How Did Adam Smith Criticize Mercantilism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How Did Adam Smith Criticize Mercantilism


How Did Adam Smith Criticize Mercantilism Mercantilist ideas about wealth were nonsensical and untenable. Mercantilists efforts of accumulating gold and silver by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How Did Adam Smith Criticize Mercantilism

How Did Adam Smith Criticize Mercantilism
  • Mercantilist ideas about wealth were nonsensical
    and untenable.
  • Mercantilists efforts of accumulating gold and
    silver by trade surplus were in vain.
  • Mercantilist trade theory was self-contradictory
    and logically confused.
  • Invisible hand also guided foreign trade.

What Is Real Wealth? Mercantilism vs. Adam Smith
  • The basic mistake of mercantilist ideas about
    wealth They confused the precious metals, such
    as gold and silver, with the real wealth of the
  • What is real wealth The wealth of the country
    consists, not in its gold and silver only, but in
    its lands, houses, and consumable goods of all
    different kinds.

Function of Trade to a Country
  • Why did Adam Smith reach his conclusion about
    wealth? Only because he viewed foreign trade in
    the right light.
  • As Adam Smith recognized, foreign trade could
    explore the overseas market and greatly
    encouraged development of production capability
    of a country and necessarily led to increase of
    the real wealth possessed by the country.

Some Quotations of Adam Smith
  • To import the gold and silver which may be
    wanted, into the countries which have no mines,
    is, no doubt, a part of the business of foreign
    commerce. It is, however, a most insignificant
    part of it.
  • The importation of gold and silver is not the
    principal, much less than the sole benefit which
    a nation derives from its foreign trade.

Commodity Exchanges vs. Exchanges of Gold and
  • The transportation of commodities, when properly
    suited to the market, is always attended with a
    considerable profits whereas that of gold and
    silver is scarce ever attended with any. When
    those metals are sent abroad in order to purchase
    foreign commodities, the merchants profit
    arises, not from the purchase, but from the sail
    of the returns. But when they are sent abroad
    merely to pay a debt, he gets no returns, and
    consequently no profit.

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Mystery of Money and a Widespread Feint
  • When people exchange with each other by using
    currency as the medium of exchanges currency
    merely stands for purchasing powers with which
    whatever goods or services can be bought whenever
    they are desired.
  • That fact will be easily misunderstood as a
    widespread feint that wealth is only and
    exclusively expressed in terms of currency.

Conclusion of Adam Smith on Wealth
  • On the whole, a country was wealthy only because
    it had fostered a tremendous production capacity
    thus could produce a lot of consumable goods and
    services not because it possessed some amount of
    gold and silver.
  • It must be of insignificance for a country to
    merely accumulate gold and silver. Only those
    enjoying their large capacity of production,
    being active in foreign trade, and exporting more
    and more goods and services to their trade
    partners could become wealthy countries in the
  • Therefore, the ideas about wealth of
    mercantilists were nonsensical and untenable.

Specie-flow Adjustment Mechanism
  • Based on Quantity Theory of Money David Hume
    initiated Specie-flow Adjustment Mechanism.
  • Hume argued that general price level in a society
    in which gold or silver were used as money would
    be rigidly determined by dividing the total
    amount of specie with the total amount of
    commodities exchanged in market.

Formula of Determining Price
  • When P stands for the general price level, M
    stands for total amount of money stock and W
    stands for total amount of commodities,
    respectively, the following formula is concluded.

Trade Surplus can Do Nothing in Accumulating Gold
and Silver
  • Even if mercantilists were glad that a large
    amount of gold and silver had been imported from
    abroad because the countrys trade surplus that
    must be too bad, not good, for the country since
    enlargement of its stock of money implied the
    overall increase in the general price level
    taking the total amount of commodities constant.
  • Competitiveness of its exports would be reduced
    whereas goods produced in other countries would
    be more competitive in the home market. Gold and
    silver accumulated through innumerable trials and
    hardships would gradually out-flow till the
    countrys pool of money dried up. Consequently
    the country would at last inevitably surfer trade
  • To sum up, Adam Smith wrote When the quantity
    of gold and silver imported into any country
    exceeds the effectual demand, no vigilance of
    government can prevent their exportation.

Self-contradiction of Mercantilist Trade Theory
  • According to zero-or-sum game what a country
    gained in trade was just the losses in trade
    suffered by the other country since the total
    wealth, in terms of gold and silver, of the world
    was constant.
  • It must be assumed that all countries will follow
    the same principles of national economic egoism
    and desired to earn in trade.

Some Keen-edged Questions
  • All countries want to benefit from trade who are
    willing to suffer.
  • No country wants to suffer from trade then how
    can the other countries acquire the possible
    trade benefits?
  • If that is true is it possible for different
    countries to trade with each other?
  • From where can the world find a reasonable basis
    for trade?

The Basic Theoretical Falsehood of Mercantilist
Trade Theory
  • As a theory it entirely did not explore what is
    trade, why to trade, how to trade, and are there
    generally existing trade benefits?
  • It was little more than a theoretical tool of the
    feudalist lords, rulers of the sovereignties and
    large merchants to exercise colonial exploitation
    and dilation flaunting the banner of trade.
  • Trade, in the eyes of the mercantilists, was
    nothing but bald-faced spoliation.
  • Mercantilist trade theory could only explain
    trade between the western European powers with
    the colonies. That must be a very special case of
    trade. The theory was not of general significance.

Invisible Hand in Foreign Trade
  • Adam Smith introduced his theory of laissez faire
    into the analysis of trade problem. He criticized
    mercantilist trade policy of intervening and
    monopolizing trade business.
  • Invisible hand would also guided trade just like
    it did in domestic economic performances.

Adam Smiths Conclusion
  • What is the species of domestic industry which
    his capital can employ, and of which the produce
    is likely to be of the greatest value, every
    individual, it is evident, can, in his local
    situation, judge much better than any statesman
    or law giver can do for him.
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  • Government must reduce and, at last, abandon the
    administrative control over foreign trade and
    free trade policies must be implemented.

Questions and Problems
  • Try to differ mercantilist ideas of wealth from
    that of Adam Smith
  • Why we say that trade theory of mercantilism was
    self-contradictory and logically confused?
  • Why Adam Smith insisted that trade surplus was of
    no helpful to accumulate gold and silver.
  • Try to describe the reasons for a country to
    implement free trade policies.
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