Title: The Hare and the Tortoise
1The Hare and the Tortoise
FOCUS ON THE NARRATOR Its not the story, its
the way you tell it. The key concept in
this assignment is the NARRATOR.
You, the AUTHOR (a real person) create a
CHARACTER (narrator) to tell the story.
2The Hare and the Tortoise
- You are re-writing the story The Hare and
the Tortoise. -
- Reduce the story to three or four points
its beginning, middle and end e.g. - Tortoise challenges hare to a race.
- Hare falls asleep during race
- Tortoise overtakes sleeping hare and wins.
3The Hare and the Tortoise
Now choose a narrator for the story e.g. the
tortoise the hare the hares rival/enemy some
other animal that saw the race. This is the
person who will tell your version of the story.
4The Hare and the Tortoise
- Ask yourself who would this narrator be
talking to? the LISTENER, Eg - - the tortoise telling a news reporter about
his/her triumph - - the hare trying to explain this disaster to
his/her children - - the hares rival telling his pals about
his/her rivals downfall
5The Hare and the Tortoise
- Think what would be the key questions you
would want to ask your narrator to answer for
you? Eg - To the tortoise What made you challenge? How
did it feel when you were left at the start? How
do you feel now? -
- To the hare Why did you accept the challenge?
Why did you fall asleep? How are you going to
cope with the ridicule?
6The Hare and the Tortoise
- Now write the story from your narrators point
of view, trying to answer the sorts of questions
you feel your listener would be wanting to ask
7The Hare and the Tortoise
- How will you start off your story?
- - What will you say to your listener first?
- - What will be your tone of voice?
- - What do you want your listener to know, feel,
understand? -
- How will you bring your story alive to your
listener? - - what little details will you bring in?
- - how will you build up tension?
- - How will you emphasise the important aspects
of the story? - - How will you keep your listener aware of your
view of what happened? -
- What do you want to leave your listener thinking
at the end of your story?