the square of the
  • This means that if you are at a particular
    distance from an access point and you move twice
    as far away, the signal level will decrease by a
    factor of four.

Twice the distance
Point A
Point B
¼ the power of Point A
Inverse square law
Point A
10 times the distance 1/100 the power of A
3 times the distance 1/9 the power of Point A
2 times the distance ¼ the power of Point A
5 times the distance 1/25 the power of Point A
  • Double the distance of the wireless link, we
    receive only ¼ of the original power.
  • Triple the distance of the wireless link, we
    receive only 1/9 the original power.
  • Move 5 times the distance, signal decreases by

RF Measurement WLAN Measurements
  • In U.S., FCC defines power limitations for WLANs
  • Limit distance that WLAN can transmit
  • Transmitter Power Output (TPO) Measure of power
    being delivered to transmitting antenna. This is
    generally 100 milliwatts.
  • When using omni-directional antennas having less
    than 6 dB gain in this scenario, the FCC rules
    require EIRP to be 1 watt (1,000 milliwatts) or
  • In most cases, you'll be within regulations using
    omni-directional antennas supplied by the vendor
    of your radio NICs and access points. For
    example, you can set the transmit power in an
    802.11b access point or client to its highest
    level (generally 100 milliwatts) and use a
    typical 3 dB omni-directional antenna. This
    combination results in only 200 milliwatts EIRP,
    which is well within FCC regulations. Read more
  • Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) Used to
    determine dBm, mW, signal strength percentage

Antenna Concepts
  • Radio waves transmitted/received using antennas

Antennas are required for sending and receiving
radio signals
Characteristics of RF Antenna Transmissions
  • Wave propagation Pattern of wave dispersal
  • Read More on Ionosphere

Sky wave propagation
Characteristics of RF Antenna Transmissions
RF Line of Sight (LOS) propagation
Characteristics of RF Antenna Transmissions
  • Because RF LOS propagation requires alignment of
    sending and receiving antennas, ground-level
    objects can obstruct signals
  • Can cause refraction or diffraction
  • Multipath distortion Refracted or diffracted
    signals reach receiving antenna later than
    signals that do not encounter obstructions
  • Antenna diversity Uses multiple antennas,
    inputs, and receivers to overcome multipath

Characteristics of RF Antenna Transmissions
  • Determining extent of late multipath signals
    can be done by calculating Fresnel zone

Fresnel zone
Characteristics of RF Antenna Transmissions
  • As RF signal propagates, it spreads out
  • Free space path loss Greatest source of power
    loss in a wireless system
  • Antenna gain Only way for an increase in
    amplification by antenna
  • Alter physical shape of antenna
  • Beamwidth Measure of focusing of radiation
    emitted by antenna
  • Measured in horizontal and vertical degrees

Characteristics of RF Antenna Transmissions
Free space path loss for IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g
Antenna Types and Their Installations
  • Two fundamental characteristics of antennas
  • As frequency gets higher, wavelength gets smaller
  • Size of antenna smaller
  • As gain increases, coverage area narrows
  • High-gain antennas offer larger coverage areas
    than low-gain antennas at same input power level
  • Omni-directional antenna Radiates signal in all
    directions equally
  • Most common type of antenna

Antenna Types and Their Installations (continued)
  • Semi-directional antenna Focuses energy in one
  • Primarily used for short and medium range remote
    wireless bridge networks
  • Highly-directional antennas Send narrowly
    focused signal beam
  • Generally concave dish-shaped devices
  • Used for long distance, point-to-point wireless

Antenna Types and Their Installations (continued)
Omni-directional antenna
Antenna Types and Their Installations (continued)
Semi-directional antenna
WLAN Antenna Locations and Installation
  • Because WLAN systems use omni-directional
    antennas to provide broadest area of coverage,
    APs should be located near middle of coverage
  • Antenna should be positioned as high as possible
  • If high-gain omni-directional antenna used, must
    determine that users located below antenna area
    still have reception

  • A type of electromagnetic wave that travels
    through space is called a radiotelephony wave or
    radio wave
  • An analog signal is a continuous signal with no
    breaks in it
  • A digital signal consists of data that is
    discrete or separate, as opposed to continuous
  • The carrier signal sent by radio transmissions is
    simply a continuous electrical signal and the
    signal itself carries no information

Summary (continued)
  • Three types of modulations or changes to the
    signal can be made to enable it to carry
    information signal height, signal frequency, or
    the relative starting point
  • Gain is defined as a positive difference in
    amplitude between two signals
  • Loss, or attenuation, is a negative difference in
    amplitude between signals
  • RF power can be measured by two different units
    on two different scales

Summary (continued)
  • An antenna is a copper wire or similar device
    that has one end in the air and the other end
    connected to the ground or a grounded device
  • There are a variety of characteristics of RF
    antenna transmissions that play a role in
    properly designing and setting up a WLAN
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