Title: Unifying Traditional and Formal Verification Through Property Specification
1Unifying Traditional and Formal Verification
Through Property Specification
- Designing Correct Circuits 2002
- Harry Foster
- Verplex Systems
- Hewlett-Packard and Formal Verification
- Enhancing Functional Verification
- Enhancing Equivalence Checking
- Results
- Thoughts for Research
- Conclusion
3Formal Verification at HP
- In 1999, follow-on project to the Superdome
begins - Challenges
- Management wanted significant-measurable
improvement in the overall verification process - Resources were not allocated for a team of formal
experts - Desire a more strategic solution
- Success depended on close designer involvement
- Needed a way of adding properties to the RTL
design that would benefit both simulation and
formal verification
4Enhancing Functional Verification
- Monitor-based specification
- Monitor-Based Formal Specification of PCI
Shinmizu et
al. FMCAD 2000 - A Specification Methodology by a Collection of
Compact Properties as Applied to the Intel
Itanium Processor Bus Protocol Shimizu et al.
CHARME 2001 - Monitors generated from specification
- FoCs-Automatic Generation of Simulation Checkers
from Formal Specification Abarbanel, et al. CAV
2000. - Specification driven simulation
- Modeling Design Constraints and Biasing in
Simulation Using BDDs Yuan et al. ICCAD 1999
5Enhancing Functional Verification
- HP Methodology Objectives
- Need a simple and systematic method of expressing
interface properties for IP. - Same mechanism desired for internal properties.
- Reduce cost for tool evaluations.
- Need to re-target properties to multiple internal
and commercial tools. - Desired low-cost solution.
- Result monitor-based approach to specifying
design properties and constraintsOpen
Verification Library (OVL)
6Assertion Monitor Library
Assertion Monitor Library
assert_never underflow ( clk, reset_n,
(q_valid1b1) (q_underflow1b1))
module assert_never (clk, reset_ input clk,
reset_n, test_expr parameter severity_level
0 parameter msg"ASSERT NEVER VIOLATION" //
ASSERT PRAGMA HERE //synopsys translate_off
ifdef ASSERT_ON integer error_count
initial error_count 0 always _at_(posedge
clk) begin ifdef ASSERT_GLOBAL_RESET
if (ASSERT_GLOBAL_RESET ! 1'b0) begin
else if (reset_n ! 0) begin // active
low reset_n endif if (test_expr
1'b1) begin error_count
error_count 1 ifdef
endif display("s severity
0d time 0t m", msg, severity_level,
time) if (severity_level 0)
finish end end end
endif //synopsys translate_on endmodule
RTL Design
7Enhancing Functional Verification
ifdef ASSERT_ON //synopsys translate_off
wire p0_wr_p1_wr_broken wire
p0_wr_p0_rd_broken // Check that the
conflict and bypass logic is working correctly.
assign p0_wr_p1_wr_broken (mqc_p0_wr_addr
mqc_p1_wr_addr) (
(mqc_p0_wr0 mqc_p1_wr0)
(mqc_p0_wr1 mqc_p1_wr1) )
assign p0_wr_p0_rd_broken (mqc_p0_wr_addr
mqc_p0_rd_addr) (
(mqc_p0_wr0 (p0_byp_even ! 2'b01))
(p0_byp_odd ! 2'b01)) ) // Check that the
conflict and bypass logic is working correctly.
assert_never p0_wr_p1_wr (clk, reset_n,
p0_wr_p1_wr_broken ) assert_never p0_wr_p0_rd
( clk, reset_n, p0_wr_p0_rd_broken ) //synopsys
translate_on endif
8Enhancing Functional Verification
ifdef ASSERT_ON wire event1 (pdx_core_qpdxc_pio
bp_data_valid (qpdxd_data1512
XPTYPE_PIOB4) (pdx_core_qpdxd_data30
XTTYPE_WR_SHORT8) (qpdxd_data8167
KPDX_BLOCK_ADDR) (pdx_core_qpdxd_data8167
KPDX_FUNC_ID)) wire event2
(gfc_sync_ff) wire event3 ((rpdx_pi0_valid
(qpdxd_data8167 KPDX_BLOCK_ADDR)
(pdx_core_qpdxd_data8167 KPDX_FUNC_ID))
assert_cycle_sequence (0, 5) seq0 (clk, rst_n,
event1, 1, 1, event2, event3)
9Enhancing Functional Verification
(severity_level, min, max) inst ( ck,
start_event, check_expr)
assert_frame (0, 3, 7) req_ack ( ck, req, ack)
10Enhancing Functional Verification
module fifo (clk, fifo_clr_n, fifo_reset_n,
push, pop, data_in, data_out) parameter
fifo_width FIFO_WIDTH parameter fifo_depth
FIFO_DEPTH parameter fifo_cntr_w
FIFO_CNTR_W input clk, fifo_clr_n,
fifo_reset_n, push, pop input
fifo_width-10 data_in output
fifo_width-10 data_out wire
fifo_width-10 data_out reg
fifo_width-10 fifofifo_depth-10 reg
fifo_cntr_w-10 cnt // count items in FIFO . .
. // RTL FIFO Code Here . . . ifdef
ASSERT_ON // OVL Assert that the FIFO cannot
overflow assert_never no_overflow
(clk,(fifo_reset_n fifo_clr_n), (push,pop
2'b10 cntfifo_depth)) // OVL Assert that
the FIFO cannot underflow assert_never
no_underflow (clk,(fifo_reset_n
fifo_clr_n), (push,pop2'b01 cnt0))
endif endmodule
Percentage of bugs detected using assertion
Assertion Monitors 34 Cache Coherency Checkers
9 Register File Trace Compare 8 Memory
State Compare 7 End-of-Run State Compare
6 PC Trace Compare 4 Self-Checking
Test 11 Simulation Output Inspection
7 Simulation hang 6 Other
- Studies were on simulation-based assertion
checking - Lack systematic assertion methodology
- Specify Once then reuse assertions seamlessly
between simulation and formal and semi-formal
Kantrowitz and Noack DAC 1996
Assertion Monitors 25 Register Miscompare
22 Simulation "No Progress 15 PC
Miscompare 14 Memory State
Miscompare 8 Manual Inspection
6 Self-Checking Test 5 Cache
Coherency Check 3 SAVES Check
Taylor et at. DAC 1998
- 4300 OVL assertion monitors added to a 10M gate
ASIC - Reach stable model quicker than previous method
- Bug report open rate increased between projects
- Bug report close rate decreased between projects
- 85 of bugs in simulation found using assertions
- Turn random on sooner
13Enhancing Functional Verification
- One super-block was identified for formal and
semi-formal. - Worked close with engineers to develop good
constraint for partitioned blocks. - Internal tool operation and debug issues still
difficult. - Demonstrated that a methodology could be
construct cheaply benefiting traditional
verification while providing a path to FV.
14Enhancing Functional Verification
- Two aspects of equivalence require validation
- Logical consistency
- Semantic consistency
15What is Semantic Inconsistency?
- RTL design simulates differently than the
gate-level model. - Yet, the two models are logically equivalence!
- What causes semantic inconsistency?
- Misuse of X assignments in the RTL (optimistic
behavior) - Misuse of synthesis full_case and parallel_case
pragmas - Range overflow in variable indexing.
- Whats the problem? Functional bugs missed in
the RTL, requires gate-level simulation, bug
usually found in silicon!
16X-state Optimism
module mux (a,b,s,q) output q input a,
b input 10 s reg q always _at_(a or b or
s) begin case (s) //synopsys full_case
2b01 q b 2b10 q a
endcase end endmodule
. . . always _at_(posedge clk) begin if (rst)
s 2b0 else begin case (sel)
2b01 s 2b10 2b10 s 2b01
default s 2bx endcase end end . . .
17Parallel Case Semantic Inconsistency - Problem
module encoder (y, z, a, b) output y, z input
10 a, b reg y, z always _at_(a or b) begin
y, z 2'b00 casez (a, b) 4b11?? z
1'b1 4b??11 y 1'b1
endcase end endmodule
// parallel_case
Based on Bening and Foster 2001
18Enhancing Functional Verification
assert_never a_and_b (clk, rst_n, (a2b11
- IP picked up from other lab contained both X
assignments and pragmas (Bad Stuff!) - Added in assertions for IP pick up from other lab
- Obviously, X assignment and pragma safe usage
properties lends itself to automatic extraction
from the RTL
19Thoughts for Research
- Coverage associated with formal proofs e.g.,
formal fault models particularly related to
bounded and limited cycle proofs
- Successful integration of formal into todays
design flow requires a clear ROI. - Work required to specify properties and
constraints must be leveraged seamlessly between
traditional and formal. - Gain for the pain clearly demonstrated, and
designers willing to participate. - Equivalence checking (specifically related to
verifying semantic consistency) can benefit from
property specification and verification.