Introduction to Musicmap Series - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Musicmap Series


Introduction to Musicmap Series Multicultural Songs Musical performance and accompaniment: Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, which has ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Musicmap Series

Introduction to Musicmap Series Multicultural
1. Innovative, illustrated songbooks use Musicmap
2. Multicultural approach 3. Integrated
educational content 4. Illustrations by
award-winning artists 5. Music recorded by a
world-renowned orchestra 6. How to use this
series 7. Expected educational outcomes 8.
Overview of each book Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star
The Baby Chicks Moon
Goldfish Family Itsy Bitsy Spider
Kakatua Lightly Row
Oh, Little
Rabbit Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
Funga Alafia 9. Profiles of project
contributors Concept development
Illustrations Musical performance and
Innovative, illustrated songbooks use Musicmap
Musicmap, a combination of the words music and
map, is a map that follows the path of the
music.   This music education material
provides a very natural way for children to learn
the pitch and length of the notes, even if
they are too young to learn music
notation.   A total of 10 books were published
for this series in 2007, with versions in
both Korean and English. The Korean version is
selling in South Korea and the English
version is selling in the United States and
Canada. The series was field-tested in
preschools and elementary schools, as well as
with families. Parents, educators, and
experts in the arts provided feedback that was
then used to improve the books.
Multicultural approach
Each book represents a folk song from a
different country or region France, Korea,
the United States, Germany, England,
Spain/Latin America, Japan, Indonesia, Greece,
and Africa.   These multicultural songs were
carefully chosen as songs that have beautiful
lyrics and melodies that are appropriate for
young children.
Integrated educational content
The belief that children deserve high-quality
education led experts in music education,
art, musical arrangement, and performance to
cooperate with Koomzaal Co. in developing these
materials. These books and the accompanying
music will facilitate childrens integrated
learning of music, art, and literacy.
Illustrations by award-winning artists
It is apparent from the artists statements and
the illustrations themselves that every
artist involved in this series has much
compassion for young people, as well as an
understanding of the kinds of pictures that
engage childrens imagination and
attention. Careful reproduction retains the
vividness of these high-quality
illustrations the colorful star, elegant moon,
fanciful spider, delightful boat ride,
graceful chestnut tree, fluffy chick, pretty
goldfish, friendly cockatoo, cute rabbit, and
majestic elephant. Each of the books
incorporates a different artistic style. The
illustrators for the ten books chose
techniques that uniquely express the message and
theme of each song.
Music recorded by a world-renowned orchestra
The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, South Koreas
premier orchestra, performed new
arrangements for this project and accompanied a
childs voice during portions of each
song.   In the Musicmap performance section of
each song, a member of the Seoul Philharmonic
Orchestra performed a solo. Each song features a
different instrument vibraphone, trumpet,
violin, cello, clarinet, oboe, viola, flute,
bassoon, or marimba.   The orchestras
engaging performance of the childrens songs will
enrich music appreciation for both children
and adults.
How to use this book
1. Children will view each page of the book as
they listen to the song on the accompanying
CD. If they choose, they can sing along with the
music.   2. Children can listen for and learn to
identify the different parts of each song
because the order of performance is consistent
across CDs introduction, childs voice,
bridge, melody by solo instrument (Musicmap),
performance by orchestra, coda.   3. As the
melody begins, children will turn to the Musicmap
pages. They can follow the pictures of the
Musicmap with their eyes and/or with a finger
while listening to the solo instrument play the
melody.   4. When the Musicmap section ends and
the orchestra begins to play, children have
several options. These include closing their eyes
to better appreciate the music, pretending
to conduct the orchestra, and looking at the
books illustrations again.
Expected educational outcomes
Increased musical aptitude Increased artistic
appreciation Development of pre-reading music
skills Familiarity with different musical
instruments Development of pre-reading tracking
skills Development of language skills
Integrated learning of music, art, and literacy
Increased imagination
Overview of each book
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StarMulticultural Song
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is a folk song that
originated in France, but it is loved by many
children all over the world. The books brightly
colored pictures evoke a childs unlimited
imagination. Have you ever seen a girl reading a
book and sitting on a star? How about a boy who
is fishing for stars? Or a boy who is using a
star as a slide? You will see all these scenes in
this book, which also includes a unique second
verse. The music brings you close to the stars
too the vibraphone solo during the Musicmap
section creates a sense that stars are falling
gently all around you.
Overview of each book
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StarMulticultural Song
Overview of each book
MoonMulticultural Song 2
This song, Moon, is from Korea (music by Kil Sang
Kuan and words by Sok Chung Yoon) and the lyrics
were translated into English. The book and the CD
recording are bilingual, with words in both
Korean and English an English pronunciation
is provided so children who dont know Korean
can sing the original lyrics. Throughout
field-testing in the United States and Korea,
children obviously enjoyed being able to sing in
a second language. The reflective nature of the
moon is wonderfully conveyed by the illustrators
oil painting techniques and the Seoul
Philharmonic Orchestras performance.
Overview of each book
  • MoonMulticultural Song 2

Overview of each book
  • Itsy Bitsy SpiderMulticultural Song 3

Research has shown that Itsy Bitsy Spider is the
song most often sung by mothers in the United
States to their young children. It is a
traditional American finger play song. In the
orchestral arrangement, specifically the
introduction and coda, you will hear a scale that
brings to mind a spider climbing up and down.
These notes engage childrens imaginations. The
illustrator used computer graphics and multimedia
to create spiders that are cute, colorful, and
appealing to children.
Overview of each book
  • Itsy Bitsy SpiderMulticultural Song 3

Overview of each book
  • Lightly Row Multicultural Song 4

This folk song originated in Germany other
countries have written new lyrics for the tune.
In the United States, the song is about a family
rowing a boat and having a happy time. This
delightful mood is reflected in the arrangement
of the words on the page as well as by the lovely
watercolor illustrations. The melody is easy for
children to follow, and the orchestra beautifully
expresses the songs playfulness. Children love
to follow the Musicmap section with its many
striped fish swimming in the water.
Overview of each book
  • Lightly Row Multicultural Song 4

Overview of each book
  • Under the Spreading Chestnut TreeMulticultural
    Song 5

Originally from England, this song is about a
moment shared between a mother and a child who
are playing under a tree. The artist expressed
the warmth and beauty of this interaction using a
pencil sketch with computer painting she said
she drew upon memories of a trip she took with
her young daughter to Yellowstone National Park.
The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestras performance
highlights the sweeping phrases of the songs
arrangement. The clarinet sounds during the
Musicmap section will bring to mind the wide
boughs of the chestnut tree.
Overview of each book
  • Under the Spreading Chestnut TreeMulticultural
    Song 5

Overview of each book
  • The Baby ChicksMulticultural Song 6

The Baby Chicks is a popular song in many
Spanish-speaking countries. You'll find the
lyrics in both English and Spanish, with an
English pronunciation at the back of the book.
The artist used watercolors for the hen and her
little chicks, and then he created a collage for
every page. The orchestra arrangement, especially
the introduction and bridge, brings to mind the
sound of baby chicks moving around the yard.
These lovable chicks give their wings a try in
the Musicmap section when children hear the oboe
playing the melody, they love to follow the
chicks in time with the music.
Overview of each book
  • The Baby ChicksMulticultural Song 6

Overview of each book
  • The Goldfish FamilyMulticultural Song 7

The Goldfish Family is based on the melody of a
traditional Japanese song, Koinobori. The new
orchestra arrangement enhances the restful mood
of the song. Hearing the smooth performance of
the orchestra, you can imagine every gentle bend
and curve of the goldfish happily swimming
together. The artist used a special ink technique
to create the shimmering surface of the water and
the swimming fish below. When you listen to the
viola perform the melody of The Goldfish Family
during the Musicmap section, follow each fish as
it glides among the underwater plants. Imagine
playing and splashing with the tiniest goldfish.
You can almost feel the cool water washing over
Overview of each book
  • The Goldfish FamilyMulticultural Song 7

Overview of each book
  • Burung KakatuaMulticultural Song 8

Burung Kakatua is a folk song from Indonesia
about the cockatoo (kakatua) and the village
grandmother who listens to it sing. The book is
illustrated with photographs of three-dimensional
compositions formed of clay. You'll be charmed by
the beautiful cockatoo and surprised by the
lifelike expressions on the grandmother's face as
the bird serenades her. Sing along with the
children you hear on the CD?one from the United
States singing in English and one from Indonesia
singing the original lyrics. Relax and let the
wind carry you with the birds on the Musicmap
pages, freely making music for all to enjoy.
Overview of each book
  • Burung KakatuaMulticultural Song 8

Overview of each book
  • Oh, Little RabbitMulticultural Song 9

Oh, Little Rabbit is a popular Greek folk song
about a cute but mischievous bunny. As you listen
to the lively orchestra arrangement, it's easy to
picture a little rabbit hopping along and getting
into trouble at every turn! The lyrics are
provided in English and Greek, with an English
pronunciation at the back of the book, and a
young native speaker sings each version of the
song. The cute rabbits on the Musicmap pages are
fun to follow, your fingers hopping from one to
another in time with the bassoon. Inspired by
Greek mythology, the artist created a world of
clouds and imagination by first sketching the
images, then completing the scenes with computer
Overview of each book
  • Oh, Little RabbitMulticultural Song 9

Overview of each book
  • Funga AlafiaMulticultural Song 10

This joyful song from West Africa calls you to a
land of warm-hearted people and natural beauty.
Funga Alafia is a song of welcome, peace, and
gratitude?an encouraging message for children and
adults alike. Play the CD, open the book, and let
the dynamic sounds of the orchestra with the
lively beat of percussion and the vivid
illustrations pull you into the pages. The detail
in the faces of the children and the various
animals inspire imaginary adventures full of fun
and excitement. The special orchestra arrangement
features a marimba solo during the Musicmap
section. The huge trees filled with elephants
delight children, as they touch each one in time
with the sounds of the marimba.
Overview of each book
  • Funga AlafiaMulticultural Song 10

Profiles of project contributors Concept
Hyun Kyung Youm, Ph.D. Dr. Youm is a co-founder
of Koomzaal Company, Ltd., as well as executive
director of Koomzaal Educational Institute. She
earned her bachelors degree in educational
psychology, as well as her masters degree and
doctorate in child developmental psychology,
from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. Dr.
Youm is a former professor and dean of the
Department of Early Childhood Education at Baewha
Womens College. Dr. Youm was an exchange
professor of music education from 2001 to 2003 at
the University of Missouri-Columbia in the
United States, and she completed her doctoral
courses in music education there. Dr. Youm
recently has developed various music activity
materials, Musicmap Series Carnival of the
Animals and Musicmap Series Multicultural Songs
(10 books). She is enthusiastically developing
new programs and materials to enhance Music
education for children.
Profiles of project contributors Illustrations
  • Jin Ki Kim, B.F.A.
  • Mr. Kim was born in Kangwon-Do, Korea. He earned
    a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Design from
  • Seoul National University. Since then, he has
    been working in the field of childrens art
  • In 1998 he received an award from the Korean
    Minister of Culture and Tourism for his
  • CD-ROM entitled Play and Study with Nature. He is
    the author of Rainbow (2007), a childrens book.
  • In addition, he created illustrations for
    Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider,
  • Oh, Little Rabbit, three of the picture song
    books in the Musicmap Series Multicultural Songs
  • published in 2007 by Koomzaal Company.
  • Jung Han Kim, M.F.A.
  • Mr. Kim was born in Seoul, Korea, and earned a
    Bachelor of Fine Arts from Seoul National
  • University and a Master of Arts from Sogang
    University. He has worked for Chosun Ilbo, a
  • newspaper in Seoul. After moving to the United
    States in 2001, Mr. Kim continued his studies and
  • earned a Master of Fine Arts from the Academy of
    Art University in San Francisco, California. He
  • an award-winning artist, having received honors
    in many national and international art
  • His works can be seen in several galleries across
    the United States. Currently, he is an instructor
  • of painting, drawing, and artistic anatomy at the
    Academy of Art University. He created
  • for Moon and Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree,
    two picture song books in the Musicmap
  • Series Multicultural Songs published in 2007 by
    Koomzaal Company. He also writes a biweekly
  • column for Joongang Ilbo, a Korean newspaper in
    San Francisco.

Profiles of project contributors Illustrations
Kyung Mi Kim, M.F.A. Mrs. Kim was born in Seoul,
Korea, and earned both her Bachelor and her
Master of Fine Arts degrees from the Academy of
Art University, San Francisco, California. She is
a freelance illustrator, focusing mainly on
illustrations for childrens books and book
design. She created illustrations for Lightly
Row and Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree, two
picture song books in the Musicmap Series
Multicultural Songs published in 2007 by Koomzaal
Company. Her professional work reflects her
appreciation of childrens imagination, as well
as her loving relationship with husband Jung
Han Kim and their lovely daughter. Sang Yoon
Jeon, B.F.A. Mr. Jeon earned a Bachelor of Fine
Arts in Western Painting from Chung-Ang
University in South Korea. From 1991 to 1993, he
worked for the Korean Broadcasting Commission as
a photographer. In 1989 he won special
recognition for his entry in a watercolor
competition, and he has received many other
awards from major art contests in Korea. He
created illustrations for The Baby Chicks, a
picture song book in the Musicmap Series
Multicultural Songs published in 2007 by Koomzaal
Company. Currently, he is working as a visual
artist as well as creating movie
soundtracks. Yeon Sil Yi, B.F.A. Ms. Yi earned a
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Design from Seoul
National University in South Korea. She also
graduated with a specialty in image and narration
from the Ecole de lImage dEpinal in France.
She is currently working on a masters degree in
illustration at the Brussels Royal Academy of
Fine Arts in Belgium. She works as a graphic
designer and has published childrens books in
both France and Korea. She created illustrations
for The Goldfish Family, a picture song book in
the Musicmap Series Multicultural Songs
published in 2007 by Koomzaal Company. She would
like to continue to create beautiful picture
books for young children and adults.
Profiles of project contributors Illustrations
Kyung Ho Joo, M.F.A. Mr. Joo earned a Bachelor
of Fine Arts in Sculpture from Hongik University
and a Master of Fine Arts from Sangmyung
University in South Korea. Since then, he has
published many childrens picture books. He has
produced clay animation films and received a
special award from the Seoul Broadcasting System
for his creative picture books for young
children. He created illustrations for Burung
Kakatua, a picture song book in the Musicmap
Series Multicultural Songs published in 2007 by
Koomzaal Company. Currently, he is working with
clay animation and continues to develop picture
books. Chang Soo Kim, Diplom Designer Mr. Kim
earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Design
from Seoul National University in South Korea and
a Diplom Designer from Hochschule für Gestaltung
Offenbach am Main in Germany. Since then, his
work has been exhibited in the United States,
England, Korea, Japan, Hungary, Poland, and
several other countries in Europe. In 2003 and
2007, he received top awards at the International
Print Triennial in Poland and Hungary, respectivel
y. In 2004, he received the Open Print Sponsor
Prize in Bristol, England, and the Matrices
2004 Special Prize in Gyor, Hungary. He created
illustrations for Funga Alafia, a picture song
book in the Musicmap Series Multicultural Songs
published in 2007 by Koomzaal Company. Currently
he is an assistant professor in the Department
of Visual Communication Design at Kyungwon
University in South Korea.
Musical performance and accompaniment Seoul
Philharmonic Orchestra
  • The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, which has
    gained worldwide recognition for its excellent
    performances, is an orchestra with the elegant
    sounds of strings and a grand but sensitive
    ensemble. It is the premier orchestra of South
  • In 1945, Jung-Shik Gae, Jae-Myung Hyun, and
    Sung-Tae Kim founded the Seoul Philharmonic as
    the Korea Symphonic Association however, during
    the Korean War, it was incorporated into the
    Marine Band. In 1957, the Seoul Philharmonic
    Orchestra was established with the appointment of
    Sang-Ryo Kim as the conductor. Since 1965, the
    orchestra has performed extensively in Japan,
    Southeast Asia, the United States, Europe, and
    China, as well as in South Korea. In 1999, the
    orchestra was organized as a foundation. Since
    2005, under the guidance of maestro Myung-Hoon
    Jung, a renowned conductor in both Europe and
    Asia, the orchestra has recruited the best
    performers in the country. The president of the
    Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Pal-Seung Lee, an
    expert in the field of business administration,
    has worked with many experts from specialized
    areas to establish a systematic and effective
    foundation for the overall performance of the
  • With full-length concerts and community
    appearances, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra is
    making classical music more accessible to the
    general public. Through its continuing
    development, its focus on artistic excellence,
    and the strong leadership of its talented
    conductor, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra is
    now gaining recognition as a world-class
    orchestra and an excellent representative of
    Seoul, the cultural center of South Korea.

Thank you!
Introduction to Musicmap Series Multicultural
Songs ? 2007 Koomzaal Co., Ltd.
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