Title: Sun-Solar System Connection
1Sun-Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report April 15,
- External and Internal Factors
- Roadmap Objectives and Research Focus Areas
- Implementation
- Integration with other NASA Roadmaps
- Education and Public Outreach
- Roadmap Summary
- Other Information
2Sun-Solar System Connection Roadmap Knowledge
for Exploration
- Explore the Sun-Earth system to understand the
- Sun and its effects on Earth,
- the solar system,
- the space environmental conditions that will be
experienced by human explorers, and - demonstrate technologies that can improve future
operational systems
3External and Internal Factors
- Our society needs space weather knowledge to
function efficiently - Human beings require space weather predictions to
work productively and efficiently in space
- We are poised to provide knowledge and predictive
understanding of the system
4A recent Sun-Solar System Case Study
Space Storms at Earth
Disturbed Mars-Space Atmospheric Loss
Dangerous Radiation
Space Storms at the Outer Planets
Disturbed Upper Atmosphere
Solar System Blast Wave
NASAs fleet of scientific spacecraft formed one
Great Observatory, providing a system level
view as this space weather front moved outward
from its solar source to drive space storms at
Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and finally to an
encounter with the outer boundary of the
heliosphere many months later. The huge scale and
extreme conditions bred by such events highlight
the importance of carefully targeted observations
to understand system elements and serve as model
inputs for predicting space weather conditions
for future explorers and Earth-based society.
These are the tasks addressed by SRM 10.
5Factors of 10 are a major observational
challenge meters or 10s of km in ionosphere,
100s in magnetosphere and at solar surface,
1000s for CME lift-off and space storms, several
AU for CME propagation.
Our work over the past few decades have taught us
enough about our local space environment to know
that our task to produce reliable space weather
predictions is a formidable challenge.
For a striking view of the vast differences in
scale sizes to be understood and monitored, play
the movie at http//sun.stanford.edu/roadmap/NewZ
6Sun Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report April 15,
- External and Internal Factors
- Roadmap Objectives and Research Focus Areas
- Implementation
- Integration with other NASA Roadmaps
- Education and Public Outreach
- Roadmap Summary
- Other Information
7Sun-Solar System Connection
Science Objectives Explore the Sun-Earth system
to understand the Sun and its effects
Open the Frontier to Space Environment
Prediction Understand the fundamental physical
processes of the space environment from the Sun
to Earth, to other planets, and beyond to the
interstellar medium
- Understand the Nature of Our Home in Space
- Understand how human society, technological
systems, and the habitability of planets are
affected by solar variability and planetary
magnetic fields
Safeguard Our Outbound Journey Maximize the
safety and productivity of human and robotic
explorers by developing the capability to predict
the extreme and dynamic conditions in space
8Sun-Solar System Connection Science Objectives
NASA Strategic Objective Explore the Sun-Earth
system to understand the Sun and its effects on
the Earth, the solar system, and the space
environmental conditions that will be experienced
by human explorers
Open the Frontier to Space Environment Prediction
Understand the fundamental physical processes of
the space environment from the Sun to Earth, to
other planets, and beyond to the interstellar
Understand the Nature of Our Home in Space
Understand how human society, technological
systems, and the habitability of planets are
affected by solar variability and planetary
magnetic fields
Safeguard Our Outbound Journey
Maximize the safety and productivity of human and
robotic explorers by developing the capability to
predict the extreme and dynamic conditions in
9Open the Frontier to Space Weather Prediction
1) Understand magnetic reconnection as revealed
in solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and
geospace storms
2) Understand the plasma processes that
accelerate and transport particles throughout the
solar system
3) Understand how nonlinear interactions transfer
energy and momentum within planetary upper
4) Determine how solar, stellar, and planetary
magnetic dynamos are created and why they vary.
5) Understand the role of cross-scale coupling in
creating plasma boundaries and the significance
of boundaries in controlling physical processes
10Understand the Nature of our Home in Space
1) Understand the causes and subsequent evolution
of activity that affects Earths space climate
and environment
2) Understand changes in the Earths
magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere
to enable specification, prediction, and
mitigation of their effects
3) Understand the Sun's role as an energy source
to the Earths atmosphere, particularly the role
of solar variability in driving climate change
4) Apply our understanding of space plasma
physics to the role of stellar activity and
magnetic shielding in planetary system evolution
and habitability
11Safeguarding our Outbound Journey
1) Characterize the variability and extremes of
the space environments that will be encountered
by human and robotic explorers
2) Develop the capability to predict the origin
of solar activity and disturbances associated
with potentially hazardous space weather.
3) Develop the capability to predict the
acceleration and propagation of energetic
particles in order to enable safe travel for
human and robotic explorers
4) Understand how space weather affects planetary
environments to minimize risk in exploration
12Sun-Solar System Connection Roadmap Goal Structure
Agency Strategic Objective Explore the Sun-Earth
system to understand the Sun and its effects on
the Earth, the solar system, and the space
environmental conditions that will be experienced
by human explorers
Phase 1 2005-2015
Phase 2 2015-2025
Phase 3 2025-beyond
Opening the Frontier to Space Environment
- Measure magnetic reconnection at the Sun and
Earth - Determine the dominant processes of particle
acceleration - Set the critical scales over which cross- scale
coupling occurs
- Predict solar magnetic activity and energy
release - Predict high energy particle flux throughout the
solar system. - Understand the coupling of disparate
astrophysical systems
- Understand how solar disturbances propagate to
Earth - Determine quantitative drivers of the geospace
environment - Identify the impacts of solar variability on
Earths atmosphere - Describe how space plasmas and planetary
atmospheres interact
- Identify precursors of important solar
disturbances and predict the Earths response - Integrate solar variability effects into Earth
climate models - Determine the habitability of solar system bodies
Understanding the nature of our home in space
- Continuously forecast conditions throughout the
heliosphere - Predict climate change
- Determine how the habitability evolves in time
- Image activity on other stars
- Characterize the near-Sun source region of the
space environment - Reliably forecast space weather for the
Earth-Moon system make first space weather
nowcasts at Mars - Determine Mars atmospheric variabilityrelevant to
aerocapture, entry, descent, landing, surface
navigation and communications
- Provide situational awareness of the space
environment throughout the inner Solar System - Reliably predict atmospheric and radiation
environment at Mars to ensure safe surface
operations - Analyze the first direct samples of the
interstellar medium
- Determine extremes of the vari-able radiation and
space environ-ments at Earth, Moon, Mars - Nowcast solar and space weather and forecast
All-Clear periods for space explorers near Earth
Safeguarding our outbound journey
Develop technologies, observations, and
knowledge systems that support operational systems
13Sun Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report April 15,
- External and Internal Factors
- Roadmap Objectives and Research Focus Areas
- Implementation
- Integration with other NASA Roadmaps
- Education and Public Outreach
- Roadmap Summary
- Other Information
14Sun-Solar System Connection Implementation
Spiral 0 Robotic Exploration Great
Observatory Present Capability
Spiral 1 Sun-Earth-Moon System Human Lunar
Exploration Model Predictions
Spiral 2 Terrestrial Planets Human Mars
Exploration Forecasting
Spiral 3 Sun-Solar System Situational Awareness
Forecast Hazards
Model Systems
Predict Climate Change Planet habitability
evolution w/ time
Magnetic processes driving space weather
Image activity on other stars
Solar System Situational Awareness
Prototype Capabilities
Solar System Forecasts
Magnetospheres of other star systems
Characterize Environments
Mars Transit
Solar System Observatory
Understand habitability drivers of solar system
Direct samples of interstellar medium
Magnetic Processes Particle Acceleration
Nowcast disturbances and forecast all-clears
Understand Reconnection Particle
Acceleration Cross Scale Coupling
Understand Space Weather drivers
Inner Heliosphere Observatory
Space Environment Extremes
Lunar Safety
Forecast mitigate Earth space weather effects
Understand Solar Propagation Solar/Climate
Change Planetary Atmospheres
Sun-Earth Observatory
CEV-1 Design
Current Observatory
- Science Investigations
- Solar Terrestrial Probes (STP)
- Living with a Star (LWS)
- Explorer Program
- Discovery Program
- Sun-Solar System Great Observatory
Enabling Technologies Sounding Rocket/Balloon
Program Advanced Technology Program Education and
Public Outreach
- Research Programs
- Research and Analysis Grants
- Guest Investigator
- Theory Program
- Targeted Research Technology
- Project Columbia
16Cost of Program Elements
- Science Missions Approximate Cost Range
- Low- to mid- cost, multi-objective, strategic
science missions 1 to 3 MIDEX, each, total
mission - Explorer cost, single objective science
missions 0.5 to 1 MIDEX, each, total mission - Mission Partnerships with other Agencies 0.15
MIDEX, each, total mission - Sun-Solar System Great Observatory 0.XX MIDEX, in
total, per year, operations - Strategic, multi-objective, flagship science
mission 4 MIDEX, each, total mission - Research Programs
- Fundamental Research and Analysis 0.XX MIDEX, in
total, per year - Targeted Research Technology 0.XX MIDEX, in
total, per year - Guest Investigator on Operating Missions 0.XX
MIDEX, in total, per year - Theory and Modeling Program 0.XX MIDEX, in total,
per year - Enabling Technologies
- Sounding Rocket/Balloon Program 0.XX MIDEX, in
total, per year - Advanced Technology Program 0.XX MIDEX, in total,
per year - High End Computing 0.XX MIDEX, in total, per year
- Education and Public Outreach 0.XX MIDEX, in
total, per year
launch costs not included
Unit of Measure MIDEX XXM in Real Year
as of February 2005, launch cost not
included MIDEX missions are typically XX kg, VW
Beetle-sized, Delta-II launch,
- Current Strategic Impediments
- Cost of launch vehicles have increased XX over
past XX years - Cost of risk mitigation efforts have increased
XX over past XX years - Mitigation of full cost accounting impacts
- Availability of XX-class launch vehicles is
uncertain, may require the use of larger launch
17Recommended Implementation
Spiral 1 2015-2025
Spiral 2 2025 - 2035
Spiral 0 2005-2015
Spiral 3 Beyond 2035
Strategic Flagship Mission inner boundary of
our system and learn the origins of solar
energetic particle events
Low- to mid cost, multi-objective, strategically
planned for fundamental space physics and space
weather investigations, 1 launch per 2-3 years
to be completed
to be completed
ESA/Solar Orbiter
Low- to mid-cost, multi-objective, strategically
targeted for Life and Society Science
investigations, 1 launch per 2-3 years
RBSP/ Earth-gtMoon Radiation
to be completed
to be completed
to be completed
Explorers, single objective, strategically
selected to respond to new knowledge/decision
points, 1 launch per 2-3 years
THEMIS/ Magnetic Substorms
IBEX/ Interstellar Boundary
AIM/ Noctilucent Clouds
The Great Observatory Use of low-cost mission
extensions to form solar system wide view for
understanding of solar storm propagation, impact
of solar activity on planetary systems, solar
system scale phenomena, interaction of solar
system with interstellar media
Sun-Earth Great Observatory
Inner Solar System Great Observatory
Solar System Great Observatory
Sun-Solar System Science Program Elements
- Fundamental Research and Analysis
- Targeted Research Technology
- Guest Investigator on Operating Missions
- Theory and Modeling Program
- Sounding Rocket/Balloon Program
- Advanced Technology Program
- High End Computing - Virtual Observatories
- Education and Public Outreach
18Sun-Solar System Science Mission Element
Spiral 0 Robotic Exploration Great
Observatory Present Capability
Spiral 1 Human Lunar Exploration Earth-Moon
System Model Predictions
Spiral 2 Human Mars Exploration Terrestrial
Planets Forecasting
Spiral 3 Exploration To Solar System
Limits System Forecasting
Forecast Hazards
Joint Sun-Earth Mission
Mission 2A
Mission 2B
Mars Transit
Mission 2C
Mission 3A Mission 3B Mission 3C Etc.
Mission 2D
Mission 2E
Model Systems
Mission 2F
Mission 1A
Mission 1B
Mission 1C
Lunar Safety
Mission 1D
Mission 1E
Characterize Environments
Mission 1F
CEV-1 Design
Explorer Candidate
Great Observatory SRT, LCAS, Explorers, MoOs
2005 2015 2025 2035
19Near-Term Priorities and Gaps
- Consolidate the existing Sun-Solar System Great
Observatory in service of space weather research - Integrate Ionosphere-Thermosphere Storm Probes
into the Great Observatory
- Take the next development step for the Sun-Solar
System Connection Great Observatory - Fly Solar Probe to explore the boundaries of our
system and learn the origins of solar energetic
particle events
20Approach to Identify Priority Science Objectives
Science that transforms knowledge
Priority SSSC Missions
Science enabling Exploration
Science enabled by Exploration
Science that is Vital, Compelling Urgent
21Approach Goals to Capabilities to Implementation
Targeted Outcome Phase 2, Safeguarding the
Journey Specify Spacecraft and Communications
Environments at Mars
Required Understanding
Wave-wave interactions at all scales
Parameterizations of turbulence and gravity wave
effects in GCMs
Non-LTE radiative transfer
Neutral plasma instabilities
Plasma irregularities
Wave-turbulence interactions
Dust, aerosol evolution and characteristics
Plasma-neutral coupling with B-field
Wave-mean flow interactions
Enabling Capabilities Measurements
First principles data-assimilating models for
predicting global atmosphere and ionosphere
Archival and real-time global measurements of
neutral plasma density, B-field, temperature,
Critical Regimes Entry, Descent Landing (EDL),
0-40 km Aerocapture, 40-80 km Aerobraking
Orbital Lifetime, 80-250 km Ionosphere 90-200 km
Electrical Dust Environments
Empirical models of global Mars atmosphere
structure variability
Implementation Phase 1 2005-2015
Implementation Phase 2 2015-2025
IT Storm Probes Mission To inform on plasma
irregularities relevant to COMM and NAV systems
at Mars
TIMED Mission To inform on tidal and tide-mean
flow processes relevant to Mars
Theory Modelling Program To understand waves,
instabilities, and plasma processes that
determine variabilities of Earth Mars
environments develop surface to ionopause
first-principles model of Mars atmosphere
Theory Modelling Program To develop an
Assimilative Model for Mars whole Atmosphere
Mars Dynamics Mission To collect observations of
densities, temperatures and winds 0-100 km over
all local times at Mars
ITM WAVES Mission To inform on wave-wave,
wave-mean flow processes and parameterizations
relevant to Mars
22Human Capital and Infrastructure
- So that we may develop/maintain U.S. space plasma
and space weather prediction/mitigation
expertise, it is vital to provide a broad range
of competed funding opportunities for the
scientific community - Develop IT, Computing, Modeling and Analysis
Infrastructure - Virtual Observatories, Columbia Project
- Low Cost Access to Space
- Science, Training, Instrument Development
- E/PO to Attract Workers to ESS Science
- Sufficient Opportunities to Maintain Multiple
Hardware Modeling Groups - Strengthen University Involvement in Space
Hardware Development - Facilitate and Exploit Partnerships
- Interagency and International
- Upgrade DSN to Collect More Data Throughout the
Solar System
23Technology Development
- Answering science questions requires measurements
at unique vantage points in and outside the solar
system - Cost-effective, high-?V propulsion
- CRM-1 High energy power propulsionnuclear
electric propulsion, RTGs - CRM-2 In-space transportationsolar sails
- CRM-15 Nanotechnologyadvanced carbon nanotube
membranes for sails - Resolving space-time ambiguities requires
simultaneous in-situ measurements (constellations
or sensor webs) - Compact, affordable spacecraft via low-power
electronics - CRM-3 Advanced telescopes observatories
- Low-cost access to space
- CRM-10 Transformational spaceport
- Return of large data sets from throughout the
solar system - Next-generation, Deep Space Network
- CRM-X Communication and Navigation
- Visualization, analysis and modeling of solar
system plasma data - CRM-13 Advanced modeling/simulation/analysis
- New measurement techniques compact, affordable
instrument suites
24Sun Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report April 15,
- External and Internal Factors
- Roadmap Objectives and Research Focus Areas
- Implementation
- Integration with other NASA Roadmaps
- Education and Public Outreach
- Roadmap Summary
- Other Information
25Integration Major Strategic Relationships
Sun-Solar System Connections
- Space environment specification for materials and
technology requirements definition. - Prediction of solar activity and its impact on
planetary and interplanetary environments as an
operational element of Exploration. Examples - presence of penetrating radiation (hazardous to
health and microcircuitry) - varying ionization/scintillations (interferes
with communications and navigation) - increased atmospheric scale heights (enhanced
frictional drag).
Mars Lunar Exploration
Exploration Transportation
Shuttle Space Station
Human Health Support
Communication Navigation
Primary interfaces involve the knowledge of the
full range of space environment conditions for
requirement specification, prediction, and
situational awareness
26Integration Major Scientific Relationships
Sun-Solar System Connections
- Mars Aeronomy and Ionosphere
- Atmospheric Loss Habitability
Mars Exploration
- History of Solar Wind
- Electrostatics Charging Processes
Lunar Exploration
- Comparative Magnetospheres/Ionospheres
- Exploration of heliosphere and interstellar medium
Solar System Exploration
- Sun/Climate Connection
- Societal impacts of space weather processes
Earth System and Dynamics
- The Sun as a magnetic variable Star
- Fundamental plasma processes
Exploration of the Universe
Primary interfaces involve understanding of the
physical processes associated with the dynamics
of space plasmas and electromagnetic fields
27Integration Major Capability Relationships 1
Sun-Solar System Connections
- needs high energy power and propulsion to reach
unique vantage points and operate there
High Energy Power Propulsion
- needs development of in-space propulsion such as
provided by solar sails
In-Space Transportation
- needs space interferometry in UV, and compact
affordable platforms for clusters constellations
Advanced Telescopes and Observatories
- contributes space weather now- and for-casting
needs high band width deep space communication
Communication and navigation
- contributes characterization, modeling, and
prediction of planetary environments
Robotic Access to Planetary Surfaces
- contributes characterization, modeling, and
prediction of planetary environments
Human Planetary Landing Systems
- contributes characterization, modeling, and
prediction of space environments
Human Health and Support System
- contributes characterization, modeling, and
prediction of planetary environments
Human Exploration Systems Mobility
28Integration Major Capability Relationships 2
Sun-Solar System Connections
- needs sensor web technology
needs affordable operations for
Autonomous Systems and Robotics
- needs low cost space access via rockets,
secondary payload accommodation, and low cost
Transformation Spaceport/Range
- needs an array of new technologies that enable
affordable synoptic observation program
Scientific Instruments and Sensors
- contributes expertise experience in techniques
for space resource detection and location
In-situ Resource Utilization
- needs advanced data assimilation from diverse
sources and advanced model/simulation techniques
for space weather prediction
Advanced Modeling/Simulation/Analysis
- best practices required across the board
Systems Engineering Cost/Risk Analysis
- Needs advanced carbon membranes for solar sails
cross cutting technology beneficial to many
29Sun Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report April 15,
- External and Internal Factors
- Roadmap Objectives and Research Focus Areas
- Implementation
- Integration Activities
- Education and Public Outreach
- Roadmap Summary
- Other Information
30Education and Public Outreach
- Education and Public Outreach is Essential to the
Achievement of the Exploration Vision - Emphasis on workforce development
- Requires increase in the capacity of our nations
education systems (K-16) both in and out of
school - Focus on entraining under-represented communities
in STEM careers (demographic projections to 2025
underscore this need) - Public engagement and support essential
- Nature of SSSC science presents strong
opportunities for hooking the public - Roadmap committee 10 has focused on
- Importance of E/PO to achievement of Exploration
Vision - Identification of unique E/PO opportunities
associated with SSSC science - Articulation of challenges and recommendations
for effective E/PO - Close up look at role national science education
standards can play in effectively connecting
NASAs content to formal education
31Education and Public Outreach
Topics unique and/or central to Sun-Solar System
Sun-Solar System Science Goals Living with a star Studying the Sun to learn about stars Interconnected, dynamic systems Role of Solar variability in Earths climate
Sun-Solar System Science Goals Space Weather - Earth Analogy with terrestrial weather/climate Conditions changing all the time Need for situational awareness Concept of Geospace
Sun-Solar System Science Goals Space Weather - Exploration Predict environmental conditions in space protecting space explorers Dynamic environment will require situational awareness
Sun-Solar System Science Goals Magnetism Invisible force seeing the invisible Magnetism vs. gravity significance of magnetism in Solar System and Universe Magnetic shields and planetary habitability for Earth, Moon, Mars Electromagnetic Spectrum
Sun-Solar System Science Goals Plasma Solid-liquid-gas-plasma common states of matter depend on where you are in the Universe
Exploration Technologies Propulsion systems Solar panels versus solar sails for space travel
Nature of Sun-Solar System Science Tools, technologies, scientific methods Suborbital rocket-based experiments/observations (it really is rocket science) Direct, satellite-based measurements of space, immediate (we "go to space") Large, high-resolution data sets, powerful images Modeling, visualization, simulation key to science
Solar Events Opportunities for Public Engagement Eclipses Transits Auroras Solar flares, coronal mass ejections, solar storms
32Education and Public Outreach
Challenges Recommendations
E/PO efforts vary widely across NASA. This is disadvantage for both PIs and for audiences. PIs are often in the position of inventing their own E/PO programs, products and activities and audiences need to constantly learn anew how to take advantage of these efforts Generate uniform, templated product lines with themed content for use by the press and other communications outlets, museums, science centers and other informal settings, and schools
The formal, K-12 science education system needs strong connections with NASAs scientific, engineering and technological enterprises if it is going to play sufficient role in preparing the STEM workforce required to implement and achieve the Exploration Vision Correlate NASAs activities, enterprise-wide, with National Science Standards (National Science Education Standards of the NRC, and Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy, Project 2061) to develop a roadmap for infusing NASA resources into the formal K-12 system. Develop templates for products, programs and professional development that, combined with the roadmap, effectively connect NASAs ongoing, authentic activities to classrooms to inspire and motivate educators and learners
Broad dissemination is required to achieve impact. Requiring individual PIs and Missions to create and sustain their own dissemination channels can be burdensome and lessen impact Expand existing, and develop new centrally supported channels for dissemination that mission and research-based E/PO can use to reach full range of audiences
E/PO investments are not maximized due to lack of sustained support and dissemination Make sustained investment over time in dissemination of Web-based formats dissemination of NASA materials use of best-practice templates to create the materials will facilitate maintaining currency
Not enough undergraduates are opting for physics-based careers in particular and STEM careers in general Focus more on supporting K-16 science education, integrate cutting edge Sun-Solar System Connection topics (in addition to other relevant NASA content) into undergraduate physics courses
Keeping the public informed will be key to implementation and achievement of the Exploration Vision Outreach, not advertisement, is necessary. Develop better coordination between Public Affairs and Outreach and Education to conduct timely outreach that educates the public about NASAs activities and achievements, with appropriate emphasis on risk
33Sun Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report April 15,
- External and Internal Factors
- Roadmap Objectives and Research Focus Areas
- Implementation
- Integration Activities
- Education and Public Outreach
- Roadmap Summary
- Other Information
34Sun-Solar System Connection
Science Objectives Explore the Sun-Earth system
to understand the Sun and its effects
Open the Frontier to Space Environment
Prediction Understand the fundamental physical
processes of the space environment from the Sun
to Earth, to other planets, and beyond to the
interstellar medium
- Understand the Nature of Our Home in Space
- Understand how human society, technological
systems, and the habitability of planets are
affected by solar variability and planetary
magnetic fields
Safeguard Our Outbound Journey Maximize the
safety and productivity of human and robotic
explorers by developing the capability to predict
the extreme and dynamic conditions in space
35Sun-Solar System Connection Science for Life and
Science Questions
National Goals
- Sample vast range with frequent small
Opening the Frontier to Space Environment
- Predict solar activity and release
- Understand production of radiation throughout
system - Understand coupling of astrophysical systems
- New Transformational Knowledge
- Strategic missions planned for critical
scientific exploration and for critical space
weather understanding
- Forecast conditions throughout the heliosphere
- Predict climate change
- Evolution of planetary habitability
- Activity on other stars
- Select low-cost opportunity missions for fast
response as knowledge changes
Understanding the nature of our home in space
- Utilize low-cost extended missions to gain solar
system scale understanding - Great Observatory
sensor web
- Situational awareness of the space environment
- Ensure safe surface operations at Mars
- First direct samples of the interstellar medium
Safeguarding our outbound journey
- Disseminate data for environmental modeling via
distributed Virtual Observatories
- Future Scientists Engineers
NASA partner producers of SSSC science
Users of SSSC science information
36Sun Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report April 15,
- External and Internal Factors
- Roadmap Objectives and Research Focus Areas
- Implementation
- Integration Activities
- Education and Public Outreach
- Roadmap Summary
- Other Information
37Status of Roadmap Activities
- NRC update to Space Physics Decadal Survey Sep.
2004 - Solar Sail technology workshop Sep. 28-29, 2004
- Roadmap foundation team meeting Oct. 5-6, 2004
- Advisory Committee review of progress Nov. 3-5,
2004 - Community-led imaging technology workshop Nov.
9-10, 2004 - Community-wide roadmap workshop Nov. 16-17, 2004
- Roadmap foundation team meeting Nov. 18-19, 2004
- Roadmap foundation team meeting Jan. 19-21, 2005
- Update to NRC Space Studies Board CSSP Feb. 8,
2005 - SRM10 committee meeting 1 Feb. 10-11, 2005
- Half-day bilateral meetings with other US
Government agencies Late Feb/Early March - Advisory Committee review of progress February
28-March 2 - SMD International Strategic Conference on
Roadmaps March 8-10 - SRM 10 committee meeting 2 March 15-16
- Roadmap foundation team meeting March 16-18
- Advisory Committee review of progress March
30-April 1 - SRM 10 committee teleconference April 13
- Roadmap foundation team meeting May 10-11
- SRM 10 committee meeting 3 May 12-13
First Draft
Second Draft
Final Draft
38Sun-Solar System Connection Roadmap Committee
NASA HQ Co-Chair Al Diaz (NASA HQ Science
Mission Directorate) Center Co-chair Tom Moore
(NASA GSFC) External Co-chair Tim Killeen
(National Center for Atmospheric
Research) Directorate Coordinator Barbara Giles
(NASA HQ Science Mission Directorate) APIO
Coordinator Azita Valinia (NASA
GSFC) Committee Members Scott Denning (Colorado
State University) Jeffrey Forbes (Univ of
Colorado) Stephen Fuselier (Lockheed
Martin) William Gibson (Southwest Research
Institute) Don Hassler (Southwest Research
Institute) Todd Hoeksema (Stanford Univ.) Craig
Kletzing (Univ. Of Iowa) Edward Lu
(NASA/JSC) Victor Pizzo (NOAA) James Russell
(Hampton University) James Slavin (NASA
GSFC) Michelle Thomsen (LANL) Warren Wiscombe
- Ex Officio members
- Donald Anderson (Science Mission Directorate)
- Dick Fisher (Science Mission Directorate)
- Rosamond Kinzler (American Museum of Natural
History) - Mark Weyland (Space Radiation Analysis Group,
JSC) - Michael Wargo (Exploration Systems Mission
Directorate) - Al Shafer (Office of the Secretary of Defense)
- Systems Engineers
- John Azzolini (GSFC)
- Tim Van Sant (GSFC)
39External Partnerships
- Partnership Forums
- International Living with a Star
- International Heliophysical Year
- Enabling Space Weather Predictions for the
International Space Environment Service - Current Partnership Missions
- Ulysses (ESA)
- SoHO (ESA)
- Cluster (ESA)
- Geotail (JAXA)
- Solar-B (JAXA)
- International Space Environment Service
- NOAA / World Warning Agency in Boulder
40Program Feasibility Mission Study Process
- Because SSSC missions can be challenging to
develop, the planning process necessarily
includes careful study of mission feasibility and
cost envelope. - Potential mission concepts carried over from 2003
Roadmap (LWS, STP, Vision Missions, etc.) - 12 new, or updated, mission concept studies
completed March, 2005 - Final mission priorities, by program line, to be
finalized at May roadmap meeting
Preliminary concept report to committee with
redirection as necessary
Specify Scientific Objectives
Identify Mission advocate
Roadmap Committee Mission Selection
Note frequent interaction between the science
and engineering teams is critical to quality
mission design
Define Payload
Orbit Design
SSSC Theme Technologist convened temporary
mission study teams at JPL and GSFC
Complete mission design
Spacecraft Conceptual Design
Study duration
41NASAs goal for future space plasma research
within its Sun-Solar System Connection programs
is to understand the causes of space weather by
studying the Sun, the heliosphere and planetary
environments as a single, connected system.
42Sun-Solar System Connection
Strategic Roadmap 10 Interim Report End