Title: Darcy Nickel
1Teaching Expository Essay Writing through The
Rock by Peter Blume
Darcy Nickel Dever School 5th Grade Writing
2Peter Blume (1906 - 1992) The Rock, 1944 -
48 Oil on Canvas 57 5/8 x 74 3/8 in. The Art
Institute of Chicago, 1956.338
3- Important Information about The Rock
- The Rock was commissioned in 1939 by Edgar
Kaufmann and his wife, and was intended for
their Frank Lloyd Wright designed home,
Fallingwater, in Bear Run, PA. - Pervading themes in the artwork include the
discontinuity caused by destruction, distance,
time and chance, and mans attempt to rebuild
from the fragments that remain. - The imagery in The Rock alludes
- to decay and rebirth.
- The rock is a key compositional
- element in the painting.
4- Key Ideas that Informed the Lesson
- Artists, like writers, communicate ideas.
- Artists use symbols to communicate.
- You can communicate in writing or visually about
the same theme. -
5What I Wanted Students to Learn .....how to
analyze an artists use of techniques in a work
of American Art. that everything in a painting
means something. how to make inferences about
symbols and other elements in a work of art. how
to identify themes in the piece of art. how to
create an expository essay based on a theme from
a work of American Art.
- Close Read of The Rock
- Making Observations
- Expanding Elaborating Sentences
Close Read of The Rock Defining Themes
Creating a Thesis Statement
Prewriting the Expository Essay
Moving through the Writing Process to Create a
Published Expository Essay
Moving through the Writing Process to Create a
Published Expository Essay
12- What My Students Learned
- An appreciation for American Art
- Each time you look at a painting you can
discover something new. - Themes for writing are everywhere.
- You can write about found themes in terms of
your own experience. - Writers and artists make specific choices to
communicate BIG IDEAS.
13- What I Learned
- My students can teach me something about art.
- American Art can be incorporated easily into
writing and reading. - Analyzing an artwork and analyzing a text are
similar processes. - There are many connections between how artists
create a painting and how writers create a piece
of writing. - ? Art should be a part of the classroom on a
regular basis because it helps students see
things in different ways.